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Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum

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Ok, I feel slightly better that I am not the only one in the world that carries on conversations with my dogs and translates for them. Of course, maybe we should not tell people about this because it is making us look a bit wacky. Oh, what the heck, everyone knows we are wacky anyway!!!:)

I am going to babysit my grandbabies (dogs, but we don't tell them that) for five days while my daughter goes to a conference in San Diego. She currently has four but that number is ever changing because she works at the local animal shelter and takes all the old dogs so they can have a good life before dying naturally. Their feeding routine alone takes about an hour with all of their supplements and medications. Then they have their appropriate clothing for outdoor walks etc. depending on the weather. Pork Chop Frank and Trulee Frances are my natural grandbabies and then the two current foster grandbabies are Avery Louise and Scooter Pie. They are all small dogs.

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This is good to know. Two wks. from today and I will be banded.:) I am freaking out! I'm also not sleeping @ night :) but am excited to get surgery over with.

9pdmnm5 - First, what is up with that name? Geesh...usually I can just write a couple of letters and it makes sense. Give us a heads-up on your name, eh! Second, I asked Dr. K for a script for Ambien so I'd be able to sleep the night before surgery because I was a little anxious. I'm sure he'd call something in for you if you're really having trouble. I'm not a proponent of pill popping, but if it helps you prepare for surgery, well, then...


What prescriptions did Dr. K prescribe for post-op? I asked Natalie but she hasn't responded. I want to check on pricing before I go.

Also, did he use a catheter? I'm a little freaked out about some other posts I saw where the Dr. used a catheter.

Cassy - for pre-op he ordered...well, not a script, but I was supposed to get a laxative and that was it...he gave me a script (that I requested) for some sleep meds so I'd sleep the night before surgery because I was all anxious. He did not tell me to get the cleaning stuff...I think that's an individual basis thing. For post-op meds I had a liquid antibiotic and liquid Vicodin (nasty stuff) I got it filled at Walgreens, but the prices previously quoted (about $50) is about the same everywhere. Just make sure you have some stuff like Jello, broth, Water, etc. on hand for the first couple of days...I was one of the ones that recovered fairly easily.

CRAP!! The scale broke last night. I thought it was the battery, but I changed that and it's still kaput! Yeah, I can go get another one, but I was pretty consistent with that one - if you know what I mean. Dangi-it!! So much for weighing in on Friday!

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Please pray for my hubby today. Surgery is at 1. They are removing at least 18 inches of his colon, the mass (that we are hoping is NOT cancer). He will be in the hospital for a week. I am a crying, scared nervous wreck. Hoping that I don't have to hear the "c" word.

You and your family is in my prayers.

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I feel the same way and am hoping that my first fill (Oct. 7) will last a little while. Where did you find fills for $200.?

I was told that Fill Centers USA in NC does fills for about $165/fill, but there's a $400 "start-up fee" before anything. Of course, I haven't verified this. ShelbiCallie told me that's what she pays.

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Hello all. I am new. I have been doing research and have found out about Dr. K. I have learned alot just by listening to all of you.

Welcome, Julie.ann!


I finally decided to stop reading post and read Dr. K's website - picked up the phone and talked with his office staff (VERY NICE & INFORMATIVE). I just called last week and was given my date of 10/30.

Welcome, NFaith!

Though now this does explain why I am always feeling exhausted. Even with my usual 7-9 hours of sleep. Sometimes I even take naps. I wonder if when I get this taken care of if I will start to lose faster? Any of you ladies have this condition too?

Hey Marie, I had severe sleep apnea pre-op and had one of the CPAP contraptions. Since I've lost some weight, I no longer snore and the house has stop complaining so I've been doing fine without the machine lately. I think there is a connection between the lack of sleep and oxygen deprivation from sleep apnea and weight loss, though.

HI everyone, I am scheduled for surgery with Dr. K on the 24th of September. I am unbelievably excited!

Welcome, Cassy!

Wow, eight more days to go before being banded. Feeling nervous and excited at the same time. This site is wonderful!:)

Welcome, Lowbmier!

Here is the picture I promised of Rachael from Homecoming this is her and her date (just friends) and her and her 2 best friends.

She is stunning!

okey dokey, as promised here the the USA Jello mold with candidates stuck in their home states

Love it!!

Quick question for all of Dr. K's patients... I have heard he does both Lapband and Realize band.... Does Dr. K decide for you or give you the choice? if you chose...which one did you choose? And what was the deciding factor for you?


Welcome allymb! I have the APS band. I don't think the Realize band was available when I was banded, so I can't speak to that.

well, we spent 4 days at our place in Central Oregon high desert. Beautiful weather. Tucker is doing okay. He won't eat consistently: both in frequency and in the menu. What he will eat one day, he puts his nose up the next. Right now he will eat eggs, cheese, and bbq hamburger. I am thinking of opening everything in my pantry and let him pick what he wants! He gets his stitches out Tuesday.

Getting anxious about my first fill!!

Eggs, cheese and bbq hamburger -- works for me! In my next life I am coming back as one of your dogs.

Winter is coming, winter is coming! NSV for me...BIG one. YEARS ago my DH got me a cool leather jacket. It's one of those "fitted" ones with one button. Well, I never could wear it comfortably with it buttoned (boobs too big, too tight, etc.) But I decided to throw it on yesterday and, WHAM, it fits perfect! Actually, there's plenty of room to spare so maybe it's time for a new one?!?! :-)

Way to go, Marcy!

Had my first workout with Cynthia this morning. I hate her. :laugh: ha ha. I love her too. She kicked my butt.:svengo:I felt close to tossing my Cookies but I hung on. I am going to have to hit the gym HARD this week if I expect to keep up with her next Monday. She gave me homework!! Love it!

Way to go, Ador! I got a good butt kickin' today, too -- feels good! (Of course, I mean that in a totally non-S&M way. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Oh, I better stop here.)

I've gotten totally behind again...just dropping in to say "hi." Things are crazy busy workwise for me. I know I'm late weighing in for the challenge but I'm down 2 pounds -- finally, same weight as the ol' hubby. He asked if I wanted him to gain some weight to make me feel better. Um, no! He needs to lose at least 50 pounds himself!

I'll try to catch up with you crazy gals sometime soon, I'm afraid it'll be the weekend though. Hugs to all, hope everyone is well!

Hey Greenie, Congrats! Good to hear from you!

I had labs drawn today. We shall see. I have some weird vascular stuff that goes on in my body (autoimmune) and I just never know . . . .

Keep us posted on those results, Mini. How's the swelling today? When you say autoimmune and vascular, I get worried.

Busy, busy work weekend again. No cute 4 year old patients that wanted to give me cornrows, but I did have an adorable 98 year old man that I didn't think would make it through the night Friday. He was so much better by last night that he wouldn't sleep or be quiet all night! He kept having accidents in the bed, and he told me "Someone keeps shitting in my bed!" I about cracked up. Yep, that would be the shit elves! :) They are the worst kind of elves!

Shit elves -- love it! We used to call a Code Brown.

Our biggest cat, Fatso, also has a song: "Fatso, Fatso man. He wants to be a big fat man".:)

Sung to the Village People Tune, right? LOL

NSV - my underwear are getting too big.

Way to go Mini!Time to move on down the clothesline to the thong!

I love it! You guys sound like my daughter and me! WE can't have real pets, so we have pretend ones! We have a pretend "Raptor" named "Raptee" he's really fat and wants to get a Lap Band, but he doesn't have the money, so he's working extra hours at the cafeteria at Parker Adventist Hospital. We also have all of these stuffed baby cows that we bought before I had my surgery. Actually, my daughter bought me one for when I was having surgery the first time, then the surgery fell through and she bought me another one. Then we were there on Christmas Eve and saw two more in the 99 cent basket, they were discounted because they have anomalies. Marie, she's the brilliant one, she can even read. She has a hoof missing. It's very sad. And then there is Cowie, he has an asymetrical head. Millie is the really mean one. She's really chubby. And then Charlie, he's just a sweetie, but usually ends up crying a lot because Millie is so mean. Here is a picture of them! We also have pumpkin, the cat and Piggy. We're all pretty bizzare, aren't we?

I'm feeling a special vibe with Mille -- she's chubby and mean and makes Charlie cry. I like her.

Today at 2 I go for the 2nd boob squishing session.

When will you hear results? Keep us posted!

Tally, I love your grandbabies' names! Please tell your daughter thanks for what she's doing for those old dogs -- that is wonderful!!

I can't keep up with you guys anymore, but I still love you all!

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Okay, kind of a drive-by . . .

First of all, Brandy, sending lots of positive vibes your way. Please post about DH when you can.

Got my blood tests back . . . electrolytes are great. Kidneys and liver are swell. My glucose was 156!!!!! I am soooooo bummed. So so so bummed. It's never been that high! I was sure it would be down since I've started losing weight. So now I have to go in and have an oral GTT . . . diabetes is rampant in my family and I have been teetering on the edge for several years. Damn.

But here's some good news . . . a long time ago I think I posted about how my son and I were interviewed for a short little informational video about this organization for people with schizophrenia . . . anyhoo, the woman who is the head of the international organization called today to say that our story would be highlighted in the video and they want us to come to New York and speak at some special function at the UN! I will only speak for like 5 minutes after they show the video, but it's pretty cool!!!

Sorry to be selfish and just talk about myself here, but I was really excited about the UN thing and really bummed about the glucose thing and needed to share the good and the bad. :thumbup::frown:

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Okay, kind of a drive-by . . .

First of all, Brandy, sending lots of positive vibes your way. Please post about DH when you can.

Got my blood tests back . . . electrolytes are great. Kidneys and liver are swell. My glucose was 156!!!!! I am soooooo bummed. So so so bummed. It's never been that high! I was sure it would be down since I've started losing weight. So now I have to go in and have an oral GTT . . . diabetes is rampant in my family and I have been teetering on the edge for several years. Damn.

But here's some good news . . . a long time ago I think I posted about how my son and I were interviewed for a short little informational video about this organization for people with schizophrenia . . . anyhoo, the woman who is the head of the international organization called today to say that our story would be highlighted in the video and they want us to come to New York and speak at some special function at the UN! I will only speak for like 5 minutes after they show the video, but it's pretty cool!!!

Sorry to be selfish and just talk about myself here, but I was really excited about the UN thing and really bummed about the glucose thing and needed to share the good and the bad. :thumbup::frown:

That is so cool, Mini!!! The U freakin' N!!!! How can I get a copy of the video?? I am so proud of you and your son!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sorry about the glucose result. Maybe the GTT will show that you're still just on the boderline. And the weight loss you are experiencing will remedy that.

Hugs to you, friend!

I wish we'd hear from Brandy!!

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That is so cool, Mini!!! The U freakin' N!!!! How can I get a copy of the video?? I am so proud of you and your son!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sorry about the glucose result. Maybe the GTT will show that you're still just on the boderline. And the weight loss you are experiencing will remedy that.

Hugs to you, friend!

I wish we'd hear from Brandy!!

I wish we'd hear from Brandy too. I'm getting nervous. I'm going to zhumba in a bit here, so I hope she checks in before then.

I'm really hoping I'm still borderline. Crud. I was sure it was going to be really good!! Well, I'll just keep losing more weight and get it under control. What else can I do?

Still don't know what the swelling thing is about. I may have to go to my rheumatologist. Argh. It's a real production to get an appointment, and then they just kind of shrug their shoulders and say "well, as you know there's not much we can do for autoimmune problems. Make sure you take your NSAIDS." The good news is that my ANA titer has been way down for the past 2 years, so there doesn't seem to be anything active going on. So I doubt it's related . . .

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Hey Lifesaver, Thanks for heading this up! I'm psyched! I finished reading the BFL book and have reviewed the website. I think I'm going to switch from the BFL online tracker to the printed journal pages. Makes me feel more accountable to be doing what you guys are doing.(I'm wierd that way.) Today I went to the Y, took a printed copy of the Daily Fitness Assessment from the BFL book, and one of Wellness Center Instructors went through each of the magnum machines with me to make sure that I can hit on everything that the BFL program stresses. The Instructor was big on BFL. Did both upper and lower today so I'd know how to do everything independently when I go back. Might I add my butt has been thoroughly kicked already today?! I am heading to the grocery store with my list to stock up!

Question -- do you really do your cardio on an empty stomach (just water) as Bill Phillips describes in the book? Then eat protein/carb within an hour?

I haven't done any pictures yet, guess I'll do that today too!

I think Sunday will be my free day and Monday check ins are good for me. Or every day check ins. Whatever you think will be most helpful.

Yes...cardio on an empty stomach first thing in the morning if possible. The reasoning behind it is that your body reaches for those glucose reserves and exhausts anything that is there...and that sets you up for fat burning the rest of the day. You should eat the Protein and carbs within an hour of the cardio to help with recovery.

As far as weight training workouts and food...you definatly want to eat before and after your workouts. Your body will need the fuel and the protein to build up the muscles. Don't ever try and weight train on an empty stomach. Totally counter-productive.

I'm excited for you girls. Let's post daily for a while and see how that goes.

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Okay, kind of a drive-by . . .

First of all, Brandy, sending lots of positive vibes your way. Please post about DH when you can.

Got my blood tests back . . . electrolytes are great. Kidneys and liver are swell. My glucose was 156!!!!! I am soooooo bummed. So so so bummed. It's never been that high! I was sure it would be down since I've started losing weight. So now I have to go in and have an oral GTT . . . diabetes is rampant in my family and I have been teetering on the edge for several years. Damn.

But here's some good news . . . a long time ago I think I posted about how my son and I were interviewed for a short little informational video about this organization for people with schizophrenia . . . anyhoo, the woman who is the head of the international organization called today to say that our story would be highlighted in the video and they want us to come to New York and speak at some special function at the UN! I will only speak for like 5 minutes after they show the video, but it's pretty cool!!!

Sorry to be selfish and just talk about myself here, but I was really excited about the UN thing and really bummed about the glucose thing and needed to share the good and the bad. :thumbup::frown:

Mini-bummer about your glucose, but maybe (crossing my fingers) it was a fluke. And the more weight you lose the better it will get!!

And that is sooooo cool about the video! And you were worried you guys would end up on the cutting room floor!! What an awesome way to educate people about mental illness.

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Well, it is as I suspected with the a-hole neighbors across the alley. They are buying the empty estate house next door for their daughter as I feared. She is my age and a complete beotch. She makes her mom look nice. They are over there cleaning tonight. So it's official-I am now going to be completely surrounded by them. Sigh. I think I may have to throw in the towel and sell my house and move. I don't think I can take being surrounded. I will go insane. Literally. Only I do not have the financial means to move unless I take my husband back. So it is a catch 22 in the worst sense.

But...now that I know for sure that is the reason I got the letter demanding I move the fence...I could really drag this out for a long time if they decide not to drop the issue. My attorney told me if I make them take me to court over it they wouldn't even get a court date until probably December 2009 and they can't sell the house until then. Hopefully their lawyer will convey to them that it is in their best interest to drop it, but if not, I know I can make their lives equally miserable for awhile at least.:thumbup:

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Well, after the radiologist having the tech take several different films of my boob (including one that rolls the tissue around that the tech referred to as a literal titty twister-pleasant), it has been deemed ok. But I still have a wierd feeling about it. I know I am being paranoid, but given my family history I think I am entitled to a little bit of paranoia. :thumbup:

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Well, after the radiologist having the tech take several different films of my boob (including one that rolls the tissue around that the tech referred to as a literal titty twister-pleasant), it has been deemed ok. But I still have a wierd feeling about it. I know I am being paranoid, but given my family history I think I am entitled to a little bit of paranoia. :thumbup:

Well, I can certainly understand your paranoia . . . but I really do think that they tend to err on the side of safety with people who have a family history. Do you feel pretty comfortable with your breast care center?

BTW-Sorry to hear about your neighbor situation. Oh my. They just sound swell. Hope they drop the damned fence thing. Geez.

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I am going to babysit my grandbabies (dogs, but we don't tell them that) for five days while my daughter goes to a conference in San Diego. She currently has four but that number is ever changing because she works at the local animal shelter and takes all the old dogs so they can have a good life before dying naturally. Their feeding routine alone takes about an hour with all of their supplements and medications. Then they have their appropriate clothing for outdoor walks etc. depending on the weather. Pork Chop Frank and Trulee Frances are my natural grandbabies and then the two current foster grandbabies are Avery Louise and Scooter Pie. They are all small dogs.

Oh they sound just adorable. what fun names. We have a Scooter Bug at our house, but Scooter Pie just cracks me up.

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Well, that's what I was thinking. Now I can't remember where I read that 3-4 months thing - so I'm kinda scared, LOL. If I need a fill every month for several months, that is going to be expensive! It'll mean a 3hr car ride for a $200 fill, or an all-day trip back to Dr. K's office for a free fill - with a $200 roundtrip airline ticket.

Gosh, now I'm bummed. I don't have that kinda time (or cash) on my hands, ya know? I was thinking I could afford $200/fill every 4 months, but every month? :thumbup:


Don't get discouraged yet about the fills. I didn't need my first fill until 8 weeks post op and then I have only had one other. I'm 7.5 months post op and I have only had 2 fills. I know I might be an oddity, but I do have pretty good restriction and I'm losing weight pretty consistently. Tom, the PA in Dr. K's office says that every one is different when it comes to fills and restriction. My last fill was in May and I've been in the green zone since that time.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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