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Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum

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Marcy I would help you with those baby chicks if I was there. I am such an animal lover no matter what kind. ( freshwater eels are even cute to me). I'm sorry you had to put down four of them.

You all have a LOVELY time at Red Robin. I can't wait to get back out there and see everyone again. I had such a great time in June. Was awesome!!!

I have progression photos that I'm getting ready to do. I can tell. Okay FINALLY I can tell and thank goodness I took photos because standing here day after day I could not tell.

Protein: Dr. K said he likes us at around 80 grams a day. I start with Protein first thing in the morning which can be chicken or cheese cause I LOVE cheese. I take cheese and melt it in the micro and take a fork and spin it while it's hot. I let it cool on the fork and then chew away at it. Parmesan is my favorite. I drink my coffee extra strong and then pour it on ice and then add milk. Stir and I sip on that for several hours.

Kick starts my daily constitution.

dinner is typically no later than 6 for me. Just another tip I picked up from the nutritionist at the place where I thought I would have the band put in (and thank goodness I didn't)

Hope this helps. You all surely help me.

I'm feeling good. I increased my Paxil by 20 mg. Let me tell you, I noticed it within 48 hours!! Tom Cruise was wrong.

Okay look for my pics shortly.

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We will miss you at Red Robin! You are a beautiful person!

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We will miss you at Red Robin! You are a beautiful person!

I'll miss you all too. But I'll catch up with you in a few months to be sure.

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Sigh.... I had my initial consultation with Dr. K yesterday. It was a disappointment. The good thing is, I've gained another few pounds and that puts me squarely in the >40 BMI (yay....sort of?) and therefore I'm eligible for the surgery. For the benefit of others looking for info on Dr. Kirshenbaum, I'm going to post the highlights of my appointment. I know the rest of you gals love him, so take this with a grain of salt.

- The office is TINY and worn looking. I understand that Dr. K doesn't charge a whole lot, and I'm sure as an older male he doesn't even think about the initial impression his waiting room gives new patients. BUT, he should! The furniture looks like it came out of the resale shop, the baseboards were thick with dust, and the very visible receptionist/assistant work area with patient charts was cluttered and messy. The wallpaper is from at least 10 years ago. Again, cosmetic issues.....I'm sure he is a great surgeon, but I think he should make a bit more effort. If his staff works in disarray, what does that say about their attention to other details?

- Marilyn was on the phone behind the desk when I arrived, in a very loud conversation with hospital staff regarding an issue not related to patient care (meaning, not confidential). Still, I don't want to hear it. She did not look at me, hand me paperwork, or anything. After a few moments, and a few passes in the hall, Mary finally came over and said hello to me. I waited only 10 minutes or so after filling out paperwork before being called back in. That was a plus.

- Robin, the billing lady, was very pleasant, even though I was put off by her cluttered office. I liked her alot.

- Mary was very pleasant to me in the exam room. She made conversation, made me feel comfortable, etc. But then she mentioned that the other 2 patients in the waiting room were also there for initial Lapband consultations, a huge no-no regarding patient confidentiality. Not that I personally cared, but I don't want office staff discussing me behind my back to some other patient either.

- Dr. K came in about 15 minutes later and ruined whatever good feelings I had left at that point. It didn't bother me too much since surgeons are notorious for poor bedside manners; usually that's why they like to work with unconscious people :-). He never introduced himself, he came in and started his sales pitch without even asking me what I already knew about Lapband or anything. He also had a student, or an intern, or who knows who she was, because he never even introduced her or asked me if it was okay if she was present. She stood quietly in the background the entire appointment, then she said, "Thank you" to me before I left. It was weird.

- After 15 minutes of telling me things I already knew, Dr. K finally shut up so I could ask questions. He answered them all, and the answers were perfect. He has done over 5000 lap procedures (not Lapband), 150+ Lapband placements, has virtually no complications such as erosions or slippage because of special techniques he employs, no incidence of post-op infections. He answered my questions specifically and completely, and with respect. I got the impression that he is a very good practitioner in the operating room. He assured me that as his patient, he would take care of me "forever" and discussed the specific costs of fills, etc. He was only vague about my concerns re the typical "50%" weight loss of most patients (meaning that patients lose only about half their extra weight, on average) and wasn't able to give me an opinion as to why some patients lose all the weight they want and others aren't. What the hey, maybe he has no idea.

- Here's the kicker: at the end of the appointment, when I asked about the next step towards surgery, specifically regarding insurance approval, he said, "Oh, I don't accept insurance". Really? Wouldn't that have been something useful to know 4 weeks ago when I made the appointment? Wouldn't that have been nice to know before I paid my $20 copay for a consultation that was to be for no d*mn reason at all? I would like to have those 4 weeks of waiting back, in addition to the 2 hours in his office, and my $20. It's not too surprising to note that the person who is responsible for NOT TELLING ME this important information was Mary, the woman with whom I made the appointment in early June. I told her over the phone, "I have insurance, and Dr. K is on my PPO provider list". She said, "Well, I can't guarantee they will pay for the initial consult" (WTF?) and then she said, "If you decide to go through with the surgery, insurance normally won't pay." She said NOTHING about the fact that Dr. Kirshenbaum doesn't even accept insurance for the surgery. I would never have made the appointment had I known that, as I do not happen to have $10,000 burning a hole in my pocket.

Do I sound pissed? Because I am. It's a dang lot of time wasted, and now I have to wait another 3 weeks for an appointment with Dr. Johnell in Greeley.

Final analysis: Physical appearance of office: crap. Office staff, namely Mary: crap. Dr. K: nice guy, busy, typical surgeon manners, probably a great doctor. I'd trust him with my stomach, but I don't trust his office staff at all with my money or my time. Even if he did accept insurance, I'd take my business elsewhere if I found an equally competent surgeon with a more professional office.

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Hi Karen: Thanks for your detailed account of your office visit. Sorry you weren't pleased with your outcome. When you made your initial appointment did you check with your insurance to make sure he was in network and that it was a covered benefit? That is always the first step with me and my family.

I guess we have all had different life experiences. My daughter had JRA (Juvenile Rhumetoid Arthritis) and my son had a cognitive/speech and language disorder. I learned quickly how to ask the right questions and cut to the chase.

I can see how an office appearance would throw you off but my M.D.'s office had 1970's wallpaper on it for years!! I'm serious!! They were so busy taking care of the patients they neglected the surroundings. (he has since hired a decorator who did come in and refurbished all the rooms) BUT I wouldn't trade him for anything and have to come to grips with the fact that he's going to retire on me in the coming years.

I too liked how Dr. K answered my questions. You were spot on about this surgeon but before I allow someone to cut on me I do background studies and if I can find a Curriculum Vitae on them, all the better. I was most impressed with this laparoscopist as foremost he is a surgeon. Since the Lap Band is still relatively new in contrast to other FDA approved devices, finding a doctor who has thousands of surgeries with the Lap Band isn't something I would expect just yet. So in that stead I would look for what kind of doctor they are and their training. Dr. K is a laparoscopic surgeon, probably why I have only little incisions on my stomach, a breeze of a surgical experience (that was my fourth) and how he refined his personal surgical procedure of the band by securing it in place to prevent slippage and erosion.

All the people on his team, even the nutritionists, have their doctorates.

As for the office staff, that is one busy group of gals. I don't think they anticipated the type of growth he is experiencing and I don't think Dr. K realized that by offering the surgery at close to 13K less than what they want where I live, I would fly to him (and I'm not the only one).

With my children having gone to so many doctors I know it's a crap shoot with office staff. Clutter/no clutter but no smile/on the phone and processing my chart/ it's part of living in a time when everyone works now and rare is it to find a patient who can roll with the flow, and not be locked into a time restriction (because of their work schedule). I notice a big difference now because it's summer and I'm off from work (school) so I am flexible and not in a rush.

I take interns from the University so I am a big proponent of education/giving them first hand experience. I was very glad to see Dr. K had someone observing him. That made me like him even more.

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Hi, Karen. I, too, am sorry to hear about your experience with Dr. K. I noted the concern you have over the percentage of weight lost with the lap band. Those percentages have to do with the motivation of the person/patient that receives it. It's just a tool, not a fix all. Even with it, losing the weight is work. Perhaps this procedure is not for you?

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Karen - I think Woofay and Lap Dancer have made very good points. The lap band is only a tool, it isn't a magical procedure that takes the urge to overeat away and we all become beauty queens, we all have to work hard to get the weight off. The gastric bypass guarantees more loss and quicker loss, but you are choosing to reroute your body's digestive system. I have a close friend that went that route and has lost 100 pounds in a year. I don't think I will accomplish the same loss in a year, but watch out for me in two years. Your angry complaints, while very real, may be your clue to the fact that you really don't want to go the LapBand route. People have to be really motivated and dedicated to lifestyle change to have a positive outcome with LapBand surgery. It definitely isn't easy or quick WL. Good luck with your choices. Aren't we lucky that there are a few more choices out there?

Hi My People -

Yes I am back from the mountains. I went to enjoy the 4th and my family. I did that, hiked one day, sprained my ankle the next. I have been having problems with ankle weakness and have had two other sprains in the same foot. I just misstepped into a hole while walking to town. ShEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEt! i am so disappointed. I am ready to rock and roll with my exercise and I am sidelined. DrewsLou I hear you. Glad you are all fixed. Unfortunately, no magic here either. I am at the RICE stage. Foot in the air, icing, and resting. Not good for the weight loss. But better for the recovery.

We are on for July 12th at Red Robin on ARapahoe and I25. Best support group around. I'll have just had a fill that day, so sipping. I'm with you Mal, but hope I don't have to doggie it after eating. What a picture. I was sitting in a hut thing at a Thai restaurant and had just swallowed part of a spring roll, and then the sliming, then the gooping, upchuck. I just used my napkin, I didn't think I could make it to the bathroom. My kids and I were grossed out, but at least I knew I had a band. I left a big tip!

Anyway. Hugs See you the 12th. Let me know who is coming so we can get a good table again. It was so much fun!

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DynamoMini~ I'm so sorry to hear about your ankle. Keep it iced and you'll be as good as new before you know it. Other than that, I'm glad you had a nice time in the mountains. It's just sole cleansing to get up in the trees and mountains? Did you get a chance to see any wildlife? Don't forget your pictures of New York on Thursday!

Mal~ Hows your fill going? Any more alarming experiences? The last few days this fill has seemed like more. I bet I don't need hardly any on Tuesday. Probably less than .5cc.

Drewslou~ how is your slight unfill going? How's the knee doing?

Lap Dancer~ your just awsome. Thanks for making me smile! :)

Angie38~are you still out there?

Marcy~We'll be thinking of you Tuesday morning! Woo hoo and good luck!

Well, ladies, I'm so on for Thursday. And guess what? King Soopers had a special on photo printing, so now I have a few pictures to bring also. (Since I was a bad mom last time and had no pictures of my babies!)

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Karen - I think Woofay and Lap Dancer have made very good points. The lap band is only a tool, it isn't a magical procedure that takes the urge to overeat away and we all become beauty queens, we all have to work hard to get the weight off. The gastric bypass guarantees more loss and quicker loss, but you are choosing to reroute your body's digestive system. I have a close friend that went that route and has lost 100 pounds in a year. I don't think I will accomplish the same loss in a year, but watch out for me in two years. Your angry complaints, while very real, may be your clue to the fact that you really don't want to go the LapBand route. People have to be really motivated and dedicated to lifestyle change to have a positive outcome with LapBand surgery. It definitely isn't easy or quick WL. Good luck with your choices. Aren't we lucky that there are a few more choices out there?

Hi My People -

Yes I am back from the mountains. I went to enjoy the 4th and my family. I did that, hiked one day, sprained my ankle the next. I have been having problems with ankle weakness and have had two other sprains in the same foot. I just misstepped into a hole while walking to town. ShEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEt! i am so disappointed. I am ready to rock and roll with my exercise and I am sidelined. DrewsLou I hear you. Glad you are all fixed. Unfortunately, no magic here either. I am at the RICE stage. Foot in the air, icing, and resting. Not good for the weight loss. But better for the recovery.

We are on for July 12th at Red Robin on ARapahoe and I25. Best support group around. I'll have just had a fill that day, so sipping. I'm with you Mal, but hope I don't have to doggie it after eating. What a picture. I was sitting in a hut thing at a Thai restaurant and had just swallowed part of a spring roll, and then the sliming, then the gooping, upchuck. I just used my napkin, I didn't think I could make it to the bathroom. My kids and I were grossed out, but at least I knew I had a band. I left a big tip!

Anyway. Hugs See you the 12th. Let me know who is coming so we can get a good table again. It was so much fun!

Well dang!

I'm sorry you hurt yourself. Atleast it can be a cool story on how you got hurt "I was hiking in the mountains" not boring like you were in the kitchen and tripped over a rug (boring and not nearly as exciting).

Be well.

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Hi, My name is Marilyn.

I have just finished reading all the posts on Dr. Kirshenbaum. It has really encouraged me. I have not any appointments yet, still processing all the info. I think I will call Monday 7-9-07 to schedule. Initial appointments are now $75 according to the email I received. Does anyone know how far out the scheduling is. Once I get up my courage, I don't want to wait too long.

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Wow Marilyn!

Congrats on reading all the posts, we are up to 85 pages on Dr. K's thread.

To answer your question about time, last I heard he was about six weeks to surgery from the time a person decided to go for it. Best thing to do is ask Marilyn (great name, aye?) when you call on Monday.

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thanks so much for reply to my post. It was so hard to do. You all seem really nice and supportive which is what has encouraged me to do it at all. My husband thinks I should take care of the underlying cause of my eating first. If I knew that and could take care of it, I wouldn't be overweight. Thanks for being there, wish I had starting reading sooner so I could have met you all. Maybe next time.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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