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Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum

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:party:Woofay~I missed your Birthday??? Well Happy Birthday!!

Mini~Did I read that you are looking to get another furry friend? awwww, I am soooo jealous! Honestly, I look everyday for another dog or two. I know I can't get another one, but I go through many motions. I search Craigslist, the Humane Society etc. Sometimes I will contact the people and ask for pictures and other information, but I just can't take the final step. I know it's strange, I want another (million) dog/s, but I just can't! I am so excited for you though, what are you going to get?

My Buster has moved his favorite spot from under my desk to ontop of my desk! I don't know where that came from. He just started to jump onto my desk and he lays there. Such a silly spoiled boy.

Life~i can't wait to hear how the hike went! Did you start the Couch to 5K? I really enjoy it, I am on week 2, but I am repeating each week twice. The other day I forgot to take a hit off of my inhaler before my workout, but I did fine!

Brandy~Any news on the FIL? How's the family holding up? Let them all know that we are all praying for him.

Shelbie~you deserve a break today...no no not Mc Donalds, a break from your excercise. Way to go on the no red meat (that would be so very difficult for me), the Oats, I really enjoy them, I told my dad about them today and he is going to get some too.

Buster says "hi"

Munchkin~Have you ever bought the Doggie Ice Cream for your babies? Buster goes crazy for that stuff! I want to start a Doggie Ice Cream truck that goes to the Dog Parks, Vets, Pet Stores, Parks etc...what do ya' think? My husband thinks I have lost it (again). Heck I would buy some if I were at the dog park, or coming out of the vet after shots (awww). I would have Water, treats, misty sprayers, and of course ice cream!

Later gals!

Yes, Happy Belated Birthday Woofay!!:cool:

Mal, I personally would totally buy Doggie Ice Cream from you! I think it's an awesome idea! My vet is a house call vet, and my dogs LOVE it when she comes over because they know they get a treat when she is done. It would be the same premise, only at the actual vets office. Maybe puppies would like going there a little more then! They would think..."Ok, if I endure this and get my shots, then I get to go outside and have...Doggie Ice Cream!!" (Lots of tail wagging and butt wiggling to follow...)

I love that Buster is getting on your desk! How funny! One time we were at my ex's moms house, and my 80 pound chocolate lab jumped up on the patio table and just sat there, looking at all of us sitting around the table like "What? You act like you've never seen a dog jump up on a dining table before!" It was mortifying but hilarious at the same time! One of those situations where you DON'T want to encourage the behavior, but at the same time you can't help but start cracking up! Little stinker!:)

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Did you check with your medical insurance? I have TMJ and had to get a night guard. My medical insurance paid for it.

I posted this very long response to your question about going to days!

I worked nights for over 10 years and am now on days. I loved nights and I loved the money, but when I was diagnosed with pre-diabetes and I saw the rates of Breast Cancer for night shift nurses, I decided I better get on days. I still hate having less money and waking up so darn early and having to work with so much management hanging around, BUT I am very thankful for the "human-like" energy and feeling I have now. I think I actually look more rested now that I'm on days.

I'm sure it has nothing to do with the 86.6 lbs I lost! Right?

I think you made the best decision for you and that is what is important.

I remained on nights because for 10 years as I was raising my small child, it was perfect for me. I could take her to school at 850am and pick her up at 1550. AND sleep during her school time.... we all do what we have to do!

Dee-I will look into my medical insurance covering it. It would be nice to have so I wouldn't wake up with headaches anymore. Do you wear yours regularly?

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Looking awesome you are!!! You are doing an awesome job!!

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I am not really sure about the feeling in your throat, other than your fill may be too tight? I really honestly don't know! Your health insurance must be like mine, I have a lot of $30 copays also, and yes, it is alot for a copay.

Ok everyone, my nursing supervisor I told you about is wanting to have her surgery done at the beginning of September. I was all excited and wanted to come out with her since I will still be off work for my foot, but I was just looking on Expedia and Travelocity at plane tickets & hotel rooms, and YOWZA. I must have gotten a really good deal last time I came out there! Things are so much more expensive! So, I am thinking I probably will not be able to come...which means I might need to utilize the bat phone list for you locals if she needs anything!:cool: I was really psyched, I thought maybe I would get to come and visit! It would have been right around RR time too!:)

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Dee, I forgot to tell you I am down 1 pound this week. I would have liked to have been down more, but considering I gained 5 pounds last weekend from that stupid metoprolol,then lost it again, I guess it's all good!

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I am not really sure about the feeling in your throat, other than your fill may be too tight? I really honestly don't know! Your health insurance must be like mine, I have a lot of $30 copays also, and yes, it is alot for a copay.

Hmmmm.... I am not sure about the fill being too tight... but anything is possible. I will keep that in mind. :cool: Dr B is very cautious with my fills so I think I am good on that. If it persists I will mention it to my PCP when I have the follow up to my HIDA scan. Since he is banded, perhaps he can give me a perspective.

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Ok ladies... restriction question. since my fill on Monday I have obviously been careful on what i eat. I HAVE noticed my portions have been cut down and I have been very mindful about chewing, not drinking, etc.

After this last fill I have noticed I sigh, or take a deep breath so I am taking that as a soft stop signal. Head hunger is fighting me on that, but I am trying!

I have noticed a NEW sensation, it almost feels like something is stuck in the back of my throat. Not painful stuck like in the chest tightness... this is at the back of the throat and just feels like I need to swallow it down. I keep dry swallowing but it still feels like something is back there. Eventually the feeling goes away. Sometimes my throat feels tired, like the muscles have been overworked. (maybe it is all that dry swallowing.. haha)

So does this mean I am too full and filled all the way up my esophagus? I read somewhere that there are no nerves in the throat so there is no way to feel were in the throat it is. Is this true? I don't want to overeat!! But I feel fine, still no stuck episodes or PB's. *knock on wood*

Has anyone else experienced this???


That's my sign of a good fill. I had that the first time and it lasted for about two months. Then I had the it second time and it only lasted about 3 weeks. Now, I get it when I'm on my period. Natalie and I talked about it. Do you feel it when you have your food in the upper pouch and you drink something an hour or a half after you've eaten? That's when it would happen to me. I could eat and everthing went down fine. I'd wait my hour to drink... drink and it would sit there in the back of my throat for hours, sometimes 4 hours and then it would slowly lessen. She said it meant I had very good restriction.

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Dee, I forgot to tell you I am down 1 pound this week. I would have liked to have been down more, but considering I gained 5 pounds last weekend from that stupid metoprolol,then lost it again, I guess it's all good!

Thanks Munchy!

I'm glad to hear you lost. I felt bad about that stupid med making you gain! As we both know meds are evil and they alter our bodies in very bad ways!

I am sad you can't come with your supervisor when she gets her band!

If I am available, I'd love to help her any way, I can.

Just let me know and you can access the bat list for my digits!

I adore you Girl and I always look for your posts. We've bonded in an odd bird kinda way!



Edited by PrtyAntOvrYt

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That's Catch Up! NOT Ketchup!!!

This hasn't been easy so I know I've forgotten people and issues and for that I am truly sorry!

I'll post the updates to our weigh loss totals!

Shelbi! Shelbi! Shelbi!! WE are rocking this tiny challenge of ours! The Oats, No Red, Move your hot body is working! I haven't weighed yet, but I can see the difference! I am so very proud of you! I hope one day to meet you in real life person -- It would be my honor to give you a hug!

You've been such an inspiration and support here to all of us!

Work kicked my hiney last week! I'm exhausted (and not in a good way!)

I missed you guys!



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Hey everyone,

I know I made the right decision. I am still worried about not having health insurance.

Question: on the preop diet, does it matter how much you eat? I am following the no carb rule, but my appetite is still big and I am still eating alot. I don't want to mess up any chances of getting the surgery because of a large liver. I will do whatever it takes to have this surgery. What do you guys think?

I can't wait to meet some of you guys at the RR!

Fatwidow! It's truly only the carbs that you need to restrict! You can eat as much as you want of anything else. The Liver is where glycogen is stored from our consumed carbs. They need to be emptied back into our systems. It would seriously take months to do this completely, but 2 weeks can help and every little bit makes it easier to manipulate that liver during surgery!

Well, the time is coming closer! I can't wait to meet you and your daughter!

Edited by PrtyAntOvrYt

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Hey Everyone, I haven't posted in a while its been a busy week. Went to get a fill today but ended up just talking to Tom for abt 1/2 hr. We decided I didn't need a fill that I am at a good place. Still losing and not getting hungry. So I will wait another month to see where I am at then.

Went and saw Journey, Cheap Trick & Heart last night. What a blast. It was so much fun, and I have to tell you not being the fat one in the group is AWESOME!!! I even had a few men cking me out, or so my sister says.

Brandy -- Big hugs and lots of prayers I am sending your way.

Munchkin -- That is a hard decision, I guess you have to weigh if it would hurt you financially if you lost that $400 a month. I'll be praying you make the right choice that is best for you and your family.

Yup, my goal is to not ever be the fatest one in the room AGAIN!!!

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Marcy -- You look fabulous. That is awesome and you are so right 50 pounds that you'll never see again.

Brandy -- Sorry I missed you yesterday, if I had known maybe we could have done lunch or something. I was thinking of you when I was on my way there wondering if maybe you were visiting you fil. I go again in 4 weeks, what about you? I hope your fil gets his heartbeat under control, keep us updated.

Munchkin -- Glad you made up your mind, I know that was a hard decision to make.

Mini -- Have fun this weekend.

Dee -- I am down another 1 pound. Also, hubby moved up the date for our vacation and we are now leaving on Wed, so I won't make it to RR and I am so bummed. Have fun without me. :)

Hope everyone has a great weekend, we are going to pick our little one up from camp tomorrow. Than going shopping, need some new shorts and my mil is in town so she is buying.:cool:

What did I just read???

You're not going to be at RR?

OH NO! That is totally unacceptable!!!

well, alright, but I'll miss you!!!

And Missy, this better be the last time!!!

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Bandito Goal --1st week-2nd week-3rd Week-4th week-5th week-6th week - 7th week

Dee = 20lbs +4.6lbs-7.0lbs-1.0lb+0.0+4.2lbs-6.6lbs-5.0:rolleyes:

Bookholder = 15lbs+0.0+0.0-1.0+0.0+0.0+2.0-2.0:rolleyes:

Brandy = 25lbs-4.5-5.7lbs+2.0-1.0-1.0+0.0+0.0:rolleyes:

Woofay = 15lbs+4.0lbs-4.0lbs+1.0-1.0+0.0+0.0:tt1:

Mal = 15lbs +0.0-2.8lbs-2.0lbs-1.4lbs+1.0lbs+0.0-1.2:rolleyes:

LA = 23lbs+1.0lb-1.0lb-3.0-1.0-2.0+1.0-1.0:rolleyes:

Marcy = 15lbs+0.0-5.0lbs+1.5lbs-0.5-1.0+3.0lbs-4.5lbs:rolleyes: (-6.5 total loss)

Lapdancer = 20lbs +4.0lbs-5.4lbs-1.7lbs+0.0-3.0-3.0:tt1:

Shelbi = 20lbs -2.6+2.0-2.5lbs-3.0lbs-1.0lbs-2.0+3.0:rolleyes:

Amieru = 20lbs-2lbs-5.0lbs+2.0-5.0-1.0+0.0:tt1:

Sidann = 20lbs-4.5lbs+1.5lbs-3.0lbs-3.0lbs+2.0-1.0:rolleyes:

Lifesaver = 20lbs-1.0lb-1.5lbs-2.0+1.0-4.0-1.5-2.0:rolleyes:

John T = 15lbs-2.0lbs+0.0lbs+0.0-3.0-2.0-1.0:tt1:

bahotmamma = 20 lbs -1.5lbs-1.0lbs-2.0-4.0-2.0-1.0:rolleyes:


Week One Losses 18.1lbs (6.8%)

Week Two Losses 24.8lbs (10.2%)

Week Three Losses 18.2lbs :thumbup:

Week Four Losses 18.9lbs :)

Week Five Lossses 21.0lbs biggrin.gif

Week Six Losses 20.1 :smile2:

Week Seven Losses :cool:

Thanks for the early weigh ins! I haven't ventured over to my scale yet, but I will in a bit! I'm looking forward to hearing how everyone's doing! Thank you Peeps for keeping up with this! I know how hard it is when we have to see a + sign next to our totals. But this is a journey and it has ups and downs... let's Celebrate the downs and support the ups!

Love you guys!


Edited by PrtyAntOvrYt
just to update our totals!

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I'm up 3 pounds! I'm scheduling a fill, since it's been 3 months and I am sliding back to pre-band habits. I am eating healthy meals, just too much and I'm hungry again in no time. Last night, I sauteed chicken breasts with onions/peppers and a black bean/corn/salsa relish and I ate way too much and was ready for more food within an hour -- so I ate ice cream!?? I know better, so what's the deal. I am making a fill appointment ASAP. I've come too far and need to get back in control!

Congrats to the losers this week! And may we all be in that category next week.

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Shelbi! Shelbi! Shelbi!! WE are rocking this tiny challenge of ours! The Oats, No Red, Move your hot body is working! I haven't weighed yet, but I can see the difference! I am so very proud of you! I hope one day to meet you in real life person -- It would be my honor to give you a hug!

You've been such an inspiration and support here to all of us!~....

Dee, You are simply the best! Thanks for your kind words. I needed them this morning more than you'll ever know. This hasn't been the best week for me on many levels -- you always make me feel better just at the right moment. We WILL meet someday for sure; maybe Dr. K will make his BBQ an annual event! Wouldn't that be awesome?? Maybe ticket prices will in the doable range for me next year. A girl can always dream, right?? Have a great weekend and get some rest, super star!

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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        Congrats on the surgery!

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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