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Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum

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Hi everyone,

I have my surgery all set with Dr. K. My consult with him is on the 5th but i have too many question to wait! :thumbup:

How does he give you pain meds after the surgery? Can you still take regular pills? I am a huge pain wimp. LOL

I just wish Sept. 24th would get here already. I am so excited to start my new life!


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Hi everyone,

I have my surgery all set with Dr. K. My consult with him is on the 5th but i have too many question to wait! :thumbup:

How does he give you pain meds after the surgery? Can you still take regular pills? I am a huge pain wimp. LOL

I just wish Sept. 24th would get here already. I am so excited to start my new life!


Hi Michelle,

You'll get liquid pain meds, liquid antibiotics and dissolve in your mouth anti-nausea meds. Dr. K was insistant that I NEVER EVER take my pills whole again. I asked if I could just cut them into smaller pieces and he insisted they will need to be crushed. I crush them! I know of a bander who didn't do that and one of her pills got stuck for 2 days. She was in agony and had to have a total unfill and go on liquids for days to allow her stomach to heal.

Luckily for me, all of the blood tests have come out normal now -- and I don't have to take pills anymore. I do take a chewable multi-vit, chewable Calcium and chewable Omega-3.

The time will go quickly and before you know it you'll be banded!

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thanks. She's a cutie patootie. I'm thinking of naming her Gracie May.


I think she's adorable! AND I love the name Gracie May! It's perfect for her!

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Nurse Munchkin concurs! I was just about to write a post to the same extent but you beat me too it Nurse Dee!!:biggrin2:

Thanks! Great minds think a like! OR we had the same A&P instructor!

I am glad you didn't have to deal with the power outage too long! I remember in Haiti, we were lucky to have power for 2 hours a day! We lived by candlelight! Makes cheating with UNO really easy! We all cheated... none of us trusted one another! It was part of the game! AND we'd laugh so hard, we could hardly stand it!

good memories~

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Good Morning everyone. Started the morning with a walk, so that always makes me feel better when facing a 12 hour shift on my arse.

Mini-- Love, love ,love the name Gracie May! She looks like that would be her name.

Munchk -- That's great for your sister and you, too!

Dee -- I never pictured you as a cheater! LOL! Sounds like you have great memories of Haiti.

Make it a good day everyone! (Or, fake it until you make it!)

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Good Morning everyone. Started the morning with a walk, so that always makes me feel better when facing a 12 hour shift on my arse.

Mini-- Love, love ,love the name Gracie May! She looks like that would be her name.

Munchk -- That's great for your sister and you, too!

Dee -- I never pictured you as a cheater! LOL! Sounds like you have great memories of Haiti.

Make it a good day everyone! (Or, fake it until you make it!)

Yup! It was hilarious!

I lived in a 3 bedroom house with 7 other american girls. None of us knew one another. We all came from different colleges. It was quite the experience. We made $1.00 a day and had to pool our money to buy food each month and buy propane to cook the food.

Yes, Shelbi, I even cheated. I'd sit on my cards and say UNO really fast... then they'd make everyone stand up and I'd always get found out! Others would hide their cards under the tablecloth or in their shirts. We all tried to be the first one to get rid of our cards AND not in the way we were supposed to.

Despite getting malaria, Haiti was 12 months of a really good adventure.

What kind of nursing do you do where you get to be on your arse for 12 hours?

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Well, I shan't be around all day as all my summer scholars are presenting their research at a symposium and then we have a banquet all night.

So I need to whine and its selfish and dumb and I know what all of you are going to say but here goes-

Since starting soft foods this past week, my weight loss has come to a screeching halt. Haven't lost an ounce. Zip, nada. I have been very conscientious about tracking my calories - approx. 1000 per day. Lots of Protein (75-80 grams), 60 oz of Water, etc. If I can't lose weight on 1000 calories a day, I'm screwed. Really.

Okay, I feel better now. I'll return to my rational self and know that this isn't a race and that my body is going through lots of adjustments and now is the time for healing and not dieting and so on and so forth.

Thank you for listening.

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Well, I shan't be around all day as all my summer scholars are presenting their research at a symposium and then we have a banquet all night.

So I need to whine and its selfish and dumb and I know what all of you are going to say but here goes-

Since starting soft foods this past week, my weight loss has come to a screeching halt. Haven't lost an ounce. Zip, nada. I have been very conscientious about tracking my calories - approx. 1000 per day. Lots of Protein (75-80 grams), 60 oz of Water, etc. If I can't lose weight on 1000 calories a day, I'm screwed. Really.

Okay, I feel better now. I'll return to my rational self and know that this isn't a race and that my body is going through lots of adjustments and now is the time for healing and not dieting and so on and so forth.

Thank you for listening.


The exact thing happened to me. I remember gaining when I started softs and I cried. I thought to myself, "what have I done to myself?" I used to eat 3 or 4 x the amount of food and not gain -- then I get a band, lose weight and go back to eating less than a 1000 cals a day and gain 3lbs! I was sick!

It's normal. Your body is adjusting. It sucks! But it will get better!

I promise!

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The exact thing happened to me. I remember gaining when I started softs and I cried. I thought to myself, "what have I done to myself?" I used to eat 3 or 4 x the amount of food and not gain -- then I get a band, lose weight and go back to eating less than a 1000 cals a day and gain 3lbs! I was sick!

It's normal. Your body is adjusting. It sucks! But it will get better!

I promise!

Thanks, pal!


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Yup! It was hilarious!

I lived in a 3 bedroom house with 7 other american girls. None of us knew one another. We all came from different colleges. It was quite the experience. We made $1.00 a day and had to pool our money to buy food each month and buy propane to cook the food.

Yes, Shelbi, I even cheated. I'd sit on my cards and say UNO really fast... then they'd make everyone stand up and I'd always get found out! Others would hide their cards under the tablecloth or in their shirts. We all tried to be the first one to get rid of our cards AND not in the way we were supposed to.

Despite getting malaria, Haiti was 12 months of a really good adventure.

What kind of nursing do you do where you get to be on your arse for 12 hours?

I do telephonic patient assessments for a disease management company. Basically, I work in a phone center; but, thanks, to technology (gotta love it) I work from home. There are positives and negatives, of course. Barkley comes to work with me daily and no holidays or weekends. Plus, I'm available whenever for my boys -- that is the biggest selling point. It was hard to meet my children's needs when I worked at the hospital. They frown on patient abandonment, imagine that! :thumbup: I really have never had a back up person for my children -- won't go into that tired story here. Anyway, it's the perfect mama job so I think I'll keep it until I can no longer meet the ever increasing production quotas. I've always wanted to do hospice work at some point.

Mini -- Hang in there, sweetie. I agree totally with Dee -- your body's adjusting to the change. Big hugs.

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Yes Mini when I went to soft foods I did the same thing. I came online and asked about it and Dee came to my rescue. I have slowed down again but it's because I'm eating too much. I don't feel any restriction or very little and I don't pay close enough attention to what I'm doing. Therefore - no wonder I've slowed down with my weight loss. I've been more careful this week and I see the scale moving a little bit. We will see on Saturday.

I can't remember which new bander mentioned they were taking children's liquid Tylenol but they make the adult version in liquid. Take that if you can because it will stay with you longer to take care of the pain.

My soft signal is kind of different. I feel like I have a gas bubble in my throat and when that is gone (pretty quickly) I feel like a door has closed to my stomach. It isn't painful but it is a definite stop signal. The problem is that if I eat too quickly or drink with my meal the signal is not there and the door does not close. When I was waiting for my pre-op visit with Dr. K. a woman in the waiting room was saying that she felt like she had a trap door that closed when she had eaten enough for that meal. I thought that was weird but that is what happens to me too but I have to be paying close attention and eating correctly! 20 lbs and I think I'm an expert! The key is doing what I know is best - hmmm. I wonder why I haven't been caught pinching and acting up on the loser's bench with Shelbi.

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Deb ~ I am jealous....a Shakespeare Festival is right up my alley. Have a great time!

Dee ~ my soft stop is a hiccup. It took me awhile to recognize it. Now I'll thinking, "I'm probably full..." and almost immediately, I hiccup. It's kind of funny. I'm glad it's not the nose running!

GBear ~ I think I used my spirometer about 3 days after surgery. It is tough to keep up with this thread; they're chatty cathies. You are doing so well -- I wish I had a juicer. Very cool.

As for the port incision, it should be above your navel and probably slightly to the left. It's my biggest scar; the other ones are much smaller. My port isn't directly under the incision, but to the left of it. I can easily feel it through my skin but it's not visible (yet). It always throws my fill doc a bit because apparently when he places it, it's always on the right. :thumbup:

mdargen ~ As far as I know, it's all liquids/chewables/dissolvable meds, all the way (Dr. K gives you liquid pain meds, antibiotics and a dissolvable anti-nausea pill). I even started a chewable birth control pill (Femcon Fe). I take liquid Tylenol for aches and pains. Tylenol used to make chewables for adults, but they quit (not sure why). I wish they would come back because it's so convenient. I have a stash I ordered online but they'll expire next month.

minidriver ~ I know it's exciting to see the numbers go down when you're on liquids, but this stage is about recovery...letting your band heal. Not losing weight. Try to keep that in mind, OK? You're still adjusting. :smile:

Edited by GreenChrysalis

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So today I went to Sweet Tomatoes with my little one (Sammi). I used to be able to eat a few plates (1 salad, 1 Soup, 1 muffin & pasta), now I can't even finish one plate let alone the extras. I had paying that much and not be able to enjoy it. I feel like I am just throwing money away.

Dee -- I am down another 2 pounds.

Brandy -- Where are you?

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Yes, Brandy, where are you? We're worrying about you.

Thanks for the words of encouragement. I knew I could count of the lab band ladies!!

We're off to our property again tomorrow, so away from the computer. We'll come back Sunday night and then pick up our new baby Gracie Monday!! YAY!!

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Dr. K's BBQ 10 week Weight Loss Challenge - Week 8

Bandito Goal --1st week-2nd week-3rd Week-4th week-5th week-6th week - 7th week - 8th week

Dee = 20lbs +4.6-7.0-1.0+0.0+4.2-6.6-5.0+7.6:tongue_smilie:

Bookholder = 15lbs+0.0+0.0-1.0+0.0+0.0+2.0-2.0rolleyes.gif

Brandy = 25lbs-4.5-5.7+2.0-1.0-1.0+0.0+0.0rolleyes.gif

Woofay = 15lbs+4.0-4.0+1.0-1.0+0.0+0.0:tt1:

Mal = 15lbs +0.0-2.8-2.0-1.4+1.0+0.0-1.2-0.8:tongue_smilie:

LA = 23lbs+1.0-1.0-3.0-1.0-2.0+1.0-1.0-4.0:tongue_smilie:

Marcy = 15lbs+0.0-5.0+1.5-0.5-1.0+3.0-4.5rolleyes.gif

Lapdancer = 20lbs +4.0-5.4-1.7+0.0-3.0-3.0:tt1:

Shelbi = 20lbs -2.6+2.0-2.5-3.0-1.0-2.0+3.0+0.0:tongue_smilie:

Amieru = 20lbs-2-5.0+2.0-5.0-1.0+0.0+0.0-3.0:tongue_smilie:

Sidann = 20lbs-4.5+1.5-3.0-3.0+2.0-1.0-1.0:tongue_smilie:

Lifesaver = 20lbs-1.0-1.5-2.0+1.0-4.0-1.5-2.0:rolleyes:

John T = 15lbs-2.0+0.0+0.0-3.0-2.0-1.0-1.0-2.0-:thumbup:

bahotmamma = 20lbs-1.5-1.0-2.0-4.0-2.0-1.0-2.0:tongue_smilie:


Week One Losses 18.1lbs (6.8%)

Week Two Losses 24.8lbs (10.2%)

Week Three Losses 18.2lbs

Week Four Losses 18.9lbs

Week Five Lossses 21.0lbs

Week Six Losses 20.1 :scared2:

Week Seven Losses rolleyes.gif

Week Eight Losses :lol:

Only 2 weeks left!!!

Edited by PrtyAntOvrYt

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