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Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum

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I am so glad that you are doing well Nicnacknut. I so enjoyed our time at Red Robin. Sorry you couldn't make it Mal, Dee and Woofray. Michelle, hope your time in Mexico is refreshing. Well it 2;30 AM and unfortunately, Im awake.

Tuesday, I had a long long problem tooth go bad, an upper molar. Up all night. Used the meds left from Lapband surgery, didn't touch the pain. Spent all day Wed going to regular dentist, specialist to see if they could save it, and then having it removed. I had to drive to the Springs to get it taken out same day. What a mess. Why the specialist couldn't have deadened it before I had to drive to the springs by myself, is unknown. I even asked and they gave me a motrin. sure glad I have dental insurance, but hate to see my part when the bills roll in.

Needless to say, getting ready for the drive to Mexico, is a wee bit behind schedule. This tooth thing is much harder than Lapband and more painful.

I have company coming tonight, haven't gotten rooms ready etc. Good thing my wonderful husband is off today. My son said he would come over and help too. Gonna be a busy day. but I plan to nap too, These pain meds they gave me really make me feel tired, and just dull the pain.

Enough whining from me

Woofray, hope you find a new job soon, nothing worse than dreading to go to work everyday. It is hard enough to get in a routine again after being off, but to not like it, just compounds it.

Tied 2 bfit, your time is fast approaching, hope your pre diet is going well.

want2be meagain - you are so fun to be with. thanks for organizing the Red Robin thing, sure hope we can do it again. Tell your Mom, I would like to adopt her.

Mal, was your son's friend OK?? Missed you at Red Robin.

I will be off the computer til Nov 4. we don't even have phone service where we are going. Some friends to have a Mexican cell for emergency, but we have no tv etc. a little rugged but very nice.

Best wishes to all


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Here is the RR pic from last Monday~we're all pretty cute for being ladies on our way to being "hot"!!!!



This would be me(Kelly), Mare, and Nicnaknut ~

Was wonderful to meet them, and now I am just waiting to meet the rest of you! I may be in Denver on the eve of Nov. 15th...maybe we can schedule it????

Hugs everyone~!

Oh, when I get a chance later, I will try and post a hysterical story for you!




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Shelbicallie - We made it! One month out! It seems like more than one month. I can't wait to get my first fill and start working this band like it is was meant to be worked.

Want2bemeagain - Thanks for posting the photo's. You all look fabulous. I wish I lived closer to join in the RR fun. :think

Nicnaknut - Glad to hear everything went well for you this week. The first month will be here before you know it and you will be back eating regular food and wishing you weren't hungry. :hungry:

Woofay - How is the job going? Hopefully, things will work out with your old employer and you will be able to get a job with them. I will be sending good thoughts your way. Nothing is worse than not enjoying your job.

LSzeliga - How goes the recovery?

Marcyinak - Congrats on the weightloss. :clap2:I definately think you should post some photo's. Keep us all motivated. :whoo:I look forward to the day when the scale starts moving. I have worked out 4 out of the past 5 days and finally lost 3 lbs. But no restriction, so I am really watching my calories and dealing with the hunger. :hungry:

Have a great weekend everyone!

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Good morning, Girls!

Hey, great picture of you all...thanks for posting it. You have no idea how badly I wanted to make one of those nights!

As for the job...Well, I was supposed to work last thurs, fri and sat. By wed. night, I was a basket case about having to go back to that place. I couldn't eat my band was sooooo tight. (Me not eating, just a hilarious thought!) Then my sweet little boys managed to pass this incredible head cold to me. So there I am...5 am on Thurs morning....having a very Ferris Bueler moment...back and forth with this "do I go?" "do I call off?" After sitting at my vanity crying, my husband told me to call off. So I did. (no arm twisting there!) And after talking with my sweety, I called them and resigned. Oh My God What A Relief!!!! I picked up my one and only check yesterday and I don't ever have to go back. I hope I won't be kicking myself in the A** later because I can't get hired anywhere, but that's just the risk I had to take. Thank you guys so much for all the support and listening to me whine about it. You all are so great.

On to another story...I have this wedding I'm going to the first week of November. So, guess what I need...clothes. Lord I hate to clothes shop. Particularly for formal wear. My mom is so paranoid that I am going to show up in jeans and a tshirt. (wouldn't I just love to!) But it's at a country club in Anthem (Phx) so I hafta dress nicely. My Wes is a ring bearer and will be in a little tux, I got the little guy a little suit (didn't even know they came that small for little 4 year olds) and my hubby has a gorgeous suit from his brother's wedding. That leaves me. Okay, fine. I don't really even know what size I wear anymore.

So, I went to Dress Barn. They have nice clothes there. And guess what!!! I can fit in those sizes again! They max at size 24 and I had "outgrown" that store a few years ago. Not only can I fit in their clothes, but my skirt/pant size is 18 and my blouse size is 18 or 20 depending on the cut. And the neat top I got was a 1X!!!!!!!! I can't even remember when I could fit in a 1X!!!!! So, had to share my little NSV with you. The scale is still stuck pretty much on about 50lb loss, but wavers back and forth a few pound from day to day.

And, Want2bme, this will crack you up. I went shopping with my mom and had to hear about...dunt dunt dunt....The Bra! Yes, this dreaded, broken down, wrong sized, cheap Wallyworld thing I wear under my t-shirts. I have been trying to get down just 5 more lbs before I purchase new ones, but just had to do it yesterday. Okay, whats worse than shopping for formal wear? Bra shopping. These pretty blouses and outfits are somewhat fitted with the pretty dart shaping in the front, and my boobs where not "up" in the area they are supposed to be for these fitting outfits. Kinda funny at the time but really annoyed my mom.:pound: I gave her the "are you sure they aren't supposed to be at my skirt line?" (Some outfits actually looked like a guy in drag!) So I bought new ones. The inch number went down quite a bit, but the cup size didn't. Weird, huh?

Just had to share my shopping with you. It's neat to see the sizes go down, but at the same time, I think I need to exercise or something cuz things are hanging pretty badly. A lot of those clothes look just as bad as they did before, only in a smaller size. (lord I hate to exercise!)

Nicnaknut~congrats! Glad to see you in BandLand!!!

Angie38! You're still out there! yeah on how great you are doing! Pop on more oftenl

Talk to you all later! Sorry so long guys!:rolleyes: I miss you! Let me know what day we are doing RR in Nov!

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"I wanna talk about ME, I wanna talk about I

Wanna talk about number 1 oh my, me, my,

What I think, What I like, What I know, What I want, What I see.

I like talkin' about you, you, you, you usually, but occasionally

I wanna talk about ME! (me, me, me,) I wanna talk about ME-E-E. (me, me, me)"

-compliments of Toby Keith


What do I want to talk about???

MEEEE, and my first PB!!!



Girls, if you haven't yet had the joy, I hope you never do! I made wonderful lemon chicken with capers and angel hair Pasta last night...yum! Went down slow, but yummy and tasty~ Fast forward to lunch today. Reading online, distracted, old fashioned sized bite...then it hit....felt like someone stuffed a couple of golf balls down my throat...panic, sweat, slime, excruciating pain, strangluation....flap arms and walk around the house...are you kidding???????? How about running like a mad woman to the cupboard, getting meat tenderizer, frantically shaking it into a cup, adding Water, sipping, then hurting WORSE!! Ok, what now??? Where are the paramedics?? Ok, I will run to the bathroom because I don't know what else to do...my coffee cup was sitting in there (don't even ask me why)~ took a petite sip to try and wash it down...good gawd, felt then like I swallowed a tennis ball....Has anyone strangled to death because of the little $10,000 tool they willingly had forced into their innards???

Then....it happened.

I felt like a teenager on a tequila bender who couldn't even make it to the porcelien god. Sh*t ~ aaaakkkkk, the sink, I can make it to the sink. But, another problem emerges, I haven't peed in a while~ I am going to wretch so hard, will I pee at the same time???? OMG!!!!

I decorated the sink enough to end the suffocation, ran to the toilet to tinkle, then the nausea hit again....gawd, I have to finish peeing so I don't pee my pants and throw up at the same time....aaaakkk~ the trash can...phew, the trash can! So, I am pitifully experiencing tears running down my face because the PB forced every bit of moisture out from every orifice in my body, bloodshot eyes, head in the trash can that is on my lap, arms wrapped tightly around the makeshift throw up thing, pants pulled down to my ankles, , spitting slime out every 5 seconds...final wretch


it was over


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forgot another thing...as I am wretching, I kept thinking "where is that cool intact bubble I have read about coming out of someone's mouth while they are suffering??? I want one of those!! I want to look back on this with at least ONE cool memory"

no such luck


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While I am on a verbal bender here, I have to try and recreate a great story:

I am in Colorado Springs with my mom and daughter on Wednesday night. We had to take my mom to emergency care because of infection at her many incision sites from her surgery. We finish (everything worked out fine), and are all starving...it's like 10pm. We find an Applebees...I am still barely eating solids, so I decide to graze on mashed potatoes.

We are socializing and as usual, the conversation turns to the lap band experience, my recent fill, and having to be careful what I eat....I talk about what a great thing meat tenderizer is to have around. I told her that I forgot to bring it, but that I really have to get in the habit of taking it to restaurants so that I can use it when I eat. She starts laughing at me...gawd, is this whole sacrafice I made to get healthy just a joke to her??? She keeps laughing and puts her head in her hand, wiping the tears she is experiencing because her mother is a freak. I have had enough of being laughed at by my daughter and my feelings are hurt, so I firmly and pitifully say "Gosh, you can't even support me!"...She says "Gawd, Mom, what to you do, just take it into a restaurant and do this? (she makes a shaking movement all over her plate, like shaking the powder out of the container)...I said, "No, I would get a small cup of Water, shake it IN the water and drink it"

She stops smiling at me, perks up, and says "Drink it???!!!"

I said "Yeah, you don't SPRINKLE it on your food!!" She starts laughing till she was crying...

The WHOLE time we had this conversation, she thought meat tenderizer was a mallet I would carry in my purse and start pounding the crud out of the food on my plate while in a restaurant! She pictured me wielding a hammer all for the sake of my band!


We laughed till we cried!!!!!


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Haring this makes me feel so good. I have had so much criticism for goint to Mexico to et banded. It is half the price apose to what I will be paying here in Canada. Where do you have your fills done?

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I went to TJ Mexico, Dr. Gonzales, for the band. I am flying back next week to get my first fill from Dr. G.

Since I live in New Mexico, thought I''d check and see if dr. Kirshenbaum will do my fills and what t cost will be. My fills are free if I go back to MX but the air ticket is 117 to 250.

What doc did you go to in MX

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want2bemeagain, sorry to say that was so damn funny!!! :clap2: I know that it was miserable for you while it happened but you explained it so well that I could picture you on the can pants down hugging the waste basket and could not help laughing. I too hope that I never have that particular pleasure but if I do I hope I can take it as well as you did. The meat tenderizer story was great too!! My doctor told me about meat tenderizer also, have not had to try it yet as I don't have restriction yet.

NM Sunshine: I had my band done in TJ also and Dr Kirshenbaum agreed to do my fills, $200 for the first visit and $150 there after. Turns out he did my mothers stomach stapling years ago and she was pleased with him. I am glad that he is right here in town for me.

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want2bmeagain: I remember this story, not too long ago of Mal having a little PB attack and she described herself on all four and hawking like a cat with a hairball...this is my vision everytime I PB (or feel like I need to). Now I have a new vision! Too funny! I'm glad we can all laugh at your expense! :-)

The Halloween Gods are against me. I can be strong when the bag isn't opened, but when it's opened, well....the hard work is done! I've eaten more candy this weekend then I really want to admit. My sweet Andrew gets me some every time he gets himself some...what a sweet guy! My only hope is that he finishes the damn bag before I do!


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but I had to share. I got the call last week that I finally completed the last step in my Guatemalan adoption process and that my new son will be home in 4-6 weeks...

Tanner James will be home for Christmas... possibly even Thanksgiving!!!! He is 8 months old right now... woo hooo!!!!

God is good!

A very happy,


Who by the way is fitting in airline seats much more comfortably nowadays!!! yeehaw!

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for those looking for Drs to fill you in hyour area there is a website (of course) It is fillcentersusa.com hope that helps

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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