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Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum

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WELCOME JillyPoo (cute name). Fills are tricky. I have had 8 or maybe 9...anyway, I agree with Dee, being mindful and careful are so very important. Everyone seems to take fills differently. It is very interesting how the Band is different for each individual. Congrat on finding our Dr. K and hope to see you around the thread!

Dee~I was looking at my calendar and we were supposed to be in Vegas this weekend but we backed out. It would have been a blast being in Vegas at the same time, we could have TOTALLY gotten into some trouble together! Have a great time and be naughty! LOL!!!

Interesting info about the sleeve. I actually thought if I had to do WLS again, I would consider the sleeve...didn't know about the vomiting for 6 months, that can't be good! I am happy with my band (I just need to get in for a fill....yesterday!).

My Buster is back to his honory self! I love it! I thank him everyday for feeling better, he makes me happy! Lastnight we went for a walk/run and I saw a puppy Basset hound ahead of us and I kept trying to run and walk faster to catch up with them, I never did, but boy did we get a good workout! It started to hail and downpour rain, so Buster and I had to take cover under a tree and wait out the storm. I felt terrible because poor Buter just recovering from Pnemonia, and I knew it was going to storm, I just wanted to take a short walk/run before the storm hit, but I got side tracked when I saw the puppy.

bahot...you are a hot! Have fun at the lake and Water skiing!

Lifesaver & Bahot~How was your lunch yesterday? Life, I wore one of your tops out the other night and got so many compliments on it! Thanks again.

Munchkin~Good job, getting back on track! You can do it! The weigh in thing is, post what you want to lose by the BBQ date and weigh in every Sat.

Mini~ I know you are unreachable, awww, we miss you already, I just wanted to let you know that I'm cheering for your pre-op...shrink that liver!!

Edited by Mal

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Hey Kidlings!

I just logged on here a the hotel while I wait my daughter to finish showering.

I slept like a log! I don't think I moved once!

Mal! I felt the same way you did about the Sleeve. I always felt if I ever had to choose a different WLS, I'd choose the Sleeve too. But after what that woman told me yesterday, I'd have to say NO. She said that she had to do liquids for 4 weeks while her sutures healed and if she eats any larger than a pencil head bite or doesn't chew to liquid forms she vomits. She feels Bulemic. And the doctor told her that is perfectly normal. I felt really sorry for her. The funny thing is the Gastric Girls were thrilled and doing really well, but they all had episodes of vomiting and dumping. I'm so happy with choosing the Band. It gives you time to get used to eating properly -- And it's forgiving. I love my Band. MAL! We could have torn Vegas up!!!

Lap! I know what you mean. I'm still having problems with my heel pain. It's a little better, but I think I might be like Munchkin. I hope you haven't injured yourself from exercising. I pray you will find relief from your doctor. Maybe some type of injection or other alternative method. I feel for you!

One thing that has improved from riding my bike is my "Charlie horses" I used to get them every evening after working -- I haven't had one since losing weight. They used to be sustained spasms in my left calf. Since rupturing my achilles tendon and having that disability there -- the muscle isn't the same.

Munchkin! Good luck with your recommitment! I think my fill has kicked in too! Okay, so Monday - Wednesday, I was feeling more restricted and wondering if I should get a fill or not because it had been three weeks. So I measured 1 cup at each meal and noted my time in writing, so I could see how long I was satiated. Then I ate some grapes between a meal on tuesday and they just sat there for about 3 hours. On my way for my fill, I had my other 1/2 of my Mix1 drink with some ice, it was pretty thin, I took a big gulp and I felt it just sit in my throat, going down slowly! That was it! Maybe it was T.O.M. or something else. Then get this, on our way out of town, we ate at Qdobe's -- we shared a naked burrito, no rice, only chicken and veggies. I ate maybe 1/3rd and I was stuffed - I thought maybe it was driving at 10,000 feet - through the mountains and the high elevations. So I guess, it's true. Some people's fill doesn't kick in for awhile! Mine kicked in! What a lovely time, I'll have in Vegas, my period, my fill! BUT at least I found some Spanx that fit AND a sexy pair of strappy sandals for free! YEAH! Mal! I need you in Vegas with me! Munchkin dear, just weigh in the AM and post your goal and what you've lost.

Okay Peeps, we're on the road again!!! "Can't wait to get on the road again."

Talk to you tomorrow from HOT HOT HOT Vegas! It's going to be 107 in St. George Utah today AND that's not even Vegas!

Thank Goodness for A/C!

Love ya,


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I was in the ER all last night with a kidney stone...I couldn't stop throwing up and dry heaving. Even after all the anti-nasea meds. I am worried sick. I bet I threw up/dry heaved at least 50 times!!

So everyone start praying...I will die if something happens to the band!

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oh Brandy sweetie! i am so sorry to hear! Kidney stones are the worst. I had one in Feb and I thought I was dying a very painful death. Thank goodness for morphine. I hope you are okay and I pray for your band. Please let us know how you are doing. I am so terrified to feel that pain again. i am sending you hugs!

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I was in the ER all last night with a kidney stone...I couldn't stop throwing up and dry heaving. Even after all the anti-nasea meds. I am worried sick. I bet I threw up/dry heaved at least 50 times!!

So everyone start praying...I will die if something happens to the band!

I'm praying for you right now Brandy.

Everything will be okay. How are you feeling tonight?

Big Hugs,


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Sorry for the drive by post here. I have had a rough week.

I was in the ER, again, for five hours on Tuesday night. :smile: :redface: I had the absolute worst pain in my entire LIFE. I was shaking, hyperventalating, dry heaving, and dripping sweat. It was insane. This makes attack #3 in as many months.

They did the CAT scan again to rule out the band. Band looks fine. I am convinced it is my gallbladder. They couldn't to an US because I had eaten within the last 6 hours, so I went to my PCP on Friday morning to get a referral. I have a US scheduled for Monday. My PCP doesn't think it is my gallbladder, but I am already on 200MG of Nexium for the acid reflux! I really don't think it is acid reflux.

I absolutely cannot go through another attack like this. Each time the pain is progressively worse. I was begging for pain meds on Tuesday! I have a high pain tolerance, and only took pain meds on the night of my surgery just in case. But man... I was begging the admitting staff! It was so bad. :smile: Once I got IV pain meds I felt human again! I am almost glad I can't have children, don't think I could handle child birth if it is anything like that! :lol:

So anyway... I hope this IS my gallbladder and I will GLADLY have it yanked out! If the US comes back normal I don't know what to do? Keep me in your thoughts for monday.

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(((Brandy))) and (((LA))) Sending prayers and healing vibes to both of you!! Bless your hearts.

Munch -- Yes! Yes! Yes! I would LOVE to meet you when you come to NC! When??????

Denise -- You are absolutely beautiful!

Lap -- Thanks you as always for your always enlightening posts. How did you pain eval go with the doc?

Dee -- I hope you find some seriously hot hunk in Vegas for a make-out session.

Mal -- I am so glad that you and Buster are back on your walk/runs again!

Everyone -- I'm STILL not caught up on the posts! But I'm working on it and will be back on track soon!

Saturday Weigh-in: I'm down 3 pounds this week!!!!!!!!

More later. I'm off to a Spin Class this morning. (What am I thinking??)

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Adorkable~How frightening! You and Brandy have had a scary week.

I am praying for you both. I hope US shows something. Are you on pain meds now?

All day yesterday I spent the entire day slumped over with bad upper back pain, neausea and chills. I took some liquid tylenol and used my heat messager, it took all day, but today I feel a little better. I was terrified that I was having K stones again.

Shelbie~3 pounds! Good job!

My weigh in~down 1.40

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I was in the ER all last night with a kidney stone...I couldn't stop throwing up and dry heaving. Even after all the anti-nasea meds. I am worried sick. I bet I threw up/dry heaved at least 50 times!!

So everyone start praying...I will die if something happens to the band!

Brandymom I hope this morning brings that comforting surge of natural sedation after a bout with pain. Hope you are relaxing and finding that "feels better" sensation. wow. Just feel good in knowing our Doctor adds that stitch in his procedure to secure the band so we do not have easy slippage like some others do.

Ador- OUCH! It sounds like it could be anything. My daughter had a gallbladder attack here so I know what she went through, the pain. Like Brandy I am wishing you a day of sleep and comfort and so sorry for your discomfort.


I'm going to share with you all that I am exploring plastic surgery, specifically a breast reduction and apron reduction for reconstruction.

Although my feet stopped hurting, my knees stopped hurting, my upper back still hurts and so do my trapezias between my shoulderblades that I've no doubt know it is caused from my large breasts. I have been asking questions about my body, my breasts, though they have gone down, are still huge. 46 DDDD. LIke all things I have discovered, when speaking in general terms of exercise there comes a point when you realize you cannot reduce TISSUE, fat yes, tissue no. I've described this as having two large salami's hanging off my chest.

So reading and researching and fielding some questions to two seperate plastic surgeons who do bariatric reconstruction, I'm going in for an evaluation. I'm sure this will be one of probably two or three procedures I will have to undergo. The good thing is if I can get some tissue reduction it should make exercise and the after effects far less painful so that I'm not feeling like I am hurting myself everytime I hit the treadmill or do weightlifting.

I found a surgery center at the Cleveland Clinic in Weston, Florida but they do not take my insurance as far as I can read. Still looking for a qualified doctor who deals with bariatric reconstruction. Wish me luck.

Dee...my scales this week did not move!! I was so hoping for a number change but they did not budge. So no progress this week for me.

Everyone have a grand weekend and I'll talk to you soon.


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Thanks gals. Appreciate it! =)

Lap~ Good luck with your research on PS. I already told my hubby when I get to goal I am having my breasts lifted and my arms snipped. I can live with a saggy belly.... but in AZ I wear sleeveless A LOT and I don't want bat wings. And my breasts, well I have always had heavy saggy breasts. I wanna lift them and feel normal! =)

I weighed myself on Thursday... that is my official day. I was -1 pound from last week. So I am -4 total. 19 more to go! Ugh.

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Weighing in this morning...

Woohooo....the 5 day pouch diet worked!! I've lost 5lbs this week!!! I just realized this morning....I'M HALF WAY THERE!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

My husband made a comment the other night that made me feel good. He said he could feel my hip bones again!!!! I told him they've always been there....they were just a little rounder. :redface:

Lap- I've been doing the same research. Like you, I've always been "top- heavy". I'm a 42DDD and I've had back and shoulder pain also. I'd be curious to learn more about your research and journey to plasics. I can't wait to have a flat tummy and new belly button someday!!!!! :biggrin2:

Hope all is well banditos!!!

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Tied - I'm down .5 lbs. from last week - total down 4 lbs. for challenge. I need to get my butt in gear!!!

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Brandy and Adorkable-my goodness, what are we going to do with you two gals? You poor things! I am sorry you both had rough nights. Brandy, I have seen kidney stones bring a tough fireman to his knees crying like a baby, so I can only imagine. Adorkable, I have had my gallbladder out, and the first attack I had was the worst pain of my life. And NOTHING would help it. So I do know how you feel. Good luck with your ultrasound. My gallbladder pain was so atypical that I did not even think it was my gallbladder and neither did my doc, so you never know! Keep us updated!

Mal-You take care of yourself too!! Maybe it was "sympathy" pain for Buster? Probably not, but I thought it was worth a try!

Shelbi-It looks like I may not make it to NC now, because with any luck at all, my sister is going to get hired at the police department in the next city over and she will be getting out of the Marine Corps! She came home and tested about a month ago, and they called and wanted her high school transcripts. She called Thursday to make sure they got them, and they told her she had one of the highest scores on the written test that they had ever seen. They talked to her for about 30 minutes and told her when the rest of the interview dates will be and when the academy will be. So, I am pretty much assuming if they told her all of that she will probably get the job! While I will be worried about her being a cop, I know she can handle herself, and it is better than her getting deployed to Iraq. And my nieces will be here all the time then! How fun!! (My four year old niece is a spitting image of me at that age, with a personality to match according to my mother!) At any rate, the academy will be in September, and I know I will not make it to NC before then...soooo...time will tell. Keep your fingers crossed for her!

Dee-I have decided I want to try to lose 10 pounds by the barbeque (although at the rate I am going it probably will not happen)! I weighed myself this morning and have lost....a big whopping nothing!! But, I honestly expected that because I am PMS'g and have not been eating the best for the last few weeks. As long as I am not gaining I am good with it! Maybe I should try the 5 day pouch diet?? Hope you are having fun in Vegas!!

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Mal-You take care of yourself too!! Maybe it was "sympathy" pain for Buster? Probably not, but I thought it was worth a try!


aww, thanks. Sympathy pain for Buster. Probably so, I love my Buster!

OMG, I went riding on a Harley tonight! Sooooooo much fun, my first time...I am HOOOKED! I wish I had a picture to share.

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      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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