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Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum

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Hey Tina.... I haven't ordered off the kids menu either because most of the time it has hamburgers and mac-n-cheese on it. Not really my cup of tea right now! I've been ordering an appetizer and taking the leftovers home. Sometimes I'm still getting Soup or chili for dinner because I know it agrees with me.

If you do decide to use your card, don't put up with any crap from the staff. Ask to speak to the manager if they are not happy to help you. It's probably not a big deal!

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I don't like the idea of him not even handling insurance... and the way he talked so much about money... like how he would divide it up the night before the surgery to everyone who was involved... kind of wierd... I thought he was nice enough, but didn't even introduce himself when he came into the room for my consultation... just started to go over what the surgery was... anyway... I'm sure that he has helped others... I'm just suspicious...

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I don't like the idea of him not even handling insurance... and the way he talked so much about money... like how he would divide it up the night before the surgery to everyone who was involved... kind of wierd... I thought he was nice enough, but didn't even introduce himself when he came into the room for my consultation... just started to go over what the surgery was... anyway... I'm sure that he has helped others... I'm just suspicious...

ColoradoCrazy - I am sorry you feel that way. I have to say that this was not the case for myself. He never mentioned anything to do with money to me ever. Even during my 1 1/2 hour preop appointment. I think that he is definately out for the self pay patients giving them another option than going to Mexico. I am truly glad that there is at least one Dr. in the entire US that can offer the LAP Band procedure at his fair rate. Seems like most of the other Dr's are just looking for us to finance their new set of wheels which is SUPSICIOUS in my view. :faint:

Good luck in your search for Dr. Right.


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Colorado Crazy ~ hmmmm...a very strange experience indeed. This has the possibility of taking on a life all of it's own, especially since no one here seems to have had that experience. It is so hard to figure out why in the world people say this or say that. Who knows if, in the consult before yours, he was grilled by someone over money and told they want it explained better, and he thought that maybe he better start doing that...in the world of surgeries and lapband, $10k is not a lot of money. In the real world, on our credit cards, checkbooks, retirement accounts, medical loans, it IS a lot of money...maybe someone freaked over that..As far as the non introduction part~I honestly couldn't tell you if he introduced himself or not. In my circumstance, it seemed to be a given who he was and who I was.

In a time such as making a decision this big, and meeting the person who is going to cut us open, and change our lives..can we be more acutely aware than usual at the first appointment? I don't know. Sometimes it is better to go in suspicious, sometimes it is better to trust.

I didn't experience the same things that people did here with him, but I did experience what I needed to feel safe, secure, and trusting. Some docs are known to have a horrible bedside manner and repore, some are known to be warm and accomidating. He is known for the latter, even though we all experienced something different and unique to our relationship with Dr. K.

I strongly feel that he needs to be made aware of how you intreperted your visit. It is VERY important. I think, in all fairness, that you should at least email Marilyn and tell her what you told us. If he WAS being off track that day (did he have a jerk of a patient, did one of the kids have something happen, was he having a crappy day?) he needs to know that a potential patient was uncomfortable with this or that. At that point, he can decide what his thoughts are about the occurance.

About a year ago, I ran into a friend I have had for years, but don't see too often. We chatted, and said good-bye and went about our days. Months later, I saw her again, and she asked me if I was really mad at her or something...huh????? Apparently, I was off kilter that day (I guess, cuz I didn't know she thought that and I don't even remember how I came across) and appeared to be mad and distant. She had thought about it for all those months, and I had no idea that my actions caused her to think of me something other than what I am. I am sooo thankful she finally said something, and of course I profusely apologized and it was all cleared up.

The money conversation you had with Dr. K of course sounds so wierd to all of us who never had that type of a talk with him. I don't pretend to be in his head, but with it being so unusual, it causes me to wonder if he has had people who want it all broken down, dollar for dollar. Maybe recently someone has grilled him because they thought a lower price meant subpar care and they wanted to know what their money was getting him.

Regardless of what I can surmise, it is vital that you email Marilyn. She has worked with him for years, she is reasonable, and honest. Someone needs to know before this takes on a life all it's own...a life it should never have had.

I am excited you are venturing to lapband! Please let us know what direction you head, and what Marilyn says. I have no "defense" for Dr. K that day..I wasn't there. But, it should be addressed so any misintepretation can be cleared up.

Welcome to the board!:bounce:

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Hi CO Crazy, I'm glad you shared your feelings. Sometimes getting things out in open helps get them resolved quicker. :(

My take on the Dr. K first appointment is that since I had already met him on the phone, I felt like I already knew him. I did introduce myself to Brooke, his surgical assistant, who was with him during the first face-to-face appointment, since she/I had never met.

If you take a look at Lap Band Surgery in Denver Colorado | Lap Band Surgeon in Denver | Gastric Band Surgery Denver | Bariatric Surgery again, you'll see that Dr. K does accept insurance, but his office doesn't file for you. If he had to hire office staff to deal with the contracts/phone calls/games that rear their ugly heads during the insurance process, then his cost would go up. And folks like me couldn't afford a lap band.

I hope that I wasn't the one who encouraged him to start telling the "who gets what $" part of the plan :) . I asked him so many questions about it (I'm a nurse who works in managed care-- can't help it.) that he's probably made it a part of the initial consult.

Keep asking questions and searching until you find the right surgeon for YOU. It is so important to have confidence in your care providers! And since WLS is big business, you also need to be mindful of the many lap band practices who have hired pimps (for lack of a better word) to troll these internet boards solicting cusomters by praising or discrediting others. Unfortunately, health care is big business in this country (but you don't want me to get up on that soap box, believe me:speechles )

Happy Friday, my friends! I've enjoyed the photos and updates -- work is crazy, so hopefully I can update on my status this weekend.

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I don't like the idea of him not even handling insurance... and the way he talked so much about money... like how he would divide it up the night before the surgery to everyone who was involved... kind of wierd... I thought he was nice enough, but didn't even introduce himself when he came into the room for my consultation... just started to go over what the surgery was... anyway... I'm sure that he has helped others... I'm just suspicious...

Its all about your personal choice. Its just like buying a car-- You can choose a decent car at a dealership where no one trys to stick it to you by sugar coating it - or you can choose one from Giant Auto World where the car salesman has prepared the proven speech and offers every finance plan sure to get all your money.

You walk out with the same car, pay twice as much and soon as they have your money you better hope your car doesn't break down. :)

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Tina~I have not used the card, but I am meeting a bunch of friendsat Ted Montana's tonight and after looking at their children's menu online, I think I will give it a try tonight. I'll let you know if I do and what happens...

DITTO to want2b, shelbi and biggest loser...

Happy Friday to all have a powerful weekend! It's my son's 13th birthday, I'll be taking a trip to the Denver Skate park, then the pool, then a BBQ and top it off with tent camping (them not me) in the back yard (weather permitting)!! Whew! I'm exhausted just writing about it!!

off to lurke on other threads...LOL

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There's been some questions about shopping here in Nome. Well, we DO have grocery stores (2 in fact) one is AC which is a normal bush brand for Alaska and Canada - overpriced by WAY more than the cost of living!. The other is a Carrs/Safeway off-shoot, so at least I get points and Alaska Airlines miles when I shop there!

We utilize our buckets (lugguage) for things like paperplates, cleaning supplies, mac n' cheese, canned goods...stuff that weighs a lot because that's where they increase the prices at the stores. There is a barge that comes in the summer and you can order from them, prices are pretty similar to buying it "in town" (Anchorage) and having it parcel-post mailed out here. Not too bad, but your order has to be large. There are many folks who use Drugstore.com, but I haven't had the need to. Like I said, we are VERY efficient at the bucket thing!

The big thing right now is fuel. We just bought a wood stove to install in our house so we can have some free heat this winter. Apparently, the wind blows so it's not just -60, it's -60 with wind! That can be devistating on a home and the heat bill. It doesn't help, either that we have the lights on more in the winter because it's dark most of the time! I've noticed that when my 7 year old gets up for school he turns all the lights on...and it's not even completely dark in the morning yet! I don't blame him though.

Well, we all have a stomach virus of some sort. Figures, since I finally have some motivation to excersize! I've just got to go take some Immodium and rest.


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CO Crazy - I've worked with doctors practically my whole life and I've found that surgeons (in general) aren't that social and are just there to get the job done. Have you had surgery before? If not, know that touchy-feely is NOT what you get with a surgeon. They aren't with you during your diseased journey, they're there at the end, to fix the problem. Now, this said, I feel that Dr. K was more social than most surgeons I know.

My experience with him was a little above par. I didn't have ANY wait in the waiting room (on pre-op or post-op visits) and the appointment was short and to the point. I didn't have a lot of questions because I was well informed. Also, I was considering going to Mex. for the surgery until I found Dr. K and I thought that since I was willing to pay $10K to go out of the country, I should be willing to pay $10K to stay IN the country (and at least have American recourses - courts, licensing, etc. if need be). Dr. K also "guarantees" his work, if something goes wrong he's going to fix it. This was a BIG deal to me since I have to travel regardless to get care. Most of the Mex. surgeons do not take care of post-op issues.

Bottom line - go with your gut. If you don't feel good about him, don't go to him. You should find someone you feel comfortable with and secure with. Good luck!

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Hey Marcy - I know exactly what you are saying...I am originally from Alaska. Moved away when I was 22 and now that I have lived in the "lower 48" for awhile I don't think I would want to go back to live. I like the lower prices, less snow and even though I grew up with the light/dark daylight changes I like the normal daylight cycle better. Now I freak out when we send something to my sister up there and find out how much its going to cost!! LOL

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I saw Dr. K on Monday and the whole money thing was brought up to me as well...It didn't really bother me, because I just figured he wanted everyone to know up front. I was perfectly fine with him and because he is local how can I lose? I am with everyone else, go with your gut, you have to be comfrotable, or you will end up with issues.


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Great talk with Marilyn and I'm in for November 9th. I'm also seeing Paula. I WILL make this appt. nothing stopping me.

Did anyone meet the new bariatric coordinator? "Natalie".

Friends never discount the appetizer menu. I do this at Chillis and a couple of my favorite haunts. I add to that some Soup and typically I am good to go. (Mango tea at Chillis for that Miami feel...yum)

OA thought for the day:


:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:

Patience is the key to paradise. Turkish proverb

:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:

I used to be the queen of the "quick fix."


Anything I wanted done had to be done today, if not yesterday.


I'd even do a job myself because I couldn't wait for someone else to do

it in their time.


I ended up chasing my tail most days, & trying to run the show myself,

simply because I couldn't wait.


Even all the many diets that I went on had to get results fast or they

weren't worth their salt.


Small wonder, being the compulsive person that I was, that when I

wanted to eat, there was no such thing in my vocabulary as delayed



When I wanted it, I had to have it right then.


Imagine my horror at coming into the program & seeing that people who

had been in the fellowship for years were still there.


Surely they should have gotten it right by now & graduated from this



I soon learned that this is not something we graduate from.


Recovery as well as abstinence happen in God's time, not mine.


I've had to learn that recovery is a journey; not a destination.


Progress can sometimes be painfully slow; the rewards for those who

wait for the miracle is a gift I wouldn't want to be without.


Not only am I offered freedom from compulsive eating; also sanity &

serenity to live my life the way I was intended to do.



Even when progress seems slow, I will keep coming back & working the

program to the best of my ability, knowing that recovery will come to me

if I wait.


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Good Morning All!

Well, I am afraid I have yet another weight loss setback....

I'm pregnant!!! :clap2:

I just found out yesterday. Baby is due June 9th!!

Wish us well!! This should be a fun journey with all of you to share it with!

(I already have one daughter, she's 23 months)

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I've been drinking some diet coke and with each swollow my stomach hurts like it does when I eat too much. It must be the carbonation in it?

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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