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Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum

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It's ok if you do drivebys dorky one, we just want to hear from you and know you are still around because we miss you when we don't hear from you!

I am totally feeling your pain about the fill situation because as I have already told you, this is pretty much how it goes with my fill doctor. It is very frustrating sometimes.

Are those Vivannos from Starbucks good? I have been wanting to try one but I was curious how many carbs are in them. I keep forgetting to look on their website to see. Someone said they taste kind of chalky.

Aww thanks sweetums! =)

I think this last fill may be my first real experience with restriction. Tonight I went out for my sisters birthday and had one popper and 3/4 of a slice of pizza (I know.. baaad food but it was a birthday party) and I was done done done. Could not eat another bite. *crossing fingers* I may finally be at my sweet spot. Too early to tell.

I LOVE the Vivanno! I always get the chocolate banana one. So I can't speak for the orange mango banana one. It is expensive though but works in a pinch. Doesn't taste chalky to me at all. It has...

• one whole banana,

• a proprietary whey Protein and Fiber powder,

• choice of milk,

• and ice

•16 grams of protein,

• 5 grams of fiber

• 270 calories or less

• no artificial colors, artificial sweeteners or high fructose corn Syrup

Dorky dork!!! Sorry that you had to pay all over again. That kind of sucks. I hope this fill will be okay . . . . be careful!!

what's up with the new pic? You're so silly . . .

Ha ha... how bout the new one now. Keeping y'all on your toes. hehehe. I just had some photos taken with the hubb... will attach a few. I can REALLY se my weighloss in my face. Body still sucks, but my face is darn cute! haha.
Hey girl! Sorry to hear about that fill! I hate how expensive this band business can be! I thought of you and how hard you're working with your trainer, so I got me one! I only have 5 sessions, but it will help get me on track with the weights. I'm so sore from doing the BFL lifting and meeting with my PT twice a week! ARGH! hang in there Sister!
YEAH!! WTG girly. So proud of you. Hope you love/hate your trainer as much as I love hate mine. I just worked out with her again this morning. Wheeew she works me. I am going to the gym more and more though cuz she skeeers me. HAhahahaa.

Dr. K says I should do a 7 day pre-op diet since I'm currently at a 38 BMI. But I've admitted to myself that I have a problem with sodas and beer. :wink2: So in order to successfully quit those two, I need to start well in advance of 7 days, haha. I've promised my husband to "start" my pre-op diet on October 5th, which is one month out. I'll first quit beer, and then after a week or so I'll quit sodas as well. Hopefully by the third week I won't be entirely bitchy, and I'll be able to officially start the low-carb portion of the pre-op diet. My plan is to do low-carb for at least two weeks, but I need to quit sodas and beer before I start low-carb. Trying to do all that at once is liable to make me kill someone - I'll be so cranky!!!

Good luck! sounds like a GREAT plan! You can do it!!! It is easier to stick to it and not cheat when you know it is essential for a successful surgery to follow thru and do it right. I did my pre-op for a month and lost 20 pounds!
Okay ladies, I had my pre-op today. Surgery is on Monday and I am officially beside myself...FREAKED OUT! Definitely having 2nd thoughts today. Probably a little too late for that.:wub: Just a few questions, where is your port located? I don't know why I was under the impression it would be closer to the rib cage. Also, Dr. K said I need to scrub w/special soap prior to surgery. Was I supposed to get it before I left the office??:tongue2: Thx!
Take a deep breath!!! It is SO NORMAL to freak out!! My whole week before surgery I majorally freaked out! I was so close to saying forget it, but he had my $$$ ha ha ha. Seriously though, you will be so glad you did it.

As for the soap, he told me not to worry bout it when i asked him. So I just showered like normal.

Does your bra rub on it? Mine is about 2 inches below the bra. So I have no problem. How about anyone else?

Well maybe I still have enough fat protecting my port, but mine is a good inch or two below my bra line. They hang down near it (boo for saggy boobs) but the bra does run thankfully.

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Yes she is. She was very relieved that she didn't have to sit by Shawn in her class this year!:wub:

And you know, now that I am thinking about it, when I was growing up one of the kids in our neighborhood who was an absolute TERROR was named Shawn also. The evidence is piling up!!

My sister-in-law dated a SHAUN (same thing!) who was clingy beyond belief. After two dates (and no sex!) he said he loved her. She stopped seeing him and he started stalking her. He'd sit in the parking lot outside her apartment building on the weekends watching her windows and making sure she wasn't going out with anyone else. He'd show up at the pool hall or the bar where she was hanging out, completely unannounced, and try to hang out with her. Very strange man that Shaun....

I think we need to find therapists and plastic surgeons that will give us a group discount!! Since we all need our moods and our boobs lifted! :)

You crack me up!! My boobs will definitely need a lift once I drop 80lbs. Good thing I've already made my husband promise that once we're done having kids, he's gonna get the girls done. :wink2:

Ha ha... how bout the new one now. Keeping y'all on your toes. hehehe. I just had some photos taken with the hubb... will attach a few. I can REALLY se my weighloss in my face. Body still sucks, but my face is darn cute! haha.

Wow Dorky, you look fantastic!! You two are so cute!!!! :smile2: My husband is also losing weight now, so in a year's time, hopefully I'll be at goal and he'll be where he wants to be, and we can get pictures taken like that. The pictures from our wedding day are beautiful, but we both feel so HUGE in them. It would be nice to get pictures made when we're thinner and healthier.

Good luck! sounds like a GREAT plan! You can do it!!! It is easier to stick to it and not cheat when you know it is essential for a successful surgery to follow thru and do it right. I did my pre-op for a month and lost 20 pounds!

I hope that's how it is!!! Low-carb usually works for me, but lately (within the last year) I've just been unable to stick to it for one reason or another. This time I have to stick to it. I've paid Dr. K lots of money to do my surgery on November 5th, and I've paid for flights/hotels and everything. If he gets me open and can't proceed because of a fatty liver I'll be crushed. :tongue2:

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That chick Colorado Crazy was just in another post extolling the virtues of her surgeon and how wonderful he is. I pointed out to her that for all she rips on Dr.K, her surgeons program sounds exactly like his!! Hmmmm.....

And she also said that you can reach her surgeon ANYTIME via cell phone. Being a nurse, that one just made me laugh my arse off!! Good luck with that one honey!!!

(Ok, so I am being a little bitchy but come on, she had it coming...)

WOW:w00t: I read the posts from ColoradoCrazy, she is something else. You girls really gave it to her:tongue2:. Little does (did) she know that Dr. K informs his patients that he will call you with his cell phone and "if you capture it" you will then have his. I called him two days after my surgery and he called me back before I got my sorry butt sat down.

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Brandy~Thank you! One of the girls(uptownmami) who had surgery yesterday isn't doing very well so I'm very concerned and even more anxious. I didn't get a chance to speak w/her but she was shaking her head giving me the :tongue2:. I hope she is doing better tonight. By the way, I still would like to do lunch sometime, possibly in Oct. when all of the "hoopla" has died down. :wub:
I didn't have any problem either. In fact, I went out to dinner the next day with this really wonderful lady I met in Denver. I think her name was . . . .dee???? Yes, I think that's right:smile:[/quote

Mini~ This gives me great hope and motivation. I hope I have a speedy recovery.:)

You girls are so funny! Tally, that would irritate me to no end. Yikes! I may have to bring this to Dr.Ks attention before surgery. My "frisbee" is irritating enough w/out something rubbing on it. Ouch!:wink2:

Cassy~I'm so happy I got to see you today. You looked awesome and I can't believe you were in jeans. I hope you continue to do well. Have a safe and comfortable flight home. DO NOT go back to work on Mon. if you are not ready!:wink2: Please keep us posted on your progress as you start to feel better.

Uptownmami~You poor thing! I felt so bad for you today. I'm not sure what was going on but it didn't look good. Please post w/a quick update when you feel better. I have a feeling you won't be flying home tomorrow so let me know if there is anything I can do over the weekend. I would be more than happy to bring you whatever you need. :smile2: I'm just worried about you and want you to feel better. Sending lots of hugs your way!:wub:

Hey there Tangeray! What is happening with uptownmami? My mom and discussed that we thought she might have a hard time. If you stress yourself out you will feel worse than you should and she did seem a little stressed. I think I'll dig up her contact information so we can see if she's ok.

So far, my only "issues" to overcome have been being able to be in bed for long periods of time while the swelling goes down (I used the ice pack up until about 3am this morning and yesterday the abdominal muscles were really tight. This morning the swelling seems be subsiding and it does feel good to get up and walk around for a few minutes every few hours. Gas hasn't been a big problem either. I've just been taking all the meds he prescribed as they were prescribed and also have adding the GasX strips.

I woke up with an allergy headache today because I forgot to get a pill crusher to be able to take that so we'll be going to pick one up today so I can take that and get rid of this headache. All in all, it's what I expected. Tight abdominal feeling, somewhat difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position (recliner or on your back is best) and last night I was finally able to sleep on my stomach for a while without any pain.

Today, I'm going to try to get out for a while and walk around and see how I do. I'll post more later

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Dorky One-Love, love, love the pictures!!! They are fab!!!! You look beautiful!

Jaime-That reminds me of the movie "Shaun of the Dead". But seriously, the more we talk, the more evidence piles up about the name Shawn, Shaun, etc.

Magaines-Yes, Colorado Crazy is exactly as her name says. I got reamed by the OP from the post last night about not turning her "blog" (I thought it was called a thread) into a debate. Oooh, I have been appropriately chastised. This would be the reason that as a general rule I only talk to you gals.

Cassy-Great to hear you are doing ok!

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I went to a support group shortly after my surgery. There were several people there, not long into it I found out that most (all but 2 of us) were patients of Dr. Snyder's. Talk about being outcasts for the rest of the session haven't been back there, looking forward to the one at Dr K's office in October.

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I went to a support group shortly after my surgery. There were several people there, not long into it I found out that most (all but 2 of us) were patients of Dr. Snyder's. Talk about being outcasts for the rest of the session haven't been back there, looking forward to the one at Dr K's office in October.

I still agree with some of the other gals. I think Colorado Crazy works for Dr.Snyder or something. She is just fishy.:tongue2:

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Speaking of Ben & Jerrys, there is a blurb on MSN today about PETA wanting B&J to make their ice cream out of human milk. Eeewwww!!!

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Speaking of Ben & Jerrys, there is a blurb on MSN today about PETA wanting B&J to make their ice cream out of human milk. Eeewwww!!!

I read that last night and it made me throw up in my mouth a little. :wink2:

But you know what else I just read?!?!?!? They're making a Pirates of the Caribbean 4!!!! With Johnny Depp!!! OMG!!! I can't wait until 2011 when the movie comes out!!!


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I read that last night and it made me throw up in my mouth a little. :wink2:

But you know what else I just read?!?!?!? They're making a Pirates of the Caribbean 4!!!! With Johnny Depp!!! OMG!!! I can't wait until 2011 when the movie comes out!!!


Booo on the PETA request:thumbdown:

Yea can't wait for the Depp movie:tongue_smilie: Don't care if it's good or bad.

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I read that last night and it made me throw up in my mouth a little. :wink2:

But you know what else I just read?!?!?!? They're making a Pirates of the Caribbean 4!!!! With Johnny Depp!!! OMG!!! I can't wait until 2011 when the movie comes out!!!


I just threw up a little too!!! That is the worst! AND think about passing all the nasty stuff along in their ice cream! Expressed Breastmilk carries all the same properties as blood - i.e. HIV and all the other infectious diseases! Nice huh? Would you like a little HIV with your ice cream?

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Happy Friday Banditos!

~30 days of night...scared the poo out of me! My son has a friend that looks like Josh Hartnet (sp), we invited him over to watch the movie...too funny, I call his friend Josh now.

~ could not vote on a dress, I liked them both, sorry. You will look amazingly hot in any dress you choose. I love, love, love a man in a uniform! I hope you post some pictures of the Ball Cinderella...ella...ella...(sorry couldn't help it).

~How is Tucker? Buster would like his address so he could send some treats! You can Pm it to me if you want.

~Brandy, how are you and the hubby doing?

~BFL gals, how is week two going? I read a little bit about it every day and let me tell you, you gals ROCK! COMMITTED FOSHO! This will be a tough one, but I really want to to start it after my 5k. I will be switching gyms and starting BFL AND I will have a new fill, I know this will move me in the right direction. WTG GALS!

~I watched a video clip of coloradocrazy on her blog

~Lap, if your lurking, I want you to know that I think about you often, hope all is well.

~It's that time of year again....teen sleep over! Remember last year when all the boys tried to pierce a body part?! I am hoping a year older and they will be mellow??? RIGHT! 10, 14 year olds...send prayers gals, give me strength to make it through the weekend.

~Adork, the pictures are wonderful! You look mahvelous!

gotta run!

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Happy Friday Banditos!

~30 days of night...scared the poo out of me! My son has a friend that looks like Josh Hartnet (sp), we invited him over to watch the movie...too funny, I call his friend Josh now.

~ could not vote on a dress, I liked them both, sorry. You will look amazingly hot in any dress you choose. I love, love, love a man in a uniform! I hope you post some pictures of the Ball Cinderella...ella...ella...(sorry couldn't help it).

~How is Tucker? Buster would like his address so he could send some treats! You can Pm it to me if you want.

~Brandy, how are you and the hubby doing?

~BFL gals, how is week two going? I read a little bit about it every day and let me tell you, you gals ROCK! COMMITTED FOSHO! This will be a tough one, but I really want to to start it after my 5k. I will be switching gyms and starting BFL AND I will have a new fill, I know this will move me in the right direction. WTG GALS!

~I watched a video clip of coloradocrazy on her blog

~Lap, if your lurking, I want you to know that I think about you often, hope all is well.

~It's that time of year again....teen sleep over! Remember last year when all the boys tried to pierce a body part?! I am hoping a year older and they will be mellow??? RIGHT! 10, 14 year olds...send prayers gals, give me strength to make it through the weekend.

~Adork, the pictures are wonderful! You look mahvelous!

gotta run!

Well You're RIGHT the BFL is pretty hardcore! But it's doable and IF Soon-to-be-formerly-fat-Heavy-DD can do it, anyone can. My butt muscles are killing me! I asked my daughter last night if she'd massage them for me (just as a joke of course) and she said, "NO! Then I'd have to cut my hand off." Nice daughter, huh?

Her abs are killing her! I told her, "hey I breastfed you and changed your diapers! do you really think think these breasts got this way on their own?"


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Halloween Challenge - lost .5 lbs. this week...it's a LOSS so I'll take it, especially since I didn't even TRY! :-D

FYI - I happen to own a Ben and Jerry's cookbook...I'll look up a couple of the recipes and post them for you so you can make it at home without fear of gross stuff in the batch...

Now, must go pick up my mother from teh airport...she's already a little crazy and after insisting on flying the 'little" plane out here instead of an AK Airlines jet...she'll be neurotic for the rest of the day...and Monday when she prepares to fly home to Fairbanks! AAAhhhh!!!

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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