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Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum

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Hello all you darlin' ladies. WTG adorkable and brandymom. Woohoo!!!

Shelbi, sorry about your hubby. But what a good thing that they caught it! Hope you can get your appointment moved up.

Paula called yesterday to set up a consultation, and also told me that she wanted me to do the pre-op diet for two weeks, not one as suggested by Dr. K. That's actually okay . . .I'm getting excited to get started. So I'll start on June 18th. In the meantime, I"ll just continue eating all my favorites with abandon.

I went to my rheumatologist yesterday and she is 100% behind me having this done. I was really happy about that. I keep waiting for someone to tell me that I just need more willpower, but so far so good!

Have a great day, all. Remember - feed your pouch, not your head!!:thumbup::lol::frown: Easy for me to say . . . .

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Thanks everyone for all the prayers and positive thoughts for the hubs. I got them to move his f/u appointment to this Thursday, the earliest appointment available as his cardiologist is out of the office until then and his partner is slammed. Mal, hubs had chest tightness and shortness of breath one morning a few weeks ago (day after his birthday!) and agreed to go to the ER. Of course, when he got there and had some oxygen he felt better and wanted to go home. His EKG strip said otherwise -- he had tachycardia and atrial fib, but very luckily he was able to convert to a good rythmn on IV medication and then stabilize on some oral medications and was sent home after a night of observation for rest of his testing could be done outpatient. (His instructions were to go to the ER if he had any more episodes which, of course, he did the night before the Fossil trip but he didn't tell me :thumbup: because he said it was over in 15 minutes. Truth be told, he would have rather had a heart attack than miss his fossil hunt. (Insert smiley of me beating the crap out of hubs here.) ) Anyway, his stress test results came back and here we are waiting for the next step. The positive side of all of this is that he is now managing his diabetes, eating better, taking his medications and exercising! All good things, so I'm feeling positive and trying to be a good support for him (Read: I'm trying very hard not to nag, even though its one of the few things I do well.) I am so glad I've got the band to help me, so I can support instead of sabbatoge his efforts!

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Shelbie~Your hubby sounds like a lot of men. My hubby is supposed to be watcing his diet and excercise...he is watching it go out the window! It is so hard for me NOT to nag. I just want to scream at him sometimes...truly like haveing another child at times. He acts and eats like he is 12!

Sending you good positive AND HEALING vibes!

Edited by Mal

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Hey Everyone -- Happy Tuesday to you. Had a great time a t the pool. Its nice to know that I don't look half bad in a tankini as I thought. Some people just shouldn't wear bikinis though... I had so much fun with my daughter and her friend and her mom. We played in the Water and even went down the slide, what a blast. We walked laps in the lazy river against the current, man what a workout. She is the sweetest lady and kept telling me how great I looked and that everyone at school has noticed a change in me, not just weight wise but attitude too...

I had a rough day yesterday, I hate to keep saying it because I know what it is (My Mom's anniversary) but I just keep letting it affect me even if I try not to. I talked to my doctor about it and she says that if I'm not better a month after than we need to talk about maybe doing meds. That just scares me for some unknown reason. I alsways feel better when I workout, but yesterday I didn't get to go to the trainer. So I will make it up this afternoon.

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Congratulations to all of you who have been successful this week. Last night received the packet of reading material from Dr's office. Feeling anxious about the process...but in a GOOD way!:biggrin2:

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Mal, I think I have two copies of Body For Life if you want to baby sit it for a while. The food stuff is pretty intuitive. Eat a Protein and a good carb (small portions) at every meal. The workouts are what I think would bust you out of your plateau. They are intense but short......and effective. Let me know. I also have the BFL for women book which just adds a couple pieces of insight that are specific to women. Lemme know.

I would def love to baby sit your book! Thanks Life! :lol:

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Hello gang!

Got this from my headwork support group:

Be patient with everyone, but above all with yourself . . . do not be disappointed by your imperfections, but always rise up with fresh courage.

How are you to be patient in dealing with your neighbor's faults if you are impatient in dealing with your own?

They who are worried by their own shortcomings will not correct them.

All positive progress comes from a calm and peaceful mind.


Isn't that nice?

But why is it I would much rather tell those I am impatient with to BITE ME?

Headhunger came to visit last night. I was sitting here comfortably in my bed when all of a sudden that nasty freak of nature hit me. There is nothing in my pantry to knosh on so BITE ME headhunger. Not that I went in there and cleaned out the pantry one bite at a time...no there was nothing there to begin with. YAY. Flying the royal one man victory salute at headhunger.

Two more days until weigh in.

Dee are you with me girl. We have some reversals to take care of.

Until next time.


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Hey Everyone -- Happy Tuesday to you. Had a great time a t the pool. Its nice to know that I don't look half bad in a tankini as I thought. Some people just shouldn't wear bikinis though... I had so much fun with my daughter and her friend and her mom. We played in the Water and even went down the slide, what a blast. We walked laps in the lazy river against the current, man what a workout. She is the sweetest lady and kept telling me how great I looked and that everyone at school has noticed a change in me, not just weight wise but attitude too...

I had a rough day yesterday, I hate to keep saying it because I know what it is (My Mom's anniversary) but I just keep letting it affect me even if I try not to. I talked to my doctor about it and she says that if I'm not better a month after than we need to talk about maybe doing meds. That just scares me for some unknown reason. I alsways feel better when I workout, but yesterday I didn't get to go to the trainer. So I will make it up this afternoon.

Glad to hear that you had a good time at the pool, sounded like a lot of fun.

I lost my mother 23 years ago (wow, it does not seem like that long). I know how you feel and how your emotions tend to take over even when you might not be thinking about her. I am thinking about you this is a difficult time for you, allow yourself to grieve.


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Headhunger came to visit last night. I was sitting here comfortably in my bed when all of a sudden that nasty freak of nature hit me. There is nothing in my pantry to knosh on so BITE ME headhunger. Not that I went in there and cleaned out the pantry one bite at a time...no there was nothing there to begin with. YAY. Flying the royal one man victory salute at headhunger.


It came to visit me too! It usually does in the evenings. I thought of your mental ass kicking and tried it out, then I grabbed a Protein Shake, then I was fine, fell asleep, woke up hungry, had another shake...EVIL head hunger!

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Thanks everyone for all the prayers and positive thoughts for the hubs. I got them to move his f/u appointment to this Thursday, the earliest appointment available as his cardiologist is out of the office until then and his partner is slammed. Mal, hubs had chest tightness and shortness of breath one morning a few weeks ago (day after his birthday!) and agreed to go to the ER. Of course, when he got there and had some oxygen he felt better and wanted to go home. His EKG strip said otherwise -- he had tachycardia and atrial fib, but very luckily he was able to convert to a good rythmn on IV medication and then stabilize on some oral medications and was sent home after a night of observation for rest of his testing could be done outpatient. (His instructions were to go to the ER if he had any more episodes which, of course, he did the night before the Fossil trip but he didn't tell me :eek: because he said it was over in 15 minutes. Truth be told, he would have rather had a heart attack than miss his fossil hunt. (Insert smiley of me beating the crap out of hubs here.) ) Anyway, his stress test results came back and here we are waiting for the next step. The positive side of all of this is that he is now managing his diabetes, eating better, taking his medications and exercising! All good things, so I'm feeling positive and trying to be a good support for him (Read: I'm trying very hard not to nag, even though its one of the few things I do well.) I am so glad I've got the band to help me, so I can support instead of sabbatoge his efforts!

I am hoping it all works out and his renewed healthy lifestyle choices pay off... in the meantime, I'll add him to my prayer list (can't hurt).


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It came to visit me too! It usually does in the evenings. I thought of your mental ass kicking and tried it out, then I grabbed a Protein Shake, then I was fine, fell asleep, woke up hungry, had another shake...EVIL head hunger!

Night time is my problem time as well. I am fine fine fine during the day, but at night I just want to stuff myself with food. I read a study one time that linked depression and night eating issues. I found that kind of interesting.

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Dear Shelbi,

I wanted to write you and just say, I hope things are going to go well on Thursday.

Dealing with our spouses when it comes to their health is such a difficult thing at times. We love them with all of our hearts and souls and we realize they are men and men, often times, are wired so different than we as women are. It's hard not to nag, because we see what should be happening and is not. But I think a push for them in the right direction is all we can do.

You moved his appt. up - that is what you could do. You are supporting him with his new eating and exercise, that is invaluable.

I know my ex wanted to be healthy and deny that he was aging and having any problems. He ignored things and neglected to share aches or discomforts with me for fear verbalizing them, might make them more real. Men, more so than women, are good at that. My ex is 50 years old this year. He hardly eats, he doesn't ever sleep and he works 80 hour weeks. I still love him a lot, I always will. He was the man I fell in love with when I was 18 years old. We didn't marry until I was 23, but I always loved him.

It's hard to be a wife, so I sympathize with your plight. You say, you're good at nagging -- that is what he'll need. Someone who wants the best for his health and someone who can step up and be his advocate. The best job a wife has --

That's why men who are married, live longer. Because the wife says, "oh no, you're not going to ignore that!"

I'll be praying for you guys! You're a good wife, Shelbi. He's fortunate to have you in his corner.



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Night time is my problem time as well. I am fine fine fine during the day, but at night I just want to stuff myself with food. I read a study one time that linked depression and night eating issues. I found that kind of interesting.

And you know Mini, I am the complete opposite! I want to graze all morning.

Yesterday, I'm a work, we were insanely busy, but all morning, I wanted to eat and eat and eat.

This was my morning, between 4am and 1400. I had my half Protein Drink for pre-breakfast before I rode my bike.

Showered, dressed and ate a Morningstar Farm Griller with a 1 oz piece of 2% cheese. When I got to work, I felt the head hunger come on, I felt stressed with pending deliveries and just needed something. I ate a handful of Kashi shredded wheat Cereal (10 pieces of cereal - 1/2 serving by measurement). An hour later, the head hunger returned. I had a quarter of a Fiber One Bar (2 small bites). Later, I had a handful of blueberries and an Activia LF yogurt with 4 large blackberries. Around 1400, I ran to the cafeteria and had one buffalo sausage with a half serving of steamed veggies. The pizza looked better, but I resisted. I ate that and felt fine for the rest of the day.

I got home at 2130, my daughter had made dinner. I wasn't hungry so I went to bed.

That's how I am everyday, I just feel like eating and eating and eating in the morning. But around 2 in the afternoon, I'm done. I talked to Tom the PA in Dr. K's office and he said it's probably because I don't eat in the evening, that I am so starved by morning.

I pack my lunch the night before and it makes me sick to see how much food I take with me. I measure out my cereal, my pistachios, my almonds, blueberries and blackberries, into tiny baggies. It makes me eat something healthy rather than something unhealthy when I have that, I've got to eat something feeling. I know we aren't supposed to graze because that is an easy way to eat around the band. But some days, it's like I am starved. I feel better about it, if it's food that is healthy. Dr. Oz reminds us that Pistachios are your best nut. They are lowest in fat and they will increase your HDL's. So I count out 30 of them and put them in a baggy.

When I'm home on my days off, I can resist the grazing. I just find something else to do. But at work, I just feel that stress and everyone else is eating their donuts, pastries, Bagels, etc...

Mini, you said, Paula wants you to do a Pre-op diet, but it's not the one that Dr. K had suggested? What do you mean? What did she suggest? I'm just curious.


Yup you and me having some reversals to do this week! I'm hoping my scale says, what it's supposed to say on Saturday morning! If not, you'll hear some screaming coming from South Denver/Littleton area around 4am!

Bahotmamma, Don't ever feel bad about missing your Mom or feeling that empty sadness. It's a part of our grieving experience. It's real and it's where you're at -- you only lost your Mom a year ago. My goodness, such a short time ago. Mal and I lost our parents a longer time, but yet, we still feel that sadness and yearning. I'm glad you talked to your doctor about your feelings. Take care of yourself, Hon.

Okay Guys, work awaits me!

Love and Hugs,


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Hi Dee. Paula wants me on the same pre-op diet - just longer. Dr. K said one week, she said two.

Interesting about the morning eating . . .do you work shift work?

What a nice post you made to Shelbi and to Bahot. How lucky we all are to have you as a cyber pal.

Edited by minidriver

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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