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Oh my. That sounds sooooo good. :dita: The ice cream, not the gas.

I think I almost just peed my pants before I read your whole post because I thought you meant the gas!! :biggrin:

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Jaime - You know...once my husband and I were going to start a diet together (Nutrisystem, I think) and we totally had last supper syndrome...we ate B&J every night until our first box arrived...needless to say we eat had 10 lbs. MORE to lose by the time the box got to us! Haha! Just be careful...you don't have to over-indulge. SOME things you still will be able to eat (heck, I can still drink soda and I'm pretty tight - now, most people can't, so I take it as a blessing:cool2:) MANY of the things I can't eat I don't WANT to eat anymore so it's not a biggie...so just relax and know that if you can get through this pre-op, you'll be TOTALLY successful in bandland! That really is the first test of the band...right before you get it! We're here/hear for you!:tongue:

ColoCrazy - it has only been your presence here that has brought out the negative in anyone...I'm sorry that you haven't felt the support here that others have. I hope you have another group so that you may be as successful as we are here. I'm one of the *small* handful of folks that was at the beginning of this thread so I can say that this really IS a great group of supportive people. We ALL have to find where we're comfortable and it is obvious that you aren't comfortable here.:dita:

Volleyball - well, that team I'm on is...well...CRAZY! :w00t:We don't get along and we've got a few ball-hogs on the team. Anyone ever watch that movie "Church Ball"? The premise behind it is the Mormons (and especially the missionaries) play basketball - and they're out for blood...totally dominant and crazy. It's a parody, but TOTALLY true (I'm Mormon and can talk about it with some sort of authority.) Anyway, we've got the missionaries on our team and one of them is Samoan and he's playing his own version of church ball....I called him on it last night while we were having dinner and I explained that I was no longer going to get bulldozed into...I was going to start doing some bulldozing...heck, I need to have fun, eh?:biggrin:

Now...scroll down if you can't handle it...the recipe for B&J pumpkin Ice Cream...straight from their cookbook:

2 larg eggs

3/4 cup sugar

2 cups heavy whipping cream

1 cup milk

(this is the base...it is important to whisk the eggs, then add the sugar a little at a time)

1 cup unsweetened canned pumpkin

1 tsp ground nutmeg

1 tsp ground cinnamon

1. prepare the base. Pourt ~ 1 cup of base into another bowl, add the pumpkin and spices, stir until blended. Add the remaining cup of base.

2. transfer to an ice cream maker and mix away

Makes "generous" 1 quart.:lol:

Thank goodness I am a horrible cook or I would be in trouble!! And I checked the Walmart tonight...they did not have the dreaded pumpkin cheesecake ice cream so I can now officially say that no one here has it in stock! I will take that as a sign that I am not supposed to eat any!! :tongue:

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Oh the gas wasn't good at all. But I kept hoping my husband would get tired of it and just move to the spare bedroom. There's nothing better than getting our King bed to myself with our 3 cats snuggling close! They don't mind the smell of my ice cream induced gas. :biggrin:

Even on my worst gas nights I can't compete with the mastiff and his sidekick the Vienna sausage lab Reilly...their butts really stink!!!:dita:

Awww...does this mean you're going to fart on me if I come to see you in NC? LOL!!!

Edited by munchkin392
Had to add a sarcastic comment for my Jamie! :)

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Aww go ahead, sit next to Shelbi. Save the seat for me though. When I'm an official Bandito I want to sit next to my NC girl Shelbi and my crazy girl Munchkin - if they'll have me. :biggrin:
Okay, just for you! I'll save your place next to Shelbi! You'll regret it after you've been poked and pinched so much - you want to scream!!! But Munchi is mine! Sorry! 80 Talking Boobies-Girl is sitting next to me and Puff Mama! Sorry!
Oh alright. I suppose that'll be OK. Maybe we can take turns? 80 Talking Boobies-Girl is one cool chick. :dita:

Awwww....I feel so loved!!! :tongue::tt1::tongue::tt1:

(And so brave because I finally tried the multiquote feature! I feel like a regular brainiac now!)

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She's very cool, but you'll have to wear your Depends! IF not, you'll be wetting your pants! She always makes you laugh so hard!

From Jaimes previous gas related posts, she may need to wear Depends for her lactose issues instead!!!:biggrin:

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Speaking of naughty Shelby . . . where is she? I'm been missing her.

Jaime, I suppose you've already heard about dee's gas issues . . . so maybe it would be good if you two sit close together!!

Yeah! Thanks to Shelbi EVERYONE is well aware of my gas issues! Maybe no one wants to sit next to me - I'm just the old Stinky Pete!
Finally someone who will love me and appreciate me for all of my stinkiness!
Well, if you guys have NOISY gas, maybe you could work out some percussion for our group! It would sound kind of like beatbox!
I don't know about Jaime, but I have absolutely NO rhythm! (did i spell that word right?) Seriously, it's embarrassing! If I didn't have a metronome I could have never learned to play the piano!
Maybe it could be sort of a "jam" . . . . free-form, jazzy flatulence. Yeah, that would be great.
Oh boy! Just something more to look forward to! Hurry Jaime, get that Band, so you can join the Band on the Loser's Bench and make Puff Mama's musical dreams come true!
You mean like 'folk music?' Or "fart music?" "Bluegrass" OR "Bluegas?"

Oy, its' getting deep in here!!!! :biggrin::lol::dita::lol:

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Isn't this board the best? I swear, I feel like the ladies on this board are some of my best buds.
You're my best bud, Mini! I feel so close to all of you guys! You're sharing in a part of my life that is so important! It's a time when we are all changing and becoming the beautiful butterflies we were always meant to be! We see the sweetness of each person and that is so vital!
This kind of support is priceless! It's worth millions of dollars! AND just think, it's free!

I am so thankful for you ladies EVERY day...honestly, I think I would have lost it over the last few months if I couldn't come here and vent!! And I value your opinions over pretty much anyone elses! I am going to take it one step further and say that you are nearly family to me!! (Aww, now I am being sappy!)

Ok, I cannot post anymore because the mastiff has decided it is bedtime...which means his big old noggin is resting on my chest...which means I cannot see the computer because even though HE thinks his head is see through, sadly, it is not. :biggrin::smile: Have a wonderful Tuesday ladies!

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Marcy! I'm sorry, but I must ask you this -- can you see Russia from your house? (just a question, I'm so confused!)


First - congratulations on figuring out multiquote! Now...as a matter of fact, yes, on a clear, good day and when standing on a hill near my home I CAN see Russia...ok, there are some Russian islands that are near some Alaskan islands and the Russian islands ARE visable. But, please understand people...I'm in NOME!!! Wasilla is on the OTHER SIDE of the Alaska Range (you know, that range with the highest mountain in America?) There's no possible way that 'ol Sarah has laid eyes on Russia...now, Todd DID do his little Iron Dog snowmachine races that end up here and she HAS been to Nome, but I expect that she holed up in her hotel room as to not associate with the locals! :lol: As for our Alaskan islands, I would bet that they're much like the Russian islands....I have a Bible study lady that just last week declared that those islands have a "cloud of Satan over them"...a little extreme, but probably accurate.:tongue: Oh, and I'm not aware of any other "largish" city that is close enough to Russia (an Alaskan city that is) to see 'em. Did that make any sense?

Thank goodness I am a horrible cook or I would be in trouble!! And I checked the Walmart tonight...they did not have the dreaded pumpkin cheesecake ice cream so I can now officially say that no one here has it in stock! I will take that as a sign that I am not supposed to eat any!! :dita:

Munch - stop looking for the stuff!!! You're going to get yourself into a tizzy and gorge! We don't want that...with all the gas we're producing already we could light up half the country...wait...what an idea!! Someone call Gore!!:tongue:

I'm doing decent with "moving" lately...been kickin' some butt on Dance, Dance Revolution...totally worked up a sweat, but my friend assumed it was because I had the wood stove burning up the living room already...and it had nothing to do with us jumping around like idiots! The kids thought it was great though!

WELCOME new losers! So many new people...I already have a hard time with the names...especially when the names have nothing to do with the "screen name"...see how I'm so nice to just put two and two together with mine?!?! It's exciting to see so many people happy with Dr. K's work and that there IS support...even for the new folks!

Mal - what happened with Anita? And some of the other "oldies"? I need updates here! Keeps me going! I'm so proud of you with all your goals! I'd love to see you again and be able to give each other hugs that will go all the way around!:biggrin:

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About the Russia thing...I have to admit I have not paid much attention to this election (usually I fervishly watch election coverage but I just have no desire this time around). Anyway, when I was at my Grammys Thurs night they showed the clip from the Katie Couric interview with Sarah Palin when she was asking her about foreign policy and they were talking about Russia. I have to admit I was fairly horrified at Sarah Palins response because it was NOT good!! I was like "Yikes"! I wish I had seen the Tina Fey spoof the other night, I wonder if NBC has entire episodes of SNL on their website? I will have to check it out fosho!!

Hey, check out You Tube. I guarantee you they've got all the SNL skits you want. In fact, since the Palin ones have been so popular they're probably the first ones you'll find. But beware, going to You Tube to find one clip could turn into 3hrs of watching random clips on the internet. There is so much stuff on You Tube!!!

Thank goodness I am a horrible cook or I would be in trouble!! And I checked the Walmart tonight...they did not have the dreaded pumpkin cheesecake ice cream so I can now officially say that no one here has it in stock! I will take that as a sign that I am not supposed to eat any!! :biggrin:

Same story here chica. It's just not meant to be. :Banane53:

Even on my worst gas nights I can't compete with the mastiff and his sidekick the Vienna sausage lab Reilly...their butts really stink!!!:tongue:

Awww...does this mean you're going to fart on me if I come to see you in NC? LOL!!!

Aww, I want pictures of your babies! I'm a total sucker for animals, dogs and cats alike. Send me pictures! And NO I would never fart on you! At least, not the first time you come to visit. I want to make sure you'll come back for a second visit before I go offending you with my gas.

Awwww....I feel so loved!!! :lol::tt1::eek::tt1:

(And so brave because I finally tried the multiquote feature! I feel like a regular brainiac now!)

It's just a huge love train on this message board. So wonderful. Makes me feel all warm and gooey inside...oh wait, that's just...nevermind. I gotta go to the bathroom. :tongue:

From Jaimes previous gas related posts, she may need to wear Depends for her lactose issues instead!!!:dita:

Be nice. :Banane59: I can't help it ice cream gives me the poopsies!

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Hello again! Thanks to everyone for the best wishes.:dita: I thought I would check in again this a.m. I'm having more pain today but to be expected on the 2nd day. :biggrin: I do have TERRIBLE gas pains which is the worst part for me. I've been popping the gasX strips but they don't seem to be helping much. I've also been walk, walk, walking. I thought maybe you gals may have other suggestions for the gas, any thoughts?:tongue: Thanks!

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Marcy~I dunno where our Woofay is...probably busy with school, I miss her too! She is one of my heros!

Dee~I guess I better be ready for our 5k this weekend! I try to run every other day and yesterday was my running day...I did terrible and ended up walking more than running. I've got Wednesday and then Friday before the big day. Oh, yes and my fill on Thursday. I haven't lost pounds in months, inches, yes, but you know how we all like to see those numbers on the scale to move!!! How many inches can one lose without the scale moving??? So sad! I suppose next week I will give BFL a shot...How is your BFL going? What is the most challenging for you? I think the early morning workouts will be a challenge, and the daily workouts. I wish I had a home gym...

Munchkin~I love you!!

I have a question. What are your thoughts about www.drinkables.com I have a hard time getting my fruits and veggies in and I thought I would give this a try. I bought the Fruits and Vegetables supplement. The Miracle Teas of the World tasted gross, and I didn't need the Miracle Fruits of the World because I already take pure Acai. I was curious about any thoughts about this product???

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Oh, yes and my fill on Thursday. I haven't lost pounds in months, inches, yes, but you know how we all like to see those numbers on the scale to move!!! How many inches can one lose without the scale moving???

I read all the posts but you girls are just too fast for me. There is no way I can keep up. I too go for a fill on this Thursday (10/2) maybe we will bump into each other.


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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