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Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum

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Oh ya, I have a quick question for you all. Paula recommended taking a multiVite and a Calcium supplement. Well, to be honest, this is the first day I have taken them. (boy, chewables are quite the experience) Do you all take one? Have they made any difference if you do? I bought them before surgery and they were not cheap so I might as well take them, but I was wondering if any of you have any opinions on them. Thanks. :)

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Okay - just switched pages and lost my email response. So oh well.

Shesha - if you come to Denver for the free fix, let me know and I can help you out. I am retired and have time and the means. PM me.

Sorry about everybody's nose - I seem to be able to eat quite a lot and have to use my dieting muscle and I am only two weeks out. Dr. K said I didn't have any restriction, my first fill is May 17th. I am healing GREAT! Maybe too well.

I am chewing and trying to follow band rules of eating. It is a whole new world for me - that's for sure. By the way I love cheese.< /span>

Spot - Seattle is one of my all time best cities. My brother and his family live there and I will probably visit this fall.

Be well, and I hope nobody else's port flips - that is a new one for me to worry about. Ugh!

It is a glorious day here in Colorado. Sunny and between 75 - 80. Barefoot weather!



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Hey Group of Dr. K'ers.

I did not dare say anything to my husband but he's overly concerned I ate a four egg omelet for dinner. Took me my usual half an hour, no Water. I'm now drinking my water. He thinks I'm able to eat too much.

Calorie wise I'm at about 1100 calories today. I'm not sick, I'm full. I'm not hungry.

Anyone else able to eat an omelet?

Am I focusing too much on this?<<<<<<<<<

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Lap Dancer, I was able to eat an omlette pretty quickly after my surgery..not sure how far out you are, but I wouldn't worry about it! I consider them "Mushies".....

SHESHA....I'm with you girl!!!! I tried to get follow up fills near me and every Dr. seems to want to charge a min $500 "Program Fee" in addition to the $200-300 fill fees!! It's RIDICULOUS!!! That is why I went to CO for my first two fills!!! Although I did just find a local Dr. who will do fills for $200 w/no program fee and she supposedly does people who were banded in Mexico too, so I've heard she's not judgemental like some other docs!!

Did you try www.fillcentersusa.com?? they have locations of Drs who will fill patients they did'nt do the surgery on.

I'm jealous you all get to meet in May, but there's just no way I can get out there. Have fun!!

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LapDancer - Is a four egg omelet something you used to eat? If you are satisfied? Then it is a good thing with 24 grams of Protein.

This may be out of turn, so discount it if it is, and tell me to get lost -

My question to you is why is your husband commenting on your portions? Do you want him to? For me, that would make me nuts. I am my own worst critic, I don't need someone on the side making me crazy. Good luck with this, I feel protective of you.

I think you should be able to lose weight if you are truly on 1100 calories. That would make sense to me.

Hugs and be gentle with you,


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LapDancer - Is a four egg omelet something you used to eat? If you are satisfied? Then it is a good thing with 24 grams of Protein.

This may be out of turn, so discount it if it is, and tell me to get lost -

My question to you is why is your husband commenting on your portions? Do you want him to? For me, that would make me nuts. I am my own worst critic, I don't need someone on the side making me crazy. Good luck with this, I feel protective of you.

I think you should be able to lose weight if you are truly on 1100 calories. That would make sense to me.

Hugs and be gentle with you,


Hi Michelle.

I think my husband wants this to work even moreso than I do and that is a lot. He's seen me go from this super active woman to one who spends much time in bed. The past two years I feel infirmed. I'm sure he is being protective, overseeing, not wanting me to get any sicker than I already have been. Thanks for looking up the protein count on the eggs.< /p>

Today I woke up not hungry at all. So finally about two this afternoon I had what I REALLY wanted, mushy sweet potatoes. This is freaky. I go from I'm not hungry at all to I could eat an omelette.

Thanks folks for reminding me there is still healing going on.

I'm going to try to go to work tomorrow.

Everyone have a grand week.

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Oh my goodness... How is everyone! :typing:

Wow Shesha... what an thing to go threw! Are you going to come back to Co and have Dr. K fix it? Do you know how something like that happens?:) Sorry.. I am really really behind on the happens here!

Woofay and Dynamo! Hey!! I have been thinking of you!!

Anita.. how you healing??? Feeling???? Been thinking of you lots too!

I am feeling much better. I worked a ton Thrus and Fri.. and by Friday I was sore.. not too painful sore..but moving slow sore. Got home and slept. This weekend did a lot walking..(went too several antique shops.. I dont like to shop but at thrift store, junk store, antique stores or Home Depot/Lowes and Hobby Lobby.) Then.. when I got home.. went walking around the neighborhood. So.. my belly feels fine.. but my feet are sore. You would think I would remember to wear tenny shoes or something better then flip flops. But.. it is habit.. I am either barefoot or in flipflops. Oh well.

I was on Clear Liquids a lot longer then I should have been,, but after being in so much pain and so swollen... I was just flat out afriad to try anything else. Well.. had cream soups... and smoothies... and then yesterday had 2 chicken tenders. I chewed a lot.. my goal is at least 50 chews per small bite.... but... I wasnt very successful... I could only make it to 37ish.

I had lost 18 pounds:clap2: ... but.. after yesterday and today.. I am back up 3 pounds:eek: :( :think . I feel terrible! So.. I am not going near my scale any more! Besides.. I cant tell where I lost it to begin with! The only place I could see a difference was my hands.

I am following all the rules... I have been measuring out my food... and nothing to drink before or after.. which is easier then I thought. (WELLL... inless I take a bite of something spicy.. then.. I have to drink...or I will pass out from the pain of hot mouth... yes.. I am a huge chicken on hot food).

I am FINALLY able to actually take a swollow of water... not just a sip. :faint: But I feel no restrictions. I have my IDS Protein *YUM* so I am not tired.. I HATE EVERY Protein Shake I HAVE TRIED. Thank goodness I only have samples! I only have to suffer threw each one once! YUCK! I am tempted to see if anyone wants the rest of my samples and I will just stick with the IDS and tasteless Protein Powder that I add to all my food. SO.. if anyone wants a great deal on about oh... 50-60 bottles of protein powders... let me know. I guess that they really aren't bad. My hubby and kid like them. I know I am bad... I wont finish one that I open so they do for me. They say that they taste a lot better then they would have thought.. but I am extremely picky eater. :hungry:

Any how... sounds like all of you who havent had a fill yet are in the same boat as me... no restrictions..and eating. I feel bad eating. I haven't experience PBing or slime or any of that. I came close last night I think... was the first time I ate out... and I got a thing a whipped taters (I added tasteless protein powder at the table).. but I did not pull out a small portion to the side. So.. I had one or two bites too many. I did not feel sick, but I felt that I had to move.... I barely waited til I got home before I went and walked about a mile and half. I would have walked more but it got to cold. I did not go prepared with a jacket because I just needed to move. Does this happen to anyone else?:)

I hope that when I get my fill (Friday May18) that I will be back to feeling restriction and will know when to stop. Or at least feel full. Because I dont feel that now. I dont know if I feel hungery... but feel... oh... I dont know.. I dont feel hungery, but I feel like I should eat because there is nothing else to do!:help: Is that totally crazy?!?!?! I spend any extra time cleaning my house.. or working on hobbies.. but at night when there is nothing else to do... I feel like I should watch tv and eat. I am trying to be good.. but I must not be since I gained 3 pounds back in 2 days... GRRRR...

I hope to be there on May 8 but there is another meeting that if my DH cant make I will have to cover so.. that sucks too... that I was looking forward to meeting ya'll.. and now there might be a chance that I cant.

WAA WAA WAAAA.... I am such a cry baby tonight..



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Misty - I am having the same feelings - no restriction! I am looking for stuff to eat, like tonight I had a filet and 1/2 c mashed potatoes, then another 1/2 cup. I didn't even feel really full afterward. This is crazy. Then I had a Dreyers strawberry pop and the rest of a Protein Shake. That is a lot for me and all of it after 6 pm. I won't lose weight like this. Oh and I didn't tell you about the handful of M & M's. I am disappointed with myself. I seem to do great then go nuts!


1) I will exercise again tomorrow. That usually gets me on track somewhat.

2) I am weighing in at Slim 4 Life, I still have a few months on my contract and think that weighing in once a week is a good thing. I get on my own scale every morning, but that is really nuts. I have stopped losing weight. No kidding! Hee...hee

3) I will log my food intake

4) I will log my painful thoughts

Just those four things will help me stay on track!

So, you are not alone dear Misty, I'm in it with ya. My fill is the day before yours. I hope he fills me up. I need not to feel hungry in my head or body. I know the headwork is mine. I am up to Chapter 6 of Get Out of Your Mind and into your Life workbook started on the B2G website. Today when I was in eating pain, I should have logged it. I will tomorrow.

Anyway, it is what it is. I really admire all the people that have dropped 100 pounds. I want to be there too. I want to be them!

Hugs and good healing,


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Misty, I'm right there with you! My scale stopped too, infact went up 1lb. Plus, my body decided that one monthly just wasn't enough this month...it's only been not quite three weeks...grand! What's up with that?! It's funny you should mention your hands. My mom said my hands look smaller. I thought she was being a smartass, you know, like the earlobe thing. But my rings don't fit right anymore. This is so weird. I've had a lot of head eating to deal with too.

Dynamo~ it sounds like you have a great plan written out. Don't be too rough on yourself, this all takes practice. Just a handfull of m&ms? Think about how we used to do it! I think you did great...I like half a bag!

I had to change my first fill date. My son came home with paperwork from the school for the Mother's Day Tea event (he's in first grade). They are making their classroom all decorated and their moms to come and have sweets and tea. How can I miss that? So now my first fill is on Monday the 14 instead.

Can you imagine how much harder this might be without someone to talk to about this? I'm so glad you guys are here and this forum exists. I feel like I'm not the exception, I'm just like everyone else here!

How is it going for you Lap Dancer, besides your Hubby being the food police? Hee hee! (like all of us aren't hard enough on ourselves!)

Have a great day everyone!

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Woofay aka Anita - I appreciate the "don't be so hard on yourself." I forget. Yes, only a handful of M & Ms, just to finish my son's stash. What reasoning???!!!! Yes, today is MONDAY a good day to begin anew, not that any day isn't a gift. I am also going to log what I am grateful for. I forget somehow in my self loathing, how great the gift of my life is.

Thank goodness we have each other to complain to, relate to, Celebrate.< /span>

I love you guys,


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Dynamo.. I totally agree with Woofay... pat yourself on the back..only a hand full of M&Ms... those and Kisses are my weakness. And yes.. easily a bag would be gone in an afternoon/evening. Sounds like you have a good plan laid out in front of you.

I am doing better today so far. I do better when I have something to do. This last weekend in the evening was terrible. I have lots of work to do outside..but not motivated to do any more crafts or things on the inside. So.. thats when I want to eat.

I am on my lunch break now but I already ate my Beans and cheese from Toco Bell. OMG that tasted so good and it alreay comes in a small contanter so I dont have to measure (and try to be good and stay out of it). But.. now that work is slowing down... its still month end for me so we have to stay until everybody has there work done... Well..now.. I am going nuts. Thank goodness for this site and that I have access at work. I am really finding out when I was eating. I never realized that if there was nothing else to do I would pig out... you should see all my pen caps! My dentist is going to have a fit. I also have given up gum... and I am missing that something awful too. I guess that I shoud up date my ticker thing but at this point I am afraid that I will gain those extra pounds that I had lost back so it might as well stay.

Oh my fill cant come soon enough!

You guys are my friends and you all help so much!

We can do this! We just hit our first speed bump is all...

What are you doing for excercise Dynamo?

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LapDancer and Sunny Sea - Hi. Glad the traumas are working out. I am scheduled for a fill May 17th. Dr. K says there is little restriction because I can eat regular food one week out of surgery. I am working hard to keep to the plan, Protein shake, and lots of Water. I have resumed exercise, at least the aerobic type. I hope that helps. The weight loss has slowed big time. But then, I am eating more. You figure out when you'll be in town, then I will work around you since I am here.




DynamoMini vbmenu_register("postmenu_454983", true); ,

I am so glad you posted that! I thought I was alone in being able to eat. I get full fast and have had a piece of chiciken get stuck but for the most part I can eat just about anything as well. I am also a little over a week out. My fill is on May 18th one day after you!

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That Dr sounds like a big friggin jerk to me! I bet it is the same Dr that Sunnysea had to go to. He gave her a hard time.


I can't believe you got RT tickets for $38. I am always trying priceline cuz I live in CO and my family lives in CA but I never get that good of a deal!


About the sniffer... my has been running since surgery. Not a lot just a tad bit. Enough to annony me!


I am glad you are working in your garden! We have had the most beautiful weather these last couple days. You should file for unemployment and when your employer says you quit you should file a appeal and make them pay you!

They sound like a bunch of jerks, and you don't need the stress!

Well I am off work now and headed home....... yippee!

Take care!

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Things are much better today. Monday is always a good starting day! I weighed, lost 1 pound since last week, I exercised 40 minutes, I am writing down my food, and I haven't been in pain today so nothing in the pain diary so far. lunch was 1/2 a salmon patty from Whole Foods. I had the other half ready, but couldn't eat any more. Yeah! I also had a Protein Shake, and egg for Breakfast. Good day!

Be good and best wishes,

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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