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okay anyone...so HOW do you set up for daily emails? I can't figure it out! I changed my Buster picture and now I forgot how to add the text under the avatar?


Mal - I know someone gave you one way to get the email notifications, but here I am at the Reply to Thread page, where I quoted you, and here right at the bottom of my reply is a "Additional Options" box and that's where I signed up for Daily emails.

Marcy- I can't imagine how life is there. I bet your summers are the best ever! I LOVE summer here, I just wish that it lasted longer than 2 1/2 months lol. I am so not a dark -50 person. It makes me eat eat eat!:eek: (that is an excuse but you get my meaning). We lived in Anchorage for 5 yrs, went to Kansas, then Colorado and back here to Fairbanks. We would love to retire our summers here but winter somewhere else. How long have you lived in Nome and what brought you there(if not from there).

JillyPoo - moved to FBKS when I was 7 and lived there until I was 30 (left to Idaho for school). Lived in Bethel for 3 1/2 years and we've been here in Nome for a little over a year. My husband is a State Trooper so we move around like the mililtary, depending on what positions open up and then we bid on them. Bethel was just an "experience move", Nome was a promotion....would like to go to Ketchikan some day because we have family there...actually going for a couple of weeks this summer. I'll be in good 'ol squarebanks in Aug., maybe we could meet? Do you have a fill doc there? I was only able to find fill docs in Anchorage, but I hear there is now someone in FBKS now. My sisters and parents live in FBKS too. I actually LIKE Nome, but wish we had better access to a Walmart like store...we've got 7-11 merchandise at Neiman Marcus prices!!

I am here, I am here!!! I did have a baseball game after dinner...You all are SO very sweet to be worried...I didn't mean to worry you.

I met with Dr. K...he didn't do an exam or an ultrasound, but said based on what I am explaining he thinks it is all muscular. I am going in to see my PCP because I just don't feel right. I am completely wiped out, my back hurts, my stomach, my port etc... He doesn't think that I have slipped because I am not throwing up (THANK GOD!!)

I did this morning but it was because I took my kids to the free movie, choked on popcorn and had to take a drink. Huge mistake.

I am happy that he thinks that is all muscular but I need to figure out what is wrong. I am usually raring to go and I don't want to do ANYTHING!!!


Brandy - I had some dizzyness a few weeks ago and ended up quite ill...ended up dry heaving :embaressed_smile:(the band won't let much get DOWN let alone UP!) for a couple of hours. It was quite violent. I, too, was VERY worried about my band (especially since I live way out here), but the achyness and pain (if you want to call it that, but it was mostly soreness around port, stomach area). I knew my band was all good because I was able to eat without getting stuck - and got stuck appropriately with "bad food". Keep us informed though!

Hey, has anyone else had these "symptoms":

-feeling cold a lot, like I feel I can't get warm (and no sarcasm about how I live in Alaska and therefore SHOULD feel cold!):lol:

-actually NOT having an appetite for things that won't go down (ie. bread for me)

-not losing weight, but definitely "re-distributing":wink2:

-strange cravings for things never craved before (never liked chocolate before, but a Hershey bar really hits the spot now!)

-light-headedness...like I'm dizzy a lot, getting that checked out at the doc tomorrow, but just wondering if anyone else is having issues like this...I'm actually thinking inner-ear infection on this on though.

Things I can't eat::lol:

bread, Pasta, scrambled eggs, I have trouble with meat - can only eat a few SMALL bites

Things I can eat (that scare me that I can eat)::lol:

soda, crackers, Cookies, chips, chocolate, hot dogs, bratwurst (any greasy meat)

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Lap - that's exciting! I'm actually looking forward to getting the pannus ripped off me (and some days I'm ready to take a knife to it myself - that might MAKE insurance pay for it! Gross, I know, thats why I haven't done it...that and I'm not crazy!) Good luck!

A couple of weeks ago I had a major NSV that I don't think I wrote about, but wanted to. Anita and I have a total aversion to excercise so it's a pretty big deal when I even head outside at all! Well, I got myself a new bike, hooked up the kid trailer and set out for town. (It just happened to be the ONE nice day since.) I planned with a friend to meet "in town" at a park and our girls would play. I was VERY apprehensive because there's a BIG hill on the way into town and then once I got there...would I be able to come back? Well, I decided that if I had to I'd just walk my bike up the hill and call my husband to come get us if I just couldn't get back....so there were no excuses. Turns out I didn't need my back-up plans a all! It was about a 3 mile ride each way with several hills, but I made it and wasn't even a little pooped when we got home! My daughter had a great time too! This is big...

My husband FINALLY made an unsolicited comment on how good I looked today. And that was after the Chief of Police told me I was lookin' good! So now I have both bosses of public safety telling me I'm hot....I can get away with anything! Right? ;-)

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I have far too much fight in my now to go back. I've made so much progress...

AMEN!!! Go get 'em, Lap. You have absolutely made wonderful progress on this journey. This is the next hill to climb and we're all gonna be cheering you on. Keep us posted.

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Things I can't eat::lol:

bread, Pasta, scrambled eggs, I have trouble with meat - can only eat a few SMALL bites

Things I can eat (that scare me that I can eat)::embaressed_smile:

soda, crackers, Cookies, chips, chocolate, hot dogs, bratwurst (any greasy meat)

I'm the same way, so I have to avoid the things on the second list like the plague! I'm too much of a carb/sugar/junk food addict -- one is never enough, so I can't let myself go there to begin with. My band's just a tool that controls the amount of nutritious food I can eat, the junk food slides right on by. So I really plan for those special occasions where I'm going to let myself indulge -- like have a small piece of cake at my Dad's birthday. But I can't even consider it otherwise. My band can't do it all; my brain has to do it's part -- I know what's heathly vs. what got me where I was a year ago. It's a battle for me, because I've always been good at rationalizing/justifying/denying ---just like any other addict. When I get started on rationalizing that I can have soda, crackers, Cookies, chips, chocolate -- just in small amounts, I have to kick myself because I KNOW that nobody should eat that crap, banded or unbanded.

Big, big thumbs up to you on the bike rides!!!! With a kid on the back, too! Keep it up, Marcie!!!! That's great.:lol:

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Hey Group:

The plastic surgeon who is one mile from my house, did my friend's reconstruction after her breast cancer DOES gastric patients. He specializes in breasts but the pannus (my hanging stomach swinger at the bottom) was something the office manager was not 100% certain about. My consulation is next Wednesday at 2:15 PM.

Here we go.

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OK people, I'm not doing so well this week. No weight loss. I'm eating badly and can't really fathom why -- why would I stop at McDonalds and get a $1 sausage biscuit for Breakfast? There's nothing healthy about it, I was doing so well, etc. I'm having a hard time motivating myself to exercise as much.

I started immediately thinking...OMG I need a fill right now! But my fill doc wanted me to wait 3 months after my last fill, which would put it at mid-August. He said it was fine to come back earlier but if I'm losing weight & doing everything I'm supposed to be doing, then I should not need one.

So I started thinking. Someone gave me this link (I will copy & paste some of it here):

How to Tell When You Are Perfectly Adjusted

You are losing 1-2 pounds per week.

If you are not losing 1-2 pounds per week:

A. You may need an eating adjustment

1. Are you eating 60 grams of Protein a day

2. Are you eating 25 grams of Fiber

3. Are you avoiding all liquid calories

a. Soup can be sign of soft food syndrome

b. Alcohol contains a lot of calories -- 7 calories per gram

(1) It is also a stomach irritant

c. fruit juice is just sugar Water

4. Are you making healthy food choices from a wide variety of


a. Are you avoiding soft foods

b. You cant just eat what's easy

c. cheese is glorified fat

5. Are you drinking 6-8 glasses of Water a day between meals

6. Are you eating too much junk

a. chips, chocolate, nuts, ice cream, Cookies and other highly

processed junk foods are too calorically dense to be regular parts of a healthy diet. But dont avoid them completely to the point where you feel deprived.

b. Stay out of fast food places

7. Are you getting in two servings of Calcium daily

8. Do you always eat the Protein first

9. Then the vegetables or fruits

a. Five servings a day

b. Potatoes are NOT a vegetable

10. Is your portion size appropriate?

a. meat or fish

(1) 3 ounces the size of a deck of cards

b. Vegetables

(1) ½ cup the size of your fist

c. Starch

(1) If you eat the protein and the vegetables first you dont need much

(2) Avoid: rice, potatoes, Pasta

11. You might try avoiding artificial sweeteners

a. Some people think that artificial sweeteners stimulate the


b. They are HUNDREDS of times sweeter than sugar

c. They teach you to like things too sweet

d. There is no evidence that people who use them are any thinner than people who dont

12. Avoid most diet foods

a. Real food usually tastes better

b. Real food is more satisfying than low calorie substitutes

c. When you are only eating a tiny bit the caloric savings is not

that great

(1) Use a teaspoon of real butter instead of a tablespoon of diet margarine

(2) The body has no way to break down artificial fats

a. They may go into permanent storage

b. Some people think liposuction is the only way to remove

hydrolyzed fats from the body

B. You may need a behavior adjustment

1. Are you eating only when you are hungry?

a. If youre not sure drink 8 ounces of water and wait.

2. Are you eating three meals a day?

a. With maybe 1 or 2 small Snacks

3. Are you sitting down to eat?

4. Are you eating consciously?

a. No distractions, turn off the TV, put the book or newspaper

away, pay attention to your food and your companions

5. Are you eating slowly?

a. Put the fork down between bites

b. Take 20 to 30 minutes to finish a meal

c. Taking longer might cause the pouch to begin emptying

6. Are you taking small bites?

a. Tiny spoon, chopsticks, cocktail fork

7. Are you chewing well?

8. Are you drinking with your meals or too soon after your meals?

a. Practice water loading between meals

b. You wont be thirsty if you are well hydrated before the meal

9. Are you stopping at the first sign of fullness?

a. Sometimes its a whisper: not hungry, had enough

b. Hard stop versus soft stop

10. Do not eat between meals. Stop grazing.

11. Do not eat when you are not hungry

C. You may need an activity adjustment

1. Are you getting in 30 minutes of physical activity at least 3

times a week?

a. Over and above what you would do in the usual course of your day

b. Could you make it 4 or 5 times a week?

c. Could you make it 45 or 60 minutes?

2. Are you taking advantage of opportunities to increase your

physical activity?

a. Taking the stairs instead of the elevators or escalators

b. Walking on the escalators instead of riding

c. Parking your car further away from the entrance

d. Getting out of the car instead of using the drive through

e. Getting off the bus one stop before your destination

f. Washing you car by hand instead of the car wash

g. Playing with your kids

D. You may need an attitude adjustment

1. Are you committed to your weight loss journey?

2. Are you totally honest with yourself about how much you are

eating and exercising?

a. Log your food and activity on FitDay - Free Weight Loss and Diet Journal for 3 days

3. Are you using food inappropriately to deal with emotional


a. Have you identified what the emotions are that drive your


b. Can you think of more appropriate ways to deal with those


c. Are you willing to seek help from a qualified counselor?

4. Are you attending and participating in support group meetings?

5. Have you drummed up some support from your family and friends?

6. Have you dealt with saboteurs realistically?

7. Do you have realistic expectations about the weight loss


8. Are you still obsessing about food, weight, dieting, eating?

a. Obsessive compulsive thoughts

(1) Obsess about something else

b. Perfectionism

(1) All or none, black and white thinking

c. Patience with the pace of healthy weight loss

9. Are you acknowledging your successes with non-food rewards?

10. Have you learned how to take a compliment?

11. Are you giving up diet mentality?

a. Stop weighing yourself several times a day or every day

b. Stop dieting

c. Stop depriving yourself

d. Stop defining food as good and bad

e. Stop rewarding and punishing yourself with food

12. How do you feel about all the changes taking place?

E. You may need a band adjustment

1. You feel like you are making healthy food choices in appropriate

portion sizes but getting hungry between meals?

2. You can still eat white bread, fibrous vegetables and large


3. You are having to struggle to lose

4. You are gaining weight in spite of eating right, exercising and

having a good mind set.

And I realized...I don't need a band adjustment. I need an eating, behavior, activity & attitude adjustment. I am eating unhealthy stuff, not tracking every day, not eating consciously. I am not exercising as much or for as long. I am obsessing, eating because others are, & weighing myself daily.

So...I am going to spend the next two weeks getting back on track. I forgot for a bit that I have to work with the band, it can't do it all. If I am certain that I have everything in place & I am still not losing, then and only then do I need a fill!

I am so glad that AdorKable & Brandy posted -- we were worried about you guys!

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Green, that is a fantastic list. Thank you so much for posting it.

Marcy-congrats on the bike ride!! That's fabulous! You must have been so proud of yourself. I know what you mean about exercise aversion. I'm really worried that I won't change my sluggish ways. It's something I'll really need to work on.

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Guys I am going back in again...I have been throwing up again and this time there was blood. An unfill is definately in order...I will let you know the scoop when I get back home.

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Oh Brandy, I will have my fingers crossed for you today!

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I am throwing up liquids and tried Soup last night. Not good.


Sending my prayers your way Brandy. Let us know as soon as you hear something....you know how everyone around here likes to worry about you:-)

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Brandy-I hope everything is ok!! My fingers and toes are crossed again!

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