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Well, from the dates on here, I am going to assume that I wasn't the only one who couldn't get on here yesterday. A whole day without my band buddies....eeeek:eek:

Gotta share another NSV with ya...before my surgery my blood pressure was up to 150/95...I personally think that a lot of that was my nervousness over getting banded. After surgery I was averaging 130/90. I know. That still needed medicating, but it was never done. I sat down at a blood pressure chair at Target the other day, just for fun. And you know what!!!! 113/73 !!!!!!!! (I couldn't believe it so I did the one at Wallyworld too) OMG, everything is getting better! So a note to those of you who take HTN meds...check regularly as you lose weight. You could get to a point that they need reduced or discontinued! (disclaimer***with your doctors approval, of course:p)

Marcy~ I've had issues with the Halloween candy too....I'll be so glad to get it out of my house.(and not the mouth way!) Every year I buy it early and every year it doesn't make it to the trick or treaters. I must do this to myself on purpose... Also, Marcy, the head thing with this is huge. Even if you think you don't have any issues, you "just like to eat" seems like something pops out. Make sure you give yourself time to work through it, with family, friends or on here...we're all here to listen!

Okay girls.....I know I've asked before....did we all decide on a date for Red Robin? If Lap Dancer is here the 9th...are we doing the 9th or the 10th? (fri & sat) How long are you going to be here, Lap Dancer? When does Dynamo get home? Anywho....lets get a date. I can't miss another month! Have a great day!

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Hey Woof! I got your email and I wasn't around yesterday so I don't know what happened around the site??

Yeah, we should deff get a date set for Nov. just about any day works for me. Whenever Lap is in town would be SUPER!!!

My fill is good, I am adjusting to the restriction, but I think it is a good one. I also ended up catching a terrible chest and head cold yesterday, so between the fill and the cold, I can't tell which is making me NOT want to eat???

I absolutly LOVE your Maple tree pictures!! BEAUTIFUL!!

Fall Break week for the kiddo's, I hope I feel better so we can have some fun!!! I am trying to plan a haunted house for the trick or treaters...ooooh...scarrrry!!!

Happy day!

Drews~how was the Halloween Bout?

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Hello everyone.... It has been awhile since I have checked in to let you all know that I am doing good from the surgery... I went in to see Dr K last Thursday and I have lost 4 pounds since surgery for a total with pre-op of 14 pounds...

This weekend we had a family get together and BBQ and I admit that I ate more than I should have, but it was great being with my 3 daughters, 7 grandchildren and 1 great-granddaughter.. It felt so good being back home in Colorado and having everyone together....

want2be.... Sorry to hear that you had that terrible experience with a PB.... I pm'd you my email addy, hope you got it ok...

Mare.... Lucky you down there basking in the sunshine and walking along the beach... Wish I was there with you....

Dynamo.... How is your trip to Mexico?? Are you having a great time or what?? We are all waiting to see the cabana boy...

Tina.... Congratulations on that sweet baby boy to your family....

Mal.... Love your Halloween costumes... You and hubby look cute together....

Lap Dancer.... Safe travels to you... My dad is a retired Frontier Airlines pilot, now living in Florida... I'm looking forward to meeting you in November at the Red Robin...

Speaking of the Red Robin.... Has anyone decided on a date to meet yet?? One of my daughters is going in for surgery on the 7th and I will be there to take care of her for the first week or so, but I'm pretty sure I can make it to RR on the 8th, 9th or 10th....

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Thanks Tied and Nic!

I just wanted to pop in and let Shelbie know that we are holding her hand for her first fill today!!

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Mal~ your pic was precious! My hubby and I were justs cracking up. (especially with the cocktail in that Cubbie's hand! Ha!)

Yeah Nicnaknut~ It sounds like you can join us! (I'm sorry your daughter has to have surgery though...)

Shelbiecalie~ let us know how your first fill goes!

Tied2bfit~isn't it crappy how much more they get for scrubs in the extra sizes!!! But...you can take them in quite easily. I learned to sew my own scrubs cuz I'm so cheap. (and I liked the "funner" fabrics...we didn't have to wear any certain kind) ha! Soon though...you wan't have to pay that stupid plus size fee!!!!! And you'll have the selection that you want! Woo hoo! You'll probably be off your meds within the year too. Aint it great?! (wow, that sounded funny...everyone always asked me if I was "off my meds" ha!) And yes! Chart fast and get your butt over to RR! Everyone gets a two line entry regardless of what happened! ha!

Have a great day, All!

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woof~yeah, everyone at the party was like...riiiiight, you two are deff not the sweet and innocent scouts, that is what made our costumes so funny! I soooo could have sold Cookies and popcorn to them too cuz everyone was asking!

thanks for the Cookies e-mail, that is awesome!

how is your fill doing? Do you have the fill from your revision? or did you go back for a fill? 51lbs is incredible, I am soooo proud of you!!!

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Mal~But you do make an adorable Girl Scout! I'm still with my fill from my revision, but I'm thinking of getting a small fill before the holidays. Like hopefully the night of RR which is.....heehee! Not a lot but like maybe .3cc. Sounds funny to be such a small fill, but I think it would help. Thanks for noticing the pounds...they do still keep coming off, just kinda slow. Things really are starting to head south though. Rats. Guess I'll start saving of the tummy lift. That cookie thing is neat, huh? As long as we don't use it...ha! Have a great one!

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I have a cousin that I can pass my clothes over to. Hopefully not for long, she really wants to start working out and losing too.

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DREWS!!! You look awesome...I love the long blonde wig! I wore long braids and I was sooo diggin' having long hair! How was the Bout? Halloween is sooo much fun. Hope your doing well.

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Mal & Woof -- My first fill went great, thanks! As usual, I made it out beforhand to be worse in my mind that it actually was-- I can work myself up into some major anxiety. I got 1.5 cc (I had problems swallowing Water at 2cc, so he backed some out) and really liked the Dr., so I'll be going back there, since it's only an hour and 15 minutes from my house. I am my aftercare doc's only patient who was banded in the US -- all others were banded in Mexico. I love telling everyone about Dr. K, the work he does, and the price -- Dr. Ahigian was amazed! I'm on liquids for 48 hours, then soft for 48, then regular diet. We'll see how it goes. GURLY -- have you had a fill yet??

Want2b -- I've made it 1 week and 11 days and no PB yet -- knock on wood -- but I had some major hiccups and slimed a little last week over some TOAST. I was making some for the boys and didn't even realize that I was even wolfing it down until it was too late. Old habits sure do die hard.

I am loving the Halloween pictures!!!

Woof -- that's great about your blood pressure -- that's what it's all about!!

Looking forward to reading more from these beach bunnies as they return from their vacations, all tanned and relaxed (It's 35 degrees here this morning -- burrrrrrrr)

Looking forward the hearing about these new babies! Where are you, mamas?

Tied2b -- (I have PCOS too! Oh the joy!!) Thanksgiving -- oh, man!!! I have 6 sisters and a brother and oodles of adult nieces, nephews, great whatevers, step this and that, and just plain folks who stop by for some pie. We all get together (usually about 40 people) at my sister's house and have enough food to feed an army and then some. We each have a few specialties that we prepare every time.) There are so many people, that at our last family gathering (4 days after my surgery) -- no one even noticed that I just carried around a plate of food and pretended to eat. This time around I'll take a few bites, but I'm feeling in control --(famous last words! haha)

Everybody -- ya'll have a healthy week and keep on posting. I'm sending out positive vibes to you from NC, where we had frost on the pumpkins this morning!

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Good morning!

ShelbiCallie! Glad your first fill went great! I've noticed that people don't notice when you just carry food around on your plate or when you slowly eat that one piece of pizza for the whole party. It's great when you can truly blend in! (at least for me) Also, we had a "mock thanksgiving" a couple of weeks ago, cuz I had a turkey breast I needed to cook off, just be cautious with stuffing. It seems so soft and dissolvie (woohoo is that a word?) even with a ton of gravy...but oh my! That food was not kind to me. (thank goodness...I really really love it and I overdo it every year!)

I just realized something...we have all been banded at different times, BUT....(except for Drewslou) this is all our first Holiday season with this band. Oh my this will be quite the learning experience for us all. We'll just have to share with each other and make it through it. Last year I gained 10 lbs from Thanksgiving to just after New Years. I looooove to bake and make candy, I have a new neighbor who is an awesome cook and my momma always makes a ton of goodies. The three of us really overdid it and shared plate after plate of stuff. (god it was great! :))(ooops! no, not really, it was bad! Bad!:hungry:) I'm like Smeegle/Gorlum with my food.:decision: "Oh my Precious, Must eat the precious....No, no Lap Band is my friend!"

Drewslou~ you look fantastic for Halloween! Did you ever think you would be able to dress and look so great for Halloween? When I get more weight off, I want to go as a sexy gothic witch....

Have a great one! Getting my schtuff ready to go to Phoenix...:D

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I've had a pretty bad cold for a while now so I got out my arsenal of meds last night and without thinking anything of it I took two tablets of Mucinex (haven't heard of it? well, it's one of the best things out there). It has the quick disolving side and the other side that is a "timed release" (ie. doesn't disolve). So at about 11:30pm in the middle of what I might refer to as a "kick ass dream" my stomach HURT. Yep, it was that damn pill stuck! The pain went all around my diaphram and into my back...totally freaked me out. It took about ten minutes to pass...then...the next pill hit about 15 min. later. Let's just say I had nightmares after that!

I'd like to feel better before we leave next week..geez!

Well, sorry about the potty mouth, but it was bad!

Happy Halloween!

Oh, hey, just to make things even BETTER for me and this trip...Andrew tore his meniscus and has a brace from hip to ankle and is using crutches! This 'otta be just TERRIFIC for me!

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Hi Everyone...hope all is well your way. My life has been one moment of chaos after another. Cars breaking down, washer dying, mom in hospital than emergicare, parnter to hospital, several trips out of town, Rockies at World Series (the chaos was the marathon drive there and home!)...just nuts.

Tonight is Halloween. I DO NOT feel like listening to the dogs bark all night long, sitting down, getting up, giving kids stuff to help their parents payments to the dentist...man, am I a tired old sack, or what?? So, two options...go out to eat and turn all the lights out, or turn off the lights and hide?? OR, get one bag of candy, and a posterboard note on the door when it all runs out? Hmmmm, can't decide. I enjoy watching all of you get so excited about Halloween! My young adult kids' birthdays are two days apart, and fall a couple days before halloween.....going through birthdays and parties, THEN Halloween right around the corner burnt me out...gawd, I sound like such a scrooge!!! sorry


Woof you are funny with the Smeegle/Garlum and food!!! I laughed so hard...I will pretend I know who that is (I don't!) ~ but I got it with the angel/devil smiley!

MARCY OMG with the pill...makes me hurt even imagining it!!! If something I have gets stuck, it seems like it's right away...how come this took a while? How long did it take? Sounds soooo owey!

Shelbi ~ YAYYYYYY on the no PBing!! IT AIN"T FUN ~ It is my sweet little shock coller, that I hate, no, I am thankful for, I hate, no I am thankful for!!!! I am finding I am having less disorienting problems if I actually chew down to applesauce consistency!

Lap~ I am so bummed I can't get to Denver and meet you ...waaaa! Take them pictures!

Mal ~ the costume cracks me up!!! when I was a kid (now no one here will believe this, one of my mortifying childhood secrets) I was a member of "bluebirds"...I got kicked out for talking too much and being interested in everything (sad, huh?).... Hey, did you make a "lapband" service patch? ? :D

Okey dokey girls....I came up with another thing for the banding experience...I had quite the epiphany!

When I eat, I find myself "hamster packing"....I will accidently take a normal sized bite, then instead of being yukky and spitting it out, I will chew all my food and pack it in my cheek, then swallow a bit at a time!! That's my hamster packing! If I am the only one that has ever done this, I will feel like a pig!!

My weight loss has been slow now. Not eating tons, but irratically, and throwing in beer here and there. I actually love the taste of a microbrew, and wouldn't ya know it, I have NO problem with anything carbonated....and I haven't been willing to enlist the duck tape yet!

I think we would consider beer "empty calories"...hey, I just this minute had a thought..!!!!! I need to try unflavored Protein Powder in my beer and call it a meal!!!!:clap2:

Woof.....what is happening with your job situation? What do you like to do? what are you interested in? I still feel your pain when I picture if it would have been me working with the potty mouthed young folks...not sure if I would have told them to "shut the he** up, or come up with some outlanish story to outdo their stories and shock them into silence!! ha, ha sick kids.....

miss you all (and haven't even met most of you!)

Have a great Halloween!


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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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