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Shelbie-I'm here...I get a daily update from LapBandTalk that I read, it just takes forever to get the pages open that I only post once in a while.

Mal - Thinking about you and feeling ashamed that you are STILL motivated, yet things are good here and there's zero motivation for me!

Linz-ah, to have a lawn! Even when the snow melts we only have gravel! Haha! I'm looking forward to chopping wood though.

Oh, so the motivation has vanished, but that's not a terrible thing, I know I'll get it back. I'm just so "blah" about the whole thing and have been for about a month. I'm sure it has A LOT to do with the fact that I haven't lost any weight since my last fill...but I haven't gained either. My son needs to have a little surgery (ear tubes) so we're "going to town" in a couple of weeks and I'm going to get another little fill (make the trip really worth it, especially since insurance is paying for this flight - thanks to my dear son!). I admit that I've been eating crap, but I DO notice that when I actually sit down to eat a meal I can eat a little more than I "should". I really am having a hard time with the head-hunger. I also need to talk to Paula...my diet is very difficult. It's hard to get fresh fruit and veggies and, well, we all know that meat is a whole 'nother ball-game for me (moose, halibut, salmon, crab...all good but I'm still having troube not PBing).

It's finally warming up here! It's 28 this morning and it'll only get warmer! I'm going to try to not get too excited...it'll be another couple of weeks before we know for sur that winter is over.

Oh, hey, I'm "famous in Nome". My son, Owen, and I are on the front page of our local paper (we've been in the paper a lot actually). Go to nomenugget.net and look at the picture of the egg hunt...that's me in the middle, dark purple coat with white hat and Owen is right in front of me in a grayish coat. It was crazy fun!

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Hi Marcy~Nice to hear from you. My motivation isin't all that great...I miss the gym. I do walk my Buster almost every day for three miles, that is about all the excercise I have been getting. I took my boys to an arcade place yesterday and they talked me into doing the Dance Dance Revolution video game, I could really feel it in my legs! My chris has that game at home, so I asked him to set it up for me. then my Kevin told me that he has a boxing game (for the wii) that would also give me a work out.

28??? Brrrrrrr, I am cold just thinking about that!

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Marcie - looks cold where you live, but it is wonderful that you have adapted and get everyone outside for fun and games. The motivation comes and goes. But it will come back, when I think about this - consider the alternative. So good luck.

Mal - three miles a day is major wonderful. You and Buster need to feel great about that. Walking is a good aerobic exercise and fresh air is good for you.

So is RR on the 8th or 9th? I think if we get into switching the location we will lose the group, so all new people come. You will find that the Frech fries aren't even tempting, especially when you meet so many other banditos.

Dee - thanks for asking about my love life. I will PM you.

Hugs all,


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Marcie - looks cold where you live, but it is wonderful that you have adapted and get everyone outside for fun and games. The motivation comes and goes. But it will come back, when I think about this - consider the alternative. So good luck.

Mal - three miles a day is major wonderful. You and Buster need to feel great about that. Walking is a good aerobic exercise and fresh air is good for you.

So is RR on the 8th or 9th? I think if we get into switching the location we will lose the group, so all new people come. You will find that the Frech fries aren't even tempting, especially when you meet so many other banditos.

Dee - thanks for asking about my love life. I will PM you.

Hugs all,


You're welcome Sweetie!

I'm so happy for you! I hope one day to find a new love! I'm so lonely and sometimes the lonliness is palpable. Human touch is so vital for our health and well-being. I miss that so much. I always loved hugs, but now I find I crave them. Just to feel the warmth of another person helps me make it through my day.

I've been dealing with my grief. I will be okay and then I find myself thinking and missing my friend, Sandra. I start crying and then I can't stop.

Death is so final. Not a day passes, I don't think of her children. I pray they are able to find their peace.


oh yes, I think it's the 9th of April. Lapdancer - is the 9th the day?

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Dee :) I am so sorry about Sandra. Grief is such an all-consuming process and human touch with others who are also grieving can be comforting (at least for me, it is). Do you get to see the children very often? I'm thinking they could probably use a Dee hug. Their mom lives on in her friends, like you, and your touch helps them keep in touch with mom. Maybe seeing Sandra's smile, eyes, expresions, etc. that she has passed on to her children will give you comfort in knowing that parts of her are still living, just inside her children -- a different vessel. I agree, death seems so, so final. Here in the South, we frequently use different terminology saying someone "passed" instead of "died" -- kind of like seeing it as a transition instead of a finality. I am sending you a cyber hug; I hope you can feel it. Your posts are always like hugs to me, but I don't think I can come close to your way with words. So I'll resort to the smilies :puke:.

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Skyeblu! I've only been banded 6 months, so I can't speak to getting the band checked after a year. I've been using the FillCenter doc in Denver NC and am pleased with him, but the FillCenter price without fluro is now $175. I've always been tempted to see if he'd do my fills without the middle man, so to speak, but just haven't had the nerve to ask yet. Also, wanted to mention..... how 'bout those TARHEELS --- final four, yeah man!!!!:puke:

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Sorry, I have been MIA (missing in Action). Took me awhile to catch up on 13 weeks of posts. As some of you know, I am a tax accountant. I complete almost 400 tax returns during the 13 week season I work. So I have been a bit busy. What is the hardest for me during tax season, is being so exhausted from being up and efficient ALL day long. I don't get breaks, my choice. I work on commission only. So I need to complete as many returns as possible during the tax season, so I don't have to work the rest of the year. Finding a balance between having a life and having money for the rest of the year is just too difficult for me, I need to get a better handle on it.

One thing I have discovered about my eating, is that stress makes my stomach hurt. When my stomach hurts, I eat. Prefferably sweets, because they give me instant energy and seems to help my stomach.

Life with the lapband and stress has been an interesting journey. My band

TIGHTENS up with stress. I don't understand the reasons, but it DOES. some days I can only get down Water. some days Protein shakes and some days anything. I have had two unfills trying to help with the problem. still not a good situation.

Now, I have developed acid reflux. UGLY! Finally went to Walmart and just kept opening boxes of stuff and trying them until something worked. I am now taking Prilosec for 14 days and filling in with Pepcid when I need help.

One thing I can say, I have lost weight!!!!! I can't recommend my path, but a pound lost is a pound lost.

I only have two weeks left to work. I am booked every hour of those two weeks, which is good for the budget. I am PROUD that I scheduled off an hour for lunch every day.

I have so missed all of you. Reading some of your posts brought tears to my eyes. I am not going to mentions specific people because I might forget someone, and I hate it when I am left out of a list by accident.

Just know that, you are all my heroes and I can't wait to be able to get back in control of my life.

I see you are meeting April 9. That is my birthday, so I don't know what I will be doing. If my husband is working I will think about trying to come, depending on when I get out of work. So many last minute crises.

It is amazing how alone the lapband world can be when you aren't connected regularily with the group. Every social occassion centers around food.

Well I am craving ice cream, not a good thing.

My weight loss has been great, almost 60 lbs. My goal is less than 25 lbs away. Didn't think I would ever weigh less than 160. I know for those of you starting at a higher weight that my numbers make you snicker, but for me they are major mile stones. I am actually giving away clothes I will never wear again. I had to seam up the back of some pants so I had something to wear to work that wasn't falling off.

The Lap band has saved my life.

For the first tax season in years, I haven't gained 10-15 lbs and kept it on to be added to year after year.

Missing you all


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Hello Friends!

This will be a long one.

My post is going to be in lavender today and by the end of this read you will understand why.

Flight to Denver is April 9th. I will land in that fair city by 10 a.m. This time we are staying in…LAKE(something) where my husband’s cousin lives. He and my husband have gotten together the last two trips to Denver and now the boyz are going skiing. Tickets are already bought and paid for and my hubby is bouncing like a kid with a new pogo stick.

I have a 9 o’clock with Paula to go over my food plan (what plan?)..yeah. My date with the ‘BIG F-U-N’ (that’s Fill-U-Needle) is at 10 with our good doctor. I am excited to go and moreso to see everyone in the office. I always check out Dr. K’s walls for new photography (my bliss).

Given-A-Holla to:

Mal- Girl it is sooo good to see you post. Hugs your way babe. Kudos on the exercise. Mileage on your feet isn’t chump change.

Marcy- Every time I want to whine about the whether I think of you. It’s a balmy 80 degrees outside and I’m in my capris. 28 degrees? I can’t imagine and you’ve got all that you do outside. ((applause))

I went to your newspaper but there were so many people I couldn’t find you in the purple coat. I did read this item thought…wow…

“Alcohol Abuse Begets Homelessness…Police Chief Burke is a conclusion of what he and his officers see every day. Sometimes, people as far as Texas can see it, too. 'We had a lady from Texas call our dispatcher, saying there was a person lying on Front Street who needed assistance," said Burke.

The Texan had logged on to the city's webcam and saw a drunk man passed out on the sidewalk. "Now, that's not right," said Burke. 'Is that what we want people on the Internet to see of Nome? Is that what we want to see?" Burke said that while the fact should not be hidden, the roots of the problem need to be addressed, and the whole community needs to be part of the solution.”

Dynamo Mini- I am so sorry I didn’t actually post what I was thinking which was…how did that date go? New love interest I see. Do tell. Yes and yes on the school year. Yes, loads of folks out. Spring fever, FCAT testing is over, spring break is next week, 3rd nine weeks is over and after break we are in for the final countdown! Woo hoo!

Dee- You are so sweet. I read about your dentist visit home and cringed at the bittersweet memory of living there. Know that it’s from that pain that you are so tender and know exactly how to express kindness to those who need it.

Shelbie- “Passed “ you bet. Thank you for being the other ‘belle’ on here. You make me smile. Keep up the good work.

Mare5569- You hang tough. Acid reflux can be a pisser. I took Propulsid (the purple pill) when it was by RX only. Kicked it in the butt. Sort your foods by reactions to each other. I know it sounds crazy but if I drink milk with potatoes cabbage I can bet I’ll see ‘Johnny’ for awhile.

Friends, I have been doing major headwork. You know when you plug the stuffer valve what do you do with all that angst?? I am literally fighting demons of hunger and journaling. *If any of you have not been to therapy what happens is the counselor tells you when you are feeling (whatever..depressd/anxious/panicking) you are to start writing. What is suppose to happen is eventually you get through superficial writing and you hit what I call ‘the artery’. I hit my artery about a week ago. It’s usually crap from your past or issues that you thought were minor and is mostly unresolved things. What I recalled in the middle of my journal were several accounts of sexual abuse when I was about 7 years old. Two neighbor boys possible three. It’s odd because my mind has the recall of an age appropriate seven year old but my adult mind reasons the wrong and response of it. Talk about PISSING VINEGAR. I was flaming. Then I cried. I got so sick at that moment I was nauseated. So opening the valve I let myself feel. I have continued to let myself feel.

I joined an emotional/addiction group online and posted a reference to my find. The response I got was mind numbing. One person told me that in her addiction group, seven out of ten of the women there who had eating issues (bulimia, COE, Anorexia..) had been abused. From there I was tapped into Angela Shelton.

If you don’t know the story of Angela Shelton, she has a website that explains her journey. She was doing a film documentary on her name and went across the U.S. looking for women with her name. What she found was that in many instances, these women had been abused. When I say abuse I mean physically, rape/molestation, which led her to tapping into her own stuff. Today is the day that Angela’s book comes out. Across the U.S. the “lavender sisters” (survivors) are involved in various activities. So now you see why I chose the closest thing to lavender for my post.

Needless to say, I’m in the throws of grief and angst and my LIVEJOURNAL is belching with entries. It was safer for me to write in third person so what is coming out is a story…and actual story but it’s real. When I ‘get there’ I will share with you all but for now just coming out today is my way of sharing support to you all. Today is Angela’s big day and this is the day I picked to do it.

LOVE YOUR WAY. Peace, energy, healing and continued success.

Until next time~~~ Patty:tongue:

Edited by Lap_dancer

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Lap~Big Hugs! I mean BEAR hugs until we both are in tears (tears already rolling down my cheek)...

I watched that documentary, it was very interesting! I just LOVE what you said to Dee, it is sooo true!! I look forward to your posts, they are always full of insight, courage and guidance. I always come away with something, thanks Lap!

Dee~I am sending you BIG BEAR HUGS too! I agree with Shelbie, your posts are like hugs! Be kind to yourself my friend!

Mare~Nice to hear from you! Sounds like you have been so very busy, hang in there, a couple more weeks! Congrats on your #60 loss, our new friend the band sure is great! My band is very finicky too, one hour tight,the next it seems like it's wide open??? usually the later in the day the more open it is, almost to the point of "where did my band go?"

Dynamo~You should soooo tell us about the new man in your life! how are your boys? My Kevin is looking for a new job, is your son hiring at the sec place???

Woofay~What's new Magoo?

Shelbi~I am all about the "passed" too!

Gotta run...


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Okay - I just read the postings. Hellooooooo to all of you, friends.

Now, I will tell all (or at least some) if you get to Red Robin.

Things are good, he is sweet and special. I am not binging, which is earth shattering.

Is it the 8th or 9th? I don't want to make an official posting and have the date wrong.

Mare - thanks for letting us know you are all right, well more than all right - great! Wow! You have done really well.

I don't know if I will recognize the people I haven't seen for a while, like Woofay, Mare, Bookender and Mal. Be there!



Hugs all, I wouldn't be here without you,

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Dynamo~you sound happy, that is wonderful. Mr. Man must recognize the top notch qualities you have!

You'll recognize me, I am at a plateau and my drive has stalled....but i did color my hair...LOL

Is it the 8th 9r 9th??? I think the 9th since that is when Lap comes in...

Lap~Where is hubby going skiing? and how is the new mommy to be doing?

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Skiing... Dynamo, my Chris says in response to the question of where are you going skiing to tell you, "Colorado!" hee hee.

Mal, big hugs back to you!!!!!

Girls what night are we going out? Chris wants to take his cousin out to dinner for hosting us, we are going to the Buckhorn Exchange. I don't eat gator in Florida so I know I won't eat it there but they have great Soup, yeah?

Date. Let me know. We are making reservations around my bonding with you all. (((SMILES))))

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I'm coming to Colorado

I'm coming with much bravado

I'll get my fill

With Doc K skill

I'm coming to Colorado!

We'll laugh at old Red Robin

Without too much a gobblin'

Michelle will 'sigh'

at her new guy

I'm coming to Colorado

We'll toast to absent friends

and smile into the lense

I'll post PICS here

We all will cheer

I'm coming to Colorado!!

YEE HA!:blush:


? DATE ?

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