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Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum

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GC - congratulations on your self-control. It is an amazing thing to be able to do. I know we all can and I have been there and it feels great.

Where I am now, doesn't feel so great. I am wrestling with the stinking thinking and behaviors. I guess I had to retest myself with lousy results. The excellent thing about the band is that it intervenes and doesn't let me ruin all my effort.

Lap - there is a "giving it up to God" process that I fight. I am so damn stubborn and think I have a better idea. Well, we all know what that leads to. So compulsive overeating is alive and well within me, but the kicker is that I can't get numb any more. I am too aware of what I am doing. So there isn't really an alternative except to heal.

On that note, happy Monday everyone.


Oh boy did this hit me where I live.

Turning over my problems to a higher power for me is like tug-of-war. Let go, take back. I have had such a struggle the past 2 days, probably the worse I can remember in a while.

Needing a fill very much. My appetite is back (not as it was but not where I use to be) and I find myself able to take in more volume. This is worrysome.

On one hand I am able to eat not so perfect foods and on the other hand they don't taste good like I thought they did. My dog is getting fat.

I'm trying to stay focused on things that are healthy choices. I dare not bring in anything chocolate right now. I recognize this emotional rollercoaster only too well. It would melt and go down way too easy and I fear I'd head towards a binge.

2 weeks til Denver.

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Looking at my before picture and realizing how much progress I have made from then to now. Measuring it not by just numbers but by a sense of awareness in myself.

Doing better today friends. I have an appt. with Paula and I'm looking forward to discussing my food plan with her.

Denver here I come, April 9th

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Sweetie, Baby, Lovey, Honeychild!

Where are you?

I miss you!

PM me or post so we know you're okay!

Pretty please?


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Looking at my before picture and realizing how much progress I have made from then to now. Measuring it not by just numbers but by a sense of awareness in myself.

Doing better today friends. I have an appt. with Paula and I'm looking forward to discussing my food plan with her.

Denver here I come, April 9th

Lap, You have done so well! Don't allow your mind to take over and make you feel defeated. It's hard when our restriction decreases, because our old habits want to rear their ugly heads! I see a big difference in your pictures and it makes me feel so inspired. You give me hope!


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Hi Everyone!

I've been Traveling with the Band. I drove to ABQ on Easter for a Dentist appt. on Monday. Yes, I travel over 400 miles to see a Dentist. Insane! NO! I have had the same dentist since I was 10 years old! I have only seen 1 other dentist in the last 34 years. I'm never nervous! He is a good friend of mine! AND I was the Lap Band Marketing Queen! I had some of Dr K's cards from my previous appts. You know the ones they give you with your time on the back - well I passed them out like candy! Everyone noticed my weight loss! It was such a pat on the back! Everyone knows someone who needs the surgery, so I would give them a card and my speech and then I would remind them that is has to be a very personal decison. And if someone had asked me last year at this time if I would have WLS, I would have told them absolutely not. They need to be patient and loving with their friend or family who is overweight. Give them the information and allow them to do the research and make the choice.

The funny thing about seeing my friends and family was that everyone said I look like I've lost more than I have. I think when a person is my size, they wear very baggy clothes so they appear much bigger. Yes, I am huge, but I think with the baggy clothes I looked larger than that! This weekend I wore more form fitting shirts (my same huge and now very baggy pants - I only own one pair of 3xl - so I have to wear my suspenders.) and people were shocked!

Someone at work said, "Hey you have boobs!" I replied, "I have always had boobs, but my tummy is now smaller - making my boobs look bigger." I guess you can call that a NSV!

Okay Friends:

Tina - we do need to see some recent pics! You my dear need to see some recent pics! It's such a pat on the back to see yourself in pics after you've lost weight, even if it's just 10 lbs, it's good to see the change. You're not a bad bandster! You're human and I think you're doing very well! I think I was like you before surgery. I never really ate poorly, I ate whole grains, lean Proteins and a lot of veggies and fruits, but I was a bulk eater. Now I'm thrilled to be able to be satiated on a small amount. I think that is why I force myself to get a take-out container when I'm out and separate the food out before ever taking my first bite. Then I close the container and put it on an empty chair. What is on my plate is for me to enjoy and savor and what is in my take-out container is for tomorrow or later. It keeps me on track. Because I know my weakness!

Amieru - Dr. K told me I could start riding my recumbent bike at 3 weeks and I could start swimming after I saw him at my 4 week appt. I think it's fine to start exercising, BUT I'd just send a quick email to Natalie and clear it with her. (how's that for a response from a former Telephone Triage Nurse?)

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My computer posted that before I was done!

Michelle, Bless your heart for reminding us that we have to let go and let God. Being in ABQ for the weekend really brought back some bad memories. I saw some of the old neighbors where I lived for the last 14 years with my exhusband and daughter. It was bittersweet. They all knew long before I did that my ex was cheating on me and not one person said a word to me. They came to my home for BBQ's, for graduation parties, for holiday parties, all the while knowing he had had women in my home, my bed while I was out of town or at work - and yet not one said a word to me. When I allowed myself to think about it - I felt stressed and I wanted to stuff those feelings down with food. The head hunger hit hard - but luckily I had nothing to eat and before I could get something, those feelings turned to sadness and I had that familiar lump in my throat and didn't feel like eating anything. I felt angry! Angry at myself for not leaving sooner, angry for giving him so many chances and angry at all of those people who claimed to be my friends. I'm glad to be home again. I need to be positive, I need to learn to love myself again - I don't need to be re-living those moments! It was a devestating time in my life. Michelle, I'm so glad you have a therpist to help you with your shrinking issues. I know that no matter how petite you become, you will never become invisible. You have a smile that brightens the room, your warmth and sweetness is huge. I thought that the first time I met you at RR last October. You're presence is not shrinking - and as you become healthier and happier, you'll just blossom more. Your confidence will help you become more visible and able to reach out to others who need your support and love. I think you're awesome.

How was your date?

Ms Greenie - Congrats on your planned indulgence! Do you enjoy your leftovers from Outback later? I'm loving my leftovers from when I eat out! Yummy! BE proud you can pass up that bread and Awesome Blossom. Realize that that is the ultimate control and something to be appaulded!

Brandy - I can't wait to see you at RR. I think it's great that your MIL was so sweet to compliment you in front of everyone else. You deserved it!

Shelbi - Don't be so hard on yourself. You have been through so much with your family issues, your son. Take a deep breath, write down your goals and work to get back on track. I hope you were able to get an appt. with your therapist on Monday. Good luck with the nicotine gum. I'll say a prayer for you. It's a daily struggle to give up smoking. I come from a family of smokers. My father smoked his entire life. Sometimes Shelbi, we give so much of ourselves to our families, that we forget what is important to keep us healthy. It reminds me of the pre-flight instructions - before applying the oxygen to your child, you must apply your own oxygen. Honey, before we can give of ourselves, we have to give to ourselves. We minister to our loved ones from what we have within - feed your soul and your body in a healthy manner, so you have the reserve to offer those you love. Hugs to you!

Have I been verbose enough?

A post Hog!

Luv you guys,


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Dynamo, it really felt good to be that controlled. I am not perfect but I was so proud of myself for doing it. I hope that it becomes second nature at some point!

Taynuh, I think that makes sense to have your planned indulgences. You're still in control, you're not denying yourself anything but you're also not having a free-for-all. I got so caught up in the "bad" foods and "banned" foods when dieting that it always led me to ruin and binging wildly on whatever I was really craving.

Tied, I did enjoy my leftovers from Outback, very yummy for lunch the next day and then I just had a small dinner because it was so filling. Not the healthiest place but there are some decent options and modifications you can make here and there. They're pretty good about substitutions and leaving things off/out. Good thing since it is DH's favorite restaurant.

Your advice to Shelbi was so great. I have been saying the same thing to my mother who is going through difficult times trying to quit smoking, take care of her own health and deal with her sisters in relation to caring for my elderly grandmother (they expect her to do everything regardless of her own issues). I have seen her give of herself over the years and end up exhausted mentally, emotionally and physically, time and time again. I hope that we can all remember to take care of ourselves first.

Well, I think it is safe to say I won't be one of those lucky few who can get by with going a long time between fills. I know mine was just a week ago, and I have heard that they can take awhile to "kick in," but I'm already back to eating more than I was right after the fill. Tracking everything (I love SparkPeople!) helps me to keep the amounts/calories reasonable but I get hungry between meals. Maybe I didn't get enough of a fill to begin with but since it was my first one, I'm still figuring all of this out! I'd better get on scheduling it now since it can take awhile to get in no matter where I go.

Edited by GreenChrysalis

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Greenie! I love Free Diet Plans at SparkPeople!

I love seeing what I've eaten, my Protein, fats and carbs! I thrive on information! I am such a nerd!

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Ahoy me bandster mates!

I am still here (at least physically). Mentally my friends, I am done! Too much drama going on to mention. I just wanted to drop in and say "THANK YOU" for missing me, I truly appreciate all of you! Once I get all my life's stuff situated, you will hear more from me. I love reading the posts and it is so wonderful to see the support we all have for each other. I have become more of a "lurker" lately, I have been around just haven't posted much.

Dynamo~I have given it up to God (a long time ago). I believe there is no other way I could have survived the overwhelming curve balls that life throws at us! You ARE soooo awesome, you always know what to say!

Taynuh~Your posts could be mine. The frustration I get from having to eat small portions, I never was a "sweets" eater, but I have become one, and the smoking thing....ugggh! I have quit, started taking Chantex after the first of the year and haven't had one since. I wasn't a heavy smoker, but my Doc always said "just enough to kill you". I believe that I have quit for good this time. I think you are a good bandster, we all do our best and with the help of our band,we can do this! Give the little ones hugs and kissses, they are sooooo adorable!

Lap~I agree with you about how things that we used to eat just don't taste as good and I love that (most of the time). I was craving cheetos so badly the other day and I tried some...eeeeewwww salty, fake cheese tasting. Thank goodness I didn't likeit, cuz before Iwouldhave eaten an entire bag (not the small bag either).

and my dog is getting fat too!

Tied~my son applied for a job at your hospital! I really enjoy your posts, you are like our cheerleader! I LOVE it!!! Gooooooo Deeeeee! and thanks!

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Hi Everyone...I haven't posted in quite a while...my husband has been in the hospital and I'm completely stressed...I weighed myself this morning (I was so afraid to see what the scale said)...luckily I didn't gain any weight during this ordeal...I slipped into some emotional eating habits due to the stress...but then tried to watch 'The Biggest Loser' to remember my motivation and why I'm doing this...it's hard to think of yourself when so much other stuff is going on...but, I lost 1/2 pound and didn't gain so I'm feeling better about myself. My second fill appt is scheduled for 4/10, and it couldn't come soon enough. I am HUNGRY!! I've still been eating good, except for a few cheats around Easter...old habits die hard. Now I need to get my exercising under control and really get motivated to exercise more...OK, I feel better now...I feel like I just went to confession...weight off my shoulders...haha...

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Mal, it is nice to see you around. Hang in there.

Linzchavez, I am so sorry about your husband. I will be thinking of you. Congrats on doing so well in the face of so much stress.

As for myself, I couldn't be happier that it's Friday. What a week. I must find a way to make myself exercise. I did it last night and felt so good afterwards -- why can't I remember how good it makes me feel when I'm sitting on my butt on the sofa? Selective memory I guess!

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linz~I know what you mean about "it's hard to think of yourself when there is so much other stuff is going on", every once in a while when the world stops spinning, I catch a glimpse of how I am not taking care of myself. I love what Tied2b said about the oxygen masks on a airplane...I have to stop myself and put that mask on myself first!

I hope your hubby is doing better.

GC~Thanks! I have a funny story about my walk yesterday...I try to go for a three mile walk everyday. Yesterday just as I was approaching a very busy intersection, my dog tripped me and I fell flat on my face! I couldn't help but laugh my arse off at myself...so embarassing! I needed that though because during the entire walk I was so deep in thought about how crazy things have become in my life, I needed the laugh (even if it was at myself)!!

Keep up the excercise, it truly does make you feel better!

It's FRIDAY!!!!! Happy weekend to all!!!

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Hi Everyone -

Thanks for the words of support. I got a little fill on Thursday. It just helps me to help myself. I have a new romantic interest in my life. So, Woofay, if you see me in the Springs, I am there with a purpose. We'll see where it goes. It feels a little scary, but he is a good guy, from the heart.

My exercise program is my constant. Which is really odd for a person who has avoided sustained exercise in the past. Yes, it makes me feel good about myself, and also my body says thank you. It isn't just about the food, I have to remember this is a lifestyle change. Move it, sista! I keep telling myself.

I am subbing more, as teachers are so tired they are getting sick. I have to plan food, but I don't obsess when I am working, however, and Lap can agree there are always eats around the school. I haven't totally avoided the chips, etc, but like you said Lap, the dang things just don't taste as good as they used to.

Mal - special hugs to you and whatever you are going through. I have a funny - my son Todd went on Spring Break and came back a vegetarian. This kid is my meat and potato guy. Ain't it a kick?

Hugs all,


So, when is RR?

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I am probably so out of place here, but I wanted to say hello and ask a question. You all seem like such a wonderful group of people all supporting each other. I only read back about 10 posts and WOW.. it's like you all have known each other forever!

So, here is my question. Do you know if Dr. Kirshenbaum will accept a patient that was banded in a different state? My surgery was on 1/7/08 in Richmond, Virginia. We just decided that we are going to be moving to Colorado in May. Colorado is actually my home... I lived there for my whole life until 2 years ago. I am SO excited to be coming back! However, I am really worried that I will not be able to find a Doctor who will take over my care and do the necessary fills in order for me to continue with my weight loss. I will probably start calling around to different doctors in the next week or so to see if I can find anyone, but I was just thinking about it right now and thought I would ask.

Do you all actually get together in person or do you just support each other here online?

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You are not out of place. Dr. K does accept patients banded by other docs, even Mexican docs. I think the current fee is $200 for the first visit and $150 thereafter. Welcome back to Colorado!!!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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