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Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum

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Lap, that recipe sounds great. Sorry you are suffering! I'm glad you are getting the whole meds thing straightened out, though.

Prty, you are doing so great to be exercising regularly. I am proud of you, and you're right, everybody is at the gym to do their own thing. Geez with ipods and everything, you hardly even talk to other people there. Who cares if you're not a swimsuit model (yet!)

Mal, I never saw your before photos, but you sure look fantastic now. Hang in there and keep doing the right things.

I had dinner at a restaurant tonight with my daughter who is home from college for the weekend. I talked about being excited about my surgery on Wed., and she said "I don't know why you're doing this to yourself, but I guess it's your decision". I guess in a complimentary sort of way, she doesn't see anything wrong with me now. But I was sure wanting her support. She is built like her Dad, tall and thin, and I don't think she has any idea what it is like to be overweight. Later in the car, she said "I hope I don't have that problem later on in life". Hmmmmm. Maybe I'm just anxious and overly sensitive. I'm a single mom, and just wanted her behind me 100% on this. She knows I'm a nurse and have researched this carefully, so she does trust my judgement.

Anybody else have your adult kids feel like this?

Hi Denver!

I can imagine my feelings would be a little hurt too. My daughter is 21 y/o. She is very supportive, but initially, she wasn't very happy with my decision. My BMI, however, was pretty high and I knew I'd be dead in a very short time, IF I didn't do something about it. She scolded me saying that she didn't want me to have the surgery and I could do it on my own. I have many times in the past lost huge amounts of weight. 100's of pounds at one time, but gained it back and more. When she and I spoke more about it, I realized she had great fear I would die during the procedure. I told her, I was certain she had been ashamed to be called my daughter. I told her, I'd be healthy and slim and she would never have to be embarrassed again. With a strong voice she stated, "I have never one time been ashamed of you!" "Not once in my life have I been embarrassed to call you my Mother." I got a huge lump in my throat when I heard her words. She said she loved me the way I am. How could that be? I thought to myself. What a sweet girl.

No one knew the agony of living and working full time at the weight I was at -- my knees and feet hurt me constantly. Walking into the hospital at 620 each morning - thinking how much my feet hurt and dreading the long day ahead of me. It was the worst life!

I think your daughter might be a little worried, also, she may feel you're wonderful the way you are. It's difficult for people who have never been overweight to understand our plight. They don't realize how our joints hurt and how our hearts hurt with the disapproving glances of others.

Who is going to take you to the hospital and pick you up? Do you have other support people? I know they cannot replace the support of your daughter, but hopefully, she'll come around.

BTW, I think you're lovely. I can't imagine you after you have lost weight. I truly believe Dr. K's patients are so beautiful.

It's a pre-req!

Edited by PrtyAntOvrYt

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Thanks, Prty. You are right, I hadn't thought that maybe she was concerned about the risks of the surgery, etc. And everybody does love their momma just as she is.

I do have support. My neighbor is dropping me off for the procedure. My friend who is a RN is picking me up and taking me home. My daughter has class in Boulder, but will be home that evening to stay overnight with me. So, I am lucky to have lots friends and my daughter to pitch in and be there for me.

I was just wanting the "yeah mom, the day is almost here!" that I did not get. But I guess that is what my band buddies are for. Thank you all.

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So...go to the doc to check on my knees...have I mentioned this before? Well, been having some strange knee pain this summer and it's exacerbated the past couple of weeks...so I went in to have it checked. I'm not an alarmist and run to the doc for any 'ol thing, so this was a big deal that I went in. It wouldn't be that big of a deal if the knees would swell or if heat/ice helped, but that therein lies the problem!

So, after a decent examination I'm told (drumroll please) - lose weight and exercise! You've got to be kidding me! I explained that I'd just lost 50ish lbs. and I DO exercise (cripe, I don't think I've sat down this entire summer!) She even commented on my muscles in my legs and how good everything looked...proof that I'm exercising. So, anyone, when does the "you need to drop a few pounds" excuse end? I'm so sick of it! Oh, yeah, and she asked if I'd been picking berries...apparently, they see a lot of knee pain this time of year. I said I'd done MAYBE 3 hrs TOTAL and I had the same pain before so I wasn't going to let her blame the friggin berries on my knee pain!

I explained that I had the Band before she went to perscribing something. To note: Dr. K had told me that NSAIDs were fine to take unless I had stomach issues - which I don't - and to just not take them all the time. So since Motrin wasn't even softening the pain, she put me on Naproxen. I'm not too keen on this drug so I've only taken one so far.

Input is appreciated.

Did I mention winter is upon us? Man, I wanted just a little more of a reprieve.

Lap - I'm thinking of the people down south...thinkin' they should move north where there aren't any natural disasters and you get paid better! ;-)

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Munch~ Oh my.... I hope you are feeling better. Please update us on what your PCP says. I am worried for you.

Deb~ Awww poor Tucker. I am sending all my healing vibes his way. I hope he is strong enough for the surgery and that he recovers quickly!!

Dee~ Congrats on the NSV's!! Those are the best!! Sometimes we all tend to focus a lot on the numbers, but how you FEEL is SOOO important. Yeah you!

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well, fellow animal lovers, it is serious time again with Tucker. he has been improving soooo much, getting strength back and eating well. This morning he had another respiratory distress incident (couldn't breathe/tongue turning blue). We RUSHED across town to the emergency hospital where he is now. They have him sedated and are giving him oxygen. If he is up to it, they are going to perform unilateral LP surgery on him on Sunday. They will stitch back one of the paralyzed sides of larnyx so that he can breathe. The problem with that surgery is that it leaves the patient vulnerable to aspiration pneumonia. Right now, we are just praying that he isn't too weakened by this that surgery isn't an option. Keep sending prayers, chants, and positive thoughts to the Northwest.

Deb-You know we are sending lots of labbie/mastiff prayers, slobbery kisses, and tail wags your way! Tell Tucker to hang in there!!

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What is Zumba?

I'm going to do the Latin fusion class!

The Spinning class looks fun, but my arse is still too big to fit on that tiny bike seat!

Dee-Zumba is kind of like a Latin fusion class. It is basically an aerobics class based on different Latin dances. I think I will just order the videos and do it at home, that way I will pass out on carpet this time. :biggrin: And spinning classes are clearly out of the question until I find out what is going on.

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I think I will head out to Denver in November. Got way too much happening the next two months and I don't think anything is hyper serious but I'd like to get the once over with our doctor. It would be great if we could try a gathering.

I have already looked at the Westin. I think I am going to splurge and go for a Heavenly Bed to sleep in. My back is getting intolerant these days and the Heavenly Beds are amazing.

Anyone have thoughts on the Westin Denver - Tabor ?

Let's do it! I'm in Denver for my surgery from Tues 11/4 through Fri 11/7. Although...I guess since I'm having my surgery during that time, I probably won't be able to eat :biggrin: I'd still love to meet you guys!!

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Geez, between this and the crazy CO lady I realize I am spoiled most of the time, I have so many good interactions with people in this thread! :tt2:

Hang with us, chicka. We won't let you down!:lol:

Ok....so here is my not so good spin class experience. We were about 15 minutes in, and doing "climbs" (standing on the bike). I have a history of having syncopal episodes (which is a big fancy name for saying passing out). I have not had one in about 5 years because I am VERY cognizant of the preceding signs/symptoms before I am about to have one. The first time we did climbs, I felt woozy, but it improved once we sat back down. The second time, I definitely felt my syncopal symptoms coming on- dizziness, nausea, and generalized just not feeling well. So I immediately got off the bike, went into the locker room area, and laid on a bench (which is what I am supposed to do-lie down). I layed there for quite some time, started to feel better. Sat up for awhile. The next thing I knew I was waking up on the floor-seems I had passed out after all. And I have a nice huge bruise on my jaw to prove it. Yikes. Kind of scared me. But I was really glad no one walked in and found me that way or it would have bought me an ambulance ride over to my place of employment across the street! (And probably scared the poo out of them because my heart rate drops to about 30 when I have one of these episodes. A lay person would have probably coded me!)

So now I have a call in to my PCP. I have a feeling my electrolytes and such are all messed up from not eating well recently. Sigh....not a good way to start the day.:biggrin:

Munchk -- What did the PCP say? Man, that's frightening!

Thanks Lap! I really needed to hear that, I haven't lost pounds in forever...inches, yes, pounds I am fighting them like hell! I find it tough to post because I really don't have much to contribute, being over a year out, I would like to e able to give some pointers and positive feedback, but I still gain and lose the same few pounds...ugh, it is annoying! I really need to get in for another fill (you would think that would be easy since i live a few minutes away from Dr. K's office), but I have a tough time scheduling time off...it sucks!:lol:

Mal, Please keep posting! I need you here! I miss Dynamo and Woofay only rarely posts ~~ I need "the ones who blazed the trail" to stick around! I worry about you if you don't post. You have SO MUCH to contribute.

well, fellow animal lovers, it is serious time again with Tucker. he has been improving soooo much, getting strength back and eating well. This morning he had another respiratory distress incident (couldn't breathe/tongue turning blue). We RUSHED across town to the emergency hospital where he is now. They have him sedated and are giving him oxygen. If he is up to it, they are going to perform unilateral LP surgery on him on Sunday. They will stitch back one of the paralyzed sides of larnyx so that he can breathe. The problem with that surgery is that it leaves the patient vulnerable to aspiration pneumonia. Right now, we are just praying that he isn't too weakened by this that surgery isn't an option. Keep sending prayers, chants, and positive thoughts to the Northwest.

All appendages are crossed, prayers are said, fairy dust is thrown and positive vibes are vibrating --- GET BETTER TUCKER MAN!

Hey Folks!

I had two great NSV's this week!

In 2005, I had my achilles rupture and since that time, I haven't been able to stand on my tippy toes! I didn't have surgery to correct this, I wore a brace. Anyway, yesterday at Whole Foods, I was trying to reach the Brown Rice Pasta and I just stood on my tippie toes and got it! Then it hit me! I had stood on my toes! I got tears in my eyes and just stood there for a moment of silence!

Then today, I went swimming at Lifetime and I was able to get into the pool by way of the ladder! That's amazing! I usually have to take the steps! The ladder! Me!!

The simple things in life that others have taken for granted! I am blessed to have achieved!

I'm thrilled!

I'm thrilled for you too Dee!!! It's the life changes that make it all worthwhile!

Everyone, please be cognisant of our hurricane coastal friends and family. We have four storms heading this way one, two, three, four. Reminds me of 2004-05. (Katrina).

It's fine though. We keep pressing on and as long as we keep going, it really doesn't matter how long it takes to cross the finish line. If we don't quit, time is on our side.


Is that new med Pristiq? If it is, I'm very interested in your take on things -- keep me posted! I haven't had any probs with the food you mentioned, but milk gives me the horse farts since I've gotten my band. Thinking of all my Florida peeps (especially you!) with all of the storms brewing this time of year. I have many folks I talk to for my job who are in FL and all along the Gulf coast -- they are elderly/sick and evacuations for them are a nightmare of logistics/planning/stress!

I had dinner at a restaurant tonight with my daughter who is home from college for the weekend. I talked about being excited about my surgery on Wed., and she said "I don't know why you're doing this to yourself, but I guess it's your decision". I guess in a complimentary sort of way, she doesn't see anything wrong with me now. But I was sure wanting her support. She is built like her Dad, tall and thin, and I don't think she has any idea what it is like to be overweight. Later in the car, she said "I hope I don't have that problem later on in life". Hmmmmm. Maybe I'm just anxious and overly sensitive. I'm a single mom, and just wanted her behind me 100% on this. She knows I'm a nurse and have researched this carefully, so she does trust my judgement.

Anybody else have your adult kids feel like this?

I don't have any adult kids, but both my boys expressed fear about my traveling to Denver and the surgery. I think our kids worry about losing us, no matter their age.

Friends, I am doing a major clean out of the house and it is so freeing! I have so much CRAP that I have held onto for years and I am finally letting go and making a committment to live a simpler, less cluttered life. This stuff has overwhelmed me for too long!

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So...go to the doc to check on my knees...have I mentioned this before? Well, been having some strange knee pain this summer and it's exacerbated the past couple of weeks...so I went in to have it checked. I'm not an alarmist and run to the doc for any 'ol thing, so this was a big deal that I went in. It wouldn't be that big of a deal if the knees would swell or if heat/ice helped, but that therein lies the problem!

So, after a decent examination I'm told (drumroll please) - lose weight and exercise! You've got to be kidding me! I explained that I'd just lost 50ish lbs. and I DO exercise (cripe, I don't think I've sat down this entire summer!) She even commented on my muscles in my legs and how good everything looked...proof that I'm exercising. So, anyone, when does the "you need to drop a few pounds" excuse end? I'm so sick of it! Oh, yeah, and she asked if I'd been picking berries...apparently, they see a lot of knee pain this time of year. I said I'd done MAYBE 3 hrs TOTAL and I had the same pain before so I wasn't going to let her blame the friggin berries on my knee pain!

I explained that I had the Band before she went to perscribing something. To note: Dr. K had told me that NSAIDs were fine to take unless I had stomach issues - which I don't - and to just not take them all the time. So since Motrin wasn't even softening the pain, she put me on Naproxen. I'm not too keen on this drug so I've only taken one so far.

Input is appreciated.

Did I mention winter is upon us? Man, I wanted just a little more of a reprieve.

Lap - I'm thinking of the people down south...thinkin' they should move north where there aren't any natural disasters and you get paid better! ;-)

Hi Marcy -- That is strange that it's both knees! Make sure you don't take that Naproxen on an empty stomach. If you have any BM's that look like black road tar or vomiting that looks like coffee grounds -- those are signs of digested blood and it can sneak up on you! Many people who have to take an NSAID for a prolonged period of time also take a proton pump inhibitor to protect the stomach from the damage NSAIDs can do. I hope this will be a short term thing for you.

Is the pain worse in the morning or after activity?

Hopefully the doc will do some xrays (if he hasn't already) if the pain worsens or doesn't improve.

Sending you healing thoughts.:biggrin:

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I have already looked at the Westin. I think I am going to splurge and go for a Heavenly Bed to sleep in. My back is getting intolerant these days and the Heavenly Beds are amazing.

Anyone have thoughts on the Westin Denver - Tabor ?

I love the Westin - Tabor. I stayed there a few times when I lived in Denver. The first time when I was pregnant my husband got me a room for a weekend so I could have one of their beds! It was so awesome. LOL The other times were so we could go out on the town and not have to drive anywhere.

They have a heated rooftop swimming pool. It is really cool. Part of the pool is inside and part outside. When you swim you can look up at all the big buildings around you.

I highly recommend it.

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Hi Marcy -- That is strange that it's both knees! Make sure you don't take that Naproxen on an empty stomach. If you have any BM's that look like black road tar or vomiting that looks like coffee grounds -- those are signs of digested blood and it can sneak up on you! Many people who have to take an NSAID for a prolonged period of time also take a proton pump inhibitor to protect the stomach from the damage NSAIDs can do. I hope this will be a short term thing for you.

Is the pain worse in the morning or after activity?

Hopefully the doc will do some xrays (if he hasn't already) if the pain worsens or doesn't improve.

Sending you healing thoughts.:biggrin:

Yes, be careful about the NSAIDS. I take them, but naproxen really bothered my stomach, so I take diclofenac. Both of my knees are bad as well, but the NSAIDS really do keep it in the tolerable range. Stairs bother me a great deal though . . . .do you climb many stairs?

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Lap-the Southern states are definitely in my thoughts. We ended up taking in many of the Katrina survivors (not sure how they ended up in Utah, but many of them did!) and I can only imagine how horrible it would be to lose everything and end up in some strange place.

Denver - I think dee is right about your daughter's reaction. My adult children, while very supportive, were also very nervous about the procedure. Now that it's over, though, they're thrilled for me and they can see how happy I am to be losing the weight. Plus, you have all of us!!

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Deb, Prayers are going out for you Dear! Take care of yourself and let us know how Tucker is doing. Hang in there! dee~

Thanks, Dee. We are going to visit him this afternoon. Will know more later

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Mal: Hey, girl, this isn't just a place to get/give advice about weight loss, you know. This is where warm hearts reach out to those of us who are/were just embarking on this whole journey, like me in May and Denvergirl now. We need the reassurance that we are afraid we won't get elsewhere. Only other women (men don't get it usually) who have been overweight know the pain/happiness on a journey like this....plus we love your Basset:tt2:Denver: i have no children, but i didn't even tell my folks until the middle of July. Not because they wouldn't be supportive but because i didn't want them to worry. Other than a carefully chosen group of friends, I have told no one. I don't plan to as it is a personal journey. I don't want to feel as if I am being "watched" or "judged" by others. Not that they would, but I know I would have that feeling.

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Hey everyone, Sorry I haven't been in touch in a while, it's been crazy around here with the girls starting school and volleyball starting again.

I celebrated my birthday this week. Hubby got me a 24" IMAC computer (I LOVE IT!!!!!), the girls got me perfume, mil got me a family ring and I got myself a tattoo (it's butterfly, when my mom was sick the nurse kept telling her that when she was finished she would be a beautiful butterfly and now she is on my ankle). I will post a picture later.

I am glad to be back, I sure missed you guys...

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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

        This is a place to feel safe to vent, seek advice, hopefully without judgement.

        Compassion goes a long way :)

    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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