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Oh, and Fatwidow, food addiction can definantly be overcome. If I can do it, you can too!

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Good Saturday Morning, Banditos!

Shelbi -- Down 2.5 pounds (loss,gain,loss = I'm only down about 1 pound over all from the starting point. Got to crank it up a notch this week!)

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Hi Banditos,

I lost 3 lbs this week. I'm with Shelbi - loss, gain, loss but it is going in the right direction!

Fatwidow - I'm only adding what everyone else has already said but make your reservations! I also overate before the prep week even though I told myself I wouldn't. During pre-op prep diet I did OK but it was like every other diet I had ever done. The thing was I knew I had to do it for a while without help with an end in site when I got my band. Since the band I still struggle at times with my head hunger but I really use the tool I was given. Even if I eat something that isn't very good for me I can't eat much and it gives me the signal to stop and get back on track. I thought before surgery that I couldn't do anything related to food after my band - no parties, no restaurants, but that is TOTALLY wrong. I just don't eat as much as everyone else. I also thought people would think I was weird for not eating as much. But I have found that other people aren't really paying any attention to what is on your plate. They just care what's on their plate. It's almost humorous to watch. Since I eat slower I am finished at the same time my friends are and they have consumed almost 3 times more. Go for it - you won't be sorry.

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Drive by post, sorry, one foot out the door...down, yes down (yippeee), 2 pounds even!

Chat later gals!

Enjoy your weekend!

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Tied -sadly, I'm up 1.5lbs. this week....but there were some M&M's and Cherry Pepsi involved yesterday that I'm sure added to it...funny how my scale STILL won't say 217!! Haha! I AM going to lose it this week though! Total loss of 3.5 lbs. so far.

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Great pix...could you label/identify each woman so those of us who don't know who's who can now picture who is posting? Thanks

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Boy, miss 36 hours and there are pages to read!

Great pix of you guys. Thanks for the names for faces.

Dee: What an incredibly gifted individual you are. Your ability to know the right words for people's situations is no doubt a big part of your success as a nurse. Such compassion and insight.

Hopefully, I will get to meet you in August when I come in for my surgery.

How lucky y'all are to have an opportunity to gather for a BBQ. Maybe next year for me!

Mini: So happy for the news on your dad's hip surgery. Those days(hours) in between medical reports must have been unbelieveably painful. I agree with the letter idea. I have done that a couple of times over the years for my mom and my dad. The impact, particularly on fathers, is indescribable. Men's inability to express emotion hinders them, but their ability to receive "written" emotions makes the effort soooo worth it.

Everyone is making such wonderful progress. Like Mini, I find such great inspiration in this blog. Friends can be supportive, but unless they too are obese, they cannot truly grasp the depths of despair we often time face. It is such a pleasant and encouraging experience to come on this site and read/write about similar feelings.

Thanks to you all.:)

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Bandito Goal ----1st week--2nd week--3rd Week

Dee = 20lbs +4.6lbs-7.0lbs-1.0lb:wub:(16.6)

Bookholder = 15lbs+0.0+0.0-1.0:wub:(14.0)

Brandy = 25lbs-4.5-5.7lbs+2.0:wub:(16.8)

Woofay = 15lbs+4.0lbs-4.0lbs+1.0:wub:(15.0)

Mal = 15lbs +0.0-2.8lbs-2.0lbs:wub:(10.2)

LA = 23lbs+1.0lb-1.0lb-3.0:wub:(18.0)

Marcy = 15lbs+0.0-5.0lbs+1.5lbs:wub:(11.5)

Lapdancer = 20lbs +4.0lbs-5.4lbs-1.7lbs:wub:(16.9)

Shelbi = 20lbs -2.6+2.0-2.5lbs:wub:(16.9)

Amieru = 20lbs-2lbs-5.0lbs+2.0:wub:(15.0)

Sidann = 20lbs-4.5lbs+1.5lbs-3.0lbs:wub:(14.0)

Lifesaver = 20lbs-1.0lb-1.5lbs:thumbup:

John T = 15lbs-2.0lbs+0.0lbs:thumbup:

bahotmamma = 20 lbs -1.5lbs-1.0lbs-2.0:wub:(15.5)

Week One Losses 18.1lbs (6.8%)

Week Two Losses 24.8lbs (10.2%)

Edited by Tied2BFit

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Boy, miss 36 hours and there are pages to read!

Great pix of you guys. Thanks for the names for faces.

Dee: What an incredibly gifted individual you are. Your ability to know the right words for people's situations is no doubt a big part of your success as a nurse. Such compassion and insight.

Hopefully, I will get to meet you in August when I come in for my surgery.

How lucky y'all are to have an opportunity to gather for a BBQ. Maybe next year for me!

Mini: So happy for the news on your dad's hip surgery. Those days(hours) in between medical reports must have been unbelieveably painful. I agree with the letter idea. I have done that a couple of times over the years for my mom and my dad. The impact, particularly on fathers, is indescribable. Men's inability to express emotion hinders them, but their ability to receive "written" emotions makes the effort soooo worth it.

Everyone is making such wonderful progress. Like Mini, I find such great inspiration in this blog. Friends can be supportive, but unless they too are obese, they cannot truly grasp the depths of despair we often time face. It is such a pleasant and encouraging experience to come on this site and read/write about similar feelings.

Thanks to you all.:)

Thanks Deb!

I'm just a simple squirrel!

I love this site too! Everyone is so wonderful here!

I love knowing that I am not alone out there in this journey to good health!

I hope we can meet also! I always love meeting the Banditos from out of town! What day is your surgery again?

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PANTING...huff huff

HI FRIENDS. I went out yesterday for a first time BIG DAY OUT as in walking the streets of St. Pete and doing some all day outing. HUFF HUFF. But not as bad as before. Wow. So much more energy.

I'm down 1.7 pounds. Had that big loss last week so this week expected a lesser amount. Still rolling.

I'll post photos of my big outing.



Congrats Sister!

1.7 is great! I don't think that is a lesser amount!

It's going in the right direction AND that my Darling Patty is the BEST!

Have a great weekend!



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Congrats, Mal, Shelbi, Sidann, Lapdancer! Wow Ladies!!

And Ms Marcy, YOU will lose next week! Just try to stay clear of those enemies - Mr. M&M's and Miss Cherry Pepsi!

Go Marcy Go Marcy Go Marcy!!!

I, myself, might be in a little trouble! My daughter and I are leaving on Thursday AFTER my fill for Vegas! Yup! It's true! AND my ex is flying in on Saturday. He wants to be there when his Babygirl turns 21! It was at 1841 on the Monday after Father's day - almost 21 years ago. He was a young 29 y/o man -- and when the doctor asked him a week later, if having a baby was everything he expected, he told her, in his broken english and strong french accent, "I expected a boy!" Silly Man!

Anyway, I'll be on my best behavior! On all counts IF you get my drift!

Have a Great Saturday Special Peeps o'mine!


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Wow, I have missed this group. So Many new people and faces. It took me several days to kinda get caught up.

I survived tax season, I am an accountant that does only tax.

However, because of tension at work I had more than 1cc taken out of my band. Things weren't going trough at all and I was misearable.

It is amazing how much difference 1 cc makes. I gained over 12 lbs in 1 month. What a mess. Plus I was having acid reflux so bad I would wake up choking, worse than before I had the band. It was a mess.

Finally, have my acid reflux under control. I have been taking Prilosec for 2 months. I am now 1 week off and the heartburn hasn't come back. I hope it is gone, I don't want to keep taking meds.

I have had two small (.1) fills and have lost 5 of those 12 lbs. I can't tell you how awful it was to have to add weight back to my ticker. Very motivating to see it start going down again.

Then the first of May my female dog Fergie got sick. Took her to the vet on Thurs. am and she died in my arms that night. I know many of you are dog lovers so you understand that even though its been a month, I can hardly see the keyboard through my tears. The really bad thing is that she died from rat poison. I think I didn't get all of it out from under my sink and she got it. Talk about guilt. No lets not.

It is so hard to write on this site when I feel so negative, but if any people in the world understand, I know you guys do.

I am looking into getting another dog, I am not going to get another Border Terrier right now, because the breeder I really like don't have any good bitches. My husband stated that it is his turn to pick the dog and he wants a big one who can go hiking and canoeing with him. I am looking at Labradoodles, since they are a hybrid and not AKC, I wouldn't have to show them (which I HATE). However, believe it or not to get a good multigenerational Labradoodle, Not just a cross betweern a poodle and any lab it costs BIG bucks. My list of pros and cons for the Labradoodle vs a Portugese Water Dog is longer than my arm. I have to make a decision this weekend. Sometimes a pro and con list doesn't help if it gets too long.

I went to costco and got some of their yummy chicken salad and a new one they were serving that has cranberries in it. Yum! I also bought one of their meatloafs. I got another small fill Thurs. and I am starting to feel some restriction again.

O how I wish RR was this coming week, or that I had go back on the lapband site last week. I need you guys. I was going to put in a picture of my dogs but the brain can't remember how. So maybe its better I can't.

Love you guys


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Mare-So sorry to hear about your baby. Don't beat yourself up over it, it was an accident. (I know, easier said than done, I would be doing the exact same thing...) Good luck on finding a new dog. Have you thought about just getting a lab (since I am the lab lady and all...have to promote the breed!):sad: I have 4 labs and they are wonderful. They all have completely different personalities, appearances, and they are all super intelligent (to a fault sometimes!). My vet always cracks up when she does their exams because of their vastly different personalities. Whatever you decide, it will be right.

And don't beat yourself up about your gain either. Understandable with all the stress you have been under. It sounds like you are already getting back on track!

Dee-I forgot to answer you last night when you asked about the disaster plan for Cedar Rapids. I found out last night that they evacuated almost 200 patients out of Cedar Rapids Wednesday night into Thursday morning. We apparently were supposed to get a few of the ICU patients, but they closed off the interstate between Cedar Rapids and here, so they would have had to loop up by Dubuque (an hour and 1/2 away) and back, so they just took the patients to the Dubuque hospital. There are a few local rural volunteer ambulance that have to bring all their patients to our ER because the roads are closed to get elsewhere. I just saw on MSN that the dam broke in Des Moines too-what a mess! Also in Keithsburg, which is about 35 miles away from where I live in Moline. Yowza!! I feel bad for all those people!:)

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Mare-So sorry to hear about your baby. Don't beat yourself up over it, it was an accident. (I know, easier said than done, I would be doing the exact same thing...) Good luck on finding a new dog. Have you thought about just getting a lab (since I am the lab lady and all...have to promote the breed!):smile: I have 4 labs and they are wonderful. They all have completely different personalities, appearances, and they are all super intelligent (to a fault sometimes!). My vet always cracks up when she does their exams because of their vastly different personalities. Whatever you decide, it will be right.

And don't beat yourself up about your gain either. Understandable with all the stress you have been under. It sounds like you are already getting back on track!

Dee-I forgot to answer you last night when you asked about the disaster plan for Cedar Rapids. I found out last night that they evacuated almost 200 patients out of Cedar Rapids Wednesday night into Thursday morning. We apparently were supposed to get a few of the ICU patients, but they closed off the interstate between Cedar Rapids and here, so they would have had to loop up by Dubuque (an hour and 1/2 away) and back, so they just took the patients to the Dubuque hospital. There are a few local rural volunteer ambulance that have to bring all their patients to our ER because the roads are closed to get elsewhere. I just saw on MSN that the dam broke in Des Moines too-what a mess! Also in Keithsburg, which is about 35 miles away from where I live in Moline. Yowza!! I feel bad for all those people!:frown:

Oh my! That sounds awful. I hope that things start to get better soon.

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