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Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum

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Ahh, the evil side effects of medication. Particularly antidepressants. You could either try a fill, which is what I would attempt first, or switch medications to one that has an appetite suppressant effect like some of the older SSRI's. I would for sure try a fill before messing with your meds though, especially if this med seems to be working well for you. My two cents! :biggrin:

Thanks Munchk! Your 2 cents is just what I need! Since I've been through most of the older SSRI's at some point in the last 10 years and I'm getting good symptom control with this one, I want to stick with it for as long as it's working. I'm going to try just a tad bit more of the good ol' saline. Funny thing is, the doc told me that this med was was good for suppressing appetite -- leave it to me to be the one who doesn't get the good side effects.

Had to chuckle at your reference to Ador about the full moon -- I remember well how EVERYBODY who thought there was a chance she could be pregnant would go into labor during a full moon. It was always a no lunch, no break, no pee kind of week at work -- hated it!

Sorry about the Guess Who. (Is it Guess Who or The Guess Who? I know it's The Who and not Who. I remember having this question back in the day when (the) Guess Who was actually on the radio.) I would have gone, why didn't you call me? I would love to see Aimee Mann (wasn't she with 'til Tuesday back in the '80's?)! Lucky!

Edited by ShelbiCallie
had more to say -- of course

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I think it's The Guess Who, and I have to say I am really impressed that you know who Aimee Mann is!! She is a phenomonal songwriter, I absolutely love her music. It speaks to my soul. She is kind of cynical yet realistic about life in her lyrics, and I like that. Add to that the fact that she has a beautiful voice! Squeeze is just an added bonus, but I like them also and used to listen to them ALL the time when I was in high school.

Should I bust out my leggings, long sweater, and ballet flats for this concert perhaps?

Have any of you noticed all that 80's stuff is back in style again this season? I saw a girl at Borders last night that looked straight out of an 80's video! (And she was probably too young to remember the 80's, that was the ironic part.)

Edited by munchkin392
I was making up words again...

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So true Lap. Sometimes I wonder if I am making a mistake divorcing my husband even after the horrible things he has done, because when times weren't bad, they were like you described-he took away some of my stress, helped me around the house, etc. I find myself almost completely overwhelmed with all the household maintenance, yard work, etc. Unfortunately, in the case of my husband, his actions when he is behaving less than admirably, do speak louder than his words. Sigh.


I read your words and I remembered thinking the same thing. I'm not sure how you feel now that he's out of the house, but I remember when I packed my Camry and headed north. Just me and my 15 y/o daughter.

I started my life over again, without any support. I knew not one person, I had no job, no place to live, but I knew I had to get out of that house! His actions had screamed disrespect for over 20 years.

After a very very short time, I was able to breathe a sigh of relief. My ex was quite the handy man with everything. There wasn't anything he couldn't do around the house. Now, I find myself fixing the toilet, recaulking the bathtub and installing new locks on my front door. It's tough sometimes, but the stress-free life I now live is worth it all.

Remember you deserve someone who is going to love you and respect you. Don't settle for less.

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Thank you for the great advice Lap. Especially the part about not responding right away to every letter they send me. Because when it comes down to it, it is THEIR problem, NOT mine!! Yes, the neighbors will spread around the neighborhood that I am not cooperating, etc, but they can't hate me any more than they already do I don't suppose. I think it just shows what petty and vindictive (and SAD) people they are personally.

I am going to go out and actually be social tonight and try to have fun with my friends, since I don't usually have any weekends off. The Guess Who is playing for free tonight, so we are going to go see them. I am going to rock out to a little "American Woman"...:biggrin: (Although once I had that song stuck in my head literally for TWO WEEKS straight and it about drove me insane!)

How was your night on the town? Did you rock?

I loved what you said about the Full Moon! I know working in the Birthplace, we always feared those nights. We also feared 9 mos. post prom! Or 9 months post big winter snow storms! ARGH!


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WOW ..you say music I say WHEN! THAT is what we should do, we should go to Red Rocks for a concert some time. What an awesome adventure. I dare not try it anytime soon but that is a dream.

Next time a neighbor offers to tell you the latest gossip being spread by the infection next door just be real "eh" about it. You know? Like "yeah yeah yeah...same tune different day". They want you to pay, lawyer wants what his clients want..you to pay, you have no judgement against you, it's just paper games at this point. ( I got to a point I LOVED the paper games). They use big words to try and threaten you. Like getting a letter from a lawyer is going to make you shake in your shoes. *Lawyers are actually pretty cool people with great jokes, the best ones are lawyer jokes* Too bad their lawyer got a putz for clients. Eh...their problem come to think of it. If somebody wants to pay them money to make an argument over a property line, hey, they gotta make a living right? Funny. People like your neighbors can be "RS" really stupid.

Need a report on that concert. I love love love concerts and live musical performances. Awesome thing to do on a Saturday night.

I'd love to go to a concert at Red Rocks! I bet you're a blast at a concert, Lap!

I had heard that Santana was going to be at Red Rocks, but when I went to purchase the tickets, I found out he's going to be a different venue.

I remember Santana when I was in high school! Every prom, every assembly!!!

I also wanted to tell you, I think it's a great idea to take pictures of yourself during your journey! Before, during and after! Now that I've lost 100lbs, it is amazing to me to see my before pics. I didn't take nudes, but I took a lot of pics and the difference is finally becoming obvious. I did, however, measure everything! AND I do mean everything!

I think I'm going to run up to Vail and have a plastic surgery consult for my upper arms. It's been an issue for years and just is getting worse! I could easily wear a much smaller size if it wasn't for my hideous arms!

Life goes on....

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They are "RS". And the funny thing is, it is over about 4-6 inches! I mean really, what are they possibly going to do with 4-6 inches? It is just more for them to weed whack. Idiots!!

Well, my friends kind of ditched me for the Guess Who concert. They went to a bar first, and I didn't go with them because I just don't much do bars, and they decided they wanted to stay there. I couldn't find anyone else to go with me on such short notice. And my lawn guy even gave me passes to the VIP tent. :biggrin: But yes, we should DEFINITELY go to a concert at Red Rocks sometime, that would be awesome. I love concerts also! It is all I used to do all summer when I was younger...go to concerts. Next week I am going to Chicago to see Squeeze and Aimee Mann, so I am really looking forward to that! Remember Squeeze? Good old "Black coffee In Bed" and "Tempted"?

crank it up

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUx5z9O2ZGk]YouTube - Squeeze - Black Coffee In Bed[/ame]

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Yo, Dee! You ARE getting this poundage off already --- I just noticed your ticker. You've lost 100 pounds in about 6 months! Yowza!! You are one inspirational chick, Ms. Dee. Tell me more about this LSD diet.

Thanks Shel!

The LSD is the one that Dr. K has us do pre-operatively. There is so much dicussion about what is best for patients pre-surgery. An Optifast diet, a liquid diet, a low fat diet, or the Low Carb diet. We know the Low Carb is best at shrinking the liver. I'm going to do it for 2 weeks and track my intake and loss for the project.

Then the Detox diet for 21 days.

My goal, as unreasonable as it is, is to lose 200lbs by my 1- year anniversary. I may fall short, but I'm going to give it all I've got! Remember, it's a race! AND the journey doesn't really matter!!! RIGHT!!! I got fat overnight, I can lose it overnight!!! :crying::biggrin::smile::thumbup::thumbup:

(did I mention that I'm delusional?)

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I'd love to go to a concert at Red Rocks! I bet you're a blast at a concert, Lap!

I had heard that Santana was going to be at Red Rocks, but when I went to purchase the tickets, I found out he's going to be a different venue.

I remember Santana when I was in high school! Every prom, every assembly!!!

I also wanted to tell you, I think it's a great idea to take pictures of yourself during your journey! Before, during and after! Now that I've lost 100lbs, it is amazing to me to see my before pics. I didn't take nudes, but I took a lot of pics and the difference is finally becoming obvious. I did, however, measure everything! AND I do mean everything!

I think I'm going to run up to Vail and have a plastic surgery consult for my upper arms. It's been an issue for years and just is getting worse! I could easily wear a much smaller size if it wasn't for my hideous arms!

Life goes on....




in concert.

I've seen him several times over the years. My husband loves his music. We have a vintage concert poster from one of the shows. Vintage tshirts from concerts, ticket stubs. Such awesome memories. Here is my husband's favorite song:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzSayxVM_E0]YouTube - Santana. Samba Pa Ti[/ame]


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And girls, back pain be damned I get my groove thang on to this one, shimmy swingin', sookie sookie.....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAf3gqdCrDs]YouTube - Santana & Clapton - Jingo[/ame]

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And girls, back pain be damned I get my groove thang on to this one, shimmy swingin', sookie sookie.....

Doesn't get any better than this!!!!!!!!

I've been jonesin' for Eric Clapton since Derek & the Dominos.

Thanks for posting this gem.

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I think it's The Guess Who, and I have to say I am really impressed that you know who Aimee Mann is!! She is a phenomonal songwriter, I absolutely love her music. It speaks to my soul. She is kind of cynical yet realistic about life in her lyrics, and I like that. Add to that the fact that she has a beautiful voice! Squeeze is just an added bonus, but I like them also and used to listen to them ALL the time when I was in high school.

Should I bust out my leggings, long sweater, and ballet flats for this concert perhaps?

Have any of you noticed all that 80's stuff is back in style again this season? I saw a girl at Borders last night that looked straight out of an 80's video! (And she was probably too young to remember the 80's, that was the ironic part.)

LOVED Voices Carry!!!

Absolutely on the 80's outfit, just make sure you do the big hair to go with it. Sweater off the shoulder too. :(

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Thanks Shel!

The LSD is the one that Dr. K has us do pre-operatively. There is so much dicussion about what is best for patients pre-surgery. An Optifast diet, a liquid diet, a low fat diet, or the Low Carb diet. We know the Low Carb is best at shrinking the liver. I'm going to do it for 2 weeks and track my intake and loss for the project.

Then the Detox diet for 21 days.

My goal, as unreasonable as it is, is to lose 200lbs by my 1- year anniversary. I may fall short, but I'm going to give it all I've got! Remember, it's a race! AND the journey doesn't really matter!!! RIGHT!!! I got fat overnight, I can lose it overnight!!! :rofl::(:banghead::hurray::wink3:

(did I mention that I'm delusional?)

Oh, duh, ok! LSD = Dr. K's pre-op diet! I get it now. I swear I read your post to mean you were doing Dr. Kuri's pre-op diet. I'm on task now!

Girl, I have no doubt that you can do ANYTHING you set your mind to!!:thumbup:

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Well, ladies, here I am four days post-surgery and I haven't fainted, vomited, or any other type of projectile reaction:biggrin2:I have lost 5 pounds since the surgery, but am sure it will bounce around a while before it settles down.

Went to see Melissa Etheridge last night....fabulous as always. The prolonged sitting (she played for 3 hours) didn't really bother me, but I was sapped of energy by the time I got home.

Those '80s references cracked me up, as did the video. Thank god, i have NO pix with hair like that, where one actually WEARS her hair as part of her ensemble!! I never want to see those outfits again!

The issue that gags me the most right now is that of getting my crushed meds down in some type of Fluid. Yuck...bitter:crying:. Any suggestions on what to use to get that stuff down?

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Welcome to the Loser's Bench Miss Deb!

You know, I had to take Lipitor and Lisinipril after surgery. The nurse at the hospital gave them to me, crushed with an apple juice chaser.

The Lisinipril wasn't bad at all, BUT the Lipitor was horrible! Once I was able to eat softs - I just put them in apple sauce. BUT NOW I don't have to take any meds.

Try the apple juice and just go really fast! The worst for me, when when I thought I could crush my multivitamin! ARGH! It got caught in between my teeth, under my tongue and everywhere else! I thought I was going to lose it!!! One and only time, I ever did that!!!

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I'm with you about men folding laundry - love watching that or any other type of housework!


Sorry your friends bailed on The Guess Who. bummer! Don't forget for your 80's outfit to have huge fluffy bangs!


Good for you for setting that goal. You can do it!


Congrats on doing so well after surgery. That is great that you were able to enjoy a concert. I didn't realize we had such a rocking group of gals here!

I did my volunteer shift this morning for the Democratic national Convention - kind of silly, just helping visitors how to figure out the public transportation to get to the various events.

Again, if anybody is willing to share a sample day of their pre-op diet, I'd love to hear it. I'm running out of ideas.

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