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Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum

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Challenge adjustment but that's okay, I'm cool with it.

This may read as bad news to some but considering I brushed the skirt of 400 pounds I'm not at all discouraged.

First up: My scale is off. I have a digital scale and it is off by the doctor's office which I can now weigh at thank you very much. It's off by 14 pounds going the wrong direction so....rather than being at 293 I am at 307, like I said, I'm cool with it in the grand scheme of things.

Second up: Remember how I told some of you it hurt so bad to exercise and I hated the pain that went with it? FINALLY went to the doctor specifically focusing on the back. TWO HOURS LATER and after a head to toe exam, they suspect I have a bulging disc, not herniated because of the movements I can do...but because of the scream I let out when the X spot was on my back was pressed and the limited range in motion I can't do, they think I have a bulging disc.

I really am cool with it, honest I am.

It's like knowing there is something not normal going on and then thinking..."ahhhh I'm just too fat" but then seeing other people who are fat too being able to walk, and do all this increase in activity you start to question am I lazy? or is there something funky going on. So attacking the something funky question and finally hearing the suspected culprit is a physical problem actually comes as a relief; I felt validated. Hearing my doctor say, "Is it your weight? Yeah, probably has to do with the problem but could it be something else going on? Absolutly." I love doctors who don't chalk up all ills to justt being fat.

MRI is scheduled, yes, that wonderful mechanical coffin. Also.. medication, anti-inflammatory for the back for during the day when I am working so I can function and not drool on myself and also for nighttime...SOMA to help me sleep more soundly. Also.....

Physical therapy. Got a script to start physical therapy and they are sending me to a facility that deals with more rehab patients rather than say a twisted ankle type problem ( a little more oomph). So friends this feels awesome.

My new goals for this next challenge are to satisfy my physical therapy rehabilitation which will be exercise in the form of mending and strengthening. Going to call that: PT-Rehab and also 23 lbs.


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bahotmomma, thanks for the reassurance! :mellow: I have gotten better over the past six months so I hope I will continue to improve.

Lap, I should clarify -- I know there's a lot about PBs on LBT as a whole, but I meant that I had never really seen any Dr. K bandsters discussing it. You know, people I "know." :wink2: Thank you for sharing your experience too. I'm definitely making mental notes.

And I am so sorry about your back! It sounds like you have a good doc, though. I hope all goes well and the PT helps.

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Sing it with me friends!!!!!!!!

click this link and let's sing together...........


Next time your found, with your chin on the ground

There a lot to be learned, so look around

Just what makes that little old ant

Think hell move that rubber tree plant

Anyone knows an ant, cant

Move a rubber tree plant

But hes got high hopes, hes got high hopes

Hes got high apple pie, in the sky hopes

So any time your gettin low

stead of lettin go

Just remember that ant

Oops there goes another rubber tree plant

When troubles call, and your backs to the wall

There a lot to be learned, that wall could fall

Once there was a silly old ram

Thought hed punch a hole in a dam

No one could make that ram, scram

He kept buttin that dam

cause he had high hopes, he had high hopes

He had high apple pie, in the sky hopes

So any time your feelin bad

stead of feelin sad

Just remember that ram

Oops there goes a billion kilowatt dam

All problems just a toy balloon

Theyll be bursted soon

Theyre just bound to go pop

Oops there goes another problem kerplop

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bahotmomma, thanks for the reassurance! :mellow: I have gotten better over the past six months so I hope I will continue to improve.

Lap, I should clarify -- I know there's a lot about PBs on LBT as a whole, but I meant that I had never really seen any Dr. K bandsters discussing it. You know, people I "know." :wink2: Thank you for sharing your experience too. I'm definitely making mental notes.

And I am so sorry about your back! It sounds like you have a good doc, though. I hope all goes well and the PT helps.

Thanks GREEN! One chorus of HIGH HOPES for me. It makes me feel so up, I love that song.

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Hi AdorKable - My weigh in to start didn't get posted - It was 223 and my weigh in today was 221! Yeah fill.

Now for the PB subject. Until this last fill I didn't have any episodes but I did this weekend. I think Lap Dancer has the answer. I just have to watch the size bite, speed of eating, and DON"T DRINK WITH MY MEAL! For some reason I thought that drinking something would help the situation - but it DID NOT HELP! I also cannot ignore my soft signal to stop no matter how little or much I have eaten. Writing my foods will really help me too.

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Lap Dancer - I'm so glad they have identified the problem in your back. Yeah PT-Rehab. I hate to tell you that they call us physical torturers instead of therapists at times. But with your attitude & determination to work you will absolutely be feeling better soon!

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Adork-You probably won't see this but good luck with your surgery! I will be thinking of you!!

My weigh in was 186!! (Of course, that was stress weight loss so I have no doubt I will gain it back...more on that to come.)

Greenie-I PB too if I am not mindful of how I am eating or what I am eating. I just had a whopper of one yesterday after not having one for several weeks.

Well ladies, I may not post much this week. Dee is aware of this, but the rest of you are not aware that I am divorcing my husband due to ongoing mental health & substance abuse issues. Friday night I was working, and I accidentally clicked on the census list to our sister ICU instead of my ICU's census list, and saw my last name...my husband was a patient in their ICU. So of course I am shocked as I knew nothing about this. I called my best friend who is one of his emergency contacts and she knew nothing about it. So I call over there and talk to his nurse (who I PRECEPTED when she started working in the ICU). She tells me "Well, his brother said you are going through a divorce and not to tell you anything so I can't tell you anything." My response was that I am still married to him so legally that makes me his next of kin AND the decision maker if he cannot make his own decisions. (I mean, I work in the ICU and deal with these situations all the time, it's not like I don't know what I'm talking about...duh!) She still would not tell me anything. So I asked why she had not contacted my friend, and she says "Oh, we have been looking all over for contact information. What is her name and number?" She then hangs up and proceeds to call my friend and tell her EVERYTHING. Keep in mind she took my word for it that this was actually a contact, and the friend is not a family member, and she is telling the friend sensitive mental health information...

Come to find out, he almost fatally overdosed, had been on the ventilator for two days and dialyzed twice!! And NO ONE EVER CONTACTED ME. Let me start by saying that aside from the fact that we are still married, he does not get along with his brothers and has repeatedly said he never wants them making decisions for him. Also, my insurance is paying for this hospital bill that will probably be $100,000+ by the time it is all said and done. Third, I will be partially responsible for the bills since we are still legally married. Aside from that detail, the law is pretty clear that I am legally his next of kin. And then I found out that somehow his EX-WIFE was the first person to find out, so they breeched patient confidentiality there also.

Long story short, I am FURIOUS because even though we are divorcing, I still love my husband (I just can't deal with his issues on a day to day basis any longer, it was not good for my mental health). I would have NEVER let him sit there alone when he was that critically ill...NEVER. No one should ever be alone when they are on the ventilator as it is terrifying. I am furious that they did not contact me, and even more furious that they would not give me information. To make matters worse, they looked in the chart the next morning, and on his face sheet I was listed as his next of kin!!!!!!!!!!! And they still did not notify me!!!! Arrgghhh!!!! I am talking to their nurse manager, and probably hospital administration in the morning, because I want answers about what the hell happened. He sat there alone in the ICU for two days and that is not acceptable to me. The nurse who told me she wouldn't give me information better hope she still has a job when I am done...because I am PISSED. (And takes ALOT to get me to this point, I am usually pretty easy going!)

Thankfully he is extubated and doing much better now. Saturday morning he was cognitively functioning at about the level of a 4-5 year old so I was terrified he was going to have permanent brain damage. He has since come around and is basically alert and making sense, although he has his moments still. My divorce was supposed to be final in less than a month, and I don't feel right about not postponing it now. My mom says "You don't owe him anything, that is just the nurse in you talking." (Among other choice remarks.) I said "No, that is the human being in me talking. I can't just turn my back on him when he is this sick." So I figure I will just take it a day at a time and see what happens. That is the best I can do.

Sorry for such a huge post...this makes my other long posts look...well, short!! I just really needed to vent to my rational minded and supportive peeps!!

I hope you are all having a great start to your week!


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Oh, Munchkin. I'm so sorry. I'm on a really crappy hotel internet connection so can't write much but please know that I'm thinking of you. I hate what drugs do to people.

Adorkable one, good luck with your surgery tomorrow. It will be a good good thing.

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Sidann: thank you for the optimism. I'll let you know if I am sufficiently tortured. I some how feel they can come pretty close to some of the pain but knowing I'll get some remedy helps.


Munchkin...one acronym: HIPPA.

(warning, Lap_Dancer is getting her black thigh high stelletos and whip out and the mouth is letting loose)

Munchkin, I would be so far up that nurse's azz she'd need a flashlight to shit#.

I would get her supervisor's name, copy of your insurance card with Hubby's name on it and you as the primary which they HAVE but still.

Do they ask to see divorce papers when patients are admitted?

Why did this nurse choose to be SELECTIVE in how she chose to give information? It wasn't okay for her to tell YOU HIS WIFE but it was okay for her to tell a "FRIEND" that YOU provided her the name and contact information of?

Taken names and kickin ass.

Edited by Lap_dancer

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Munchk! Oh lord. I am sending you a huge hug and positive thoughts for strength in the days ahead.

Man, that nurse sure let her hiney flap in the breeze, didn't she? What in the world was she thinking! First of all, she should have discussed the situation with her manager if she didn't know how to handle an employee's relative before she jumped in head first and screwed herself over.

I am so sorry that you are going through this. I think it's good of you to try to help someone you're divorcing. Take care of YOU during this too!

Hang in there and keep us posted.

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Question for those of you near or at goal weight: Is your port easily visible under you skin? If you have a swimsuit or other snug fitting top on, can you see a bump? Anyone willing to post a photo of their port bump?

Mine's visible and easy to feel, but seems to be unnoticable with the support of something snug -- like the top I wear to exercise in.

MRI is scheduled, yes, that wonderful mechanical coffin. Also.. medication, anti-inflammatory for the back for during the day when I am working so I can function and not drool on myself and also for nighttime...SOMA to help me sleep more soundly. Also.....

Physical therapy. Got a script to start physical therapy and they are sending me to a facility that deals with more rehab patients rather than say a twisted ankle type problem ( a little more oomph). So friends this feels awesome.

Thank God for PT and MRIs and pain meds! I hope this treatment plan remedies your physical restrictions/pain and you can move the way you want to. It has got to be a major let down to have new found energy from the weight loss, have the desire to exercise and then have a bulging disk. Hang in there and remember to take your pain med before your session.

I hate to tell you that they call us physical torturers instead of therapists at times. But with your attitude & determination to work you will absolutely be feeling better soon!

Physical torturers -- I love it! Great name!

conference is over and now am visiting grandson. He has grown SO MUCH in 3 months.

Hug that little man tight, Granny! Have a safe trip home!

Green, I PB too!! I am a little tighter than I should be (selfish on my part, I like losing weight). So I used to have more episodes than I do know. I have learned to take my time when eating and listen to my stop sign (hiccups). However I still have them every once in a while. I even had one on Saturday when we had mexican.

Hotmomma -- I just noticed your ticker -- you are 11 pounds from goal, woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are going to going to have to break out the sugar-free, non-carbonated virtual champagne soon! You are inspriational.

Green -- About PBs -- I have to concur with what's been written. My biggest problem is eating too fast (from all those years of sport eating that I did. ha!), but if I do the "chew 30 and count to 10 before the next bite" like Dee, I seem to do ok. I think I PB more than I want to admit because my younger son made the comment awhile back that I've lost weight by vomiting. This was a wake up call for me on several levels: 1) that I need to take better care of my band, 2) that I need to pay better attention to my controlling the eating patterns that got me banded in the first place, 3) that I didn't want to project vomiting as a method of weight loss to my kid. Lessons re-learned.

Mare and Ador -- how are you today???

Edited by ShelbiCallie

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Lap ~ You brought tears to my eyes posting the vid for "High Hopes," it reminds me of my grandfather who died a few years back. We were not close at all, but him teaching me that song is one of my good memories of him from childhood. Thank you. :D

Munchkin ~ Oh my goodness, that's just atrocious. It's enough to be dealing with mental health/substance abuse issues (very common in my family unfortunately). But to have the law violated so flagrantly like that and you not be contacted about him? Just a thousand kinds of wrong. I hope that nurse seriously gets called onto the carpet. I also hope you're taking care of yourself.

Shelbi ~ Thank you for talking about PBs! It must be difficult to have heard that from your son. It really does make me feel better knowing that others also struggle with this issue. I keep thinking that I'm going to magically "get it" and never PB again or make a mistake....I have to keep reminding myself that I am working on undoing a lifetime of bad eating habits.

Here's a song for everyone...it stuck in my head the other day. I really think of it as a metaphor for life, especially this verse. This John Denver Muppet Show performance makes me sniffle. I love this kind of music.

Pulling weeds and pickin' stones

Man is made from dreams and bones

Feel the need to grow my own

'Cause the time is close at hand

Grain for grain, sun and rain

Find my way in nature's chain

To my body and my brain

To the music from the land

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3FkaN0HQgs]YouTube - The Garden Song[/ame]

Edited by GreenChrysalis

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Hi there,

I am considering Dr. K for my lap band sugery. But I was wondering if I can get some info from someone. I live in Canada, and I was wondering if he does the surgery at a hospital or a clinic (I have an appointment on friday for a consulation) and also if any one can recommend a hotel/motel near by? I have read alot of your posts and everyone seems really happy with him, and you guys are soooo supportive of each other, which is really nice to see. I think it would nice to be apart of your gang!! And info you can pass along would be great. Thanks for you help!!

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Hi there,

I am considering Dr. K for my lap band sugery. But I was wondering if I can get some info from someone. I live in Canada, and I was wondering if he does the surgery at a hospital or a clinic (I have an appointment on friday for a consulation) and also if any one can recommend a hotel/motel near by? I have read alot of your posts and everyone seems really happy with him, and you guys are soooo supportive of each other, which is really nice to see. I think it would nice to be apart of your gang!! And info you can pass along would be great. Thanks for you help!!

Hi Jogirl and welcome, eh? :D

Dr. K does surgery at two different surgery centers, both of which are located in hospitals. Natalie, his bariatric coordinator, will give you a list of hotels near the surgery center where your surgery is scheduled -- some provide a medical discount. If your surgery is scheduled at Crown Point Surgery Center in Parker, I can't say enough good things about the Holiday Inn Select, which is literally across the street. Very friendly & accommodating staff, beautiful, comfy room and great room service.

I'm sure others have opinions too...we are here for you so feel free to ask away!

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Hi guys...I am back!!! YAY!!!

Have TONS of laundry and getting ready for school to start tomorrow (HS) and on Thursday...so I am busy.

It will take me months to catch up. But wanted to say hi and that I am back!!!

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