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Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum

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Great RR picture everyone! =) Mal... I didn't notice your

husband until you mentioned it. What a nut. My husband does

the same thing. He will wave and say hello when he sees

people with a video camera. lol. Says he wants people to

watch their home videos and be like who is that guy. lol.

Dee~ Way to go on the plateau buster diet. I am so proud of

you! I hope this does the trick for you. =)

So I managed to stay away from the evil Cookies at work last

night. Yeah me! :thumbup:I am so proud of myself. I know it seems

silly, but it was hard and I almost caved a couple of times.

So I was feeling inspired by Lap joining a gym so I decided to

get myself moving again. I started back up on my 5K training.

It felt soooo good to get out and run again. Kicked my butt...

but I can tell I am lighter and faster than pre-surgery

because I finished my old route too quickly. I need to map

out a new one. :thumbup:

I am also reigning in on my eating. I have been very

lackadaisical about it the past few weeks. My in-laws just

moved into town and we have been BBQ'ing a lot and I have

been indulging in too much potato salad, chips and dessert. :thumbup:

No more! I have salmon baking right now for dinner with

broccoli for a side. Back on the band wagon baby. :thumbup:

I gained a pound this week. I am no longer going to excuse it

as bouncing around between a few numbers. I was down to

324 and had "bounced" all the way back up to 328. :thumbup:

Yesterday at my "official" weigh in i was at 325. So I am 59

pounds down. I am going to run that last pound back off and

keep going DOWN not up on the scale. No more "bouncing"


Edited by adorKable

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Hope it works!

Mal, Lifesaver, Denise

Bookholder, Tied2bfit

AND Mal's hubby hiding in the back! What a Goofy guy!

smaller banders.bmp

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You all look wonderful ladies!!! I look forward to the RR pic every month -- thanks for sharing, Dee, and have a good day at work.

Lap -- way to go on joining the gym!!

Marcy -- forget the chicks, buy a dairy cow for the green house this year!

Brandy -- where are you?

Happy Friday, banditos, wherever you are this weekend I'm wishing you sunny skies and beautiful weather -- let's get out and move this weekend!

ShelbiCallie - funny you should mention the cow...we actually considered it! Actually, we thought about getting a couple of goats! (My friend buys organic milk and that's $10/gal!!!) Unfortunately, the feed cost would be so much more...and trying to keep the thing alive through winter is just more than I could think of. We get paid well for living here (you can usually find a non-skilled job for at least $12/hr...we, of course are very skilled so we get MUCH more) so the costs aren't THAT much of a bite! This IS (I mean anywhere in the state really) the place to come for work, but housing out in these rural areas is scarce...just saw a posting for a 2 bdrm, unfurnished, no utilities for rent at $1300 - that's a bit steep for anywhere!

I'm actually drinking a DIET soda right now! At least I've made that change! Of course, soda is about as expensive as gas so I'd better give it up soon!

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Hi All Dr. K Banders - I'm on the other side of surgery and feeling pretty good. Surgery went well (5/14 11 am) I have had only one problem. The antibiotic makes me REALLY nauseated and gives me diarrhea. I took it 3 days but that's it for me. Hopefully my incisions won't get infected because that medicine is worse than any pain from the surgery (and that hasn't been very much). I'm doing OK on the creamy liquids now. Any idea how long this swelling will last? Just thought I would check in and say thanks for the encouragement and for your informative posts. This group is by far the best thing going for encouragement to stay the course! For all of you with surgery coming up - hang in there it's worth it. Sidney

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ShelbiCallie - funny you should mention the cow...we actually considered it! Actually, we thought about getting a couple of goats! (My friend buys organic milk and that's $10/gal!!!) Unfortunately, the feed cost would be so much more...and trying to keep the thing alive through winter is just more than I could think of. We get paid well for living here (you can usually find a non-skilled job for at least $12/hr...we, of course are very skilled so we get MUCH more) so the costs aren't THAT much of a bite! This IS (I mean anywhere in the state really) the place to come for work, but housing out in these rural areas is scarce...just saw a posting for a 2 bdrm, unfurnished, no utilities for rent at $1300 - that's a bit steep for anywhere!

I'm actually drinking a DIET soda right now! At least I've made that change! Of course, soda is about as expensive as gas so I'd better give it up soon!

Ouch on the cost of living up there! I love when you post about Nome life -- the whole idea fascinates me, even though I'd never be able to afford it and my thin skin wouldn't allow it!

While we were having lunch today at a restaurant, my son's Kids Menu had the ususal puzzles, coloring stuff and some "fun food facts" -- one being that people who live where you do keep food in refrigerators to keep it from freezing in winter. I thought that it was probably so you wouldn't have to freeze your hiney while you you went outside to retrieve dinner, otherwise, why pay the utility bill?:woot: :)

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Sidney~Congrats and welcome to your new life! sorry to hear the antibiotics are making you nauseaus.

I remember the swelling coming and going, mostly there in the evenings...I think I was swollen for maybe a month or a little more...

Keep us posted on how your doing, we are all here for you!

Walk, walk, and walk!!! and keep hydrated!!! two very important things!!!

Be well!

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Hi All Dr. K Banders - I'm on the other side of surgery and feeling pretty good. Surgery went well (5/14 11 am) I have had only one problem. The antibiotic makes me REALLY nauseated and gives me diarrhea. I took it 3 days but that's it for me. Hopefully my incisions won't get infected because that medicine is worse than any pain from the surgery (and that hasn't been very much). I'm doing OK on the creamy liquids now. Any idea how long this swelling will last? Just thought I would check in and say thanks for the encouragement and for your informative posts. This group is by far the best thing going for encouragement to stay the course! For all of you with surgery coming up - hang in there it's worth it. Sidney

Hi Sidney! I'm glad to hear that the surgery went well! You'll notice that the swelling will improve day by day. Since you're on the full liquids, you may want to try some yogurt to relieve the diarrhea and allow you to complete the full course of antibiotics. Antibiotics kill not only harmful bacteria; they also kill the healthy ones in the intestines that we need for digestion and, thus, we end up with diarrhea. The live cultures in yogurt can help replenish the intestines with helpful bacteria and treat the diarrhea. Dr. K sent me home with a script for Phenergan for nausea/vomiting; isn't he still doing that? -- I had my surgery back in Sept, so maybe not. Keep us posted on how you're doing and Welcome to BAND LAND, bandito!!

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Hi All Dr. K Banders - I'm on the other side of surgery and feeling pretty good. Surgery went well (5/14 11 am) I have had only one problem. The antibiotic makes me REALLY nauseated and gives me diarrhea. I took it 3 days but that's it for me. Hopefully my incisions won't get infected because that medicine is worse than any pain from the surgery (and that hasn't been very much). I'm doing OK on the creamy liquids now. Any idea how long this swelling will last? Just thought I would check in and say thanks for the encouragement and for your informative posts. This group is by far the best thing going for encouragement to stay the course! For all of you with surgery coming up - hang in there it's worth it. Sidney

Hey! You're here just in time to join us on the Loser's Bench!

Welcome!! I'm so glad the surgery went well!

I'm sorry to hear about the antibiotic problems. There are many different antibiotics. Perhaps, Dr. K can give you a different script. It's a good idea if you can take some type of Antibiotic.

I really don't remember how long the swelling lasted. I didn't have gas pains, but I remember trying my old jeans on and they were so tight, I couldn't wear them for almost a month.

Take care Dear!

Sip Sip Sip your Water and walk when you can!



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Good morning Banditos! It is a marvulous morning! I got my new workout shoes yesterday, they feel great. Runner's Roost is the best!No gym this weekend too busy (sad excuse), I will get my walks in though! I am going to start the plataeu diet tomorrow. I will be heading to the urgent care this morning, my Chris crashed on his skateboard yesterday and his knee is in great pain...always something! Then we have a graduation BBQ and my nephew flys in from CA so another BBQ (this is why I am starting the P diet tomorrow). I will eat terribly today and start anew tomorrow.

Dee~how are you doing? So, we eat 30z of Protein 5x a day and drink our liquids and 30 minutes of excercise...for 10 days, right? We can do this!

Sidney~how are you feeling today? Hang in there. Make sure you get your Protein in too! Protein, walk and hydrate!

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Hey Mal -- Poor Chris! I hope he's doing ok.

I know what you mean about starting anew after a weekend of eating at gatherings. I did terrribly myself -- but kept the portion size in check, only a tblspoon each (like that helped or something!). But just in the interest of coming totally clean with it -- I had BBQ (pit-cooked pork, of course), slaw, potato salad, hush puppies (just one), banana pudding, and a sliver of pound cake. With sweet tea. Yep, with sweet tea. No roll for this girl, though; I had to do something to preserve my dignity. I went to a memorial service with a dinner on the grounds afterwards, so I HAD to eat. It is so totally a Southern thing. Someone passes, we cook, we eat. Someone is born, we cook, we eat.

BUT, I walked today and am going to make a fabulous chicken salad for lunch! Turning a new page to a new day.

What kind of walking shoes do you like? What about shoes for working out? I am a total exercise newbie, so excuse my ignorance, but I have one pair of New Balance that I wear for whatever and I'm getting ready to replace.

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Good morning Banditos! It is a marvulous morning! I got my new workout shoes yesterday, they feel great. Runner's Roost is the best!No gym this weekend too busy (sad excuse), I will get my walks in though! I am going to start the plataeu diet tomorrow. I will be heading to the urgent care this morning, my Chris crashed on his skateboard yesterday and his knee is in great pain...always something! Then we have a graduation BBQ and my nephew flys in from CA so another BBQ (this is why I am starting the P diet tomorrow). I will eat terribly today and start anew tomorrow.

Dee~how are you doing? So, we eat 30z of Protein 5x a day and drink our liquids and 30 minutes of excercise...for 10 days, right? We can do this!

Sidney~how are you feeling today? Hang in there. Make sure you get your protein in too! Protein, walk and hydrate!

Yup Mal!

You can eat 3oz of anything on that list of Proteins and as much as you want of the other stuff.

Yesterday, I had an egg, 3oz of cheese, 3 oz of chicken, 3oz of turkey, a SF cherry Jello, and for dinner I had some cottage cheese with a little tuna. It was really good. The chicken was a little dry, however.... I had to chew it really well.


When I don't work, I have a harder time getting my Water in!

I also sleep in, so it's harder to get all of my meals in.

I had 3 oz of turkey for Breakfast.< /p>

I'm sure I'll get the rest of my turket breast later, some cottage cheese, but I'll stay clear of that dry chicken! It's left overs, so I have a feeling it's done being band friendly!

Good luck tomorrow! Have fun today! Eat something yummy for me!

Come back and post to let us know how Chris' knee is doing! Poor Dude!



Edited by Tied2BFit

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Hey Mal -- Poor Chris! I hope he's doing ok.

I know what you mean about starting anew after a weekend of eating at gatherings. I did terrribly myself -- but kept the portion size in check, only a tblspoon each (like that helped or something!). But just in the interest of coming totally clean with it -- I had BBQ (pit-cooked pork, of course), slaw, potato salad, hush puppies (just one), banana pudding, and a sliver of pound cake. With sweet tea. Yep, with sweet tea. No roll for this girl, though; I had to do something to preserve my dignity. I went to a memorial service with a dinner on the grounds afterwards, so I HAD to eat. It is so totally a Southern thing. Someone passes, we cook, we eat. Someone is born, we cook, we eat.

BUT, I walked today and am going to make a fabulous chicken salad for lunch! Turning a new page to a new day.

What kind of walking shoes do you like? What about shoes for working out? I am a total exercise newbie, so excuse my ignorance, but I have one pair of New Balance that I wear for whatever and I'm getting ready to replace.


I love New Balance shoes! Standing on my feet for hours, I have found that New Balance shoes are really the best. They also have a wider toe box.

Has anyone noticed if their shoes are getting bigger? Mine are!!!

I'm sorry for your loss. I know my family is the same way, but we don't always Celebrate births the way we should. We never see some relatives until someone dies! I come from a Latin background on my Mom's side, so the food is abundant and lots of hugs and kisses.

Hugs Shelbi,


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Thank you to all who encouraged me to keep going with the antibiotics and for ways to make it "doable". I took yesterday off but I see the wisdom in finishing what Dr. K told me to do. I have had trouble with antibiotics all my life so I'll just do the best I can and live with it. I'll be better off in the long run. My daughter just left to go back where she lives and had the same reminders you have had - walk, drink your Water, and walk some more. She also added to get my Protein Drinks in - boy those are nasty. She was such a great support for me before and during and will be after as well. It is really comforting to have you guys around and you answered very quickly. Thank you SO much. I'm proud to sit on the Loser's Bench with all of you! Sidney

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Thank you to all who encouraged me to keep going with the antibiotics and for ways to make it "doable". I took yesterday off but I see the wisdom in finishing what Dr. K told me to do. I have had trouble with antibiotics all my life so I'll just do the best I can and live with it. I'll be better off in the long run. My daughter just left to go back where she lives and had the same reminders you have had - walk, drink your Water, and walk some more. She also added to get my Protein drinks in - boy those are nasty. She was such a great support for me before and during and will be after as well. It is really comforting to have you guys around and you answered very quickly. Thank you SO much. I'm proud to sit on the Loser's Bench with all of you! Sidney


Have you tried the clear protein drinks, like the New Whey Bullets or the Isopure Clears? I love them! Anita turned me on to these, she gave me some she had left over and I pour them over crushed ice and they're a treat! I drank them a lot during the first week or so. Some have 42gr of protein and some 27gr. The Isopures are good too, they are excellent over ice and with a splash of splenda cranjuice.

You can get these at GNC.

do you have someone else at your home to help you while you heal?

Also, if the antibiotic makes you throw up, you really need to see if you can take a different one. Throwing up is not good with the band.

Diarrhea is pretty normal during this period, then you'll have the opposite problem and wish you could have some diarrhea!

Sorry if that is too much information!

Take care!


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Dee - What a sweetheart you are! I will try those Protein drinks - my problem is probably expecting too much from an "unflavored" powder. Since I am on full liquids I feel less like throwing up than I did on Friday. I'm trying to be still when nausea hits so that I do not throw up and so far I have not. My daughter lives about 5 hours away and I live alone but I have friends who will check on me. The physical part of this is one thing but the head part is something else. I feel like you who have been banded are the only ones who really understand what goes on in that way. Again - thank you so much! Hearing that some things are just normal right now is very helpful because I start thinking that something is wrong.

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