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5 days to go and I'm starting to have a small freak-out.

Somebody please reassure me.

I am spending $9950 + travel, so this has GOT to work.

Will I still be hungry?? If I'm going to have to fight hunger after I get the band in the same way that I have been before, then why am I putting myself through this!!! I want to get something for my investment and trouble. Please tell me you aren't hungry. Please.

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Hi Shelbi~

It's kind of funny how I was a flippin nervous wreck going into surgery and now I am at peace. When you meet Dr. K for your pre-op, your nerves will calm down considerably..that I can promise. I can only give my insight to the immediate after surgery hunger, but here goes! Dr. K is very reasonable with what we can or can't have with liquids. His only demand is DO NOT THROW UP! He gave me the go ahead to experiment with liquids, slowly, but do not get naseauos and throw up. I am 3 days out and have carefully moved on to creamed Soup. I Water it down, but it tastes good and helps with the hunger. I think the Protein mixes will be very important in helping with hunger, too. I am still shopping around for the right protein supplement that I can stand the taste of!

I do believe all of our wonderful bandsters on here will have more thoughts in our lifelong journey, and I will be looking forward to their insight. I think eating without liquids is supposed to help us long term, too.

Woof~I am sorry you are so sore, but you definately have a sore sister here! You better take it easy, young lady:)! Was it wierd to be awake when he fixed it? Did he replace the tube and the port both?

Ok, so it seems from the responses that I can expect to be CO2 pregnant for a while...great...!:) The farts are slowly coming (I love it that we can talk about this stuff!), but not with the ferocity that I have read about! My pain is better today, but still here. At least I am more in big discomfort than agony. Your words and encouragement have definitely helped get me through!

A story for you~ I have worn the same one bra for well over a year or two. I refused to get a new expensive (anything over wal-mart prices!) bra until I lose weight ~ kind of like punishment, then reward. I have bought and returned several Wal Mart ones that were uncomfortable and stuck to my old black bra, that is literally held together by a few strips of fabric (my daughter said "Oh my gawd mom, that is so disgusting!" Today, my mom and I go to Penneys so I could walk and look at the smoothie mixers and she said lets look at bras...she had to drag me cuz I haven't lost the weight yet. I try, buy a pretty one, and was talking the the cashier about lap band. The lady behind me in line stops me as I am leaving and wanted to know all about it! It was really cool! I am such a dork as I say "do you want to see my owies?" ~ she was all into it. We may have a newbie onboard in the future! So, that's my story ~ I feel like a lapevangelist!

Hey, what kind of sutures, closures, whatever they are called, did Dr. K use on us? I can't see anything that looks like even stitches. I asked him if I should use Vit E when the Latex stuff comes off and he said "Don't you dare touch my stitches!" ~ he's a sweetie. He must do the closures very carefully or something...how do your scars look?

Ok, I am talking too much!

thanks everyone!

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Okay, so here it is day 9, post-banding ...so tonight we went out to dinner (something we used to do like 4 nights a week...man, think of the money I am saving in dining out....maybe it will balance out the self-pay!!!!!)....I figured Mexican was good for the "soft foods" week. :) Anyhow, it was not too bad... I had refried Beans with melted cheese, 6-8 incredibly chewed up (like into powder) tortilla chips and a small ground beef enchilada (not bad, the soft corn tortilla I chewed into oblivion and the ground beef middle was almost like a puree anyhow). I saved the tamale and other half of the refritos for tomorrow's dinner... Okay, so I am thinking soft foods can be manageable...and this was my "free day". I skipped the rice...asked for more beans (toot).

I kinda figure, in a few weeks I'm going to have restriction and such things (tortillas) will be out...so I might as well splurge (although normally I'd have cleaned the plate and eaten a basket of chips and salsa too...so not that evil).

Yeah, and I rationalized that "its about healing and not throwing up right now...not about weight loss". Besides, I was very good all day otherwise (hmmm, this is sounding like a public pleading of my rationalization...hehe)...

Regardless... I'm just freaking happy that I had an almost normal meal and dining experience... I think it may be easier when I have a healed tummy... I will just have smaller portions... and well-chewed ones, with no bevarage during my meal... okay, maybe never totally the old "normal" experience, but rather the "new normal experience"...


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I feel like a lapevangelist!

Okay I loved the bra story, want2be.

Taynuh - I also had Beans and cheese as my first eating out experience. Mexican food generally is easy on the band, but can be caloric.

Tonight I tried Crab Pad Thai, but it didn't do very well. I spent part of dinner in the bathroom. We went to a play and my "dinner" ended up being a cookie and a soy latte. Those went down fine! Go figure!


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"Lapevangelist" - Want2B, you crack me up!! :)

Tina & Want2B -- Thanks for sharing your post op adventures, I am hanging onto every word.

I am so fearful that I will fail at this and it will end up being yet another time when I have thrown money away as I have before on diets, memberships, supplements, equipment, books, yadda yadda yadda.

Oh my god. I have put myself in quite the situation to pay for this band. Not too many spare pennies left over to rub together. Now the self doubt is rearing its ugly head again and I keep hearing those voices saying "this is just one of those scams to take fat people's money:heh: and you are falling for it AGAIN". (Well, not actually HEARING voices, but you get the drift. )

I went back and read some of the pre-op postings that you guys have made and I know that it's normal to have the jitters and second guess yourself, but is there anyone here who regrets having the band and wishes they still had the $10K in the bank?:help:

Next year this time, I want to be living a healthy life and not battling with food, as I've done my whole life. And I'm going to be so pissed at myself if that is the case.

I don't know why this is happening to me now. I have been so psyched about the band since I started researching months and months ago.

Please somebody write that this is the best decision you've ever made. Even if you've said it before on here, I need to hear it. Sorry for being such a baby.

By the way, my in-real-life name is Karen. Shebli and Callie are my cats and Barkley is my dog (me bestest friend). Why I need to tell you this now I have no idea.

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Taynuh~ Don't worry, I'm sure your doing great. Plus, sooner than you will realize, will be your first fill. That will help you make different decisions. I went into last supper mode so badly before my first fill. I managed to put 5 lbs on the week before that first fill. Hang in there! You're in what is called "bandster hell".

Want2bmeagain~ The bra thing really hit home. We actually discussed bra's at dinner the other night. I too am getting the 2 I have (from Wally World!) to make it for a few more pounds (10 more exactly!). The only thing sadder than an old worn out Walmart bra is 2 old worn out ones that no longer really fit! Ha! ;):) You crack me up! We just hafta meet one day!

As far as what the doc replaced, if you look at your lapband booklet thingy (do you have one?) If you look at the port area, about 2 inches going toward the band looks like a fitting. Just to that point it is replaced. Probably like 6 inches total? As far as being "awake" for it. I wasn't. I was sedated a lot more than I thought I would be. Not really a bad thing. I remember them prepping me with blue towels and then draping with a blue sheet like in a csection. Then the really nice anesthesiologist said, "I'm going to put the sedative in your iv now." I looked over at the injection into the line....and that's all she wrote! I woke up an hour later, (which was a lot easier than going under all the way) and went home. The nurse said the Doc pressure tested the port after he got it out and it was indeed leaking.

How is your soreness doing? Today I actually feel much better. The bruises are also starting to fade to a yucky yellow and the tingly itchy healing feeling has set in. Yeah! I really hope you are feeling better. But don't get discouraged if you feel great for 3 days and then have a very sore day. That was on and off for a month with me. It sucks, but it seems to be part of it.

Shelbi~ Don't freak! Everything will be great! Yup, 10K is a lot of money, but you are soooo worth it! You can't even get a half way decent used car for that...This is for you and the rest of your life! You deserve to feel better and live a healthier life. You've done the research, you've got a great doc. This is for you! For further reassurance, go to the before and after pix on this forum. You can do it! :whoo: I'm cheering for you!

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Karen - Look how far you've come already!! I've been banded for a week and a half, and I don't regret it one bit. As Anita said, there is no price tag on health. The jitters you are having are very normal. I had them too, but I can tell you on surgery day, I was very calm. I knew I had made this decision for all the right reasons. DH was very nervous - I was cool as a cucumber! Once the versed went in, I was in lala land! And then before I knew it, it was all over and I was waking up!!

I haven't looked back since - not once. In fact I am very grateful that I was able to leave my former life of food obsession behind. Now I just have no room for that any longer.

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Dynamomini~ Sorry about your thai food. Something about some seafood...maybe its just more fibrous than it seems? A latte and a cookie...well, not the healthiest choice I'm sure...but I would like it!!!:):woot: Guess that's why I don't have a diet book out there...heeheehee! Anita and the "Cookies and LapBand Series". Goodness, Doctor K would have a fit!

I hope things go down for you better today! ;)

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I don't know why this is happening to me now. I have been so psyched about the band since I started researching months and months ago.

Please somebody write that this is the best decision you've ever made. Even if you've said it before on here, I need to hear it. Sorry for being such a baby.

By the way, my in-real-life name is Karen. Shebli and Callie are my cats and Barkley is my dog (me bestest friend). Why I need to tell you this now I have no idea.

Karen - I am experiencing the same feelings you are. I am being banded on Tuesday and like you, I have been syched about the band. Now that I am 3 days away, all this stuff is running through my head. Will I come out of the surgery? Will I come home to my kids? Will this work? Will I finally be able to lose the weight? I am hoping littleroo is right that surgery day will bring with it a calming effect. I see all the other bandsters on this thread and other threads and most of them are nervous wrecks and stressing out and then after the surgery they seem at peace with their decision. So every time I start getting freaked out, I try reasoning with the fat girl inside that this is it for her. We are coming to the end of the road and I am finally dumping her, no more friendship!! haha. She is my fat friend that won't let the skinny girl out. hehe :)

The before after pix thread has been a huge motivator for me, when I question spending $9950 + travel cost. In the big picture, it is a small price to pay for a healthy lifestyle. YOU ARE WORTH IT!! :woot:

Are you being banded at Crowne or Health South? Maybe we can meet up sometime during the week. My surgery will be across the street from Dr. K at Health South. We will be leaving for home mid morning on Thursday.

Here is to our new life! ;)

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Woofay & Littleroo ~~ thank you so much for saying what I needed to hear. I don't know what's gotten in to me these last 2 days, but I'm trying really hard to rally and starting to feel better. Your encouragement helps so much!!!!!!!!!! That negative self-talk of mine has been popping up in my brain and I'm doing my best to keep it at bay; I'm trying to focus on getting healthy and enjoying beautiful CO! I'm focusing on looking at next week as the start of my new life. It is only money, after all and You're so right -- I can't put a price tag on my health! You women rock!!

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Gurlygirl, I think we were posting at the same time!

I am so glad I'm not alone with these feelings and they have seemed to come over the last 2 days out of nowhere! When I think that I'll be flying Denver this week for a freaking lap band, the first thought has been WOMAN, HAVE YOU LOST YOUR FREAKING MIND! I think it's my fat girl inside not wanting to let go, too, like you said. Fear of change perhaps? But I am deep breathing and thinking about a beautiful new life after a CO vacation.... I'll be flying in on Tuesday for my late afternoon pre-op appointment, having surgery on Wenesday at Crown Point and staying at the Holiday Inn Select. I'm flying home on Thursday I would love it if we could make a connection somewhere!!! That would be awesome!

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Ya know, bandsters-to-be, even after the surgery, I am still occasionally regretting my decision, pouting about my new "eating to live" vs. "living to eat" lifestyle which will come with the first fill. I think I always will...and I suspect I'll always want that $10,000 (who would not) in my bank account (okay most likely in an investment account)... but I also know I want to be healthier and that for me, this is what it takes. I am also realistic about this band being a tool. I am going to have to work it and work it well to make the weight loss happen and to keep it off. But, I do think for me -- I'm a bulk eater who likes feeling full -- that this is a better tool than any of the diets I have tried...and the thought that I spent $10,000 (over a year of daycare expenses... or a good chunk towards future college expenses for my daughter) is an incentive for me to "work it". I will only fail if I let me fail. I won't be able to blame the band or the surgeon. It is now up to me. So now, I'll combine my new tool with the low crab eating lifestyle and some exercise (yup, gotta exercise eventually...it's not a magic wand)... and give it my best shot. I am prepared for bad days and temporary lapses of bad behavior... but just like one or two warm days does not make it summer, one or two lapses won't make me a failure... the key will be whether I dust myself and my emotions off and get back to working it. I am pretty sure this will be a difficult journey, but that it can be easier depending on my mindset... but I am human and I have an unhealthy love affair with food and I know I will fall and have doubts... but I also intend to work through it and recognize those doubts, fears, regrets, anger what-have-you...as what they are... the very same obstacles I have had pre-band days and the very same ones I will have post-band days.

For me, I am just going to have to come to grips with the child within me who is always saying, "its not fair, everyone else seems to eat what they want and why can't I"? The reality is, it just seems that way... thinner people eat like me only "sometimes"... if ya watched them every day/every meal... they approach food and eating differently... okay, and they have a better genetic setup...lol

So yep, get comfy with regrets and doubts...recognize them for what they are... and kick them to the side when ya see them and work that tool! And think about the lower food costs amortized over your life and lower medical costs... you'll be getting your $10,000 back sooner than you think (not to mention, you can itemize your taxes and take the deduction if ya hit the 7.5% of AGI Mark!!!)...woo hoooo...

Tina (still wrestling with regrets and doubts, learning to focus on the positives to come...)

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"just like one or two warm days does not make it summer, one or two lapses won't make me a failure." Tina -- thank you for my new mantra and for reminding me of the potential tax break!! I had forgotten -- yippee!! Hey, do I get to count my travel expenses for medical treatment when I itemize as well??

Thanks for helping me put this all in perspective, Tina. You are so right. This is a tool and the success is up to me.

I went and looked at the before/after thread and am feeling SO much better.

Thanks guys! You are the best.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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