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Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum

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Patty - I'm sorry that your daughter wore you out. I assume that she is bipolar from your comments?

Officially her diagnosis is Borderline Personality Disorder. What does someone with BPD act like? Well let's put it this way, last week, and remember she is almost 8 months pregnant, she was resolved to join the Army after deliverying the baby...six - eight weeks after so she could secure her financial future. (it gets better) She told her ex-boyfriend she was "pregnant" when she was a virgin ( I should have called her 'Mary' starting then), She is a member of Green Peace, is a huge supporter of Hillary but was a member of the Young Republicans (still is) and married a lifer Army soldier. I can't keep up with her. You can cut the drama vibe with a knife when she is home.

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Ice cream is my crack. :tt2:

I cannot have it. I will go nuts with it. I don't allow it in my house anymore. Unfortunately every now and again it is at work and I can't resist it when my co-worker makes a bowl and asks me if I want some. Ugh.

Did someone say HEADFOOD? This is me: :w00t:

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Lap and LA~ I have issues with ice cream too...so cold, sweet, delicious, and never gets stuck or is uncomfortable...:w00t: And it was never a huge issue before....rats! (but I've always liked it!)

Lap~ Wow. If your poor daughter had issues before, I can't imagine what they would be at 8 months along. I know how I was, and I hadn't even been diagnose with anything (yet). Rest up!

Mal~ I understand your hubby when it comes to the wii fit...but did you know, with all of us who gets one, that you can hook it into your internet and we can all "work out" together if we log on at the same time and link them up? Can you picture me and you working out "together"? That would be a gas! And kinda pathetic for me, cuz, well, exercise sucks and every bit of me shows it! hahahaha! Just a thought to throw at the hubby...let him know friendship support is what everyone needs...:tt2:

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Officially her diagnosis is Borderline Personality Disorder. What does someone with BPD act like? Well let's put it this way, last week, and remember she is almost 8 months pregnant, she was resolved to join the Army after deliverying the baby...six - eight weeks after so she could secure her financial future. (it gets better) She told her ex-boyfriend she was "pregnant" when she was a virgin ( I should have called her 'Mary' starting then), She is a member of Green Peace, is a huge supporter of Hillary but was a member of the Young Republicans (still is) and married a lifer Army soldier. I can't keep up with her. You can cut the drama vibe with a knife when she is home.

Oh dear. No wonder you're exhausted. Yikes.

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Oh dear. No wonder you're exhausted. Yikes.


Well she called from Houston and her plane had maintenance problems and this is what I HEARD her say...could I go online and find her flight it was a commuter flight within the state of Texas but going to New Mexico and...(pause..long pause) ..and the flight number was LAXW123 (it was 123) and trying to understand her and what she wanted (another flight to El Paso? the airline? whu??) and her voice got more terse and tight and I could feel my head starting to tighten and I offered to give her the toll free number from the airlines but..she didn't have a pen, she lost it in her purse so after five minutes I told her to ask someone for a pen...oh, wait, she found it..gave her the number and she ended up booking a direct flight home from Houston.

It's that kind of stuff, all the time JUST ALL the time. My head was humming until she was home and the longer she was home the more tense I got. She just has zero boundaries and then she has amazing love and affection and kindness and then in one whip she is a hellian. It's very exhausting dealing with her.


What is a fit wii. I thought it was a movie?

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Dee -- The depression monster sucks out loud. Mine has always been worse when my PCOS is at its worst -- there's a connection, no doubt. I'm on a combination of Prozac and Wellbutrin right now and it seems to be keeping the monster at bay for now. But I'm sure it will rear its ugly head again. Please know that you are not alone. I'm sending you a great big hug, along with everybody else here who loves our Dee, just the way she is.

Lap -- Girl, you're singing my song. Our children are lucky that we have the "mother's unconditional love" thing going for them; at times I feel like my son is literally sucking the life right out of me. I am so feeling you on this with your daughter. A big cyber hug and virtual glass of wine ( wish I had real one right now!) are coming your way.

More later my banditos; the kids need mom.

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Hello ladies! Well, I FINALLY had my consult with Dr. K. You're all absolutely right! He's a wonderful man. I'm all set for surgery (for some reason I kept thinking he wouldn't do it . . . ) and I can't wait!! YAY!!

Shelbi- how was your husband's test?

Lap - some children are definitely energy vampires. Oh, the stuff they forget to mention in those parenting books . . . BTW- Wii Fit is a video game for the Wii system where you interact with the game while doing different types of exercise and it tracks your progress and such. There is a balance board that you stand on and there are a bunch of different activities (yoga, hula hoop, etc). There is a little cartoon "you" on the screen (called a mii) that you control with your body movements. It's sort of hard to explain . . .

May I join you all in a virtual glass of wine? Cheers . . .

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So when I was first learning about the band, I went to a seminar at a local hospital. Later my husband and I were having lunch with my daughter and her fiance, and I wanted to tell my daughter about the seminar. So I said "Guess what I did today? I went to a lap band seminar!". She gave me a really weird look. I assumed she thought it was a dangerous procedure or something. So then I said "It's awesome, Jess! It's really quick. They're in and out in about an hour, and there's really not much pain. I'm so excited".

Well, she started looking at me as if I'd sprouted a second head. Finally she said "Mom, why did you go to a lap dance seminar? You don't want me to go too, do you?". My husband started laughing so hard he spit his food all over the table. When I realized what she was thinking I completely lost it. We all laughed so hard that everyone in the restaurant was staring. She thought I was proposing some sort of wacky mother/daughter activity in honor of her upcoming nuptials. It was hilarious.

So . . . whenever I see Lap Dancer's name on the board, I can't help but chuckle a little. :(

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Lap - some children are definitely energy vampires. Oh, the stuff they forget to mention in those parenting books. .



Folks I am so jumpy right now. I'll take that virtual glass of wine.

Shelbi I take Effexer ER. I'm thinking I need to amp up that dose a bit. On my agenda for the summer...med check. Whew. She has shaved off years of my life.

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So I just called the Holiday Inn in Parker to get a room for the surgery. I asked for the medical rate. They quoted me 126 for a king suite. Does that sound right? It's the same as the rate on any of the travel sites . . .

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Folks I am so jumpy right now. I'll take that virtual glass of wine.

Shelbi I take Effexer ER. I'm thinking I need to amp up that dose a bit. On my agenda for the summer...med check. Whew. She has shaved off years of my life.

The teeth are awesome. lol

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So I just called the Holiday Inn in Parker to get a room for the surgery. I asked for the medical rate. They quoted me 126 for a king suite. Does that sound right? It's the same as the rate on any of the travel sites . . .


That doesn't sound right.

I'd call during the week and ask to speak to the Manager. Tell him you're having outpatient surgery at the hospital and was told by other patients that his hotel was the best and they offer a good discount to patients. I stayed there winter before last during the snow storm - 12/06. It was a very comfortable bed! I hated to leave it and return home!

So I am assuming you're having your surgery at Parker! GREAT!

I am working July 2nd! If you'd like it, I can run downstairs and give you a big hug before you go into surgery!

I'd love to meet you in person!

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That doesn't sound right.

I'd call during the week and ask to speak to the Manager. Tell him you're having outpatient surgery at the hospital and was told by other patients that his hotel was the best and they offer a good discount to patients. I stayed there winter before last during the snow storm - 12/06. It was a very comfortable bed! I hated to leave it and return home!

So I am assuming you're having your surgery at Parker! GREAT!

I am working July 2nd! If you'd like it, I can run downstairs and give you a big hug before you go into surgery!

I'd love to meet you in person!

DEE!!! I would LOVE if you came and gave me a hug and I could meet you. That would be so awesome! I'll be the scared person in the funny looking gown . . .

I'll definitely call the manager and ask. That seemed higher than what I remembered reading on here.

BTW - I asked Dr. K. if I would have to stop taking my anti-inflammatory meds and he said "no". He just said I'd have to switch to the non-extended release type and crush it. That was a pleasant surprise.

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Hi Everyone!

What an interesting day!

Well, today started out with me driving to work, crying. I was so emotional today. Today would have been my 23rd anniversary, should I had remained married. I was divorced last June. I was sad. Yesterday, I put an offer down on a home, I absolutely fell in love with. This morning, I got a call from my realtor telling me that he didn't figure the taxes correctly and the offer we made would not be in my budget range.... so he had to withdraw it. He went on to inform me the amount of house, I could afford. Pathetic! I have a credit rating of 798, I make fairly good money and I can't afford a home. So I told my realtor that I would just sign a new lease on my apt. If I go month to month, my rent increases by $500.00 a month! I can't afford it.

Around 3pm, I'm at work computer charting my cares and my manager came in and placed her hand on my shoulder and said, she sensed, I wasn't having a good day. I burst into tears and she insisted I go home and take a TLC afternoon. She was so sweet. She hugged me and I gave her report, she took my assignment and I came home - wanting to eat something really fattening and carb-laden! Thank God, I didn't have anything at my house - so I forced myself to ride my bike. I turned my Bryan Adams CD up high and rode as fast as I could.

People, I felt 99% better, exhausted, thirsty, sweaty, BUT better!

I think I needed a TLC afternoon, I needed a good cry. - when I was down and more likely to eat something bad for me, taking my power back helped my mood. I know from past experiences, if I had eaten something bad for me, I would have felt much worse!

I just wanted to share with everyone!

Mini, I loved your Lap Dancer Seminar story and your daughter! I bet your husband won't have a problem with you actually taking a class like that -- Just think, it's really quick, they're in and out in about an hour, it's almost painfree, AND the best part is you're really excited!

Speaking of head hunger, during my post-op period, I forced myself to only eat when I was hungry. I wanted to listen to my body. I am fortunate to have a 'soft stop' when I'm almost full, my nose starts running... if I stop I am usually satiated for 4 hours or more (when I have proper restriction)... esp. if my meal consists of a good solid Protein. It's something we have to learn. But you can do it.

Shelbi, I tried to get Wellbutrin once when I was dealing with my divorce AND it wasn't on my formulary with my insurance. The pharmacist said it would be $160.00 a month. I just left it at the store! I have heard good things about Wellbutrin, tho. I'm going to hug you right back! Hugs from people you love, are the best! I love you too!

Lap, When I was in Nursing School, I did a huge project on BPD. I had several patients with this diagnosis. You certainly have your hands full and bless you for being so patient and loyal. Everyone should have a Mom like you and Shelbi and Mal. It's not easy being a parent when things are going well, but it's even more of a struggle when things are going bad. Parents don't get instructions when their sweet tiny babies are placed in their arms for the first time. Our hearts are full and our dreams for our babies are bigger than Montana. I have a friend, whom I love with all of my heart, she was my mentor in college. Her daughter has disappointed her many times, but yet she has remained loving, attentive and loyal to her. I told her once, we have our dreams for our children and they have theirs. We as their Mom's wipe our tears, take a deep breath, reach out our arms and embrace our children as they are at that moment -- and in doing so, we are telling them that we value them more than life itself. Our actions speak so loud when it comes to our children.

Mal, I understand your husband's point on the Wii. I won't be getting one either... the free pool membership and my bike will have to do. BUT it's going to get us in shape for your run and my walk For the Cure. I can't wait for you to pass me -- I'll eat your dust anytime Dear! Just sit and wait for me at the finish line. K?

Lifesaver, What you said about depression and weight loss, really makes so much sense! I am fat for a reason. I've stuffed my heartache for many years, it's time for me to start dealing with these things. Not easy, but time.

LA, Adorable Dorkie Girl, I know what you mean about my head not catching up with my tummy size. I still look at menus and think, "that's not much food, I better order a side of something." Then the food arrives and I can't eat half of the side order! But you know Dear, even if you know exactly what to eat and when -- it's still our heads telling us that we would rather eat this or that! AND my head doesn't care what's on that list! Now that I have my fill, I am following the Dr. Oz/Dr. Roizen's You On A Diet, eating plan. It's simple and satisfying. I do love me some handsome Dr. Oz!

As far as Ice Cream being crack! Chips/Cheese/Cheetos are my crack! I become diaphoretic and my breathing becomes labored when they are in my presence!

I love you Guys! Thank you for the support, the hugs, the words of encouragement and most of all thank you for being part of my journey to good health. These are the times, we will always cherish, remember it's not only about the destination, the trip there is just as valuable!

xxxooo, dee~

Edited by Tied2BFit
More brainless mistakes from Littleton Colorado!

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You got it Sister!

Just don't forget to tell me what time your surgery is -- okay?

I am thrilled to hear that you don't have to give up your NSAIDS!

We discussed my thoughts on the subject... so I'm thrilled to hear that Dr. K has the same.

Great minds think alike! J/K! I wish I was a Bariatric Surgeon! What a rewarding career! Helping people reach their potential to be the healthiest and happiest! I often think of how cute Dr. K looked in the picture with John when John reached his 100 lbs loss. Dr. K looked so proud. It was a proud moment for John, I know, but it was also a proud moment for Dr. K.

I was a scared girl the first time, I went in for surgery, then it was canceled, by the second time, 2 months later, I was just so excited to be there! All my fear was gone!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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