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Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum

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funny thx for the smile ..il be ok but this diet is brutal and he says he can tell if i cheat so i dont want any reasons to cancel my surgery

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In Anchorage for a fill. He added just .2cc (which is what I wanted so I don't mean to sound like he refused to give me more). I had some Soup for a late lunch/dinner and had some birthday cake with the folks I'm staying with...I didn't feel much more restriction. I admit that I wasn't eating all that much, but I just feel like I shouldn't have been comfortable with what I did eat...did that make any sense. I think I'll call tomorrow and see if he can put another cc in just to "be sure".

The weight loss is much more noticable on the doc's scales! Last time I had a fill (early Oct.) I was 236 and today I was 219...I have to admit that his scale is VERY nice to me! I still feel like it's a slow loss, but at least it's a loss and not a GAIN!

I'm exhausted and need to get some rest. Anita - I hope you're feeling better...I've been reading that you've been ill and that's too bad. I am a firm believer in hot and sour soup (obtained at pretty much any Chinese restaraunt). Good luck!

Went to lunch at Red Robin yesterday and thought of you all!

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In case anyone is interested in what Nome, Alaska looks like...

nomealaska.org has a web cam that is updated every couple of minutes. The picture is of our Visitor's Center (on the street is where the Iditarod ends) and in the background is Norton Sound (which leads into the Bering Sea).


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smsmithart, It IS hard giving up sweets, bread, potatoes, rice, Pasta. I don't know how long you have to do the pre-op diet -- I had to do it for 10 days -- and at the start, it seemed like a lifetime. Can you imagine the people who have to do liquid diets for weeks before surgery? But it went by very, very quickly. Just keep your eyes on the prize and you can make it. It helps if the person(s) you're living with supports you. My husband only ate things in front of me that I didn't like and therefore didn't tempt me. We always ate dinner together and ate the same thing. And I felt very proud of myself when Dr. K told me after the surgery that my liver looked great. :)

I was feeling all happy since my surgery because I didn't have an appetite...then yesterday, it was back. Only a little, but still, when I felt that rumbling I got annoyed. It's a lot easier to stick to plan when you're not hungry! But luckily it's not insatiable. And this morning when I got dressed, I noticed that my pants were looser. I haven't worn them in two weeks. So I got on the scale (I've mostly stayed away from it, since I know this is healing time, not weight loss time) and saw that I'd lost some more weight. I know that people often put some back on when they go to solids, so I'll keep that in mind, but I'll take this anyway.:) Today's project: find a therapist.

I hope all my fellow newbies are doing well and I appreciate all of you being there!

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Marcy and viri - Congratulations on your weight loss! I know we aren't a number, but it sure is wonderful incentive and true contrast to what I've been feeling. I have figured out how to stabalize my weight and I am loathe to give up the 300 - 500 cal/day that I need to do to lose weight. My body does look much thinner, firmer and fit which is a plus. I keep thinking I am adding muscle weight, but the scale isn't moving. I have a fill schedules on Thursday. I think I am going for tighter, I need help here.

Anita - are you feeling better. Those darn kiddos at school carry all kinds of bugs. I developed a stronger immune system working in the schools, but now I am as susceptible as anyone else. The flu shot didn't work this year for so many people. I keep washing my hands in hopes that that will help. I do wipe down the machines where I work out, as another anti-viral exercise.

Mal - you sound good when I read your postings! How goes it with the exercise? I know you are always so happy when you work out.

Hugs to all, I think we have RR next Thursday???? Am I right, Dee?

Marcy and Lap - you are our honorary absent RR banditos.


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Hi Dynamo~I am doing well! I am still working out, and I still love it, it really does make me feel better. I know what you mean about the stalling. I know that with working out, the scale doesn't seem to be as friendly at times and that can be discouraging. I am so paranoid about getting that flu bug! I wipe the machines down before I use them too and after too, I pull my sleeves over my hands when using a shopping cart~that has been a quirk of mine forever! Everyone around me is getting sick. I get cold induced asthma, so if I get sick, it really wipes me out, I can't remember the last ime I was fortunate enough to just have the sniffles...it turns into full blown bronchitis or pnemonia, so I am being very careful about exposing myself to the "yuckies". Lots of hand washing and hand sanitizer!!

Take Care!!!

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Smsmith, I haven't been banded long, but I think it will be totally doable.

You don't have to give everything up. You can occasionally have a treat.

It's not as strict as the pre-op diet. If you want a tiny chocolate kiss to help with a chocolate craving you can have one. It's eating things in moderation. AND we are all human - there are times when we might indulge in something really yummy. You'll find however, that it feels so good to have control of your eating. I love that part of being banded. If I want a tiny bite of some cheesecake, I can have one. I'm satisfied and I don't have to eat the entire thing.

Just think, our lives are going to be so much better!

Mine already is! And tomorrow is my 1 month anniversary!

Dee, I also saw an episode on Oprah with her personal trainer where she says to use the three bite rule. If there is something you really are craving take three bites and be done with it. Get it out of your system. Good luck on your first fill today! Would love to know how it goes. :biggrin:

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Dee, I also saw an episode on Oprah with her personal trainer where she says to use the three bite rule. If there is something you really are craving take three bites and be done with it. Get it out of your system. Good luck on your first fill today! Would love to know how it goes. :biggrin:

Hi Liteweight!

I saw that show also! I have found that even a tiny bite of something I've been craving gives me that satisfaction and then I'm fine. I reason I said cheesecake is because I love cheesecake and a tiny bite is heaven!

Well, no fill for me! I saw Dr K this morning and he and I talked about how it's been going for me. I have lost 15lbs since my surgery and I really haven't been hungry between meals. I bought these beautiful little red measuring cups from KitchenAide and I fill a 3/4 cup to 1 cup with my food and eat that. Then I've found that I am not hungry again for 4-5 sometimes 6 hours later! Last night, I wasn't hungry for over 6 hours. I'm only allowing myself to eat when I'm hungry. On Sunday, I only had 2 meals. I'm eating my Protein first and adding veggies and a small amt. of good carbs. Also Dr. K said he attended a conference for the Band and they really encouraged patients to measure their food. I do it, because if I am loving the food, I might be tempted to overeat. This way,I prepare my cup fill and that is all that is on my plate. When my nose starts running (my soft stop) I know I'm done and I stop eating! It keeps me on track!

Dr. K previously told me that people with high BMI's like myself sometimes have swelling for awhile and don't need a fill right away.

*** oh yeah, Paula the NUT is having a Supermarket Tour. When we meet at Red Robin, I'll bring the flyer that Natalie sent me. It looks like fun and a good way to learn!

Well, I'm going to the store to buy a new Water bottle! I love Water bottles! I found the best 32oz water bottle at Safeway! It's so compact, I can fit it in my "Good Karma Nursing Bag" and take it to work.

I gotta have a gimmick! Just like my pretty measuring cups! I know, I'm a nerd-a-zoid!

see ya!


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Marcy and viri - Congratulations on your weight loss! I know we aren't a number, but it sure is wonderful incentive and true contrast to what I've been feeling. I have figured out how to stabalize my weight and I am loathe to give up the 300 - 500 cal/day that I need to do to lose weight. My body does look much thinner, firmer and fit which is a plus. I keep thinking I am adding muscle weight, but the scale isn't moving. I have a fill schedules on Thursday. I think I am going for tighter, I need help here.

Anita - are you feeling better. Those darn kiddos at school carry all kinds of bugs. I developed a stronger immune system working in the schools, but now I am as susceptible as anyone else. The flu shot didn't work this year for so many people. I keep washing my hands in hopes that that will help. I do wipe down the machines where I work out, as another anti-viral exercise.

Mal - you sound good when I read your postings! How goes it with the exercise? I know you are always so happy when you work out.

Hugs to all, I think we have RR next Thursday???? Am I right, Dee?

Marcy and Lap - you are our honorary absent RR banditos.


Yup, you're right Sister!!!

Next Thursday is the RR gathering!

See you there!

Love ya,


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Hi Liteweight!

I saw that show also! I have found that even a tiny bite of something I've been craving gives me that satisfaction and then I'm fine. I reason I said cheesecake is because I love cheesecake and a tiny bite is heaven!

Well, no fill for me! I saw Dr K this morning and he and I talked about how it's been going for me. I have lost 15lbs since my surgery and I really haven't been hungry between meals. I bought these beautiful little red measuring cups from KitchenAide and I fill a 3/4 cup to 1 cup with my food and eat that. Then I've found that I am not hungry again for 4-5 sometimes 6 hours later! Last night, I wasn't hungry for over 6 hours. I'm only allowing myself to eat when I'm hungry. On Sunday, I only had 2 meals. I'm eating my Protein first and adding veggies and a small amt. of good carbs. Also Dr. K said he attended a conference for the Band and they really encouraged patients to measure their food. I do it, because if I am loving the food, I might be tempted to overeat. This way,I prepare my cup fill and that is all that is on my plate. When my nose starts running (my soft stop) I know I'm done and I stop eating! It keeps me on track!

Dr. K previously told me that people with high BMI's like myself sometimes have swelling for awhile and don't need a fill right away.

*** oh yeah, Paula the NUT is having a Supermarket Tour. When we meet at Red Robin, I'll bring the flyer that Natalie sent me. It looks like fun and a good way to learn!

Well, I'm going to the store to buy a new Water bottle! I love Water bottles! I found the best 32oz water bottle at Safeway! It's so compact, I can fit it in my "Good Karma Nursing Bag" and take it to work.

I gotta have a gimmick! Just like my pretty measuring cups! I know, I'm a nerd-a-zoid!

see ya!


No fill wow that's great sounds like you are doing awesome. You will be the "Star" patient for Dr. K's office. Whatever your motivation is I wish you would pass some along to me. I'm down 50lbs since my surgery so I guess I'm doing fairly well. Keep up the great work I'm rooting for you!:biggrin: I wish I lived closer to meet some of you.

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Tied - Wow...so jealous! and I'm not even banded yet! If I had that much self control I might not be "fluffy" to begin with, lol!

Ok, so there are many locals and some travelers on here - anybody have any experience with the Best Western, Comfort Inn, or Fairfield Inn in Aurora? I like the Best Western price best, but wanted to check on the quality. I am an ex-smoker so I need a never-been-smoked-in room to keep me from tackling someone for a cig...lol! If you stayed somewhere else, I'd love to hear location/price/experience about those places too!

So where is everybody from?

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Tied - Wow...so jealous! and I'm not even banded yet! If I had that much self control I might not be "fluffy" to begin with, lol!

Ok, so there are many locals and some travelers on here - anybody have any experience with the Best Western, Comfort Inn, or Fairfield Inn in Aurora? I like the Best Western price best, but wanted to check on the quality. I am an ex-smoker so I need a never-been-smoked-in room to keep me from tackling someone for a cig...lol! If you stayed somewhere else, I'd love to hear location/price/experience about those places too!

So where is everybody from?

No reason to be jealous Cara! MY BMI is pretty high, so I most likely still have swelling from surgery. You'll do great too! Initially everyone does really well, then your weight loss slows down. I expect that to happen so I won't be surprised, but I'm going to try my best to stick to the game plan.

Am I assuming right that your surgery is in Aurora? If not, I'd consider staying closer to the Parker facility. I stayed at the Fairfield Inn when I first moved there in 2002 and it was nice. But that was almost 6 years ago. Things might have changed.

I think LapDancer has stayed at the Best Western. Maybe she can give you more information.

When is your surgery?

AND Congrats on giving up smoking! That is great! You're going to be a whole new person on your journey to good health!

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I just wanted to address something in reference to fills.

I didn't have one yesterday because I still feel restriction from swelling due to surgery. BUT when I do need one, I will get it.

I talked to a new bander on another site and she was saying how disappointed she will be if she has to have a fill. I may be wrong, but I don't think there is anything wrong with getting fills if you need them. There is nothing to be upset or ashamed of. If we could do it without restriction we would have never gotten the band in the first place. The Band is there to help us and it can't help us if we don't allow it to -- by getting the fills when we need them.

This poor girl was banded on the same day as me and her doctor told her her goal is to get NO fills! And she can consider herself a failure if she has to get more than 2 fills.

I do not know why this doctor would say this, it makes no sense to me. Am I wrong in my thinking?

I'm so thankful that Dr. K is not like other doctors. Many other doctors give me the impression that they say and do things to make all of these poor obese people feel worse about themselves.

I'm sad for this girl and others who are mistreated in this way.

What does everyone else think? I am going to get as many fills as I need. That's why I have this band in me! Not for any other reason!

Thank you Dr. K for not making us feel bad about ourselves!


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Hey Dee,

I am flabbergasted. I feel really bad for that other person, because what her doctor is telling her is contradictory to how the band is designed and meant to work. It's against everything I've ever read or heard about the band and goes against what Inamed/Allergan says about their own product. So that's seriously f-ed up, in my opinion. How are you supposed to have restriction if you don't get a fill? That's how it works! It's adjustable! I think that's what one of the best things about the band, myself. Yes, I know some people get restriction just from the band. But as I understand it, that's the exception, not the rule.

Of course we would all like a minimal number of fills -- and I'm saying this before my first one. But I for one understand that this is how it works, and I will get fills as necessary to get restriction and maintain healthy weight loss. So you're right on the money, in my book. :biggrin:

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