Mal 0 Posted October 1, 2007 Shesha~CONGRATS on the baby!!! I just spent the weekend with 10 thirteen year olds (birthday sleepover weekend), I have to admit, I LOVED it!! I wish I had more children...too late for me! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DynamoMini 1 Posted October 1, 2007 Mal, between you and Woofay, I don't know who to nominate as Mother of the Year! You are wonderful! Hugs to all - it is October, Wed. is my audit, I am as prepared as possible. We'll see. I have been eating more lately, up two pounds, but still under 190, so I am happy. I will focus on this a little more this week, as mom is home (new hip and all) and the audit will be completed. I am looking forward to Mexico on the 16th. Adios mi amigos, Michelle Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mal 0 Posted October 1, 2007 Thanks Dynamo~I really had a nice time with the boys. I took them to the Denver Skate Park, out for pizza, swimming, Trails Skate Park, BBQ at my house, they danced played video games, tried to pierce an ear or a lip (thank goodness I was with them EVERY moment!...not gonna happen on my watch!),then we watched scary movies, then that was it for me, I left them at about 1:00 AM! The next day I made them Breakfast, off to the skate park again and then ended the Birthday celebration with Elitches! WHEW, that sounded like a lot now that I read it!!! awww, sometimes I wish I had 10 children...don't know how I would be able to afford to feed them though...those boys ate like monsters!!! It was a lot of fun! AHHH YESSS HELLO TO OCTOBER!!! Dynamo Wednesday will here and gone before you know it!!! It will all be over with and then you can focus on fun times in New Mexico....aaarrrrribah!!! I registered for the Race for the Cure. I do the race in memory of my mother. She died at the age of 40 from breast cancer. good day to all Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ShelbiCallie 0 Posted October 1, 2007 Mal -- I want to come live at your house. Sounds like you are "the fun mom". You know, the cool mom and everyone wants to hang at your house. There's always one kid in every group who has the coolest mom, and it sounds like your son lucked out!! By the way, I like the red highlights in your hair -- looks nice in the photos! I LOVED the mountains and trees-- gorgeous -- I am such a dork, though. I thought all of CO looked like that. I was very surprised as we were landing at the Denver Airport that everything looked brown and there were no trees . I expected a John Denver song. I've always heard of the Mile High City and I anticipated being IN the mountains. Yes, I am a certified dork. Denver reminded me of Tucson without the cactus. (But a BIGGER city with mountains in the distance, sort of.) But I absolutely loved the huge sky! I'm a sucker for sunsets. That's a wonderful way to honor you mom's memory. I am sure you make her very proud. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mal 0 Posted October 2, 2007 awww, Shelbie, thanks for the kind words. Yep, my house is the house where all the kids always are. My hubby gets annoyed sometimes, but I LOVE a house full of kiddos! Hope your doing well! My fill is working fine, it seems like it works really good about a few days after a fill up to about two ro three weeks, then I need a fill BADLY!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ShelbiCallie 0 Posted October 2, 2007 Morning all! I'm 13 days out now, on soft foods, have questions and since I have to wait a couple more hours until Dr. K's office opens, I thought I'd ask here in case someone can help. I've copied below what Paula gave me for week 2 (and this was all I got for week 2) Week 2 – Soft food Diet · Progression from full liquids to soft foods. o Examples of soft foods: yogurt, soft cheeses, blended meats, and well cooked stews and casseroles. · Tip: o Eat these foods slowly; about ten minutes per ounce of food. My questions: Am I still drinking a Protein Shake between meals? How much am I supposed to to eat at each meal? Anyone have any tips that have help them to eat slowly? Thanks and have a great Tuesday! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Woofay 0 Posted October 2, 2007 Hi, Gals! Well, I have some news. My hubby and I agreed that things have been too tight monetarily. (translation: I like to buy stuff.) So, on Saturday I/we decided that I should probably go back to work. Chrisser helped me get my resume made and I made some calls. Today, I have two interviews. :eek::omg: One is back doing geriatric dietary work again. The other is something off the wall...working in a photography studio. The retirement/skilled nursing facility I think will hire me today. I really hope the studio hires me though. Something different, but I have no experience. Wish me luck. I haven't had a job interview since 1995. (Worked at my last job 10 years and have been a home mommy for 2.) OMG I'm so nervous! So nervous, in fact, that my band has been too tight to eat. I'm so glad I didn't get another fill! Ha! I'll let you know how it goes!:nervous:eek::omg: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mal 0 Posted October 2, 2007 My questions: Am I still drinking a Protein Shake between meals? How much am I supposed to to eat at each meal? Anyone have any tips that have help them to eat slowly? Thanks and have a great Tuesday! Hi Shelbie~ I still drink Protein Shakes. Paula said to drink two a day. I usually have one early around 9:00 ish and then one after lunch/before dinner. I LOVE the Atkins Advantage chocolate ones! I think you are supposed to eat until you get a full signal, I think mine is when I start burping, or I feel tight. People have different signals. But stop when you are full. You will be suprised how quick that happens. My head still wants to finish the plate (which is probably why we are supposed to porion the amount we should eat BEFORE we eat)or continue eating (that is the hard part, the head hunger outlasts the actual hunger). I think they say you should eat one third of the serving you used to eat. I use a salad plate for my meals. About eating band will let me know if I don't eat slow enough. That is when you get that stuck feeling. Once you get one or two of those, you will remember to eat slowly and be more aware during your meals. I bought baby spoons, but I used them maybe three times and that was that. I hope this helps and I hope I am giving you the correct info... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
littleroo1 0 Posted October 2, 2007 Good luck today Woofay!!!! You will do great! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mal 0 Posted October 2, 2007 Woofay~wishing you well on your job interviews! Go get em'. My last interview was like 11 years ago, I remember being crazy nervous. Remember this: Who ever YOU choose, will be the fortunate one. Keep us posted! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
want2bmeagain 0 Posted October 2, 2007 Woof ~ way to go, you'll do great! I remember the first time I had a job after stay-at-home mommy-ing it for 8 was like riding a bike~was easier than I thought! I think working isn't the hardest, it's getting the kids in order while you're working! Once that's a routine, you will enjoy it all! How old are the kids? Mine are now 20 and 16 this month. Shelbi~ You have to continue Protein Shakes forever, from what I remember. I haven't measured portion sizes, per se, but getting full comes much quicker. I had that lovely piece of KFC :eek: lickety split, plus a few more bites, but was stuffed. Then tried to have a warmed up piece the next night ,had a bite, and the golfball hit (karma SUCKS!). Kept reading about the golfball attack on the boards, and thought what the h*ll is that???? Boy, did I know it when I experienced it! I guess, follow your body's signals, and go at it easy. I have to do everything, I remember to take small bites and eat slower, only because of the times I didn't! You will be reminded ALL THE TIME! How's that for concrete medical advice...ha, ha! I am 3 weeks out, and am not as excited about real food as I thought. Some stuff is just too much hassle to eat ( ME?? saying that??)! Last night...small bowl of refried Beans ~ night before...large cup of homemade green chili. When I get real hungry, several bites of cottage cheese works wonders! Let me know how you do. I was so excited to start eating real food last week...tried it, and blah...not as much fun to me. Good thing is, I am slowly losing weight and am stunned that I am not in a food frenzy (all the time!)..esp after the KFC attack! EVERYONE ~ thanks so much for your help after my real life horror KFC flic! I couldn't log on the boards to say thank you then, had to contact LBT and finally got it fixed. I savored every word you all wrote to me..I needed them. Most days, I feel like I have no restriction, and twice now, it felt like I had total restriction. I guess if I was eating more real food, I would experience it more often. I like the moments of least I know there really is a band in there! I don't always feel full, but satisfied enough. Tried the meat TENDERIZER trick ~ almost spit it across the room when I tasted it:omg: , but worked like a charm~ Sunshine and Lap ~ cool info on the super tasters! I want to do the test stuff. But, Sunshine, is it a WHOLE pack of sweet n low??? AAAKKK! I will do it if I have to. Actually, I just realized that sweet n low in teenie amounts is the only thing I can stand. It has to be in only iced tea, and one pack lasts probably 8 glasses or so. Gawd, do I sound totally OCD or what??? Mal~ so much fun the boys must have had ! How have you been ?? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
littleroo1 0 Posted October 2, 2007 Some of you might remember that we had an adoption situation fall through in August and I was able to move my surgery up instead of waiting until next year. We're matched to adopt a newborn again! It's a girl and she's due November 1st. Oh smokes, it's coming up fast! Kicker is the birthmom is in Iowa so it means travel for us and we'll be there for 2-3 weeks. I hope I can get my first fill in before then! Things have been crazy around here for sure. I've been reading the posts when I get a chance... sounds like everyone is doing well! Michelle - good luck with the IRS!!! :eek: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mal 0 Posted October 2, 2007 little~CONGRATS on the baby girl!!! November first will be here sooo fast. This little girl is very blessed to have such caring family awaiting her arrival!! All this baby talk....I am soooo jealous!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Biggest Loser 0 Posted October 2, 2007 I finally passed the 30lbs lost mark today!!!:whoo:Next 30lbs here I come. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Taynuh 1 Posted October 2, 2007 Shesha... what cool news and what a great reason to take a break from the band. No better reason on the planet in my mind.... Littleroo... Ya know, I think its karma... God gives you the baby meant for you, when the time is right. I am so happy that you are getting another referral and so soon... Congrats to both of you!!!!!:whoo: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites