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Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum

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Just wanted to pop on and give everyone an update.

I had my surgery on Sept 18th and I got very sick from the anaesthesia and all the medications. As it turned out I had a hard time not throwing up for the first 3 days. Went back the day following my surgery to see Dr. K as I was worried about undoing everything he had done the day before :faint:. He was concerned, but told me to stop taking the Vicodin and it seemed to help.

Shelbicallie was so sweet she called me twice in my hotel room to find out how I was doing and to let me know how her surgery went. As it turned out, we were both in no shape to meet up, which was too bad. It would have been nice to meet up with her. I didn't see much of Denver while I was there and it was too bad as the weather was so beautiful. We also celebrated our 10th anniversary while we were there but I was not feeling up to celebrating. :) We will have to do a make good next year. hehehe :P

Good news is I feel great!! My incisions have healed up nicely and I had very little stomach swelling. I guess that makes up for feeling so crappy for the first 3 days.

I am down 12lbs since surgery and very happy to be able to get full off of a small amount of food. :clap2:

I have enjoyed everyone's posts, pictures and stories. There seems to be lots of positive news on here in the past week.

Woofay - Congrats on your new job.

Littleroo - Congrats on your new daughter.

Shelbicallie - Thanks for worrying about me. I too hope you are doing well. When are you going to schedule your first fill?

Nicnacnut - Good luck! This is your month girl!

Taynuh - Thanks for sharing about your first fill. Did you notice a huge difference in the amount of food or what you could eat vs. no fill?

Wanttobemeagain - I love your posts. You make me laugh especially the KFC chicken story and the flashing the belly to show your scars. You will have to let us know how your fill goes on the 15th.

Shesha - How are you doing? I hope you are not experiencing morning sickness. :(

Mal - I loved your photo's. Thanks for sharing the beautiful pics.

Have a great week everyone.

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Well in the continuing IRS saga, my accountant and I worked on a long letter "disallowing" the audit that occurred yesterday. He is sure we can get better treatment by an other auditor. Otherwise we will go to appeals, and I couldn't do any worse than I was going to come out with the B----. We cc'ed her boss, who was giving her all the second opinions, so my hope is that the boss will dump it on another auditing office. If not, like I said I can go to appeals.

my eating was out of control for the last week, but is calming down as issues resolve. Do any of you know of a way to get an appraisal for donated books? We donated the entire first series of the Goosebump books (62) to the local elementary school. The auditor wanted to give us $.25, i thought $5 each, but they are much more on EBay and a complete set should be worth something.

Are we going to RR on Tuesday at 7???

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Dynamo~My heart goes out to you! What a terrible ordeal! Your trip to NM will be such a relief for you!!!! I don't know about the book donation???, hopefully someone else can help with that.

I can be at RR on the 9th.

(((sending you hugs)))

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[Taynuh - Thanks for sharing about your first fill. Did you notice a huge difference in the amount of food or what you could eat vs. no fill?

I know it varies for everyone post-fill. I also know everyone's band sizes and fill amounts vary too. Plus, I think the variances in people's stomach sizes are probably a factor too in how much they can eat with a fill. Basically, lots of variables...

Having said that, for me, I find I am eating significantly less. The amount varies throughout the day. I feel tighter in the morning and looser in the evening.

In the morning, I have all I can do to eat one fried egg (with pam spray!) and a small (less than 1/2 cup portion) of cottage cheese or single packet of instant grits.

At lunch today, I was able to eat an 8 oz. (small) chili from Wendy's (I added a scoop of whey protein) and 4 crackers. If I took another bite, my band would have let me know. I stop when I feel gurgles and wanna belch (sorry, but that seems to be how my body says stop...experience has shown me going beyond that point means major discomfort...PB).

Last night for dinner I had a small gr. beef enchilada and some refried Beans at 3 Margaritas. A handful of chips/salsa.

I squeeze in three Snacks a day between meals, either of the following... Protein Bar, v-8 juice, unsweetened applesauce cup, light fruit cup (splenda based syrup), slice/stick of cheese, or a low fat, no-sugar added fudgsicle.

By the way, I am not low carbing it... I am just eating normally, but smaller portions and using low fat, no sugar products that I like along the way. No fruit juices or sweetened beverages other than iced tea with splenda or minutemaid light lemonade. So that's how much I can hold now.

Post-surgery and pre-fill, during the regular food stage week #3/4, I was back up to eating about a third to a half of what I normally ate. For instance, I would 2 enchiladas, all the refried beans, some rice and a handful of chips/salsa. Plus, I was bad and drank while I ate. I might add though, that I kept my Breakfast, lunch and snacks to under 800 calories a day though...and was "splurging" on dinner. So I still managed tolose weight before the fill even after my pre-surgery diet.

Pre-surgery, Evil Tina would normally have the large mex combination meals with three items, slaw, rice, beans and at least a basket of chips/salsa and clean my daughter's leftovers too. Oh and (sigh) a large Dr. Pepper or two (I miss the Dr. Peppers! But, fortunately I love iced tea!)

Since I got my first fill on Tuesday, I am down 4 more pounds (yep, I to step on the scale more than I should..keeps me honest and focused). DR. K would probably prefer that I do the low vcarb diet, but I never intended to. I would prefer to eat like a normal person as much as I can and as long as I watch my caloric intake/fat ratio within a day, I think I am okay... should I not see weight loss, then I will do the low carb thing, but so far, I feel happy with my results.

One other note, Dr. K said he'd rather the band be too loose vs. too tight especially on the first fill, as it can be adjusted again and again later. On November 1, when I go in for my follow-up, if my weight loss is not on target, then I'll probably just ask to give it another month and see what low carbing does before I go for a fill. I am kind of just checking it out right now and seeing how "working it" for me my way does.


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Girlygurl -- I'm so glad to see you post and to hear that you're doing good!

Taynah -- you're doing great! Happy one month bandiversary!

Woofay -- congrats on the job and good luck on Monday!

Dynamo -- I'm sorry to hear about the IRS chick. Hope the next one is more human. I don't know anything about book appraisals -- sorry.

Drews -- A blocker! You have a fan. If I ever make it back to CO, I've got to bring DH with me for a derby bout. He INSISTS!!

Mal -- For Halloween, I am going to be Queen Elizabeth (no, not the current one with the pearls, handbags, Corgi -- but the historical one with the high collars and white make up. But now that I think about it, maybe I would like to be the other one.....)

Is anyone having surgery this week??

Have a wonderful weekend, peeps :)

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Hi Friends!

I'm making up for lost time here with several meditations from Overeaters anonymous.


<B>“Honesty is the first chapter of the book of wisdom.”

Thomas Jefferson

Throughout my ups and downs in life and in working the Steps, I have discovered the importance of complete honesty. No matter what I feel or think, being honest about it with myself, others and God helps me to stay in a healthier state of physical, emotional and spiritual wellness. When I first started in the program, the idea of telling my Higher Power how I really felt was foreign to me. Sure I asked for help and “explained” what I was going through, but I didn’t often pour my heart out. I didn’t want to offend or burden God with complaints or weakness.

With the help of the Steps, I have let go of the formal prayers I learned in my youth and I more often tell God the way my life really is. Sometimes that includes sharing my negative attitude, crying, or just conversing casually with God. My Higher Power is full of acceptance and understanding and is pleased every time I share my honest thoughts and feelings with Him.

The years of denying and burying my feelings have resulted in an automatic reaction to not allow myself to feel or think straight in lots of situations. If I can take the time to identify exactly where I am and then honestly admit that to God and others (when needed), I have made progress.

Sharing my true self with a sponsor or in a meeting helps, too. It lifts the blinders from my eyes so that I can see my reality and proceed from there. If I hide from God, fool myself or deceive others, I rob myself of honesty which is the foundation of my progress towards serenity and wisdom.

One day at a time...

For today I will embrace my reality, the good and the bad. I will honestly admit my thoughts and feelings to myself, to another person and to God.


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<B>“The great question - which I have not been able

to answer - is, 'What does a woman want?'”

Sigmund Freud


All my life I have been searching for what I “really want”. I tried sports, different jobs, friends, lovers and traveling. I even tried therapy. None of these ever worked. Once I had what I thought I wanted, I didn't want it anymore. The urge to want -- to long for the best things -- was an inner, unsatisfied hunger. Excessive food became my sedating drug. When using food, I was numb to my longings. I felt it was impossible to fill this void. It seemed I would never know or receive what I wanted.

The 12 step program of recovery taught me that I could have anything I wanted -- if God gave it to me. When I stopped wanting everything so badly, and I surrendered to be His child and employee, I learned that what I'd thought of as “wanting”, was actually what I was “missing”. I missed everything important in my life, so I wanted everything. It was never enough ~ never the right thing or the right person. I felt that even I was "wrong" because I was without love, patience, tolerance or companionship. In OA I found all of that. With God's help, I now have those things in my life every day when I ask for it and accept it as part of me today.

One day at a time...

I no longer want so much, and I am thankful for what I receive. I am receiving more than I have ever dreamed of.


The Fear of Failure

“It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare;

it is because we do not dare that things are difficult.”




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I was full of excuses: “I can’t start a food plan. Won't it be the same as a diet? I’m a free spirit! I don't like such restrictions! If I can’t do something perfectly, why should I even start? I do it perfectly, or I don’t do it at all! I have gone too far to ever go back to being anywhere near healthy. I don’t have time to plan my food. I am young. I have plenty of time to worry about taking off the weight!”

These were my favorite excuses. Underlying all the excuses was the fear of failure. I did not know that true failure comes about by not ever having tried. My life circumstances never got better by ignoring my problems with food. Ignoring my condition began to complicate every aspect of my life.

This moment I have a choice. I dare to choose in the next few moments even one small thing that I can do to make my life better or more healthful.

One day at a time...

If I cannot think of anything, I will pause and ask my Higher Power to help me learn to choose.

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I hope you all are doing fantastic.

For myself, I gave the gift of decorating for fall. I moved some furniture and redesigned the layout of this room. It feels new and fresh.

I forced myself to get back into more craft elements of art. From that I created some very interesting things that are fall related. Sometimes even joyous things are forced.

I am teetering on weight between the same five pounds. I know I can eat more but am now on a cycle of I'M STARVING...to the next day of being so full I cannot seem to eat much. November cannot get here soon enough.

Other than that, I continue my head work....therapist is awesome...I'm really getting into my head on WHY I do some of the things I do. This is ugly stuff and not at all fun to deal with. BUt I know from experience it gets worse before it gets better but the BETTER is always amazing.

Peace, hugs and joy to you all.


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Howdy! I'm considering Dr. Kirshenbaum, too. I live near Austin but our oldest daughter lives in Englewood so going up there for surgery and fills just gives me an excuse to see her more often. His fees are so reasonable and the reports on him are so good.

I haven't had the phone consultation yet but I did get information by email from his bariatric coordinator. She sent the names of two medical finance companies they use: Surgeryloans.com and Mymedicalfinancing.com. Has anyone used one of these?

If you have flown to Denver for your fills, how has that worked out for you?

I realize that some of these questions may be answered in this VERY LONG THREAD but I just don't have the time to read all 140-some odd pages. ;)


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Hi Longhorn:

My mindset is this. I am a self pay so I can pick who I want to go to and where. I researched, found this doctor to be the most skilled, the most impressed patients and who can NOT like Colorado? (I'm from flat Florida).

I flew to Colorado because of my impression with him, his staff and feedback from others. His price sealed the deal for me.

This doctor is worth the trip ( IMHO) He is methodical, patient, and when you journey far, he seems all the more sensative to working with you and your schedule and the distance issue.

He calls you back. >>>He calls you back! Not his staff, HE will call you back. He is internet savvy and my consulation was done with him conference via web and phone. My kinda guy!

My experience as for flying back for fills has been one of mixed emotions. I wish I could go there every month but that isn't a reality for me. So I go when I can and am going next month. I should have gone last week but I have too much happening right now.

This man is a surgeon. If you have had any experience with what they call "the surgeon's touch" you can relate to what I will say. I went locally for a fill in July. This was above my experience with Dr. K filling my port. The nurse practitioner who is trained to do band fills used a machine to radiate my stomach so she could see the port and what she was doing. So she had a device that let her see where my port was.

Despite that, she inserted the needle and was moving it to find my port.

Did she find it? She looked at my face to see if I was okay. I wondered if she was looking for me to be in pain. Contrast that to doctor K's visit and fill. He took the needle, one time, hit the port boom I sat up and we began adjusting. He simply knows by feel what he is doing.

I trust him as a doctor. When I had other medical problems with my stomach and my own physicians office wasn't getting a handle on it, I called him. He called me back. He made recommendations and I did them...guess what? Three days later the problem was resolved!

When I describe doctors who are "Healers" as in they love medicine for the healing of humans...that's him. You can sense that about him.

No question is a stupid question. I never felt rushed. His staff is friendly and if they don't have the answer they will find out and get back to you.

Hope this helps. I highly recommend him. Email me if you have anymore questions.


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And its all right with me. Now, what am I going to do about it?


When I stopped living in the problem and began living in the answer the

problem went away.


From that moment on, I have not had a single compulsion to coe (drink).

AA BB pg 449, 3rd edition.




This concept is repeated over and over again in the big book.


Hmmm, wonder why???


When I got to this program, I was entrenched in the problem.


I had been taught from childhood that if I have a problem; find out who

caused it and shoot them.


This was a HUGE change for me.


My first reaction to problems was always to obsess about why.


I thot I had to know why a problem existed to resolve it.


Long b4 OA, my kids doctor told me that we didn't need to know why they

were allergic to treat the symptoms.


The solution was the same.


This is true of my coe.


I spent over 30 yrs asking why, and all I got was deeper into the



Asking why kept me in the problem. It distracted me from living in the



I lived in paralysis thru analysis.


OA taught me to utilize not analyze.


When I got to oa, there were lots of sane ppl saying to me, so ur coe,

now what r u gonna do?


Well, I was not only confused; I was clueless.


I was shocked to find out that I didn't need to learn why I ate, to

stop coe.


The miracle paradox for me is that when I live in the solution; if GOMU

(God Of My Understanding) thinks that it's any of my business, God

will give me the wisdom to know why.


This wisdom only comes to me in hindsight and not always.


Sometimes it just isn't necessary for me to know.


I am on a need to know basis with GOMU & it's all right with me!!!


I appreciate the knowledge that god has given me, and I gotta tell u

that all the knowledge in the world isn't gonna stop me from coe.


The only thing that stops my coe is a power greater than me.


The first hundred times I read the above passage, I was really jealous.


As a relapse survivor, I can assure you that my coe is not cured.


All I have is a daily reprieve based on my spiritual fitness.


Every time I read OA literature, I am reminded of this truth.


Every time I live in the solution, I do not have a single compulsion to



As a relapse survivor, I have many times when my focus has been on the

problem (old tapes hard to retape-not impossible).


Since I have adopted daily focus on the soul-ution, I have found myself

living in it.


So my question is this, are u living in the problem or the solution?


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Welcome, Longhorn & tied2B!

Longhorn -- I'm still pre-fill and plan to do local fills (NC), mainly because in case I have an emergency of some sort I want to be able to get quick care. But I'm having some second thoughts, I'd really like to go back to Dr. K. He guarantees his work, but what if another MD messes up my port during a fill, you know? If Dr. K did, he'd fix it; but, if someone else was liable then I'd probably be stuck paying for the replacement sugery myself. I don't know; I'll probably have to call and talk to him or Natalie about it. Dr. K is a good man -- not pretentious, very down to earth, practical. I have no complaints about the entire experience!

Tied2B -- You should be proud of Parker Adventist! It's an awesome facility. The nurses that I met there were da bomb!~ I think I remember the names Chris and Nicki, but I was so nervous so I've probably got the names wrong. Anyway, my pre-op nurses were from Misissippi and Tennessee (I think) and they told me when I spoke that it "sounded like home". My recovery nurse told me that I said, "Where's the Cuervo?" as soon as I came out of the anesthesia. :embarassed: I think I must have had margaritas on my mind during surgery, because I thought Gurly Girl told me she had gotten medication like a margarita to drink during pre-op and all I had was the ol' Versed in the IV. I remember thinkinking where the heck is my margarita as they were rolling me in the OR and the next thing I remember is my recovery room nurse laughing at me. Dr. Nichols was my anesthesiologist -- he was great!

I hope everyone is having a great weekend. The leaves are starting to turn here in NC and it is finally starting to feel like Fall. Yippee!

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Hey Mal and dynamo- a page or so back want2be said she and someone else would be in Denver around the 15th for fills. Could we work red robin around so they can come. I can come either time.


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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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