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Woofay~congrats on the shopping victory!! and congrats on dumping the job that was NOT meant to be for you. What a relief for you. I hope you are feeling better too! Thanks for the video, that was amazing!!! The song fit perfectly too! Good job!!

want2~I thank you for taking the my "spot light" on the PB visual...LOL absolutly hilarious (although I truly feel your pain)

Marcy~don't worry, Halloween will be over soon! "step away from the candy bag"!!!

Tina~Bless you and your family & your new addition!

I'm off...still trying to get Rockies tickets!!

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Thanks...Mal and thanks Dee...

I have a 2.5 year old daughter (also from Guatemala) who at 30 months has some un-cute moments. I see why they call it the "terrible two's" now. LOL But, that being said, I have to admit, she's very cute, even when venting her frustration about not getting her way or momma's inability to understand everything she says... it's all a part of becoming a little person and I just remind myself that it's even harder on her. :) At first I thought the terrible two thing was just a myth... then around 26 months it kicked in... still, she is a lot of fun and a little learning machine (make note to self, do not say "sh*t when the world's longest train beats you to the crossing... little ears pick up on EVERYTHING...so cute hearing her say it exactly the way momma did... but I just ignored it and she has stopped saying it)...

Tina (mom to a little parrot apparently)

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Thank God for humor, huh?! Someone needs to tell me the page that Mal described her PB on. I was laughing just imagining it! I swear, the band is like a flippin shock collar that dogs wear so they don't bark, only we can't eat like we used to (or want to, on some occasions!


That experience had to be one of the most unreal things I have experienced yet..but, trying to describe it to someone without a band...well, they just don't get it. And, restaurants??? I swear (ok, I DO NOT know how to throw up quietly...obviously, I have never been bulemic)...if I did that in a restaurant, someone WOULD dial 911, and my embarrassment would be hard to recover from!

Tina~ congrats on the new addition! You may have mentioned before I joined the boards...are you single and adopting? If so, I think it's awesome, if not...it's still awesome!

Tied~ we missed you too! I think 3 weeks off work would be more than enough...I felt like caca for a week, then all of a sudden felt better. I would even think 2 weeks would be good. For me, it was such a jolt to be losing weight, that I think my excitement even made me feel better physically

Nic~ How are you feeling?? How is the eating/drinking going?

Woof~ The job you had sounds disgusting....I cannot even believe what young adults talk about so easily...well, it's a double edged sword really. the generation is wonderfully accepting of many things, but they don't realize with freedom (to talk about anything) also comes responsibility. I am pretty easy going, honest, and open...and I couldn't listen to that crap all day. What is supposed to work out for you, most definately will..! Oh, and congrats on the bra! woo-hoo!

Marcy~ ugh...halloween...I was just toying around with the idea of getting a costume (I really said this to my better half) so I could go trick or treating and get chocolate! I think it would go down pretty easily being banded! Give yourself a treat, allow it, so you don't go crazy and eat the whole bag. I don't think some of it will get you too bad...will it, girls?

Bookholder ~ I have used the meat tenderizer twice before, but this time, this fluffy lady just had to pile the chicken and Pasta high on my fork without even thinking...and it was too late! I think it's good to have on hand

Shelbie and Gurly...how are you two feeling? Doing well? We are pretty close bandsisters...what, a week apart??

Hope all is well...If I forgot to mention you..don't take it personal...I can have the mush brain but care about every one of you!


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Good Morning Everyone!

I am still alive and I. AM. HUNGRY~ counting down the days (6!) until my first fill and just trying to maintain my loss until then.

Want2B -- please, please, please -- you have got to write a lap band book about the funny side of the process. You crack me up!!

Gurly -- have you had you first fill yet???? I want to hear all the details, please!

Tina -- your family will be together for the holidays!!! What a blast you're going to have. I'm doing the happy feet dance for you! I can't wait to hear about what big sister thinks of little brother when she meets him.

Woofay -- I am relieved to hear you left that job! You'll find a good fit.

Everyone -- I've got 20 minutes before the boys get up for school, so I'm off to shower before the all the hoopla begins!

More later --

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Shelbi ~ the book idea has crossed my mind....definitely has!

HANG IN THERE till your first fill! I didn't lose during that beastly time before the fill....I seemed to eat a lot for a bandster, but must not have been as much as pre band days, because I didn't gain...hang in there and try not to lose it on chips, candy and stuff like that! And...don't be hard on yourself, just be wise! You'll get there soon, and maybe even PB for the first time like I did :clap2: (you haven't yet, have you?)

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Tina~ congrats on the new addition! You may have mentioned before I joined the boards...are you single and adopting? If so, I think it's awesome, if not...it's still awesome!


Well, yes I am single... sorta... I have a live-in boyfriend... been together over 6 years... so legally and financially, yes it's just me... but mentally/emotionally/task-wise, I get a lot of support... he even changes poopy diapers!!!


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Wanttobemeagain said:

"the band is like a flippin shock collar that dogs wear so they don't bark,"

((laughing so hard))


Hello friends!

When was the last time I logged in? Over two weeks ago probably.

Been busy with my state conference for the work I do. I am an interpreter by profession and guess what? I was elected to the Executive Board of Directors this past Saturday at our annual conference!!!

I will confess now that had I not proceeded with the band, lost weight, felt better, I doubt I would have any hope for the future in my stamina and ability to go forth doing anything like standing in front of the conference attendees and talking about myself. Wouldn't have happened, nada. Now I feel a huge sense of responsibility and motivation to now purchase upscale clothes to wear when I'm out there. ( I am very happy about this )

Friends in Denver...I'm coming! Flying in on Frontier airlines flight 356 on November 8 and flying home on Sunday, November 11th.

I NEED A FILL!!! ahhhhhh

It would be fair to say that I do not eat as I did before the band, however, I am able to eat more ounces than I think are necessary since I was first banded.

Weight loss is happening at a Sloth's pace with MAYBE a pound every three weeks.

I've missed you all! But you are in my hearts daily. Who else walks this same walk?

((hugs to you all))


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Lap Dancer! Congratulations on your election! You'll look wonderful in those new "executive board" outfits. We'll need a new picture soon. It is so to cool to watch you reap the rewards for all the positive changes you're making in your life. You go, girl!

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I was going to PM you, but there was no contact info....can you PM me your email...got your message and will catch up soon! But, send your email for me...thanks!

How have you been feeling??



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Lap~Congrats on being elected to the Exec Board of Directors!! Way to go!! Looking forward to seeing you next month!!

want2~never mind about my PB...LOL! Let's pretend it never happened!! It was such a mini thing, just after my first fill, I thought it was the end of it all, now that I look back it was sooo minor!

Teid2b~how are you doing?

Woofay~what's new with you? I absolutly LOVED the video...how did you do that??? Love it, love it!!!

Dynamo~hola mi amiga!!! did I say that right?? are you back? details, details...pictures, poictures!! did you find a cabana boy? bring him to our next RR meeting!!! LOL

Shesha~how are you feelin? keep us posted on your journey!

Marcy~ did you beat the evil Halloween candy monster???

Drews~have fun tomorrow at your Bout!!! K some A!!! Hope things are going well for you.

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Well, I got to use a friends computer down here in Mexico and just wanted to check in. The weather is perfect. sleeping with all windows open and a slight breeze. Walked about 2 hours on the beach and maybe saw 10 people. What a delight. Yesterday we canoed in the esturary and today we took the kids to town. It is our daughter n laws first time out of the country. She is goggle eyed. I am eating well. My fill is still very tight, but I am getting use to it. Tried a shrimp tonight and cut it into micro size pieces, and it went well. I miss getting on the computer and seeing what is happening with everyone. You guys are the best support.



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mare~sounds devine!!! You are very fortunate to be able to travel (jealous)...

tied2b~congrats on the 4 pounds, that is WONDERFUL!!! You deserve to be happy, keep it going!! I have been at a plateau for 2 months!!! I admit my eating choices have not been good ones and I promised Dr. K to make healthier choices (darn it). He is such a GREAT doc! He gave me a good pep talk yesterday and a good fill! So here I go with a renewed respect for my LB and myself!...I am in charge of myself!!!...(right??)

No such luck with the Rockies tix...that entire ordeal was STRANGE!!! 'm not a big baseball fan, but I know some people who are and I thought I would try to get some tix for them, oh well?!?!

I hope you all have a funtastic weekend, be safe and have fun!! Post pics of your Halloween costumes...fun, fun, fun!!

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A great read this morning!

Mal I heard about the Rockies via my price quotes watcher. Plane fares, hotel rates, rentals go up and down with the games.

Can't wait to get to Colorado!!!


Here is a collection of thoughts for the day. Enjoy!

Life is drawing without an eraser.

Getting something you've never had requires doing something you've never done.


"...In my private practice, I often ask my clients to read Portia

Nelson's "Autobiography in Five Short Chapters", requesting them to

observe which chapter from the five listed best describes where they

find themselves today..."

Chapter 1

I walk down the street.

There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.

I fall in

I am lost.I am helpless

It isn't my fault.

It takes forever to find a way out.

Chapter 2

I walk down the same street.

There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.

I pretend I don't see it.

I fall in again.

I can't believe I am in the same place

But, it isn't my fault.

It still takes a long time to get out.

Chapter 3

I walk down the same street.

There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.

I see it is there.

I still fall in.it's a habit.

My eyes are open.

I know where I am.

It is my fault.

I get out immediately.

Chapter 4

I walk down the same street.

There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.

I walk around it.

Chapter 5

I walk down another street.


A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval.

Mark Twain

We have often heard that no on can make us miserable without our

permission. A corollary of that idea is also true: No one or nothing can make us comfortable without our own approval. Suppose every one of our wishes and dreams came true. Suddenly we have everything we always thought it would take to make us happy. Would that do it?

Would our itch finally be scratched? Perhaps not. The fact is that

it is something within, not treasures from without, that grants or

withholds satisfaction. In other words, we usually need to "grow into" serenity. If the lottery winner hasn't experienced a deprivation of sorts and had not grown enough to handle new wealth, that prize may turn out to be a curse. If a golden opportunity arrives before we are prepared for it, it's just another reason to get down on ourselves. And our dreams of love and romance can easily be short-term if we don't have the personal stability to hold up our end of a relationship.

Readiness can't be faked or wished into being. More inner growth may be necessary before we're capable of receiving what we most want.


Have an amazing day everyone!

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Well, I joined my Lucky #7s Thanksgiving Challenge to lose 10 lbs. by Thanksgiving...then I weighed myself and found I was 4 lbs. heavier than when I last weighed myself. DANG! But, it DID motivate me to excersize...yes, Anita....EXCERSIZE!

I got out my pedometer that sometimes works, but gives me an idea of how much I'm moving throughout the day. I started getting on the treadmill (OK, not for more than about 20 minutes, but that's 20 min. more than I was doing before) I also started doing some crunches (you should see Stormy try to do them with me! She even grunts! I'm a sound-effects mom, makes everything more fun.) I've been swimming with the family at least twice a week and for the past 4 days I've gone out to chop wood! Makes me feel powerful. I found it funny that today Andrew and I were fighting over who was going to go chop and who was going to stay inside and monitor the 2 yr old eating yogurt...I won!

I'm feeling good and even if I don't accomplish the 10 lbs., I feel like I've already won.

The Halloween candy likes me a lot. Soon the bag will be empty and I'll be safe! I'm doing a lot better than before though! Maybe I should just adopt my neighbors' way of thinking and just call Halloween demonic and not Celebrate it? Nope, can't do that, it's too much fun!

Well, the cruise is just around the corner and I'm actually feeling like I might look ok! I've been tanning and that always helps! Now, I just need to get my hair done and that's a real problem out here! Seems my stylist has used all of her products on herself and is out and awaiting a shipment...I'm curious if the chemicals went on her head or up her nose. (Inhalent abuse is HUGE out here! Sad, but true.)

Later folks! I'd name you all, but do you really need to be reminded as to what your name is?

Oh, just to make this even longer....

I came to the realization this week that I actually DO have a mental problem with food. I always thought that I wasn't one of "those people", but I AM! Oh my gosh! I really DO have a problem with food and I can actually SEE it now that I can't eat! I really DO have a problem with eating small/regular portions!

Thanks for the support!

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