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Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum

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Guest Aviatrix

I'm sorry to say that I found Dr. Kirshenbaum to be rude and completely incompetent. I saw him at his office in the Aurora Medical building and the place was absolutely filthy.

I was banded in Mexico and tried to go to him for a fill and he was just plain rude to me. He kept making snotty comments about going to Mexico and how I was not going to have good results. He gave me a fill with the grab and jab method and at the end of it had no idea how much he had put in my band. He thought maybe a cc, maybe a little more, maybe less.. who knows.

He stumbled and bumbled around and just acted like he could care less if he did a good job or not. His rates are cheap enough, but I won't go back because he just keeps making nasty comments about "getting what I deserve" for going to Mexico.

Completely unprofessional and he refuses to use floro for filling patients even tho this is the way it SHOULD be done by anyone that wants to make sure they are not tearing up your band port when they make a fill attempt.

I hope you have good luck with him. I personally would never send anyone to see him after the way he treated me. Maybe he is better with his own band patients.

Maybe he was just having a bad day. I'd like to think this was the case. I've been banded for over 3 years, so this is not a NEW band.

Edited by Aviatrix

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Dee i just love your stories!!!:biggrin:

I just got home from fill number 4. I am up to 6.95 in a 7cc band so here's hoping I hit my sweet spot. After the last fill I felt restriction for 2 weeks but then nothing, I could eat a cow and still not be full. I had Tom recalibrate my fill and I had 5.55 when it should have been 6.4. I really hope I dont have a slow leak!! I lost 6 lbs over the 6 weeks, but just has an intestinal virus, so I think that is where all the loss came from.

A friend of mine took a pic of me in July of last year and I was HUGE!! I can really see the difference now that I have seen that pic.

I really want to go to RR this month, either day would be good for me so just let me know what you decide.

I am posting the before pic and an after pic which is kinda of racey, byut I really love it so hope no one is offended. :thumbup:

Oh my Goodness! You're lovely! The Love your racy picture!

Very hot, Girlie!

I hope you can join us at RR. Don't you think we need a Bandito Fix!

ACTUALLY, I could use a Dorito Fix too! Sorry!

I better get back to work before they fire me!

Good to hear from you and thanks for posting your pictures! You're such an inspiration!

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I was banded in Mexico and have had fills with both Dr K and his PA Tom, and have never had any issues with attitude. I am sorry you had a bad experience. I have always felt that I was treated just like all his patients. Good luck in your future and in finding a Doc you feel comfortable with.

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I'm sorry to say that I found Dr. Kirshenbaum to be rude and completely incompetent. I saw him at his office in the Aurora Medical building and the place was absolutely filthy.

I was banded in Mexico and tried to go to him for a fill and he was just plain rude to me. He kept making snotty comments about going to Mexico and how I was not going to have good results. He gave me a fill with the grab and jab method and at the end of it had no idea how much he had put in my band. He thought maybe a cc, maybe a little more, maybe less.. who knows.

He stumbled and bumbled around and just acted like he could care less if he did a good job or not. His rates are cheap enough, but I won't go back because he just keeps making nasty comments about "getting what I deserve" for going to Mexico.

Completely unprofessional and he refuses to use floro for filling patients even tho this is the way it SHOULD be done by anyone that wants to make sure they are not tearing up your band port when they make a fill attempt.

I hope you have good luck with him. I personally would never send anyone to see him after the way he treated me. Maybe he is better with his own band patients.


I am very sorry you had a bad experience. I have found him to be very competent and never rude.

Good Luck with your New Band Journey and I hope you do have great success. You deserve it, regardless of where you went to get your band.

Take care!

and again, I am sorry for your bad experience.


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I'm sorry to say that I found Dr. Kirshenbaum to be rude and completely incompetent. I saw him at his office in the Aurora Medical building and the place was absolutely filthy.

I was banded in Mexico and tried to go to him for a fill and he was just plain rude to me. He kept making snotty comments about going to Mexico and how I was not going to have good results. He gave me a fill with the grab and jab method and at the end of it had no idea how much he had put in my band. He thought maybe a cc, maybe a little more, maybe less.. who knows.

He stumbled and bumbled around and just acted like he could care less if he did a good job or not. His rates are cheap enough, but I won't go back because he just keeps making nasty comments about "getting what I deserve" for going to Mexico.

Completely unprofessional and he refuses to use floro for filling patients even tho this is the way it SHOULD be done by anyone that wants to make sure they are not tearing up your band port when they make a fill attempt.

I hope you have good luck with him. I personally would never send anyone to see him after the way he treated me. Maybe he is better with his own band patients.

Maybe he was just having a bad day. I'd like to think this was the case. I've been banded for over 3 years, so this is not a NEW band.

Hi Aviatrix, Wow -- I'm sorry that you had such a terrible experience!

I read your first post in the General Support thread and my heart goes out to you -- sounds as if you've had a very, very difficult journey with your band all the way around for the last 3 years (dead surgeon, unsupportive PCP, little weight loss, overfills, reflux, nausea, sleep problems, etc.) Maybe it's time to ask for a referral to a GI specialist/radiologist to do a series of GI studies to determine exactly what's up with your band??

Maybe it is slipped (God forbid!) and a routine fill is just not going to be the answer? Bless your heart! If Dr. K isn't a good fit for you, I'd say try one of the other LB surgeons in the Denver area (I'm concluding you're local, sorry if your not), give them your history, and get a referral for some GI testing to see exactly what you're working with here. I hope this all gets worked out for you -- you've been through so much and you deserve to get healthy like everyone else on this journey.

I'm a nurse and I had a very positive experience all around with Dr. K and would go back to him in a heart beat, but everyone has different needs, It sounds to me as if you need more than a fill. Hang in there and don't give up!

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Well, Aviatrix, from all that I've read on here and elsewhere, it sounds like your experience is not at all typical of what most people experience with Dr. K. It sounds like 180 degrees from mine -- everyone was polite, friendly, the facilities were clean, everything went really good when I had my surgery with him. During my first fill, fluoro was available but my port is incredibly easy to locate. The fill went smoothly and I left knowing exactly how much I had in my band.

The only negative experience I had was when his office staff somehow had no record of my fill appointment, but they got me in quickly.

I am so sorry for your troubles, and I certainly wish you the best of luck on your lapband journey and finding the right doctor for you.

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Hey Everyone,

I'm back from Paris and had an amazing time. I will have to post some pics. I have been trying to get caught up on all the posts and boys a lot has been going on. I went in yesterday for a slight fill (we had left a little room for the trip) and I actually lost 3 pounds while in Paris. YEAH 4 ME!!!!

Dee-- I am up for RR on Wed if that is still going on. Let me know I would love to finally meet everyone. You look great and you can tell the difference, keep up the great work.

LA-- you look FABULOUS girl. I am so proud of you.

Everyone else it was great to hear how you been doing keep it up.


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Hey Everyone,

I'm back from Paris and had an amazing time. I will have to post some pics. I have been trying to get caught up on all the posts and boys a lot has been going on. I went in yesterday for a slight fill (we had left a little room for the trip) and I actually lost 3 pounds while in Paris. YEAH 4 ME!!!!

Dee-- I am up for RR on Wed if that is still going on. Let me know I would love to finally meet everyone. You look great and you can tell the difference, keep up the great work.

LA-- you look FABULOUS girl. I am so proud of you.

Everyone else it was great to hear how you been doing keep it up.


Okay Denise!!! Welcome back from Paris! Did you just have a great time!? How did you lose weight on vacation? Wow!

Red Robin is now set for Wednesday!

I look forward to meeting you!

Red Robin, Wednesday, May 5-14!!!


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Okay Denise!!! Welcome back from Paris! Did you just have a great time!? How did you lose weight on vacation? Wow!

Red Robin is now set for Wednesday!

I look forward to meeting you!

Red Robin, Wednesday, May 5-14!!!



We walked probalbe 100 miles. I will bring some pics on wed. I am so excited about finally meeting you and anyone else who shows.:lol:

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Hey gals!

Wednesday will work for me! My son has a meeting until 6:30 (I think hubby is taking him???) What time are we meeting?

Woofay and Dynamo~hope to se you there too!

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mother's and the Motherly types...we are all appreciated!


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Hey gals!

Wednesday will work for me! My son has a meeting until 6:30 (I think hubby is taking him???) What time are we meeting?

Woofay and Dynamo~hope to se you there too!

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mother's and the Motherly types...we are all appreciated!



You made my day! I can't wait to see everyone at Red Robin's!

7pm! Arapahoe and I-25! Wednesday, May 14th!

Please join us Michelle, we need all of the juicy details!

Anita! Can you be there?

Brandy? Bookholder? Denise? John? Lifesaver? Liteweight? Anybody out there - in town, Banditos - join us!

Mal, I hope you have a very very

Happy Mother's Day!

Hugs and Kisses,


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Does anyone know how to find out what our Reps say?

I have 6 and have no idea how I view them! I know Lapdancer posted the instructions, but I can't find the post!

Help!!! :frown:

Computer Dummy, Line one!:lol:

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I'm sorry to say that I found Dr. Kirshenbaum to be rude and completely incompetent. I saw him at his office in the Aurora Medical building and the place was absolutely filthy.

I was banded in Mexico and tried to go to him for a fill and he was just plain rude to me. He kept making snotty comments about going to Mexico and how I was not going to have good results. He gave me a fill with the grab and jab method and at the end of it had no idea how much he had put in my band. He thought maybe a cc, maybe a little more, maybe less.. who knows.

He stumbled and bumbled around and just acted like he could care less if he did a good job or not. His rates are cheap enough, but I won't go back because he just keeps making nasty comments about "getting what I deserve" for going to Mexico.

Completely unprofessional and he refuses to use floro for filling patients even tho this is the way it SHOULD be done by anyone that wants to make sure they are not tearing up your band port when they make a fill attempt.

I hope you have good luck with him. I personally would never send anyone to see him after the way he treated me. Maybe he is better with his own band patients.

Maybe he was just having a bad day. I'd like to think this was the case. I've been banded for over 3 years, so this is not a NEW band.

Are you sure your talking about Dr. Kirshenbaum? My friend had her band done in Mexico and Dr. Kirshenbaum does her adjustments too. She has never had any problems with him or his office. He does NOT refuse to do fills under fluoro it's just that he doesn't do them on a routine basis and there is an additional charge. If your having a problem with your band and you were banded in Mexico he won't treat you. It's called "LIABILITY". He didn't perform the original surgery so he won't take you on as a problem either. Dr. Kirshenbaum wants patients to succeed no matter where they had their surgery so I'm not sure he truly said "you get what you deserve". That doesn't sound like the Dr. Kirshenbaum we have all grown to love. When I was in the office I met a father / daughter team who were banded in Mexico and she told me that Dr. K even asked his nutritionist to speak with her father because he was having problems. Not sure what happened with your visit.

He may not be the right doctor for you, I wish you all the best in finding someone who fits your personality and your needs.

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Arrrghhhhh.... sometimes being patient is hard...I am 1.8 pounds from onderland (okay 1.9 technically to cross the line and be officially under 200) and my g-d, it is sooooo slowwwwwww....

Part of it is my fault... I know I need a fill and I am dragging my feet about going in... and I keep saying I'll start exercising... but truly, I am my own worst enemy, I keep expecting the band to do all the work...

I gotta get with the program... I have a larger goal... to lose 100 in a year... at this rate, I'm not gonna make it... lI need to lose 30 (give or take) more by Sept. 5... and that means I gotta get my arse in gear and exercise... but I HATE it...

I hate walking and I hate treadmills and elliptical riders and lifting weights... they really bore me (okay that and I do not like sweating). What is a fun way to exercise? Keep in mind, I also have to try to do this with a 3 year old and one year old normally hanging out with me...

Someone throw me a magic wand.. or an idea or two.... pppleasssseeee...

Tina :smile:

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Welcome!! =) Congrats on your decision. Dr K is awesome... you have picked a wonderful surgeon.


I am also very sorry you had a bad experience. I have had some recent issues that I thought may be related to my band and Dr K always called me back within minutes and kept on top of the problem long distance. He was more responsive than my current surgeons that I have for after care.

I do agree that Fluoroscopy is the only way to go with fills, and for that reason I chose to continue going with a local surgeon for follow-up.

Dr K really cares. I talked with 3 surgeons prior to choosing him and he was simply the best in my opinion. He has never been anything but kind, caring, compassionate.... A+ in my book.

I wish much success for you on your band journey. I am sorry for your bad experience.


Welcome back from Paris! Oh how I love Paris. We went backpacking across Europe 2 years ago... sheesh now it has been 3 years I guess. We spent 2 days in Paris and I really wish we would have alotted more time.

Can't wait to see your pictures. I bet you look hot hot hot! =)


Girl I am feeling you! Sometimes staying motivated is so hard. I keep hovering in the 320's now for the past month. I finally haven't seen 330 in over a week thankfully, but I also feel like I should be doing more to meet my goals.

You can do it! Go in for that fill and get back on the bandwagon. Go for a walk. The longer we put it off, the harder it is to get moving again. You will hit onederland before you know it! Sept is plenty far away to make your goal! I have faith in you. =)

As for me ladies.... I finally have some restriction along with some soft stops signals. Yeah me! =) I am not at my "sweet spot" by any means, but as the days tick by I seem to get snugger.

Tonight I made some chicken nuggets at work for lunch and I had to take smaller bites than even and really chew. I also had to slow WAY down. I could totally feel it sitting in my chest waiting to move down.

The other night I was eating chicken and rice for dinner and my nose started to feel runny. I sniffled and took another bite and then I was like whoa... that was a soft stop signal... so I stopped. =) I also got the hiccups tonight while eating. They came just as I finished my last bite so I was stopping anyway. =)

I am holding steady at my weightloss this week. I am still at 324 right now but still ecstatic with my results thus far. 60 pounds since December is rockin!

I am going to continue to work with my current level of restriction and see how it goes. I really really need to get back into my running and walking. Someone puh-leeez kick my butt into gear! =) Right now the only exercise I have been doing is laps in my pool. Good.... but not enough.

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