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Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum

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Anita...Thanks! I hope all goes well too! I see that you guys are going to get socked with Snow...so hopefully my flight will be able to land!! (fingers crossed)

Tied...good for you for getting a good deal on the cars! ;)

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Anita, I had to go back and look at the posts, because I've been worried about Mona driving up here. I couldn't remember her plans. She left Phx on Monday, should arrive here sometime today and post-op tomorrow at 1630 and then surgery on Thurs at 1230. I hope she's safe! What a nightmare drive in this weather!

Glad to hear you're feeling better without your med! I wondered about time released meds myself! What I read it will just take longer to get them released because they will sit in the pouch until they desolve into the lower stomach. I'm not sure of the delay. I'll do some research today and get back with you.

I was supposed to meet someone for lunch today but I'm not so sure now. My daughter and I were going to do some shopping too! I have to get stuff done!!! Yikes!

As you can see the scale hasn't moved yet! BUT that's good because I haven't weighed! That's 50% of the battle with me! I had been weighing 3 or 4 times a day! I'm going to only weigh on Thursdays since that marks the end of each week towards my 10 week challenge!

"Melt Snow Melt -- so Anita can meet us at RR"


I hope your flight can land too!!! I think they learned their lesson last winter with the snow delays at the airport! Hopefully!!!

That's the time I was stuck at the hospital for 3 days!!! Then came home to find my condo with a broken heater and the temperature inside was 42 degrees!!

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Hi Everyone,

Todd is slowly healing. The thing we are so upset about is that we have no idea what triggers the pancreatitis. The first time we were sure it was due to binge drinking, but he has has had maybe 5 beers in the last year, and nothing for the last 5 months, he says. That report is supported by the tox screen. I want to know how to help him. The docs have no ideas, they suggested that maybe we take the case to University Hospital or something. Perhaps we will. Think Kaiser will support that? Ha....ha....

Yesterday, the drive down wasn't bad, but going back was dicey as it had started snowing again. I hate the stretch between Monument and Castle Rock, it is so dark. I will travel back today if the snow stops and the highways are clean. I may stay overnight, because the back and forth just doesn't really work for me.

Anyway, I met my "guy" at the hospital cafeteria. I thought that was the easiest way and if he would cooperate that said something about him. We had dinner (yuck) there. He was very nice, friendly and approachable. He talked a lot about himself, seemed less interested in who I am. He doesn't like to travel, because of food allergies, doesn't like to go to plays because of the horses and dogs, etc. I think I would like to date his gay brother who lives part time in Southern California and the summers up on an island in Seattle. More my style, just not the gay part. Oh well.

I just don't think he's my guy. You know about kissing a lot of frogs.... etc. But it was great to meet a nice man!

I won't lose sleep over this one, however.

Todd is improving, but it does take a long time for the pains to subside. He is on major pain meds every three hours and is in deep pain if he doesn't get them.

We'll have to see about the 13th at Red Robin. My hope is that they will get the roads all cleared up. I want to see all of you.

Woofay - man, medication can really jack you up. Be careful. I think that time-release would work with the band because it is the same stomach, just smaller. Hugs and warm well wishes to you.

Mal - I seem to keep my workout goals even with my son in the hospital. So this is good. Since that is working I am bringing in my food consumption log into my trainer, who I don't seem to lie to. We are working on having 5 small meals under 300 cal each to start with. She says the evening up my calorie intact will help my body decide to shed the weight. In the past I have eating a lot, then a little, so I can do this.



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Michelle, Did they check your son for gallstones? Sometimes they can cause pancreatitis. I'm sure they have already done that, but just an idea. Infections and also certain medications can cause it, such as steriods and antibiotics. It's very painful. I'm so sorry he's dealing with that pain.

I've been on eHarmony for awhile. I find the men are of a higher quality than some of the other dating sites. I've done several and was treated pretty poorly by some men on Yahoo. I know your prince is out there somewhere -- just get through all of those frogs! I'll get you some chapstick!


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Thanks Dee -

Yes the have checked for gallstones, hepatitis, infection, everything - nothing is out of whack except his pancreatic enzymes. The only thing different was that he added Zanax for the last week, to cope with stress. I am going to look that up.

Thanks for the chapstick. Eharmony has been okay - although there are four or five women for every man on it, especially in my age bracket.

Well, I am checking the roads and may drive down to the Springs.



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Mini-Well, Dee already told you all my ideas as far as the pancreatitis goes, great minds think alike I guess! I'm sorry your son has to go through this, it is very painful. If they want to transfer him to a higher level of care because they don't know what is going on, I would probably go for it.

Woofay-I have been taking my time released meds for the last few days (and praying they won't get stuck) and all seems to be ok. I think they probably may just take slightly longer to get absorbed if anything.

Dee-did you get to go shopping and go out to lunch today? I finally feel like getting out of the house to do something, and I can't due to the weather (see below).

Anyone here from Miss Mona? I hope she got there ok. I'm glad my surgery was last week or I would have never gotten home. We are now on our second ice storm since I got home from Colorado. EVERYTHING is closed, there is power out all over the place...it's gruesome. Thankfully our power has not gone out this time (yet). My poor dogs go out to go potty and look like they're on a skating rink!

I am feeling better every day...still having some pain but I haven't taken any pain meds for about 2 days now. My incisions all look good. I go back to work Friday night. I think I will be ready by then. I just hope we have a light lifting weekend! I'm really afraid I'm going to pull on something.

Wow, did anyone watch Oprah today? It's an episode about spousal abuse, it's really dramatic. An abused woman taped her husband abusing here. Wow. She finally left him and the prosecutor managed to get an 18 year conviction on the jerk. He made his wife call him "master". I don't think so!!!!!! It reminded me alot of a paramedic I used to work with who was in an abusive relationship. Her boyfriend used to get beligerant with me because I would not let him talk to me the way he talked to her. Sorry, I digress...I got off subject...ADD moment....:biggrin1:

Mal,I love your doggie picture. I think of your dog when I'm on the way home from work, because the highlight of my morning drive home is this beagle that lives by me. He has an electric fence, and he is always out in his yard bopping around when I drive home. He is adorable, and he always is so curious and happy about everything. I wouldn't know what to do without my dogs-they are so funny and provide me with so much amusement.

Well, my husband is off to shovel, so I am going to follow him with the camcorder in case my Jerky neighbors decide to do anything. It's so sad that these people are so petty, especially since they're 20 years older than me. Get a life people! One of the girls killed in the Omaha mall shootings was from here and is being buried today. (She was only 24 and my sister and stepson both knew her and were friends with her in high school...) Isn't there already enough hate in the world without mindlessly perpetuating it? What is wrong with people??????

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I hope your son is doing better. Bless his heart.

This is a stab in the dark and I didn't want to alarm you or anything, but wanted to share some info. I talk frequently with parents of teens/young adults who have mild CF and only present with digestive problems, not respiratory problems, and are sometimes not diagnosed until very late because they don't have classic CF symptoms. A mild CF gene mutation (mild or no respiratory symptoms) can increase the risk of pancreatitis by about 50% and is sometimes the culprit behind chronic pancreatitis when there's no know origin. Here's a link to an article.

CCFF: about cystic fibrosis: chronic pancreatitis

I hope you get some answers soon. Positive thoughts going out to you and your son.


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I didn't find much out about the time-release meds and the Band. It is advised to discuss it with your doctor and see if they can change brands, i.e. from generic to name brand since some generic meds are a lot smaller than their name brands. Also another option given is to change the dosage, i.e. 2-50mg, could be changed to 5-20mg's since the 20mgs are much much smaller. More pills but they won't sit in the pouch. What I was reading stated that the stoma is as small as a baby aspirin. My BP med is that small, but my other meds aren't. I guess, I'll have to crush my Lipitor.

Sorry I don't have more information for you. Ask your doctor maybe he/she knows if your med comes in a smaller form or the pharmacist can help too.


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Good morning, All!

Well, I did talk to my Doc about my band and time released meds. She did express some concern. I went on Wellbutrin XL 150 mg instead of the 300 mg. ( I thought I was feeling better until I jumped up in dosage). The BRAND name med is quite small and dissolves differently then the generic. (No generic at this time for 150 mg, just 300 mg) And from what I understand...all generic time release meds dissolve differently than brand name. (different cheaper coatings involved) And I also found out that generic wellbutrin XL in the 300 mg dose is not the same at all as the name brand. It has been found to dissolve at a much faster rate releasing more medicine quicker. Sooo, I figure if that huge generic pill dissolves faster anyhow and it manages to sit in that pouch even a little longer, maybe even more medicine was released at a faster rate. Perhaps that is why I felt so bad on it. Just a theory. But the difference in generic and name brand is not a theory.(for Wellbutrin XL) Its very real and there is a class action lawsuit going on right now against the makers of the generic pill. Wouldn't you think the pharmasists would tell you something that important and let you make the decision on whether you want to pay the extra to have the name brand? And why hasn't that generic been pulled from the market? Just my two cents...and what I've found out. (My Doc also wants to stay away from generic time release meds. I seem to have a great GP!)

Have a great day all!:biggrin1:

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Wow Anita!

That is very important information!

I never have heard that before, but what I read in reference to the Generic vs Name Brand was talking about Wellbutrin. They need to pull that generic drug now!

I know now that my Metformin comes in liquid form, so I'll probably opt for that. I was off of that stupid med for less than a week just prior to my cancelled surgery and now my TOM is a wreck. Horrible cramping, over a week late and pretty bad PMS this time around and I blame not taking my med! I am in such a foul mood this morning! The Ugly Dee is just not very nice to be around!

Well, I am glad you have a good GP. Some docs are not up to date on such information. Does he have other band patients?

Have you heard of any problems with the band and food sensitivities? If you have an allergy to something -- eat it without knowing -- is your reaction going to be slower or happen much later? Just a thought!

Stay Warm,


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Tiedtobefit - Thank you so much for asking about me, we finally made it here yesterday after a gruelling 28 hour drive, which should have only taken 12 hours. The roads were ice and snow covered and it was horrible. I hope that it is not this bad when we drive back on Saturday.

I am trying to find something to do today, I am already bored, LOL. As a matter of fact, within an hour of arriving last night, we were at a bingo hall on Havana. I am staying at the Radisson off the I-255 and Parker. It is not too far from Dr. K.

Please keep me in your prayers for my surgery tomorrow. I almost went back home I have been so nervous. I have been having an emotional breakdown the past 2 days. I hope I am making the right decision.

Thanks all for your support.

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Red Robin Thursday - December 13th

Sign up for Red Robin -

Dynamo (Michelle)

Mal (Malani)

Drews (Amy)

VABandster(Kirsten) and sister

Bookholder (help ----sorry I forgot)

Tied2bfit (Dee)

Mare5569 (Marilyn)

Woofay (Anita)

Just bringing it forward. Red Robin Thursday - December 13th!

Let's talk crisis de' jour - my son is in the hospital with pancreatitis. So Woofay - I'll be down in your neck of the woods tomorrow afternoon. He is Pemrose Hospital, just having to wait it out to heal. He wasn't even drinking this year. The docs don't know what set it off.

Mal - I am so happy you are doing really well on your goal. I think I do better with the daily goal, I must be ADD goal-wise. Needing constant reinforcement.

Well - I check in again really soon



I really wish I could make it. I will be there if I am up and hoping an hour after surgery! ;)

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Thanks God you're here!

I was so worried about that drive! I know it must have been just scary!!!

We've all been waiting for you to post that you made it!

We're all just a bunch of Mom's -- concerned for everyone's well-being!

Do you like the malls? Park Meadows is kind of fun. The outlet stores in Castle Rock are nice also. Although, I'm not sure what that road will be like today!

About being nervous! We've all felt that way! I was a nervous wreck until the morning of my surgery -- that morning I was energized! Washed the car, gased it up, went grocery shopping and to Weight Watchers for my official weight!

Take a deep breath Dear and try to remember all of the reasons you chose the Band. AND be so proud of yourself for doing so well on your pre-op! Your BMI is under 60 and that's what you wanted!


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Dee~ my Doc is a she! I picked her on purpose cuz my last doc of 20 years was a man...and I don't think they actually listen to what a woman has to say about how they are feeling (medically). My hubby and I had the same Doc before, and I will tell you, the way he was treated in the office and the way I was treated was really different. He really listened to my hubby about how he was feeling....not me so much. Just "here's whats wrong, take this..."

And yes, she does have a few other Band patients. And she said that they really like their bands too. However, I'm not sure how much faith she has in the band. I think she feels that counciling and figuring out why people eat the way they eat is more important. And, I'm thinking of putting it all together, just as Michelle does. She gave me the name of a shrink that she feels can really solve a lot of my head problems with food. I just may give it a shot after Christmas. Also she said she had a Doc friend that wrote a book called "My Big Fat Greek Diet" that is worth giving a read. She said he had started out at about 475 and is now about 215? and wrote about his journey. I can't remember his name, but I know thats the name of the book. I guess I'll give it a read. I've read hundreds of other diet books and such! And my doc, thus far, has given me some good advice! Perhaps I can pass it around our group when I'm done...

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I wish I lived in the Springs! I need a good female person to be my GP. I love my doc, he and I met when I was working at Porter in 2002. He's family practice and I was the nurse to some of his patients. He has a lot of respect for me and treats me well. It's his office staff that concerns me. His PA is not so nice to my daughter and his billing office is a mess! His MA is the gatekeeper and won't allow messages to go to him, instead she tries to put us in with his PA, whom I know doesn't really care about me or my daughter because she told my daughter at a Well-child (not really a child anymore) appt. that she was wasting her time since she was not sick and girls who are 19 years old and not sick shouldn't be seeing a doctor! Excuse me? Has anyone heard of Health Maintenance? Of course my daughter was upset and blamed me because I was the one who talked her into having a check up since she hadn't been to the doctors since her freshman year in HS physical. "See I told you Mom, I didn't need to go!" "Even the PA said it was a waste of time!"

Let me know how the Big Fat Greek Diet book is -- I was going to find the Orgasm Diet Book. (did I spell that word right?)

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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        That's a great choice! 😊

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      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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