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Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum

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Hmmm, I loved Hall and Oats, Rick Springfield, Barry Manilow (I know, I know!) Michael Jackson, The Gap Band, Santana, Aerospeedwagon, Air Supply! I was and still am a gigantic nerd!!

All right Dee, I'm going to have to tell you the same thing I told my friend Jen...I have to disown you for being a "Fanilow". LOL! One time her kids made me listen to "Copa Cabana" for 2 hours straight...I wanted to pull my hair out!!

Love REO Speedwagon, did you know they are from Champaigne, Illinois, a few hours away from here? Just a little music trivia!:( And I do still love to rock out to "Jessies Girl" by Rick Springfield!

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Honey, I do believe a lot of it might have something to do with stress. Last week, when I was having my emotional breakdown, I couldn't eat a thing. I still tracked my food on www.fitday.com, and one day I ate 190 calories for the entire day. It sounds like you're in the same shoes. I do, however, hope it has something to do with stress and once you are able to relax a little, things will improve.

I'm going to send you a BIG BIG BIG hug! You know I adore you Munchie-girl! I'm very sorry you're having so many stressful events in your life right now. If there is anything I can do, call!

Thanks Dee. I think we really are twins, we even have our nervous breakdowns at the same time! :( I keep hoping it is due to the stress also, but what do you think about getting an unfill under flouro? I am only eating 200-300 calories a day since Wednesday. Not good!

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That's so funny! I am exactly the same way! I remember lines from movies and music... songs that were playing at specific times in the background!!! Funny, huh?

How is the soon to be ex doing?

He is back to his normal baseline crazy self, so life is getting back to normal. :(

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I bet you wearing all black all of the time was just stunning with your blonde hair!

Hee hee, my mom didn't think so! To this day she says "You haven't worn a color in 15 years. All you wear is black and brown!" Which really isn't true because I wear colors all the time when she is not with me. I just happen to look good in black and especially brown!

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i think i've convinced my husband to let me get lap band sooner rather than later, and it looks like he's willing to spend a few extra thousand and take me to CO to see Dr. K! (as opposed to a cheaper trip to Tijuana)

now, perhaps i should call Dr. K and see if he has any openings in the next few months?

my question to everyone out there: since i will be a self-pay, will i be required to do the psych eval, nutritionist eval, pre-op diet, extensive testing, etc? i assume those things are all required for insurance, but self-payers probably don't have to do them....right? :(

Edited by jmegirl

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i think i've convinced my husband to let me get lap band sooner rather than later, and it looks like he's willing to spend a few extra thousand and take me to CO to see Dr. K! (as opposed to a cheaper trip to Tijuana)

now, perhaps i should call Dr. K and see if he has any openings in the next few months?

my question to everyone out there: since i will be a self-pay, will i be required to do the psych eval, nutritionist eval, pre-op diet, extensive testing, etc? i assume those things are all required for insurance, but self-payers probably don't have to do them....right? :)

I'm at work, but I wanted to respond to your question quickly.

He charges $9,950.00 - total! That's it, NO MORE!

Call his office and see if he can get you scheduled! You won't regret it! #303-695-1304.

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i think i've convinced my husband to let me get lap band sooner rather than later, and it looks like he's willing to spend a few extra thousand and take me to CO to see Dr. K! (as opposed to a cheaper trip to Tijuana)

now, perhaps i should call Dr. K and see if he has any openings in the next few months?

my question to everyone out there: since i will be a self-pay, will i be required to do the psych eval, nutritionist eval, pre-op diet, extensive testing, etc? i assume those things are all required for insurance, but self-payers probably don't have to do them....right? :)

No, you won't have to do any labs or preop testing unless you have some strange preexisting condition that would make surgery more dangerous. The nutritionist is included in the inclusive price-her name is Paula and she will talk to you over the phone. You will be required to do a low carb preop diet that basically consists of nothing white-no bread, pasta,potatoes, etc. Let us know if you have any further questions!

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No, you won't have to do any labs or preop testing unless you have some strange preexisting condition that would make surgery more dangerous. The nutritionist is included in the inclusive price-her name is Paula and she will talk to you over the phone. You will be required to do a low carb preop diet that basically consists of nothing white-no bread, pasta,potatoes, etc. Let us know if you have any further questions!

Oh I'm very familiar with Atkins. I have considered naming my first born child after him! :)

I have sent an email request to Dr. K to be contacted about setting up an evaluation of sorts. Hopefully he'll have an appointment sometime in Oct/Nov? I've also met someone on here from my area that had Dr. K do her band, so I've sent her a bunch of my questions regarding everything. Hopefully by week's end I'll be a lot closer to my band! I'll keep everyone posted.

Edited by jmegirl

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Hey Dee...I love Barry Manilow. I also love REO Speedwagon. I saw them four times in concert.

Anyone else have trouble eating salmon? I PB'd twice today because of it. That is very painful!!!!!

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All right Dee, I'm going to have to tell you the same thing I told my friend Jen...I have to disown you for being a "Fanilow". LOL! One time her kids made me listen to "Copa Cabana" for 2 hours straight...I wanted to pull my hair out!!

Love REO Speedwagon, did you know they are from Champaigne, Illinois, a few hours away from here? Just a little music trivia!:) And I do still love to rock out to "Jessies Girl" by Rick Springfield!

NO! Please don't disown me! I love Barry, but not if it means you'll disown me! I can be a closet Fanilow!

Thanks Dee. I think we really are twins, we even have our nervous breakdowns at the same time! :) I keep hoping it is due to the stress also, but what do you think about getting an unfill under flouro? I am only eating 200-300 calories a day since Wednesday. Not good!

Yes! AND we are even eating less than 400 calories together! It sucks! I do believe it was stress induced! My throat and band just closed right up! Due to that huge lump in my throat!

He is back to his normal baseline crazy self, so life is getting back to normal. :)

That's unfortunate that the drugs didn't alter his personality!!

Hee hee, my mom didn't think so! To this day she says "You haven't worn a color in 15 years. All you wear is black and brown!" Which really isn't true because I wear colors all the time when she is not with me. I just happen to look good in black and especially brown!

Well, Honey, when you get to goal, we'll have to go and buy you a Hot Sexy Red Dress!

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Hey Dee...I love Barry Manilow. I also love REO Speedwagon. I saw them four times in concert.

Anyone else have trouble eating salmon? I PB'd twice today because of it. That is very painful!!!!!

My BFF PB's with Salmon too! She said she thinks it's too splintery (I know that is not a real word!) She had to give it up!

Did you prepare it in a moist way? Try it with some type of dressing.

Sorry to hear this!

Oh BTW, how could someone (namely Munchkin!) NOT love Barry Manilow??? Is she insane?

Edited by PrtyAntOvrYt
forgot to mention Barry!

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I love the pre-op diet as I am a major carnivore!!

Breakfast: 4 strips of bacon or slice of ham or leftover steak

omelet (2 egg or 3) with cheese, mushroom, zucchini)

Lunch: any kind of salad with chicken or turkey added (Cobb salads are great for this) with blue cheese dressing:drool:

Or a grilled polish sausage with lots of mustard and cheese

Dinner: Steak:drool:, pork chops, chicken, or fish (as much as one can bear)

2-3 small portions of steamed veggies.

In between: sugar free Jello and sugar free popsicles

I often make tuna sandwiches (with real mayo), a little relish (dill) and slap the mixture between two large pieces of lettuce as my bread.< /p>

Wow, just typing that makes me want some RIGHT NOW! I am just waiting to go to soft foods. Dr. K said it was pretty much up to me as an individual to make transition to soft and reg foods. How about you guys, did you stick with full liquids for two whole weeks?:confused2:


Did you know that Dr. K went on the pre-op diet too!? When we were at the Reunion, he told us that he went on the Pre-op diet and had already lost 9lbs!

How cute is that?

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well, I'm back and have been skimming the many many pages. So I'll just throw out a few things -

dee, CONGRATULATIONS on passing the century mark. That is fabulous. Oh, and, Barry Manilow SUCKS!!!

munchkin, your friends should be slapped for making you miss the concert. And your neighbors should be slapped as well. If you'd like some help with the slapdowns, just let me know.

mal, good to hear from you but sorry to hear that the son's friend is doing so poorly.

deb, welcome back! Sounds like you are doing fantastic!!!

shelbi, sorry about the anti-depressant hunger thing. I would try a small fill. I think it's important to continue with meds if they're helping.

green-hope you feel better soon. I hate summer colds. hate them, hate them, hate them.

brandy - is the puppy home yet? is she darling?

80's bands: Talking Heads!! B-52s, Berlin, Thompson Twins, Tears for Fears, and let's never forget: PRINCE!!!! Saw him in London last year . . . . oh, my. Sexy sexy little man.

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Well, ladies, here I am four days post-surgery and I haven't fainted, vomited, or any other type of projectile reaction:biggrin2:I have lost 5 pounds since the surgery, but am sure it will bounce around a while before it settles down.

Went to see Melissa Etheridge last night....fabulous as always. The prolonged sitting (she played for 3 hours) didn't really bother me, but I was sapped of energy by the time I got home.

Those '80s references cracked me up, as did the video. Thank god, i have NO pix with hair like that, where one actually WEARS her hair as part of her ensemble!! I never want to see those outfits again!

The issue that gags me the most right now is that of getting my crushed meds down in some type of Fluid. Yuck...bitter:crying:. Any suggestions on what to use to get that stuff down?

Deb - I know that Dr. K (or maybe it's just the folks on this site) say to crush meds, but I don't and I am fine. I also use the occasional Ibubrophen for swelling/pain. This, again, you will find is a patient/doctor thing and you have to do what's best for you and your recovery. Congrats on recovering well, and you'll do just fine progressing to regular food...I think we all psychologically stall ourselves because we're fearful of screwing up the band! You'll do fine!

ROCK ON!! Awesome song!! (But it does always remind me of the movie "Silence of the Lambs" because that is what the senators daughter was listening to in her car before Buffalo Bill abducted her. Why I remember random crap like this is beyond me!)
Ok ladies, I went for an unfill Friday and I am still way too tight. I just attempted to eat some KFC mashed potatoes, and I ate some cottage cheese earlier, and they both got stuck. This is getting old REALLY fast. And I am getting tired of having to pay for fills/unfills. I think I am going to call the office in the morning and demand that they get me scheduled for a fill under flouro. I have never had this many problems. I am sure some of it is due to stress, but still....I would have piece of mind if it is done under flouro and they make sure I don't have a slip or dilatation also. (As if I don't have enough to worry about right now, eh?)
All right Dee, I'm going to have to tell you the same thing I told my friend Jen...I have to disown you for being a "Fanilow". LOL! One time her kids made me listen to "Copa Cabana" for 2 hours straight...I wanted to pull my hair out!!

Love REO Speedwagon, did you know they are from Champaigne, Illinois, a few hours away from here? Just a little music trivia!:tt2: And I do still love to rock out to "Jessies Girl" by Rick Springfield!

Munchkin - I, too, had the same "Silence of the Lambs" flashback! In fact, the song is STILL stuck in my head and I may have to go into my iTunes to actually listen to it - my head is as out-of-tune as my actual voice! My fill doc doesn't charge for "tweaking" within a week...you should talk to your doc about that...I mean, really? $250 for someone to jab you with a needle of SALINE! It's not like it's a big cost for them! I swear they're just squeezing the money where they can! And, now...who DOESN'T remember the scene in Pretty in Pink when older friend chick is singing "Coppa Cabana"? It's a classic! For some reason I can sing a lot of Quiet Riot songs...but I don't remember actually liking them or listening to them....I was into John Cougar Mellancamp! Yeah, baby....remember when they gave away a Little Pink House on MTV? Oh, I was so all over that!

My BFF PB's with Salmon too! She said she thinks it's too splintery (I know that is not a real word!) She had to give it up!

Did you prepare it in a moist way? Try it with some type of dressing.

Sorry to hear this!

Oh BTW, how could someone (namely Munchkin!) NOT love Barry Manilow??? Is she insane?

Salmon hasn't been too much of an issue for me. I'm gnawing on some moose roast right now (delighted that I am quite the chef of moose meat), but after a few bites I think I'm done. Fish generally is ok for me, but I DO cook it moist and add some sauce.:)

Forgot to mention: So, while on my "vacation" I re-learned a valuable rule: DON'T drink with your meals. Now, I know the premise to this is that the liquid will make the food all soggy and it will go down easy, but it's totally different for me...if I drink (anything, at all) then it seems to compact the food and I end up pukin'!! So...rule of thumb...no french fries and THEN the fosty! BAD! :) (OK, I know the food is bad, but we were at a park, I'd only eaten 5-6 french fries and was finishing the last 2 Tablespoons of my kids' Frosty so don't get all up on me!) Yeah, nothin' like PBing slimy Frosty at the park! Haha! Lesson learned!

Went on a big 'ol hike yesterday. :) We climed a bunch of hills looking for some waterfall. I was so grateful when my 2-year-old daughter said she was sleepy! We bagged the waterfall, but....there were blueberries EVERYWHERE! So we picked about a gallon (yes, a gallon) on our way back down the hill. Alaska can be pretty terrific sometimes!:w00t:

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I FINALLY have my consult with Dr. K today and I'm so excited! I have been reading posts, I've waited it feels like forever. I'm just anxious to get the show on the road. I was denied by my insurance (because I lost some weight to show I was committed to making lifestyle changes) and now don't meet their bmi requirement even though I have comorbidities of pseudo tumor cerebri and sleep apnea/CPAP at night. Pretty sad when I'm a nurse and I work for a healthcare system. Oh well. I can't stand it anymore, have tried everything under the sun so I'm going to self pay. I hope I don't have to wait too long for my surgery date. I'm so glad to read all these positives about Dr. K's office.

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