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Curse the Ranch dressing! (OMG I could put it on everything!) The ranch I buy has 150 kcal per 2 tablespoons...EEEEK! :thumbup: The Balsalmic Vinegerette I just bought has 50 kcal per 2 tablespoons...Oh my! Hope it helps. Oh ya, I'm a bit of a mayo freak too. (mmmmmm fat!) I'm cutting that way back, almost out.

Wow, Dee~ you sure must have been swollen! Poor thing!

Mini~ your belly will be swollen for a while too. Thats all Fluid in there! Hope you're feeling better by the minute.

Bookholder! I'm hoping over here that it is all okay! With my leak it was a very slow losing of restriction. Not all at once. But if it is the issue...its not too bad of a procedure. Recovery is really quick and truly not that painful. My nerves were far more frazzled than anything else. Good luck, I'll be thinking of you.:biggrin2:

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Hi everyone.... I've had a heck of a time trying to get on... Everytime I click on a page to go back and try to read, it takes me back to the home page... I've finally been able to go back and see the pic's of Mini's pre op dinner and WOW!! everyone looks fantastic...

My gosh Dee I hardly recognized you, you look marvelous dahling!

I hope everyone had a good 4th and good weekend... I will be going in for a fill on Monday... I can hardly wait, it has been way to long since the last one... I must say Dee you are an inspiration to me and I need to get back on the bandwagon and lose some weight... I also need to get in more exercise...

Anyway, Happy Weekend to all...

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Curse the Ranch dressing! (OMG I could put it on everything!) The ranch I buy has 150 kcal per 2 tablespoons...EEEEK! :thumbup: The Balsalmic Vinegerette I just bought has 50 kcal per 2 tablespoons...Oh my! Hope it helps. Oh ya, I'm a bit of a mayo freak too. (mmmmmm fat!) I'm cutting that way back, almost out.

Wow, Dee~ you sure must have been swollen! Poor thing!

Mini~ your belly will be swollen for a while too. Thats all Fluid in there! Hope you're feeling better by the minute.

Bookholder! I'm hoping over here that it is all okay! With my leak it was a very slow losing of restriction. Not all at once. But if it is the issue...its not too bad of a procedure. Recovery is really quick and truly not that painful. My nerves were far more frazzled than anything else. Good luck, I'll be thinking of you.:biggrin2:

Woofay-my very, very, most favorite dressing in the world is Kraft Zesty Italian, and it comes in a lite and a free version, all equally tasty. Very flavorful and yummy!

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Curse the Ranch dressing! (OMG I could put it on everything!) The ranch I buy has 150 kcal per 2 tablespoons...EEEEK! :thumbup: The Balsalmic Vinegerette I just bought has 50 kcal per 2 tablespoons...Oh my! Hope it helps. Oh ya, I'm a bit of a mayo freak too. (mmmmmm fat!) I'm cutting that way back, almost out.

Wow, Dee~ you sure must have been swollen! Poor thing!

Mini~ your belly will be swollen for a while too. Thats all Fluid in there! Hope you're feeling better by the minute.

Bookholder! I'm hoping over here that it is all okay! With my leak it was a very slow losing of restriction. Not all at once. But if it is the issue...its not too bad of a procedure. Recovery is really quick and truly not that painful. My nerves were far more frazzled than anything else. Good luck, I'll be thinking of you.:biggrin2:

I love Ranch and Miracle Whip! I could put Ranch on everything!

I found a Ranch I loved, Kraft Done Light -- BUT they don't make it anymore! I can't find it anywhere!

I will try the other lower versions of dressings. I need to get my palate used to vinegar and oil dressings!

Darn it!

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Woofay-my very, very, most favorite dressing in the world is Kraft Zesty Italian, and it comes in a lite and a free version, all equally tasty. Very flavorful and yummy!

Thanks Munchkin!

I'm try to find it!

Zesty Italian, sounds yummy!

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Hi everyone.... I've had a heck of a time trying to get on... Everytime I click on a page to go back and try to read, it takes me back to the home page... I've finally been able to go back and see the pic's of Mini's pre op dinner and WOW!! everyone looks fantastic...

My gosh Dee I hardly recognized you, you look marvelous dahling!

I hope everyone had a good 4th and good weekend... I will be going in for a fill on Monday... I can hardly wait, it has been way to long since the last one... I must say Dee you are an inspiration to me and I need to get back on the bandwagon and lose some weight... I also need to get in more exercise...

Anyway, Happy Weekend to all...


I feel so good now! It's amazing and people are finally noticing -- people who didn't know I had the surgery done!

It took about 70lb loss before anyone noticed!

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I found this on another WLS board and I loved it!

I hope others find it helpful!

  1. Strategy is Stronger than Willpower. The winners at weight control do not have more willpower than those who fail - they have more strategies. These are the strategies that I have learned from the winners
  2. Think Historically, Not Calorically. If you just think calorically, you will probably fail. It's not just how many calories in a cookie or a candy, but how many or how much of this food do you typically eat. Always ask yourself, not just about the calories, but what is my history with this food? and you will not find yourself among the millions of dieters who gain back the same weight again and again with the same foods.

    The problem may be in the food, not in you. Certain foods affect the neurochemistry of the brain and actually trigger cravings and appetite especially in those who are genetically sensitive to such foods. Knowing this scientific fact helps you to understand. It may not be your lack of willpower or character, but your hypersensitivity to the taste or texture of a certain food which is actually creating losses of control and excess eating. Remember the potato chip commercial - "we bet you can't have just one"?

    Structure Gives Control. The structure of 3 meals and 2 to 3 Snacks a day promotes metabolic efficiency and helps with cravings and going longer than 3-4 hours without a healthy snack or meal promotes cravings, hunger and failure.

    Separate Mood from Food. Sometimes eating is not about food. You can lose all the weight in the world but, if the next time you get upset you turn to food, your success at weight control will be temporary.

    Take control of your favorite foods. To succeed at a diet does not mean you have to give up your favorite foods but, if you have a long history of overeating them, you need new strategies to take control of them rather than letting them continue to control you.

    The slips should teach you, not defeat you. Thin is a life-management skill. It is not about being "good" or "bad" It is about learning what works. Part of any learning process involves making mistakes. This Commandment teaches you how to learn from those mistakes and never again to make the greatest mistake of all - saying "I blew it" and giving up.

    Stop feeling deprived. Dieting has always been associated with deprivation. This commandment teaches you how to overcome that feeling and to fully appreciate that in the end it is not about deprivation but about liberation.
    The greatest deprivation of all is to spend a lifetime of being heavy when you could have easily succeeded with strategies that could have worked for you

    Treat your calories like dollars. This commandment deals with the truth that our bodies have a budget like our checkbook. It teaches us the insider tips and foods that allow you to stretch your calorie budget so you can eat more and weigh less.

Losing weight is half the job. Keeping it off is the other half. If you're 30 or 40 or 50 or 60 and lose weight today how do you keep this weight off for the decades to come? This concerns maintenance and the strategies that work best to keep it off for a lifetime without cravings or deprivation. It's about living in the world of food as a thin person.

Edited by PrtyAntOvrYt

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LA -- Insist on the gall bladder function test for sure! Sometimes the gall bladder can have "sludge" which can't be seen on the initial ultrasound (unlike the stones). Of course, insurance companies don't want to pay for surgery unless there's a stone. (Let's be real, insurance companies don't want to pay for anything if they can avoid it.) But if there's sludge, then maybe the function test will be positive.

I have a fill Monday with my follow up surgeon and I am going to discuss it with him and see what he thinks. I have pretty much decided I am going to insist on the test. That way if the gallbladder is ruled out 100% we can sart looking elsewhere.

Hey Mal (and LA and whoever is doing walk/run to 5K), Have you ever tried the Podrunner Intervals? There are free weekly downloads for first day to 5K. I haven't used them yet, but the music is supposed to change when you are to change from run to walk, walk to run,etc. Here's a link if you're interested. Podrunner: Intervals - Free Workout Music from dj steve boyett Right now I'm just walking with hubs and not running at all -- his dr's goal for him is to walk 2 miles/day, 5 days week so that's where things are. I'm still doing Spin though and trying to spend about 15 minutes/day climbing my stairs (I know that sounds weird, but it's a cheap stair master and very available on my 12 hour work days!). My goal was to do a 5k this fall, but I think that may be a realistic goal for next fall. So, just now, I signed up to so a 1-mile Fun Run for Autism on Oct.11 in Raleigh. I think that's doable from where I am now. I'm hoping to run a mile with ease (ha ha) by my surgery anniversary 9/19.

The 1 mile fun run sounds neat and Autism is a great cause!

I think that is the same guy I listen to when I run. I will have to check my iPod when I get home. My iTunes is screwed up on my laptop so I can't download anything right now.

I was planning on doing the 5k in October, but I don't think I am going to be realiztically ready by then. It has gotten so hot already this year. The last 2-3 weeks have been 100+ and since I work mids I wake up at 3pm, the hottest time of the day. I just can't run in 109 degree weather.

Plus I keep stopping and starting so I haven't made it off of week 1. :thumbup: I just joined the swim program at work so I am going to swim in the AM and get instruction on proper stroke etc. So I will keep doing that for now and pick back up on the running in fall when it cools down.

:) :sneaky: I am frustrated right now and feeling pretty low. :wink2: :tt1: I am having lunch tomorrow (or today for you first shifters ha ha) with another bandster I met on here that lives in my area. Hopefully that will cheer me up.

I am frustrated with my lack of weightloss this month, and not knowing what is causing my pain. And now for the past 3 days I have had a tightness and pain in my lower back and side. I don't know if it is related to the "gallbladder" or not. I have ben popping pain pills like candy and I usually never take OTC meds. :frown:

I just want to get back on track, and feel 100% again. Grrr.

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LA- Way to go on the swim program -- that's great! I think lunch with a band buddy is a great way to jump start things.

I had a long post last night, but lost it when a power went out :P. Instead of re-creating the whole darn thing, let me just say I'm hoping everyone is feeling good, eating healthy and moving around.

Woofay, I'm glad you're back. I missed you.

Nurses or anyone who's interested or has ideas:

I've already got my lab results, even though my physical isn't until next week. (I have my PCP do the orders early because I have a 45 minute commute to the lab and I try to combine trips. Of course, my insurance company only has a contract with certain labs IN ANOTHER TOWN. Don't get me started.:() My results were good but not as stellar as I had hoped. Everything is good except my LDL 103 (0-99 normal) and my HDL 42 (40-60 normal), but they just need tweaking. My total cholesterol is 168, so my ratio would be 4:1. Anyway, I haven't taken my cholesterol medication in many, many months and I don't want to re-start just for a few points. I know I can get the HDL up by exercising more and the LDL down by cutting out all red meat. I'm taking Fish oil and Flax Oil now. I really don't want to add another pill or supplement if I don't have to (besides the two I've mentioned I take a multi, Calcium and biotin). I am off my anti-depressants for about a month and doing ok, more exercise and better quality sleep has made a huge difference there. But I'll be sure to start those back again if I start to slide, no doubt. I think I'm going to have him repeat the labs in 3 months and see if I can do better with my HDL/LDL. I want a HgbA1C done anyway -- I don't think I've ever had one; my fasting glucose is always normal. Any suggestions? Should I think about taking Niacin?

Happy Sunday everyone! Back to work tommorrow.:)

Edited by ShelbiCallie

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AdorKable~ {{{{{{hugs!}}}}}} You seemed like you needed one :(. Don't get too bumed about your activity in the summer. I lived in Phx my first 37 years of life...and no, you cannot go out and jog in the summer. (You can die from that.) So between your pain, meds for pain, the very suppressive depressing heat~~~no wonder you need cheering up! I hope your new band buddy does the trick for you. And you know, your weight loss is awesome...just awesome! And another thing, pain meds can effect weight and cause depression, so don't beat yourself up over it. You'll get to the reason for your pain and get it fixed. Until then...we are thinking of you! Hang in there! :)

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Good morning lap band ladies! I awoke this morning and the wretched headache is 95% gone!!! Yay!!! I'm even going to try to get some fluids today from something other than popsicles.

dee - you had me all confused there for a minute with your name change. I was like, uhhhhh . . . who's that?

LA - it's really hard to concentrate on things like weight loss when you're in pain. You just need to concentrate on feeling better. The rest will work itself out.

I know I'm missing lots of people but every time DH sees that I'm on the computer he says "wow, that must really help your headache" so I'm doing this on the sly while he's at the store. sneaky sneaky :)

Thanks for all your support guys. Rough couple of days, but things are looking much better now.

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Hey Dee, I was confused with your name change.... I thought it was another person...:)

Thanks for the 10 Commandments, I printed them up to keep on hand...

I still have a hard time getting to this thread... I sure hope things get better before long...

I'm sending a big Sunday hello out to Shelbi, Woofay, Adorkable, Mal, Mini and all the others...

Has anyone heard anything from Mare lately? How is she doing?

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Mini~thanks for the sneaky update. Glad to hear you are feeling better.

Woofay~How is your summer going? How do you like the wii? I have tried to go online with it, but I don't think you can??? What is the wii channel?

PrtyAntOverYt~WELCOME...LOL you sneaky girl, I know who you are! I do love that picture of you from the other night in front of OTB. I can really see the weight loss in it!

nicna~Did you g et a fill? How is your restriction?

Shelbie~How are you and your daughter doing?

Adork~sending you hugs! Buster sends wet sloppy doggie kisses too! Good luck tomorrow with your fill doc.

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(John David)

There's a troubled wind a blowin' through my crazy life

I feel the chill begin, it's gonna be a long, long, long night

I hear the thunder roll but I don't fear the lightning strike

'Cause deep inside I know I'm gonna make it through alright

So let the walls come tumblin' down

Bring on the last sunset

I ain't moving to heartbreak town

The party ain't over yet

Yeah, let the devil do his worst

But don't take any bets

That life has finally quenched my thirst

The party ain't over yet

Not yet

Every drop of rain that ever fell into my life

Helps me ride this pain, they were a blessin'

In disguise

And I know in time this'll soon be yesterday

Nothin' I can't climb, I've got the will to find the way

So let the walls come tumblin' down

Bring on the last sunset

I ain't moving to heartbreak town

The party ain't over yet

Yeah, let the devil do his worst

But don't take any bets

That life has finally quenched my thirst

The party ain't over yet

Not yet

So when the morning comes

I'll do more than just survive

I'll walk into the sun and live until I die

So let the walls come tumblin' down

Bring on the last sunset

I ain't moving to heartbreak town

The party ain't over yet

Yeah, let the devil do his worst

But don't take any bets

That life has finally quenched my thirst

The party ain't over yet

Not yet

Hey, hey, the party ain't over yet

No, no, the party ain't over yet 46081.gif

Performed by Patty Loveless, one of my most favorite artists!!!

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Please don't be scared, it's me! I needed to mix things up a little!

Well, I lost another 3.6 lbs this morning. I am hoping to lose more tomorrow. I am watching my fat intake today! Back on track, am I!

I've got to get this poundage off! For me the real NSV will be when I don't have so many problems with Water weight. Then and only then will I know I have reached a good place!

Adork, I'm sorry you're having a hard time! Use all in your power to talk that doctor into giving you that gallbladder test! It's very important that you are able to rule it out. Then you're right, you can move forward. Have you had any more problems?

Shelbi, I think your labs are almost identical to mine. I have started eating steel cut oats to increase my HDL's. I've cut down the red meat to decrease the LDLs. But yours are so close to being wnl. My doc wants mine under 70 due to my pre-diabetic state. If your fastings are always good, an A1C isn't needed. You can get that test -- if you want a baseline, but I doubt if it will be a problem. Did you get liver studies done and a microalbumin? Due to our Protein intake I asked for a BUN and Creatine and a Microalbumin. I just wanted to check on my kidney fnx.

My ex eats Steel Cut oats every day of his life and his Tg are 40 and his LDL's are 50's. It's amazing because his other intake is not so good.

Mal and Nic, thanks for saying such nice things about me! I think everyone was beautiful in that picture! I had such a good time that evening!

Edited by PrtyAntOvrYt
stupid LBT kept kicking me off and I had to back browser to get here!

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