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Hey BLF'ers. So, I'm curious who is joining Dee and I on the BFL Challenge. I am aware of Denise and Shelbi. Let me know if there is anyone else that wants to play. I am going to provide some helpful hints and try to answer some of the questions I have been getting for everyone. We start tomorrow.

First of all, if you haven't been to the website yet, it is www.bodyforlife.com. There is tons of info on that site that will be of great use. For tracking food and workouts, I love the journals they provide a free down load of at Body-for-LIFE Exercise Journals

Shelbi is doing something called bfltracker....and Im not sure what it is, but I'm assuming it's an online version of the journal pages. I also highly recommend that you buy the book or check it out from the library, etc. I have an extra copy if someone local wants to borrow for the next 12 weeks.

Getting started. I highly recommend that you take pics (bathing suit, or limited clothes) to start and then every week after. Because you will be building muscle it will be important to not totally rely on the scale. The week by week comparison of pics will be very motivating and will absolutley give you the evidence that what you are doing is working. BFL is about changing your body. I also recommend that you take your measurements before, at 4 weeks, 8 weeks and then at the finish line. You will be astounded by your results. I don't think it's a good idea to measure our success on this challenge by the amount of weight lost. I would rather just count success as completion of the challenge. We can post daily or weekly about if we got our food in, if we hit our 10's, etc. I will do a post that has a happy face for the weeks that we are complete. My free days will probably be one of the weekend days. You are welcome to pick whatever day works for you. Sunday is usually a winner. Free days are just that. Eat whatever you want and do not work out. Your body really needs this. It's partly to let it rest, and the other part is shocking it with totally different nutrition.

Workouts. Shelbi, you can use any kind of weights. weight machines, body weight, etc. The trick is to make sure you are doing the exercises based on the intensity format they describe. For the first week or two you will be unsure of what a "10" is, but over time you will need to make sure you try and hit your "10's" on each exercise. This helps to keep you from plateauing. For me a "10" is "if someone was going to give me a million dollars to do one more rep, I still couldnt do it"....or for cardio, a 10 is me feeling like I need to throw up:-) The workouts are so short (20 minutes for cardio) that you must, must, must get the intensity in. It is not fun, but it's over fast. What I say to myself is that "I can do anything for 20 minutes". Once you are into your groove, the weight workouts are only 40-50 minutes, MAX. You will be, and should be, SORE a great deal of the time. This means that you are building muscle and is a good sign. Do not over-do it and injure yourself.

Food. The food is really important because you MUST give your body all of the fuel it will need to build the muscle and keep up with the workouts. Becasue we can't eat as much as BFL would have, I am going to modify my diet to get in 4-5 small BFL meals in (BFL recommends 5-6 which I'm not sure I could do....if you can, I highly recommend sticking to their plan exactly). Each meal should consist of a serving of Protein and a good carb (Oatmeal, brown rice, whole grain anything, sweet potato, potato, corn, etc). Try and throw veggies in a couple times a day also. For the most part you should be used to eating this way. The trick will be getting enough nutrition in. It is vital!!! Your body can only change as much as you give it the fuel to do so. There are recipe ideas and shopping list suggestions on the BFL website or you can ask me. Preparation is the key. Don't ever find yourself hungry without a healthy BFL option close by. I also have found some fast food items that I use in a pinch if I am out and about without any good food. You do not want to go more than 3 hours without eating. And you must drink a ton of Water. This could be tricky with the band and not drinking with meals so I'm curious to see how well I will do. Since there is Water in Protein shakes, I might be drinking several of those a day to kill two birds-one stone.

IF you complete this challege and document your progress with photos/measurements, you will have amazing results...I promise! The goal is just to complete. If you are craving something, just try and remember that you have a free day coming so you can eat anything you want. If you don't feel like working out, do it anyway. THis is only 12 weeks of your life. You will have a new body by Christmas!

How do you girls want to do check ins for this challenge? Do you want to post once a week about your progress? Struggles? Victories? I think Mondays are a good day to do that....since it will be after our free day. We start tomorrow and can start checking in the following Monday. Of course if there are any questions or things you want to share on a daily basis, feel free. Let me know your thoughts.

Now, get your butt to the grocery store and stock your cupboards. Print out your journals and take some naked pics!!! I would love to hear everyone's plan for getting started.......

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Updating with Greenie's data. Good job!!!

Adorkable Goal: 15/ wk 1: +5:laugh:

Bahotmomma Goal: 17/ wk 1: -1:laugh:

BellaPerdente Goal: 25/ wk 1: 0:laugh:

Bookholder Goal: 15/wk 1: +1:laugh:

Brandymom Goal: 20/ wk 1: -3.5:laugh:

Deboregon Goal: 15 smile.gif

DenverGirl Goal: 8/ wk 1: -2:laugh:

Greenchrysalis Goal: 15/ wk 1: -2 :rolleyes:

Lifesaver Goal: 15 smile.gif

Lotzasunshine Goal: 20/wk 1: -2 :tt2:

Marcyinak Goal: 16/wk 1: -4:laugh:

Minidriver Goal: 16/wk 1: -0:laugh:

Munchkin Goal: 15/wk 1: +1:laugh:

PrtyAntOvrYt Goal: 28/wk 1: +.8 :blush:

ShelbiCallie Goal: 22/wk 1: 0:laugh:

Sidann Goal: 19/wk 1: -2:laugh:

Forgot to post my weight......up 1 lb for the first week of the challenge. Haven't been such a good girl. Oh well, that will all change when I start BFL tomorrow. Thanks for keeping track.

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No, we're "special". That's different!

One year DH gave me a card signed by all the animals with comments from each one of them. It was so cute.

Each of my pets have different voices. One of the cats (Scooter Bug) has a speech impediment. Fatso uses really bad grammar. Bitten Marie is very soft-spoken but rather haughty. Sophie Bean is quite enthused. Keeley Anna is earnest. Gracie May talks really fast and kind of has ADD.

Yeah, okay. I'm really freakin' weird.:rolleyes:

Yes, we are "special". My animals all have different voices also!! :tt2:

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And before any of you get too scared . . . I only tell my students this stuff AFTER class has been in session for a few weeks. I don't want them to think I'm TOO weird. Geez.

I usually tell them about my pets shortly after I tell them how I once broke multiple bones shooting free throws in my driveway with my kids. And that I brushed my teeth with Nair one time.

Hmmm . . . . good thing people in administration don't visit my classes!!

So did the Nair work good on your teeth? Are they nice and smooth and hairless now? :rolleyes: Ewww, I bet that tasted awful! That stuff smells awful even!!

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Hey munch, when do you go back for close up views of your 80 boobs?

Today at 2 I go for the 2nd boob squishing session.

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I love it! You guys sound like my daughter and me! WE can't have real pets, so we have pretend ones! We have a pretend "Raptor" named "Raptee" he's really fat and wants to get a Lap Band, but he doesn't have the money, so he's working extra hours at the cafeteria at Parker Adventist Hospital. We also have all of these stuffed baby cows that we bought before I had my surgery. Actually, my daughter bought me one for when I was having surgery the first time, then the surgery fell through and she bought me another one. Then we were there on Christmas Eve and saw two more in the 99 cent basket, they were discounted because they have anomalies. Marie, she's the brilliant one, she can even read. She has a hoof missing. It's very sad. And then there is Cowie, he has an asymetrical head. Millie is the really mean one. She's really chubby. And then Charlie, he's just a sweetie, but usually ends up crying a lot because Millie is so mean. Here is a picture of them! We also have pumpkin, the cat and Piggy. We're all pretty bizzare, aren't we?

Ok Mini, it's official-we are NOT the only "special" ones here! :rolleyes:

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BTW, Jeff sent me those flowers when I had my surgery. We sent him this picture to thank him!

I forgot to tell you, sometimes my daughter will pose them doing stuff, when I get home from work, I find them on my bed, Marie reading them a story or watching TV or doing something silly. I sometimes have them going up the stairs to her room or in her shower! It's fun!

That's funny!! You will have to start thinking of new and creative things for them to do for the upcoming holidays!

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Yes Munchi, did you find out about your boobies?

Hey, maybe we should incorporate my 80 boobies into our band name somehow? :rolleyes: Puff Mini, Heavy DD, and the 80 Munchkin Boobies?

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Hey, maybe we should incorporate my 80 boobies into our band name somehow? :rolleyes: Puff Mini, Heavy DD, and the 80 Munchkin Boobies?

That's perfect or Puff Mama Heavy DD and the 80 Talking Boobies!

Don't you talk to your Boobies? I do! AND I'm not too happy with them right now!!! They went south for the winter and haven't returned!!!

IN College I had this really cute frog a lady from church crocheted me. He sat on my bed. My roommate used to make him do the most perverted things ever! I'd return to the room from class and find him violating himself and my other stuffed animals! She turned out to be a congresswoman for the state of NE. Go Figure! I loved that silly girl! BUT I was so embarrassed for my frog!

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So did the Nair work good on your teeth? Are they nice and smooth and hairless now? :rolleyes: Ewww, I bet that tasted awful! That stuff smells awful even!!

Don't your teeth ever feel furry after a 12 hour shift? Esp on nights! I remember that!! Maybe the nair would work for that!

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Hey BLF'ers. So, I'm curious who is joining Dee and I on the BFL Challenge. I am aware of Denise and Shelbi. Let me know if there is anyone else that wants to play. I am going to provide some helpful hints and try to answer some of the questions I have been getting for everyone. We start tomorrow.

First of all, if you haven't been to the website yet, it is www.bodyforlife.com. There is tons of info on that site that will be of great use. For tracking food and workouts, I love the journals they provide a free down load of at Body-for-LIFE Exercise Journals

Shelbi is doing something called bfltracker....and Im not sure what it is, but I'm assuming it's an online version of the journal pages. I also highly recommend that you buy the book or check it out from the library, etc. I have an extra copy if someone local wants to borrow for the next 12 weeks.

Getting started. I highly recommend that you take pics (bathing suit, or limited clothes) to start and then every week after. Because you will be building muscle it will be important to not totally rely on the scale. The week by week comparison of pics will be very motivating and will absolutley give you the evidence that what you are doing is working. BFL is about changing your body. I also recommend that you take your measurements before, at 4 weeks, 8 weeks and then at the finish line. You will be astounded by your results. I don't think it's a good idea to measure our success on this challenge by the amount of weight lost. I would rather just count success as completion of the challenge. We can post daily or weekly about if we got our food in, if we hit our 10's, etc. I will do a post that has a happy face for the weeks that we are complete. My free days will probably be one of the weekend days. You are welcome to pick whatever day works for you. Sunday is usually a winner. Free days are just that. Eat whatever you want and do not work out. Your body really needs this. It's partly to let it rest, and the other part is shocking it with totally different nutrition.

Workouts. Shelbi, you can use any kind of weights. weight machines, body weight, etc. The trick is to make sure you are doing the exercises based on the intensity format they describe. For the first week or two you will be unsure of what a "10" is, but over time you will need to make sure you try and hit your "10's" on each exercise. This helps to keep you from plateauing. For me a "10" is "if someone was going to give me a million dollars to do one more rep, I still couldnt do it"....or for cardio, a 10 is me feeling like I need to throw up:-) The workouts are so short (20 minutes for cardio) that you must, must, must get the intensity in. It is not fun, but it's over fast. What I say to myself is that "I can do anything for 20 minutes". Once you are into your groove, the weight workouts are only 40-50 minutes, MAX. You will be, and should be, SORE a great deal of the time. This means that you are building muscle and is a good sign. Do not over-do it and injure yourself.

Food. The food is really important because you MUST give your body all of the fuel it will need to build the muscle and keep up with the workouts. Becasue we can't eat as much as BFL would have, I am going to modify my diet to get in 4-5 small BFL meals in (BFL recommends 5-6 which I'm not sure I could do....if you can, I highly recommend sticking to their plan exactly). Each meal should consist of a serving of Protein and a good carb (Oatmeal, brown rice, whole grain anything, sweet potato, potato, corn, etc). Try and throw veggies in a couple times a day also. For the most part you should be used to eating this way. The trick will be getting enough nutrition in. It is vital!!! Your body can only change as much as you give it the fuel to do so. There are recipe ideas and shopping list suggestions on the BFL website or you can ask me. Preparation is the key. Don't ever find yourself hungry without a healthy BFL option close by. I also have found some fast food items that I use in a pinch if I am out and about without any good food. You do not want to go more than 3 hours without eating. And you must drink a ton of Water. This could be tricky with the band and not drinking with meals so I'm curious to see how well I will do. Since there is Water in Protein shakes, I might be drinking several of those a day to kill two birds-one stone.

IF you complete this challege and document your progress with photos/measurements, you will have amazing results...I promise! The goal is just to complete. If you are craving something, just try and remember that you have a free day coming so you can eat anything you want. If you don't feel like working out, do it anyway. THis is only 12 weeks of your life. You will have a new body by Christmas!

How do you girls want to do check ins for this challenge? Do you want to post once a week about your progress? Struggles? Victories? I think Mondays are a good day to do that....since it will be after our free day. We start tomorrow and can start checking in the following Monday. Of course if there are any questions or things you want to share on a daily basis, feel free. Let me know your thoughts.

Now, get your butt to the grocery store and stock your cupboards. Print out your journals and take some naked pics!!! I would love to hear everyone's plan for getting started.......

Thanks Rene! I am so excited! I took my before pics this morning with my swim shorts on and my sports bra! Yikes! It was hideous! BUT I wish I had taken one of those very revealing pics before I got the band! Can you imagine?

I'll post some questions later. I'm headed out the door to the pool right now! I gotta get my laps in!

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Ladies, a quick question. Is it really necessary to get fills so soon after being banded? In my research, I have read that you would need a fill ideally every 3 to 4 months until you hit your sweet spot, but some people's signatures show them getting a fill every month after surgery for at least 3 months. That's just crazy expensive for me, and I'm hoping that's not normal??? :)

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Please pray for my hubby today. Surgery is at 1. They are removing at least 18 inches of his colon, the mass (that we are hoping is NOT cancer). He will be in the hospital for a week. I am a crying, scared nervous wreck. Hoping that I don't have to hear the "c" word.

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Hey BLF'ers. So, I'm curious who is joining Dee and I on the BFL Challenge. I am aware of Denise and Shelbi. Let me know if there is anyone else that wants to play. I am going to provide some helpful hints and try to answer some of the questions I have been getting for everyone. We start tomorrow.

First of all, if you haven't been to the website yet, it is www.bodyforlife.com. There is tons of info on that site that will be of great use. For tracking food and workouts, I love the journals they provide a free down load of at Body-for-LIFE Exercise Journals

Shelbi is doing something called bfltracker....and Im not sure what it is, but I'm assuming it's an online version of the journal pages. I also highly recommend that you buy the book or check it out from the library, etc. I have an extra copy if someone local wants to borrow for the next 12 weeks.

Getting started. I highly recommend that you take pics (bathing suit, or limited clothes) to start and then every week after. Because you will be building muscle it will be important to not totally rely on the scale. The week by week comparison of pics will be very motivating and will absolutley give you the evidence that what you are doing is working. BFL is about changing your body. I also recommend that you take your measurements before, at 4 weeks, 8 weeks and then at the finish line. You will be astounded by your results. I don't think it's a good idea to measure our success on this challenge by the amount of weight lost. I would rather just count success as completion of the challenge. We can post daily or weekly about if we got our food in, if we hit our 10's, etc. I will do a post that has a happy face for the weeks that we are complete. My free days will probably be one of the weekend days. You are welcome to pick whatever day works for you. Sunday is usually a winner. Free days are just that. Eat whatever you want and do not work out. Your body really needs this. It's partly to let it rest, and the other part is shocking it with totally different nutrition.

Workouts. Shelbi, you can use any kind of weights. weight machines, body weight, etc. The trick is to make sure you are doing the exercises based on the intensity format they describe. For the first week or two you will be unsure of what a "10" is, but over time you will need to make sure you try and hit your "10's" on each exercise. This helps to keep you from plateauing. For me a "10" is "if someone was going to give me a million dollars to do one more rep, I still couldnt do it"....or for cardio, a 10 is me feeling like I need to throw up:-) The workouts are so short (20 minutes for cardio) that you must, must, must get the intensity in. It is not fun, but it's over fast. What I say to myself is that "I can do anything for 20 minutes". Once you are into your groove, the weight workouts are only 40-50 minutes, MAX. You will be, and should be, SORE a great deal of the time. This means that you are building muscle and is a good sign. Do not over-do it and injure yourself.

Food. The food is really important because you MUST give your body all of the fuel it will need to build the muscle and keep up with the workouts. Becasue we can't eat as much as BFL would have, I am going to modify my diet to get in 4-5 small BFL meals in (BFL recommends 5-6 which I'm not sure I could do....if you can, I highly recommend sticking to their plan exactly). Each meal should consist of a serving of Protein and a good carb (Oatmeal, brown rice, whole grain anything, sweet potato, potato, corn, etc). Try and throw veggies in a couple times a day also. For the most part you should be used to eating this way. The trick will be getting enough nutrition in. It is vital!!! Your body can only change as much as you give it the fuel to do so. There are recipe ideas and shopping list suggestions on the BFL website or you can ask me. Preparation is the key. Don't ever find yourself hungry without a healthy BFL option close by. I also have found some fast food items that I use in a pinch if I am out and about without any good food. You do not want to go more than 3 hours without eating. And you must drink a ton of Water. This could be tricky with the band and not drinking with meals so I'm curious to see how well I will do. Since there is Water in Protein shakes, I might be drinking several of those a day to kill two birds-one stone.

IF you complete this challege and document your progress with photos/measurements, you will have amazing results...I promise! The goal is just to complete. If you are craving something, just try and remember that you have a free day coming so you can eat anything you want. If you don't feel like working out, do it anyway. THis is only 12 weeks of your life. You will have a new body by Christmas!

How do you girls want to do check ins for this challenge? Do you want to post once a week about your progress? Struggles? Victories? I think Mondays are a good day to do that....since it will be after our free day. We start tomorrow and can start checking in the following Monday. Of course if there are any questions or things you want to share on a daily basis, feel free. Let me know your thoughts.

Now, get your butt to the grocery store and stock your cupboards. Print out your journals and take some naked pics!!! I would love to hear everyone's plan for getting started.......

Hey Lifesaver, Thanks for heading this up! I'm psyched! I finished reading the BFL book and have reviewed the website. I think I'm going to switch from the BFL online tracker to the printed journal pages. Makes me feel more accountable to be doing what you guys are doing.(I'm wierd that way.) Today I went to the Y, took a printed copy of the Daily Fitness Assessment from the BFL book, and one of Wellness Center Instructors went through each of the magnum machines with me to make sure that I can hit on everything that the BFL program stresses. The Instructor was big on BFL. Did both upper and lower today so I'd know how to do everything independently when I go back. Might I add my butt has been thoroughly kicked already today?! I am heading to the grocery store with my list to stock up!

Question -- do you really do your cardio on an empty stomach (just water) as Bill Phillips describes in the book? Then eat protein/carb within an hour?

I haven't done any pictures yet, guess I'll do that today too!

I think Sunday will be my free day and Monday check ins are good for me. Or every day check ins. Whatever you think will be most helpful.

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Please pray for my hubby today. Surgery is at 1. They are removing at least 18 inches of his colon, the mass (that we are hoping is NOT cancer). He will be in the hospital for a week. I am a crying, scared nervous wreck. Hoping that I don't have to hear the "c" word.

Sorry to hear this news. I will be praying for you and your DH. I went thru this several years ago. I think it is just as hard on you as on him.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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