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Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum

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Deb- I'm so sorry your poor baby Tucker is ill!! I hope he gets better soon. Hopefully a visit from his girlfriend will help cheer him up. =)

Lap- Wow a boy! Congrats grandma!! =)

Bella - Sorry for your loses. =( ((hugs))

Munchkin- Love your tat girl. I love cherry blossoms. =)

Dee- You can put me down for 2 pounds lost this week. :)

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Lap -- Congratulations!!! A boy!! That is so cool!! Welcome to the world, little man. I couldn't get the slide show that started with the hospital to work for some reason, maybe it's just me? Post a update when you get a chance. Maybe you can add some manly pirates to his mermaids? ARRGH, matey! That is the best birth story; I love it!

Ador --Sophie is a doll baby and now you've got your built in walking partner! You are doing fabulous with fill 3, girlie. I'm hoping to get back to that restriction with next fill -- it's been over 3 months since my last -- but what a great feeling when you hit that sweet spot, right!!?

Munch -- Beautiful tat! I have no artistic genes at all, but I trust Lap's eye; her suggestions sound spot on. Brutus has the most soulful eyes -- what a sweetie!

Hotmama -- Welcome back and have a good time at the lake! You are always on the move and doing so well -- it is amazing that you are so close to goal already!!

Deb -- How's Tucker today?

I'm going back to read some more posts and then I'll update again.

Edited by ShelbiCallie
had more to say, of course

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Denver Girl -- Hi and Welcome! I had surgery on Wed and back to desk work on Monday, but everyone is different -- take extra time if you can! No, I wasn't worried at all about not staying overnight. Most all uncomplicated surgery (especially lap) is outpatient now -- gall bladder, hernia repair, etc.

Uptown -- Hi and Welcome! Lap Dancer is a great resource on FL travel, but I think she's got her hands full right now with baby Christopher. She got lots of travel details in her posts here, though.

Bella -- ((((hugs)))) You've had so much loss, friend. Stay strong. About advancing to mushies: I went back to Paula's pre-op consult handout and read that mushies/soft start after day 9, during the second week, and I remember following that without problem. 14 days of liquids would have done me in! Do you still have a copy of Dr. K and Paula's pre-op consult stuff? you can't go wrong with their guidelines. If you don't have a copy, I'll email you one.

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Mal -- What's new with you? How are your boys doing?

Greenie -- I hope I do as well with fill #4 as you are! Cardio yoga, yeah baby!

Brandy and Woofay -- Come out, come out wherever you are!

Sunshine -- How's that port incision looking these days?

GBear -- You may want to hold a pillow firmly against your incisions when you cough for support --kind of "splinting" will help with that stretched feeling.

mdargen -- Welcome! Dr. K gives you PLENTY of liquid Vicodin for post-op -- no worries-- I've got 3/4 of my bottle left.

Sidann -- Yay!! Another problem child on the loser's bench!! Hey -- let's tie someone's shoe laces together or throw some spit wads. Watch out -- here come the restraints again......

Mini -- I hope you're enjoying your treehouse weekend! I can't wait to hear about your bringing Gracie home on Monday!

Dee -- Yep, I hanging in there with our little challenge! It's become second nature. I don't miss the red meat at all -- there are too many good substitutes -- ground turkey is big around here. I feel bad mentally and physically if I miss my exercise, so a morning walk before work is doing the trick. Enjoy ALBQ -- we drove through there in '83 (God I'm old) during a hot air balloon festival -- I thought it was so beautiful!

Lifesaver -- How are you? Been thinking of you.

I'm still catching up here. Forgive me if I haven't responded personally yet. I'll get to you, my pretty!! Got to go with hubby to an eye appointment this morning.

Have a great Friday, friends!

Edited by ShelbiCallie
I meant "no", not "mo".

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Mal -- What's new with you? How are your boys doing?

Greenie -- I hope I do as well with fill #4 as you are! Cardio yoga, yeah baby!

Brandy and Woofay -- Come out, come out wherever you are!

Sunshine -- How's that port incision looking these days?

GBear -- You may want to hold a pillow firmly against your incisions when you cough for support --kind of "splinting" will help with that stretched feeling.

mdargen -- Welcome! Dr. K gives you PLENTY of liquid Vicodin for post-op -- no worries-- I've got 3/4 of my bottle left.

Sidann -- Yay!! Another problem child on the loser's bench!! Hey -- let's tie someone's shoe laces together or throw some spit wads. Watch out -- here come the restraints again......

Mini -- I hope you're enjoying your treehouse weekend! I can't wait to hear about your bringing Gracie home on Monday!

Dee -- Yep, I hanging in there with our little challenge! It's become second nature. I don't miss the red meat at all -- there are too many good substitutes -- ground turkey is big around here. I feel bad mentally and physically if I miss my exercise, so a morning walk before work is doing the trick. Enjoy ALBQ -- we drove through there in '83 (God I'm old) during a hot air balloon festival -- I thought it was so beautiful!

Lifesaver -- How are you? Been thinking of you.

I'm still catching up here. Forgive me if I haven't responded personally yet. I'll get to you, my pretty!! Got to go with hubby to an eye appointment this morning.

Have a great Friday, friends!


I just adore you!

I saw all the edit comments! You're a kick!

Oh I know! I make my little veggie burgers! Yumm!

I've lost the Water weight and now the scale is moving downward!

I cannot wait until I don't have any further problems with the dependent edema!

I love the Hot Air Balloon Festival. I grew up right next to the Balloon field and there were times when the balloons would land in our backyard. Happened all of the time! My brother in law is a zebra. That's what they call the chasers and field guys!

Even tho, I no longer live in ABQ, I still am reminded daily of the Hot Air Balloons! My head is the size of a Hot Air Balloon floating over the city!

LOL! True Story!!!

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Sunshine-- Yes please take it easy, have hubby clean the house. You need to relax and let your body heal. I too felt like I could do it all after abt 2 wks, but I would tell the family that I needed to rest and make them do it all.

Ador-- Your new doggie is as adorable as you, she fits right in with the family that is 4 sure.

Mini -- Have fun this weekend. We are going to the lake since the trailer is already ready from our last trip (+ I have so much food left over).

Dee -- I missed seeing you last week at RR and the picture is so great of everyone. I can really see the changes from month to month. 2 more weeks and we get to see each other at the BBQ, yeah.

WE missed you at RR too!

I was in the office yesterday and I promised them to wear a different shirt to the BBQ. I also wear one shirt when I go for my appts. It's fun to put it on and see how big it's getting! I love that!

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DORK!!! What a darling puppy girl!!! And I LOVE the name Sophie (one of my cats is named Sophie). Congrats on your success with your fill. Congrats to you too Green. I can't wait till that day comes.

Dee-I'm so happy that you have a boyfriend. It's just so wonderful. Have a good trip to ABQ . . I hope your mom is nice. Mean moms suck.

I'm tired. Long, long day. Night night ladies.

I'm happy I have a boyfriend too! We are so funny together. We giggle and laugh at everything. He called me this morning from Saigon and we talked for over 2 hours. My daughter comes in and rolls her eyes! She said, it's like I'm 13 years old. AND the funny thing is that he had just said the same thing to me! That he felt we were regressing back to our teen years! I love laughing and it's just been such a joy getting to know him!

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Thanks. I will give her tons of hugs from everyone!! And just because I love hugging her. lol. :)

I hope your third fill is as magical as mine was! I know I am not making the challenge goal, but at least I am moving again. And now Sophie drags me out of the house twice a day for walks! lol.

I have my pre-op appointment on Tuesday with my follow-up band doctor... Dr B. Then he will schedule it. I am hoping the gallbladder comes out soon! :)

No fill for me! I've lost 12 lbs! Tom and I think we're in my green zone!

We were talking about T.O.M. with Natalie and he was there. I told him that he caused me to gain over 7lbs last week! He laughed!

I need to hear the story behind your blue tongue! Are you at a fair or carnival?

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Hi guys, just checking in. Had a bad day yesterday with head hunger. I guess I am still grieving my old life. I kinda had too much yesterday and was bummed about it. When I went to bed last night, I prayed for guidance and strength to fight the demons in my head and today was much better. I started to track my eating on mydailyplate.com and that is going to help.

Deb: so sorry to hear about your dog. I hope that the vet can save him and he doesn't have to suffer.

I emailed Natalie in Dr. K's office because I didn't even know what size band I had. I have a 10cc band. She said if I am getting hungry, I can try to slowly start the mushies phase. I am not sure if I should just stick it out another week of liquids. What do you guys think?

I had two funerals in two days :) First, a friend and co-worker of my late husband's fell from a roof at work and died. He was such a nice guy. When my husband was sick, he and a couple of guys came to my house and replaced by back steps (they were unsafe). The factory where they worked paid for everything. He even offered to paint my house. You gotta remember, I live in a small town and even the local factory is all home-town people and we are close-knit. I went to the funeral only to see all the guys my husband worked with and it brought back so many bad memories of my husband's funeral.

Second, my uncle died. How sad that I only have two aunts on my mom's side of the family left. My brothers and I were talking and WE are now the old folks:( How fast time goes!!

On a lighter note, a guy came into work today and said I was PRETTY!!!!! OMG....I said Thank You! Gee, and I only lost 20 lbs so far. My brother said he could tell in my face. I guess I am not so bloated like I was before the surgery. Too bad the guy was old!!! Oooh, I forgot, I am old too now.


I'm sorry to hear about your losses! Funerals are so sad. But to me they are so needed to memorialize the person's life. Glad you're starting to feel better. Are you still yawning a lot?

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Well, I don't know if this will work, but I tried to attach a picture of Brutus the Mastiff sending Tucker get well wishes! (My mom said the other day that Brutus is the "ugly duckling" amongst all the labs. I told her she was going to give him a complex!)

I love Brutus! He's so cute! He'd be one of the babies who you'd just want to hug all of the time!

And your tatoo is great! I think you're so brave! Lap's suggests were good. She has a great eye for art.

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Slideshow of the whole shabang:th_IMG_1256.jpg

Cherry Blossom Tattoo: To each artist his own, as for me, my artist eye tells me that I would add more florals and bring some larger florals forward for softness. I love the birds! Have the artist blend the reds and a pink to go halfway on the color scale. I would ink that shade on the edges and then go light pink down the petal centers. Odd numbers in cluster like 3 and 5

Okay You Sexy Hot Grandma!

Congrats on that Sweet New Baby Boy!

I loved your story, but I couldn't get your pics to work. I am wondering if there is a problem, because I can't get your before and during slideshow to work either -- but previously I could! AND my ticker isn't working either. I had to make a new one to change it!

I love New Babies! I always tell my friends when they are pregnant that it's best to not plan out how you want things to happen, because it never happens that way. Sometimes, Moms will come in with Birth Plans and things just never go as planned. Then they are disappointed. It's more fun and realistic to just be prepared to enjoy the ride!

How's Grandpa with the new Baby Boy? I bet he's thrilled! Was it hard for them to come up with a Boy's name quickly or had they chosen one already? I love his name!

Big Hugs Sexy Grandma!



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Lap-Thanks for the suggestions on my tat. I will let Wind know! (I love the birds too! They are my favorite part!) How's the munchkin? I like Shelbis idea about adding some manly pirates to all the artwork you made for the nursery!

Shelbi-Brutus does have very soulful, knowing eyes. (And also very big nostrils according to my sister!) And yes, you better behave or I will get the restraints out again!:)

Dee-That is so cute that you are like a teenager again! Awww!!!!!

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So I talked to Tom yesterday about what my final goal weight should be. He said a normal BMI for my height would be 170. So I am almost 1/3 of the way to my final goal! I think that is pretty cool since I am almost at my 6 month Bandiversary!

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i think the artist's idea is a fabulous one! it would set off the tree and blossoms and make a beautiful scene

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HOORAY! We get to bring Tucker home today!!:tt2::lol::thumbup::wub::w00t::w00t:

Yesterday afternoon when we took Dollie (my avatar pix) to see him, he looked more like his normal self than he had that morning.

He was waggin' and lickin' and lovin' us and Doll. She then proceeded to do her normal routine: cleaning his eyes and ears. (Years ago the vet said he had never seen a drop-eared dog with such clean ears!!) She is a little nurse dog! However, he still wouldn't eat. We came home alone and disappointed. Then when I called at nine last night, the dr. said there may be a serious infection at trac. hole that would require surgery:sad: So we spent another anxious night. This morning the dr. said he decided he was hungry in the middle of the night and ate for them! She wants to send him home with a variety of meds. A respiratory specialist said she thought the esophagus was inflamed, not damaged...more good news!!

Thanks to all of you for your good thoughts and prayers. Thank you to Brutus as I know those canine vibes help!

By the way, congrats to Lap for new grandbaby....hell, let him wear pink!! He is alive and healthy!!

Dee, good job on weight loss.

Sorry to hear about losses and funerals. Hugs to you.

Newbies: I haven't met Dr. K yet but through this site and my conversation with him on the phone, he is the best!

Gotta go and get ready to get the boy! I am soooooo excited.:w00t:

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