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Is that the Body for Life book that has all those neat recipes in it? I love the pancake recipe made from oatmeal and Cottage Cheese! Yum and so good for you! I'm not sure you can make the Cookies without the splenda. I think the sugar/splenda blend is what helps hold them together. But I don't know that for sure. Maybe Greenie knows since she makes them also. If your band wants cookies and doesn't want healthy chicken, just talk to it, like Lap Dancer talks to her's. But make sure the kidlings are not in the room! ha!


Congrats on your loss! AND thanks for posting! We weigh in on Saturday morning. I was weighing so frequently - that I had to stop and just do it every morning before my shower. I was bad! 3 maybe 4 times a day!

I love fish, but I am so bad about cooking it if I buy it in the raw form!


Thanks! I had a crazy insanely busy day at work! I had to put my prioritizing hat on! I'd rather just wear my delegator hat! BUT it doesn't fit anymore! My head is too big!

Don't worry about that "Last Supper" syndrome! We have all been there! I remember going to "The Melting Pot" with my daughter! It was the best! Our waiter asked if we were celebrating anything. I think he wasn't more than 20 years old, so I kept my information to myself! I didn't want have to explain things. (I'm getting a Adjustable Gastric Band placed around the top of my stomach so I can eat less and lose weight... it has to be filled slowly.... yada yada yada!)

I have a friend who got the band and she went to every resturant she wanted to the week before surgery, some nights she went to 4! Her husband was furious, I thought it was hilarious! She just got one thing at each place, took a few bites and then went to the next!


Didn't you just love Sex In The City? I loved it! I can't wait to see it again! I never watched it on HBO, but when I joined Netflix I got them all and now I watch them on TV. The uncut versions with Netflix are much better, tho. That Oyster Race sounds like a blast! I'll be happy to be able to do the Walk for the Cure in October!


The good thing about the Band is IF you have a bad weekend, you can just hop back on that Bandwagon and get back on the road again! Don't you love that?


I used to swim, lifeguard and teach swimming! I loved it! My tan was lovely and my hair had a gorgeous greenish hue to it! I know how those Oreos go down so well! Cookies, chips all of those things are just smooth as silk! BUT try a leftover piece of chicken and yikes! I do okay, actually with everything else, but leftover dried chicken! No sliming yet, just a little stuck! I have learned I just can't have bad foods in my house, because I can't resist them! If I'm home and having a bad day, I want to just eat! Tortilla chips are my enemy! Whole Foods has these flour tortilla chips that are crispy, thin and seasoned just perfectly!


Congrats on your Surgery Date of August 20! I love my band! It's the best thing I've ever done for myself! AND I did it just for me! If I'm healthy and happy, I'm a much better Mom and Nurse! It's a tool and you have to put in the work, but it's worth it and totally doable! AND you have found the best surgeon in Town, WAIT in this Country, STOP! In the world!!!


You little pill pusher you! Don't worry if your scale didn't move! Mine did! BUT in the wrong direction! Thanks for posting Sweety!

Well Banditos and Future Banditos!

sleep Sweet tonight and have a Lovely day tomorrow!

It's a new day to re-commit to our goals and to our band!

Remember, each day is a fresh start!



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I didn't look at the recipes in the book, I mostly looked at the before and after pictures and read a little about the workout program. The pancakes sound yummy though. I swear I have been working on this chicken too long! I am done with it!

Oh yeah, tortilla chips...fahget ahbaht it! Any mexican food is my weakness. I could eat nachos everyday! Actually I had a chicken taco for lunch today!

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I didn't look at the recipes in the book, I mostly looked at the before and after pictures and read a little about the workout program. The pancakes sound yummy though. I swear I have been working on this chicken too long! I am done with it!

Oh yeah, tortilla chips...fahget ahbaht it! Any mexican food is my weakness. I could eat nachos everyday! Actually I had a chicken taco for lunch today!

I'm not sure if it's the same book or not, but one of the Body For Life books is full of recipes and menu ideas.

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Whoa...thanks for the support. I now have to get the loan to pay for this new life. Don't think it will be a problem. This is all so overwhelming for me that it is difficult to express myself...thank you all for your support.:(

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deb~just hang with us, we'll take good care of you!

Dee~I also looked at the YOU on a diet book, aren't you reading that one? What do you think about that one? I have the YOU warranty book, I wish it was the diet one! I watched him on PBS, what a great speaker, totally speaks at my level.

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deb~just hang with us, we'll take good care of you!

Dee~I also looked at the YOU on a diet book, aren't you reading that one? What do you think about that one? I have the YOU warranty book, I wish it was the diet one! I watched him on PBS, what a great speaker, totally speaks at my level.

I totally believe in the Drs Oz and Roizen!

I love that diet! It's perfect for me! AND not difficult to follow, especially with a band! I did it last year around this time, but without the band, I was hungry a lot of the time.

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Congrats on Onederland, Tina!! :thumbup:

You're cracking me up about the hair on the toes! I've got that Hobbitt trait, too.

Welcome, Deb!

Thanks for the recipe, Green! Sounds yummers ~~ I'm off to the grocery today and I'll let you know how it turns out.

Mal -- WTG on the walk/run! Are you doing the Couch to 5K program? So glad your Dad has Tofu now-- everybody needs a dog in their lives; its good for the soul.

Well, per the nurse at the cardiologist's office, hubby has mild Ischemic Cardiomyopathy -- may have had a heart attack in the past, may have a small blockage. I'm trying to get his appointment moved up from the 16th, but I think there may be a cardiac cath for him on the horizon. :frown: I don't know what to say about any of this right now.

Thanks to all of you for sharing your thoughts/experiences about dealing with the family stuff. I have a sister who knows about my band (thanks to the impulsiveness of my youngest son) who I had intended to keep out of the loop because she is an attention whore (there, I said it) and will probably spill the Beans in a very dramatic way. But ya know what? So what!! Negative things will be said and my feelings will be hurt AND I WILL STILL BE HEALTHIER THAN I WAS AND I WON"T GAIN BACK THE WEIGHT I'VE LOST. Right? Words only sting for a bit, they can't take any thing away from me. If I spend anymore time on this, I'm giving her my power and I won't do that anymore. Enough.

More later, gotta go walk. Happy, healthy Tuesday my dear banditos!

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Mal -- WTG on the walk/run! Are you doing the Couch to 5K program?

No, but perhaps I will consider it???

So glad your Dad has Tofu now-- everybody needs a dog in their lives; its good for the soul.

I absolutly agree! My Buster means the world to me! I thank him everyday and tell him how much he makes me happy.

Well, per the nurse at the cardiologist's office, hubby has mild Ischemic Cardiomyopathy -- may have had a heart attack in the past, may have a small blockage. I'm trying to get his appointment moved up from the 16th, but I think there may be a cardiac cath for him on the horizon. :frown: I don't know what to say about any of this right now.

Shelbie, I am so sorry to hear your hubby's results. What made him get checked out? Is he feeling okay? I'm holding your hand through all of this.:thumbup::girl_handsacrossame(they are supposed to be holdong hands)

Thanks to all of you for sharing your thoughts/experiences about dealing with the family stuff. I have a sister who knows about my band (thanks to the impulsiveness of my youngest son) who I had intended to keep out of the loop because she is an attention whore (there, I said it) and will probably spill the Beans in a very dramatic way. But ya know what? So what!! Negative things will be said and my feelings will be hurt AND I WILL STILL BE HEALTHIER THAN I WAS AND I WON"T GAIN BACK THE WEIGHT I'VE LOST. Right? Words only sting for a bit, they can't take any thing away from me. If I spend anymore time on this, I'm giving her my power and I won't do that anymore. Enough.

I admire your positive attitude, great advice for all of us!

More later, gotta go walk. Happy, healthy Tuesday my dear banditos!

Take on the day!

Peace and love!

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Y'all are evil! I come back to pages of chatter about Coldstone (lurve the Cake Batter... nummy!), cookie recipes and wine! Ack. Your killing me! lol

I worked really hard the past few days and have lost that pesky pound plus 1. I even saw a new time low for me... 319!! :w00t: But it was fleeting... lol... I am still settling in at 320. I will be estactic if I can get under 320 for good by Saturday!

I a heading to Mexico today with a friend and my BIL... and my mom is finally leaving town. YEAH me. I have had a busy busy weekend with the family so I haven't had time to check in. Sorry!

We had a smore's roasting on Sunday at my FIL's house. OMG was it so fun. :wub: I only had 2 roasted marshmallows and 2 bites of my smore before giving the rest away. I was soooo good. :frown:

LA -- You are doing so great with your running!!! I'm still struggling to increase my running time from about 30-60 seconds; I walk the 5k and really enjoy it, but I am so off track with the progression to incorporating more running/less walking. My original plan was to run the 5k in the October Autism Run, but I know realistically I'll probably still be doing the walk/run combo at that point. If I'm running a continuous mile in Oct. and walking the rest, I'll be satisfied -- at least I'll be doing more than I ever have, right?

Thanks sweets! I try! I have been hitting the pavement hard this week but cannot make it past Week 1 of the program yet either. 60 seconds bursts of running is all I can take right now.

I really wanted to run the 5k in September but I also think I will be walking the majority of it. I am ok with that for now. Specially since pre-surgery I would have never even done a 5k and I would never have set the goal to try and run it. So yes, we doing more than we ever have! :wink2:

Adorkable - luv your license plate. It's fantabulous.

Hey, can you tell those people at your work to quit bringing in all the sweets? Could they bring in hummus and pita or something? Geez . . . I don't know what I'd do if I had that much temptation at work all the time. That has to be really tough.

I wish they would stop bringing stuff in.... but it is the nature of the job. :thumbup: Trapped at a desk for 10 hours and no time to eat makes snacky food and crap food bountiful.

I am determined to avoid it this week though. I worked really had this weekend and dropped the pound I gained plus 1 :laugh:.... so I am NOT screwing it up again. I don't want to have to run it off! lol. Besides... I wanna run off the ice cream that has been sitting on my tush for the past 4 years. :tongue:

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Hey Miss Dee!!

How are you sweet friend? I am down 4.2 (how the heck did that happen?!?) It has me motivated again!!!

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Have you looked into the South Beach Diet? I know that alot of people have had lots of success with that one too. Just curious what you have thought!


Will be saying a prayer for your hubby, that sounds scary! Good for you for letting the comments go to the way side. I also have an attention whore running in my family...drives me nuts! ACK!!!


Good for you for bustin' your heinie! Congrats on getting the weight off, you will be in your teens for good before you know it! Your rockin' with the running! I so wish I could, but with these dumb knees, there is not a chance in hel! that I could!


Congrats on the loan and making this decision! You will be so very happy about this!! Keep joining us, this is the best site on here!

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Hi Brandy-Girl! Thanks for posting your loss! You BRAT! 4.5 lbs! That's great! Keep up the good work!

Hey Miss Dorkable! I love Coldstone, BUT I love my brand new 4 inch purple leather pumps better! AND if I have to give up Coldstone, chips and every other bad food so that I can wear those hot, sexy shoes, then I will! BUT I have to tell you - my daughter comes home from working at Coldstone and she smells like a big cookie! They make their own waffle cones there! Yum!

Shelbi! I'll be praying that things work out for you and your husband. How scary! I agree with you about moving that appt. up. The 16th is too far in the future for that kind of problem! What is wrong with people?

Mal! I love the name "Tofu!" AND I love Tofu!

Brandy is right, South Beach is also a very good diet that you could live on the rest of your life. But it's almost identical to the Weight Watcher's Core Plan. I'm looking into the Zone diet. 30/30/40. 30-Carbs, 30-Fat, 40-Protein. I would tweak it make it 20/30/50. The good thing about the band is now I'll be able to stick to these things because I won't be so starved. Most diets allow such small portions... I could never do them for long before.

OK Mini!

How are you doing?

Bahotmamma, How was the pretty swimsuit and the swimming yesterday?

I better get back to work!



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Mal, I think I have two copies of Body For Life if you want to baby sit it for a while. The food stuff is pretty intuitive. Eat a Protein and a good carb (small portions) at every meal. The workouts are what I think would bust you out of your plateau. They are intense but short......and effective. Let me know. I also have the BFL for women book which just adds a couple pieces of insight that are specific to women. Lemme know.

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deb~just hang with us, we'll take good care of you!

Dee~I also looked at the YOU on a diet book, aren't you reading that one? What do you think about that one? I have the YOU warranty book, I wish it was the diet one! I watched him on PBS, what a great speaker, totally speaks at my level.

I love Dr Oz too. He makes so much sense and is a very smart and practical man.

Dee, I soooooo loved Sex And The City. It was such a satisfying movie....I was prepared to be disappointed, but alas....not the case at all. I want to see it again!!! If anyone out there is a fan of SATC....you will love the movie.

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Holy crud dude... stepped on the scale this morning and I am down to 318!! Shaaaaa-weeeeet.

Hope it sticks for my "official" weigh in on Thursday!!

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