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Dee~ you have no idea! Hee hee! So, I used to be able to burp as good as my brothers, and well, the burp went away with this band.:hurray:(comes from a girl with three brothers, no sisters) So now I can out toot them! Oh, goodness! I'm silly tonight! But, yes, that is what I'm saying! :confused: Sad huh!

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Dee~ you have no idea! Hee hee! So, I used to be able to burp as good as my brothers, and well, the burp went away with this band.:biggrin:(comes from a girl with three brothers, no sisters) So now I can out toot them! Oh, goodness! I'm silly tonight! But, yes, that is what I'm saying! :hurray: Sad huh!

Well, I'm the opposite! I am not tooting, I'm burping! A lot! I'm so embarrassed at times!:confused:

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I am a big burber too. I burb when I am hungry and I burb when I am full and it's not just one or two small burbs, it is like I burb sentences!

It is going to be a beautiful sunny day here, hope the locals can get out and enjoy it!!

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It's not a big deal, but, I am finally past my halfway point... Now I have less to lose than I have l have already lost... maybe there's light at the end of the tunnel. Anyway, for me, it's psychologically satisfying to know I am more than halfway there... I set smaller milestones so I can keep myself motivated.

Anita! Congrats on "onderland"! :w00t: I know how psychologically rewarding that would be... sadly, I haven't seen a one in front of my weight since high school graduation (1980)... So, that's my next psychological milestone/goal!

I have 9.5 more pounds to go!!!! Tom said I should hit it by this spring, but I am thinking maybe a little sooner... Then again, maybe he meant March 20th, the first official day of spring. (Seems unlikely he meant that.)

Of course, my band is acting a little tight lately (i.e. lots of PBs)... which is weird, the first few days after my fill on the 21st, I felt some new restriction, but was starting to think it was too loose... now, I'm wondering if it's settled in now and perhaps is a tad too tight... I'll give it some more time... lol, maybe after I hit "onderland"!

We'll see if it's the official spring or when it "feels" like spring... Either away, I can feel it coming!


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Tina - that is fabulous. You must be really psyched. I still want to lose 70 pounds more and I was banded way before you.

Dee - you passed your one month. How are you feeling? Doesn't the weight loss make it easier to deal with the gas, etc.?

Woofay and Mal - see you this week.

Remember - Red Robin Thursday, 3/6 at 7pm (please copy and paste)

Dynamo (michelle)

Woofay (anita)

Mal (maalani)

Tied2Bfit (dee)

Anyone else??????

About my fill - it didn't happen. Dr. K is happy with my progress. He didn't want to overfill me, and said that if I wasn't hungery for three to four hours in between meals, so he was satisfied with it. I was unhappy because I showed a 3 pound gain since last month. He said it was muscle weight, and to wait a month again, before we filled my band more. He also said that since I am forgoing my BP med there will be some adjustment. MY BP med had a diuretic component to it. So I am in limbo. Making better food choices is my new mantra as I scarfed 5 vanilla wafers down at religious school this am. They didn't taste good and I wasn't hungry, I don't know why I ate them.

Hope all of you are out and about. It is gorgeous today. I have this weird rash that I get periodically, so I can't be in the sun much. Guess I'll paint and sew and wonder around in a mumu or al fresco if I stay away from windows.



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Tina - that is fabulous. You must be really psyched. I still want to lose 70 pounds more and I was banded way before you.

Dee - you passed your one month. How are you feeling? Doesn't the weight loss make it easier to deal with the gas, etc.?

Woofay and Mal - see you this week.

Remember - Red Robin Thursday, 3/6 at 7pm (please copy and paste)

Dynamo (michelle)

Woofay (anita)

Mal (maalani)

Tied2Bfit (dee)

Anyone else??????

About my fill - it didn't happen. Dr. K is happy with my progress. He didn't want to overfill me, and said that if I wasn't hungery for three to four hours in between meals, so he was satisfied with it. I was unhappy because I showed a 3 pound gain since last month. He said it was muscle weight, and to wait a month again, before we filled my band more. He also said that since I am forgoing my BP med there will be some adjustment. MY BP med had a diuretic component to it. So I am in limbo. Making better food choices is my new mantra as I scarfed 5 vanilla wafers down at religious school this am. They didn't taste good and I wasn't hungry, I don't know why I ate them.

Hope all of you are out and about. It is gorgeous today. I have this weird rash that I get periodically, so I can't be in the sun much. Guess I'll paint and sew and wonder around in a mumu or al fresco if I stay away from windows.



Hey Pretty Lady!

Actually, I've been out and about and I saw you from your window! Al Fresco, huh? Nice day for it!

One month out and I'm feeling pretty good! The lump is still there, but I think it's getting smaller, I'm hoping anyway. Dr. K ultrasounded it and it's just Fluid. We decided not to drain it now and hopefully it will absorb.

I measured myself and my waist has decreased from 58.5 to 54.0. The chest hasn't decreased at all! The Hips and thighs have gotten smaller too!

I was thrilled!:eek:

I'm back to not losing again. I went back to work and my ankles and feet are swollen from all of the standing! I cannot wait until I've lost enough weight that I don't have to endure that! It's going to be the best NSV I'll ever have!:cool2:

I have now exercised everyday for almost 2 weeks! I'm up to 10.50 mins now and feeling pretty good about it! I make myself do it first thing in the morning and then an hour after dinner I go for another 10.5mins on my recumbent bike. I love that bike! It cost me an arm and two legs! Difficult to ride it now that I'm missing those limbs, but I was worth it! :lol:

Well, I'm looking forward to Red Robins! Yeah!!!

Thanks for keeping us on track with our monthly gatherings!

Love ya,


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It's not a big deal, but, I am finally past my halfway point... Now I have less to lose than I have l have already lost... maybe there's light at the end of the tunnel. Anyway, for me, it's psychologically satisfying to know I am more than halfway there... I set smaller milestones so I can keep myself motivated.

Anita! Congrats on "onderland"! :cool2: I know how psychologically rewarding that would be... sadly, I haven't seen a one in front of my weight since high school graduation (1980)... So, that's my next psychological milestone/goal!

I have 9.5 more pounds to go!!!! Tom said I should hit it by this spring, but I am thinking maybe a little sooner... Then again, maybe he meant March 20th, the first official day of spring. (Seems unlikely he meant that.)

Of course, my band is acting a little tight lately (i.e. lots of PBs)... which is weird, the first few days after my fill on the 21st, I felt some new restriction, but was starting to think it was too loose... now, I'm wondering if it's settled in now and perhaps is a tad too tight... I'll give it some more time... lol, maybe after I hit "onderland"!

We'll see if it's the official spring or when it "feels" like spring... Either away, I can feel it coming!


Congrats for being halfway there! That's great! AND it's worth a celebration!


I graduated from HS in 1980 also. Where are you from again? I can't remember.



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I wanted to give you guys an update and let you know that I read the forum and have enjoyed your comments. I was banded by Dr. K on Dec 18th and have had great success so far. I had about 80 pounds to lose and my bodybugg states that July 13th will be the day. I was 279 and am now 233.5 as of this morning. I found the sweet spot on the second fill and have been really working out. I have always used my kids as a excuse as to why I dont work out and I am trying to not use that as a crutch. My wife has fully supported me and she said that I can do what ever I need to do and after July13th she knows I will be back in shape and a better father. My issue is that I dont like Gym exercises at all but I love playing sports. I have joined 2 volleyball leagues and 2 basketball leagues and that has done the trick. I average about 3 nights a week and my wife will let the kids stay up a little late so I can see them. I only have to do this until I reach goal then I can maintain on much less I believe. I love the fact that it "appears" that I am wearing all new clothes to work but really they are clothes that have been out of the rotation for so long that no one has seen them. I am so glad that I put my trust in Dr. K and didnt wait for a miracle to fall on me. Take Care and see you on the walking trail.

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Hello Friends:

Life is throwing me so much my head is spinning. Dropping in to say I'm still here, still kicking.

Still sick with this bug but much better. Friday at work noticed something not right in the mouth, hurt/itch feeling. Long story short, wasn't sure if it was sinus pain on that one side but ended up at the dentist and had a root canal. Now the good news is all those antibiotics I've been on allowed for the surgery right then and there.

Painkiller prescribed was Oxicodine. Ever tried that stuff? Not me. So I take some Friday night, wake up and the last words of my psychedlic tripping on mushrooms dream were "My son speaks native Equatorian English". I was stumbling and nauseated as well but never experienced a legal substance like that in my life. ((whoa)) My face is also swollen and the steroids have it all making me feel really....out of body experienced.

We also had our first visit last Tuesday for my husband's prostate cancer. That went as well as, no actually, the root canal went better. Doctor wanted to yank his prostate out for the equivalent of a small pimple in a localized area with a normal PSA test coming back. Now I am no doctor but I can learn things. Did my research before I got to the appt. so I would know what to ask. The URIOLOGIST (wee wee doctor) who is not an ONCOLOGIST (cancer doctor) spoke so fast I think he assumed we were just going to do whatever he said. After this third time of saying "he doesn't" I concluded..he actually doesn't, he has to resource out to another specialist. :drool:

Gee, bonnie good idea thought me. NEXT>>> doctor's appoint is in Tampa at Moffitt Cancer Research Center at the University on the 10th. BTW: Also found two other tests to more qualify the cancer and three other treatment types. I'll bet Moffitt DOES perform those tests if they are appropriate.

Looking forward to life getting so much better. BUT the upside is that had this been a year ago, I wouldn't be half as strong to help my husband as I am now and probably would have missed much more work than I have.

I'm only getting stronger!

Anita...friend, I send you an amazing hug for your new phase of numbers. I cannot wait to see the 200's. I look forward to that moment on the scale. Soon.


To all, keep strong, stay intouch. TAKE PICTURES AT RED ROBIN! Would love to see your faces from across the miles.

My best, Patty

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Remember - Red Robin Thursday, 3/6 at 7pm (please copy and paste)

Dynamo (michelle)

Woofay (anita)

Mal (maalani)

Tied2Bfit (dee)

Anyone else??????

Brandy *As long as DD is doing ok...*

Things here are going as weill as can be expected...the stress has caused my weight loss to come on strong. I am down 42 pounds (185.6) as of this morning, I am excited about that.

Has anyone else experienced this? I am nice and open and am able to eat "normally" as well as get my fluids in. The other part, I am tight and PB'ing and lots of things get stuck. Although, at night, nothing is coming up and I am not refluxing. Do you think that I am a tad to tight? I like that I am full for so long, but don't want to be risking any damage to the band...I have also heard that once your to tight, you have a difficult time finding the sweet spot.

Thanks guys!! Everyone sounds like they are doing so great!!!

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Get well soon!!! You have about as much on your plate right now as I do!!!

My DD (4) just had her 28th surgery on Wed and I did something major with my ankle...I get to go see a surgeon on Friday!!!

I am thinking of you!

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I graduated from HS in 1980 also. Where are you from again? I can't remember.



I graduated from John Bapst Prep in Bangor, Maine... now known as John Bapst Memorial High School (after the Bishop shut it down and it reopened the following year as a non-secular school)....

:biggrin: Tina

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Ya know, being a New Englander, I really get into certain comfort foods from home. This time it was Maple Ginger Baked Beans... so, knowing it was gonna be cold and snowy today... I soaked my Beans last nite, got up early... parboiled my beans, and set them cooking in the old slow cooker, using my hidden stash of maple Syrup from VT. All day, I smelled the heavenly scent of maple and ginger... drooled waiting for them...

At dinner I had some...yum! But that damn band, argghhhhhh....major PB's... So unfair! :thumbup:

I'm wicked bummed! When I ate Mex before, refried beans were no problem... so I was so hopeful. :(


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This weekend was a big deal for me. Friday night was the first time I'd eaten out in a restaurant since being banded. I had some egg salad and a bit of DH's milkshake (I know, that can't happen much -- I looked up the whole thing and it's 1000 calories, good thing I'd never drink it all!).

Saturday...I went to visit my brother at college. We ate dinner out that night and I got something I'd had before because I knew I'd be able to eat a decent amount of it. I did leave all of the rice but I don't think that looked too odd. This morning I had a scare, though. We were at Breakfast and I'd gotten scrambled eggs and grits. But the grits were really dry and thick (I always make them very wet and thin). One tiny bite hurt going down. At one point I thought, oh no, am I going to PB?!? But they went through. No more of them for me. I did mention that none of my family knows I'm banded, right? Yeesh. This is going to be tricky. Hopefully less so as time goes on...I still couldn't imagine telling any of them. There is so much drama and awful stuff happening in my family right now, more than I'd ever want to get into. :thumbup:

On a different note I would recommend the cookbook "Eating Well After Weight Loss Surgery." I made the baked BBQ chicken thighs and both my DH and I loved them -- the thigh and some of the sauce worked great in my food processor. I hadn't made my own BBQ Sauce in years and this one was unique, it had apple cider and Asian chili paste with garlic in it.

Countdown to first fill -- 16 days. I do get hungry now but I'm able to get satisfied watching my portion sizes and drinking the Protein Shakes. The food gets cold and I get bored and realize that I'm full. Crazy.

Oh well, I have to get some work done. Yep, on a Sunday night. That's what happens when you freelance (I work a full-time job too).

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TThis morning I had a scare, though. We were at breakfast and I'd gotten scrambled eggs and grits. But the grits were really dry and thick (I always make them very wet and thin). One tiny bite hurt going down. At one point I thought, oh no, am I going to PB?!? But they went through. No more of them for me.

Well, I used to be able to eat grits and eggs... but since my first fill, it's just grits. :thumbup: Eggs... once in a while I can get a poached egg down... Weird... you'd think as a soft food it would stay down...

Actually, I don't know if that's even true anymore... my third fill has left my band very touchy...and fickle, I haven't even tried an egg yet.

Tina (also doing some freelance - contract - work on the side this weekend too... )

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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