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Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum

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Yeah, 3 weeks of PMS would send me over the edge. I gotta' say, having a hysterectomy improved my quality of life immensely. I know that's not very PC to say, but I haven't regretted it one bit.

I really think you're right about converting just prior to my surgery. In fact, I had an incidence of awful neuropathy in one of my cranial nerves that started last May and just barely cleared up before my surgery. It was horrible and no one could figure out what started it. Now I"m wondering if that was what was going on. I"m going to ask my doc on Friday. Either way, I think I can safely say that this surgery is most definitely the best thing I could have done for myself in sooo many ways.

Yeah, this prolonged PMS without the M is really getting old! AND my weight won't move!

I think the best for you is to sit and talk to your doctor about things. Ask him if he'll let you start Metformin. Let us know what he says.

I am celebrating today. Even though I am up a pound...grrrrrrr....I am actually wearing a size 8 shorts. And a S/M top. Just had to share, I know that you all will be happy about it, when no else really cares.

Wow! Size 8!!! You are such a success story! Congrats!!!

So I had an NSV today too. I put on a pair of pants that I have been avoiding because before surgery they were super tight. Well, I put them on and they are comfortable now! YAY!:drool:


Doesn't that feel good? I love when that happens! I have a pair of jeans I've been avoiding! I might need to try them!!

Oh, I wish I could have been there!!!

Dee, wow you are looking good. Everytime you post a new pic I am just blown away by the change.

You're so sweet! Thanks! My double chin is still here, but I think it's getting a little smaller!

Let us know how it goes! Hey, I showed DH your pics last night. He was SHOCKED at the difference. He said he couldn't believe that you had changed that much with a 56 lb loss


I agree! Think that 80 Talking Boobies is looking rather HOT!!!

Wow, thanks, that's cool. I sent them to my sister who hadn't seen me for a few months and her response was "Holy shit!" :rolleyes2:

It's true! You do look amazing!

Dee, you look so pretty!! I concur with Mini about every time you post a new pic, you just get prettier and prettier. I am glad you gals had a good time.

Thanks Sister! BUT I have a feeling that your weight loss has really affected your vision! HA!

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Okay, first the dress . . . if you can scrape up the 200 bucks, I say you go for the one that makes you feel like a hottie. You're worth it!!!

The fence . . . oh, my. What asses.

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So, we embarked upon the dress shopping journey this morning. We got to Davids Bridal, and the girl there was so snotty to Shelli (the bride) that we wanted to snatch her up and leave. Just acted like we were putting her out, was rolling her eyes...just RUDE. We sucked it up and I discreetly complained to the manager about her later and they sent her home for the day.

Shelli found her bridal gown in about 20 minutes and it is absolutely gorgeous. Our bridesmaid gowns were a different story. We were told there (and at every other shop) that we would have to buy off the rack because both events are so soon in the future. We were getting black bridesmaid dresses, so you think this would be easy, right? Not!! Jen, the Maid of Honor, is pregnant, so she picked this empire waist chiffon flowy thing that just looked HORRIBLE on me. And they literally had no other dresses on the rack in my size in black. So we spent the entire rest of the day looking for a stupid dress. Do you know where I finally found one? At a consignment shop!! It is black satin, strapless with a fitted bodice, with pickups in the skirt. The only thing about it is it has an ugly rhinestone brooch on the front, but I am removing it because it is only secured by about two stitches. It looks nothing like Jens gown, but I am going to tie it in with hers by getting beaded shoes and jewelry because she has black beading on hers. $70. Not bad. And there was a lady there who said she would do the alterations for $20.

As far as my Marine Corp Ball gown goes....I found one I love at Davids Bridal and they can order it for me. I looked like a total hottie in it. But then I went to another store and found a similar dress (although not as cute) on clearance for a total of $25!!! But the color is a light grey, which does not look great on me. With my blonde hair it kind of washes me out.

So now my dilemma is this...do I be the cheapskate I am and buy the $25 dress, or do I get the super pretty one that is almost $200? Decisions, decisions. Please let me know if pictures would help! :rolleyes2:

And all my opinions on the dresses I asked about last night ended up being a moot point because the bridal shops told me that manufacturer takes 12 WEEKS to get dresses to them!! Yikes!!

I think you should go with the one that looks the best on you. If grey isn't your color, I think you should go with the more expensive one. Do you think there would be any other occasional to wear it? Even if not, sometimes we have to just say, "WTH" or whatever and go with the best! I say, you work hard for your money, you deserve something nice!

I got a letter in the mail from the attorney today saying that they want to take the fence issue to trial?? WTF?? What is wrong with these people? All they have to do is provide a survey, which I am assuming they will have to do in court to prove their case, and I said I would move the fence if the survey says it is over the property line. Why make things more difficult than they need to be? I guess I just need to talk to the lawyer and ask him what the heck is going on.

These people perplex me. There is something seriously wrong with them. :wink: It is kind of starting to scare me.

And this is still my response to them (again, of course without the accompanying smile):drool:

I can honestly say I have never hated anyone so much in my life as I do these people. Actually, I can honestly say I have never hated anyone EXCEPT these people!!!!

Those people are scary! I have to wonder what is wrong with them! Maybe you should ask the attorney if you do some kind of mediation. I know that would truly suck being in the same room with them, but if it would work to avoid court it might be worth it!

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You're so sweet! Thanks! My double chin is still here, but I think it's getting a little smaller!

Dontcha just love the chins? I have three. At least. And now that they are shrinking I have that lovely turkey waddle thing. Yummy. Super duper attractive.

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I think you should go with the one that looks the best on you. If grey isn't your color, I think you should go with the more expensive one. Do you think there would be any other occasional to wear it? Even if not, sometimes we have to just say, "WTH" or whatever and go with the best! I say, you work hard for your money, you deserve something nice!

Those people are scary! I have to wonder what is wrong with them! Maybe you should ask the attorney if you do some kind of mediation. I know that would truly suck being in the same room with them, but if it would work to avoid court it might be worth it!

I probably will get the prettier dress, as much as I hate to pass up that good of a bargain!! Maybe I will take a pic of the dress I bought and post it and see what you gals think...but not tonight. I'm pooped from all this silly dress shopping!! I have to say when I put on the one I liked I felt like a princess!! So you are right, it is probably worth the $200.

I have thought about asking about mediation. I just don't understand the court thing. What do they hope to gain by it? The end result is going to be the same regardless-I am going to end up having to move my fence, which means I will end up having to sue the guy that built it because he won't do it for free (and the lawyer says he should), and they will have something REALLY ugly painted on their side of the fence for the rest of eternity. Why do we need to go to court for that? And WHY can't these people get their heads out of their asses and JUST GET OVER IT-it's 4 inches for crying out loud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Yeah, this prolonged PMS without the M is really getting old! AND my weight won't move!

I think the best for you is to sit and talk to your doctor about things. Ask him if he'll let you start Metformin. Let us know what he says.

Wow! Size 8!!! You are such a success story! Congrats!!!

Doesn't that feel good? I love when that happens! I have a pair of jeans I've been avoiding! I might need to try them!!

You're so sweet! Thanks! My double chin is still here, but I think it's getting a little smaller!

It's true! You do look amazing!

Thanks Sister! BUT I have a feeling that your weight loss has really affected your vision! HA!

No vision problems here!!!! Just honesty!!:rolleyes2:

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Hey Munchie, you should do something like this on their side of the fence - except make it neon green and neon orange!!!! :rolleyes2: (hope this picture works, lol)


...or you could go really really tacky and hire someone to do this!!! of course, i wouldn't make such a pretty beach scene. i'd put a really fat hairy man on one side of the beach, and a dog taking a dump on the other side! :drool:


Edited by jmegirl

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Hey Munchie, you should do something like this on their side of the fence - except make it neon green and neon orange!!!! :tt2: (hope this picture works, lol)


...or you could go really really tacky and hire someone to do this!!! of course, i wouldn't make such a pretty beach scene. i'd put a really fat hairy man on one side of the beach, and a dog taking a dump on the other side! :w00t:



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So I finally broke into the 280's today!! FINALLY!!! It's only 289.5 but STILL!!!

I think this upping my calories thing and eating when I am hungry is really helping.:rolleyes2::thumbup::drool::thumbup:

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So I finally broke into the 280's today!! FINALLY!!! It's only 289.5 but STILL!!!

I think this upping my calories thing and eating when I am hungry is really helping.:rolleyes2::thumbup::drool::thumbup:

Lotza, that's fantastic. Congratulations!!! That must feel good!

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My mom said someone in her neighborhood must have had the same problem, because one side of her neighbors fence facing the neighbors yard is painted like the top picture-only in alternating primary colors and she said the technique was less than stellar. :blush: If I decide to paint it, I can guarantee it will be ugly, that's for sure!

I have the guy who put the fence up coming to give me an estimate on moving it today (although he does not know my lawyer wants to sue him to do it for free). I told him if I have to move it, I wanted an estimate for putting fence down the whole side of the property line on that side. 6 foot privacy fence until where it meets my house, then 4 foot for the rest of the yard. It will least make it a pain in the ass when they mow the yard because they will have to weed whack that entire length of fence then!

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Dee and Nora: It was great meeting the two of you! What beautiful women you are!:thumbup:

Dee: Thanks for being so open and sharing; you are a remarkable role model for your daughter. (Hope she got the "old woman" trained on the register; did she sneak home any bread? :wub:)

Well, yesterday was one long one. Left Portland at 7am and returned at midnight. Lots of sittin' and readin' in between; plus almost 6 hours sitting in an airplane. The amount of Water retained in my ankles could irrigate a small desert nation! Sheesh.....:girl_hug:

Hopefully, this first fill will get me back on the losers' bench.

Congrats to Brandy and Lotza. You guys inspire the rest of us to keep going!!

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Deb~So sorry I missed you! Just as I thought, I ended up working late. I was thinking about you gals and you all look terrific, thanks for posting the picture.

Hey Munchkin, sorry to hear about the fence, I just can't believe how far they are willing to take this over four inches! Sooo weird!

Life and Dee~I finally got the book. I am thinking of starting after my 5k. The book is a real kick in the a**, like a wake up call. Wouldn't it be awesome to have him as your personal trainer? I would love that!

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Dee and Nora: It was great meeting the two of you! What beautiful women you are!:thumbup:

Dee: Thanks for being so open and sharing; you are a remarkable role model for your daughter. (Hope she got the "old woman" trained on the register; did she sneak home any bread? :wub:)

Well, yesterday was one long one. Left Portland at 7am and returned at midnight. Lots of sittin' and readin' in between; plus almost 6 hours sitting in an airplane. The amount of Water retained in my ankles could irrigate a small desert nation! Sheesh.....:girl_hug:

Hopefully, this first fill will get me back on the losers' bench.

Congrats to Brandy and Lotza. You guys inspire the rest of us to keep going!!

Deb, how was your fill? Did it go okay? Do you feel okay today? Yes, that is a loooonnng day. Yuck.

Deb~So sorry I missed you! Just as I thought, I ended up working late. I was thinking about you gals and you all look terrific, thanks for posting the picture.

Hey Munchkin, sorry to hear about the fence, I just can't believe how far they are willing to take this over four inches! Sooo weird!

Life and Dee~I finally got the book. I am thinking of starting after my 5k. The book is a real kick in the a**, like a wake up call. Wouldn't it be awesome to have him as your personal trainer? I would love that!

Mal, remind me again when your 5k is happening????

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