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Mine usually says something like, "Hey Baby, Come ride me!"

As I mentioned previously, IT is too bad, that it's my stupid recumbent cycle that is calling my name!


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Wow! I really need to keep up better, but I was soooo busy at work last night that I didn't even have time to think about logging on to post!

Work kicked my butt last night! Two of my patients almost coded within an hour of each other, and the other nurse I was working with was stuck in his critically ill patients room, so I had to essentially single handedly pull them through it myself. I must confess I felt a bit like Superwoman when I was successful though! Some nights things just flow right, and thankfully, last night was one of them! (Ironically, one of the patients was the dad of the owner of the consignment shop where I have been taking all my clothes when they get too big for me...so that adds even a little more pressure to not fail...not that failure is an option anyway when it comes to my patients!)

Dee-I love your story about your illicit love affair with a 15 year old! It's great! I have one question though...you were a sophomore in college at 17? Were you a Doogie Houser or what? You child prodigy you!!

Brandy-I found out the hard way at the Dave Matthews band concert a few weeks ago that alcohol maybe doesn't agree with me so well now. I felt like I got buzzed really, really fast, and when it was time to quit drinking, well, let's just say my body told me in no uncertain terms that if I took another drink it would end up in the bleachers in front of me! Also, that letter your MIL wrote you was horrible!! What a hateful person! I just don't understand what is wrong with people sometimes...they do not think before they speak (or write as in this case)...

By the way, if any of you are Dave Matthews fans and have a chance to see him in concert this summer, the show was AWESOME this year!! We go see him in Chicago every year, and this was the best show I have seen. (And alot more enjoyable minus 40 pounds!)

Mini-you crack me up!! I don't even know which post to start with! I always get my daily laugh out of you and Dee! And yes, I guess that will make you the GILF!! Hee hee!! (There could be worse things...)

Shelbi-GOOD LUCK with your husbands procedure today!! I will be thinking about you guys! It will be a piece of cake, and remember what I said...he gets good drugs! That almost makes it worth it! :P He'll get a nice Versed induced nap and be all rested, bright eyed and bushy tailed after he is done and fixed up! Let me know if you have any questions and I will try to answer them! (BTW, you live in North Carolina don't you? How close do you live to Havelock? That is where my sister lives and I really want to go visit her sometime this year. If you aren't too far, maybe we could meet for lunch or something!)

Well everyone, have a happy Tuesday! I am off to sleep now! (Finally!)

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Hey Munchkin!

So tell me why seeing Dave Matthews was even better 40 lbs lighter?

What naughty things were you doing at that concert anyway!?

So do you think I shouldn't indulge in any adult beverages in Vegas?

Well about college. I graduated from HS when I was 15 almost 16. I have a summer birthday. I was a nerd and skipped two grades. I had no life. But I loved making out with anyone who would! I was really into kissing! I loved it! I knew this guy in school liked me and I liked him, but I didn't see him much at school -- anyway, the summer after school was out, I was at the mall with my grandparents and I ventured away to JC Pennys or Sears AND I saw this dude. He was so cute. Brown curly hair, dark brown eyes and really hot lips! Before I knew it, I was sitting on a bench in the middle of the mall, kissing! AND kissing and kissing! I heard someone clearing their throat and I stopped, it was my grandpa! OOPS! That was the second time he caught me kissing some guy!

Anyway, during the summer, I was doing some home care for this friend of my mom's who had cancer. I slept at her home every night and prepared her meals etc... Well, it was a very hot NM morning, when I looked out the window to see this tall, hot looking, young man -- wearing absolutely NO shirt and tight demin shorts! TADA! The naughty girl in me, couldn't resist! "Who is that cute guy in your backyard?" She said, "his name is Scott" I asked all about him and she knew nothing. she thought he was a student at the University. Well, I thought he looked thirsty! I offered him a cold lemonade and the rest was history! My Goodness, that boy could kiss!

Needless to say, that was a great summer! And I think he liked me too! He wrote me snail mail once a week for almost a year when I returned to school.

I wonder what he's like now! AND I wonder if those lips are still just as soft!


I better go to bed now!

It's late and I'm out of control!

Can you say, "Addiction transference?"



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Believe it or not, but I weighed 190lbs in this picture. I"m 5-10, so I could take a little more weight. I remember the weight exactly because I was dating this guy who weighed the same and he and I were doing this contest to see who could lose 20lbs fastest. This was taken Christmas morning! My hair is a mess! Of course, I won the contest! I went on this insane Fresh Carrot juice and steamed veggie diet. I lost 30lbs in 15days. I had to drink 64oz of fresh juiced carrot juice with celery and apple, twice a day. I also turned orange!

Does any one else want to share a picture of themselves when they were younger. 190 is my current goal! It will give me a BMI of 27. The sad thing about this picture is -- that even at that time, I thought I was huge! I felt so fat! AND I remember constantly dieting!

Edited by Tied2BFit

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Ok...I defiantly stepped on my scale this morning dreading what I was about to witness, when behold I saw a -2 instead of the +2 I was expecting. However....since I was supposed to weigh on Saturday, my weight loss was probably actually 1.5 at that point. Thanks for tracking our #'s Dee!

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Believe it or not, but I weighed 190lbs in this picture. I"m 5-10, so I could take a little more weight. I remember the weight exactly because I was dating this guy who weighed the same and he and I were doing this contest to see who could lose 20lbs fastest. This was taken Christmas morning! My hair is a mess! Of course, I won the contest! I went on this insane Fresh Carrot juice and steamed veggie diet. I lost 30lbs in 15days. I had to drink 64oz of fresh juiced carrot juice with celery and apple, twice a day. I also turned orange!

Does any one else want to share a picture of themselves when they were younger. 190 is my current goal! It will give me a BMI of 27. The sad thing about this picture is -- that even at that time, I thought I was huge! I felt so fat! AND I remember constantly dieting!

BTW....Dee you were (and still are) very pretty!

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Hey Bahot,

Are those talking treadmills expensive? I need something/or someone to kick my but into gear.

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Mine always said "sure, hang your clothes right here sweetie" No wonder I got rid of it!!!

Now the gym pulls me in as I am leaving my neighborhood!!!

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Thoughts for today

Developing Self-Control


Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self-control. Proverbs 25:28 (NIV)

*** *** *** ***

Self-control brings with it the good feeling of competency. Like a finely-tuned precision automobile, your life stays on course with the slightest touch of steering. The results of self-control are confidence and an inner sense of security.

Self-control and self-discipline are also key factors in any success you hope to have in this life. Without self-discipline, you are unlikely to achieve anything of lasting value.

The Apostle Paul realized this when he wrote, “Every athlete in training submits to strict discipline, in order to be crowned with a wreath that will not last; but we do it for one that will last forever.” (1 Corinthians 9:25 GNT)

Olympic athletes train for years in order to have a chance to win a brief moment of glory. But the race we are running is far more important than any earthly athletic event. So self-control is not optional for Christians.

How do we gain true self-control?

1. Admit your problem. The starting point for developing self-control is to face what God has already said about me: I am responsible for my behavior.

James 1:14 (PH) says, “A man’s temptation is due to the pull of his own inward desires, which can be enormously attractive.”

Do you realize what that says? It says you do things because you like to do them! When I do something I know is bad for me, I still do it because I like to do it. I want to do it; it’s an inner desire.

Do you want more self-control? Admit you have a problem and be specific about it. Begin praying specifically about your problem areas.

2. Put your past behind you. Philippians 3:13-14 (NIV) says, “Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal ….”

This verse exposes a misconception that will keep you from gaining self-control: Once a failure, always a failure.

Failure in the past does not mean you’ll never be able to change. Focusing on past failures, however, does guarantee their repetition. It’s like driving a car and looking in the rearview mirror the whole time. You’re going to collide with what’s ahead of you.

Ask God to help you put your past behind you.

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Dee...your gonna be a MILF too!!! Your adorable

Shelbi...praying for you guys today!

Munchkin...LOVE LOVE LOVE Dave Matthews!!! Glad you had fun!

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My turn for a drive-by post. I'm off to do the documentary thing with my son! Munchkin - can I just tell you how much I admire nurses? Concert sounds like a blast. I'll keep in mind about the alcohol.

Dee- what a gorgeous pic and a great story.

Lifesaver - woohoo! -2!!!

Brandy - I thought I was the only one who used my treadmill as a drying rack.

Lap- wonderful stuff. Just talking about addiction with son and how important it is to put the past behind you. Your post was perfect timing.

SHELBI- good luck today! Let us know how things go!!!

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Tied2BFit ~ I have had a few glasses of wine since surgery with no problems. I just sipped them slowly and all was well. Of course, after two glasses of wine at my brother's wedding I was tipsy. I guess I'm a real "lightweight" now. I miss the occasional beer but I was never a big drinker. I do like mojitos and dirty vodka martinis. :thumbup:

And you were a naughty one dating a 15 yo when you were 17. W Genius! My DH was 21 and I was 16 when we started dating. My dad didn't find out about that for awhile...:lol:Woo, your little stories are taking me back to those early days of dating. :tt1: Your photo is too cute. I was 175-180 in as a senior in high school (at 5'10") and thought I was a whale. Yeesh.

Brandysmom1234 (and others who mentioned strained parental relationships) ~ my MIL is an unmedicated paranoid schizophrenic as well as being a complete and utter bitch who emotionally abused my husband. He is an only child. We have not spoken to her in about eight years, after we threatened to call the police because she was stalking us. Seriously. She told my husband that I was a witch who had cast a spell on him because otherwise why would he be with me and not remain under her thumb? She was also convinced that I was a drug addict and an alcoholic. Basically she forced him to choose and he chose me. That was one hell of a first year of marriage. But we got through it. I wrote her many, many letters that I never sent. I am sad that there is this rift, but if your family is crapping on you, you should not take it. Just my opinion.

Wow, such a positive note. OK, I'll end on something else. I have been talking with a few soon-to-be and newbie bandsters via PM and elsewhere. And there seems to be this consensus that once you're banded & have restriction, you either a) can never eat bread again or :smile: should never eat bread again. I am kind of confused. I eat bread. I have restriction. I lose weight. Now soft white breads like Wonder Bread tend to gum up and get stuck. But otherwise, I'm fine. Did I miss something? Yes, I limit my bread intake so I can get in Protein and veggies and fruits, but...bread is not taboo for me.:tongue:

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Tied2BFit ~ I have had a few glasses of wine since surgery with no problems. I just sipped them slowly and all was well. Of course, after two glasses of wine at my brother's wedding I was tipsy. I guess I'm a real "lightweight" now. I miss the occasional beer but I was never a big drinker. I do like mojitos and dirty vodka martinis. :thumbup:

And you were a naughty one dating a 15 yo when you were 17. W Genius! My DH was 21 and I was 16 when we started dating. My dad didn't find out about that for awhile...:lol:Woo, your little stories are taking me back to those early days of dating. :tt1: Your photo is too cute. I was 175-180 in as a senior in high school (at 5'10") and thought I was a whale. Yeesh.

Brandysmom1234 (and others who mentioned strained parental relationships) ~ my MIL is an unmedicated paranoid schizophrenic as well as being a complete and utter bitch who emotionally abused my husband. He is an only child. We have not spoken to her in about eight years, after we threatened to call the police because she was stalking us. Seriously. She told my husband that I was a witch who had cast a spell on him because otherwise why would he be with me and not remain under her thumb? She was also convinced that I was a drug addict and an alcoholic. Basically she forced him to choose and he chose me. That was one hell of a first year of marriage. But we got through it. I wrote her many, many letters that I never sent. I am sad that there is this rift, but if your family is crapping on you, you should not take it. Just my opinion.

Wow, such a positive note. OK, I'll end on something else. I have been talking with a few soon-to-be and newbie bandsters via PM and elsewhere. And there seems to be this consensus that once you're banded & have restriction, you either a) can never eat bread again or :smile: should never eat bread again. I am kind of confused. I eat bread. I have restriction. I lose weight. Now soft white breads like Wonder Bread tend to gum up and get stuck. But otherwise, I'm fine. Did I miss something? Yes, I limit my bread intake so I can get in Protein and veggies and fruits, but...bread is not taboo for me.:tongue:


Nice to see you're posting again!

I missed you!

My bestfriend is going to have the surgery soon and she was told NO bread, NO steaks EVER again! I have absolutely no problem with bread of any kind. I admit I haven't tried soft white bread because I'm scared, but whole grain breads, even soft ones go fine! I've always been the whole grain girl, anyway!

I'm not sure why doctors say these things. Each person is so individual. Left over chicken breasts give me problems. Yesterday grapes gave me difficulty. BUT bread and I are good friends! AND there is nothing better than a great filet mignon! Just like butter....

Isn't it sad when we think of our younger and thinner days and we remember feeling so fat when we were not. Your BMI was totally normal at that weight! You were perfect! I remember striving to weigh 120. I'd fast for 2 days in a row twice a week -- drinking only water! And I'd jog miles every night and swim every day! I wish I had just been happy with my 190!

Edited by Tied2BFit

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Dee...your gonna be a MILF too!!! Your adorable

Shelbi...praying for you guys today!

Munchkin...LOVE LOVE LOVE Dave Matthews!!! Glad you had fun!

thanks I've never been a MILF before!!!

a girl can always dream...

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