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Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum

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Fills: Just like the body having a rhythm, it also hums back now about time to eat. The band has done that for me. I think because we have been morbidly obese, that ALL STOPS full button was broke, banding fixed that, now we do get signals on foods.

My last fill was last February. That's a year! My sweet spot is perfect. If you have a card about being in the zone, the green...being green, you can read it to see how you should be feeling. Again, I don't count on the band to do all the work, I put some serious time in learning how to listen to my body during meal times. My eating patterns were so messed up.

I've set it before, I'll say it again, the surgery was a piece of low profile CAKE compared to retraining my brain and breaking the bad habits I had of drinking gallons of fluids daily and two big glasses during my meals. I gulped my food, I know I did. All bad habits.

Me today at school. My camera was taking lousy photos...it helps if fresh batteries are in there.:bored:


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Morphing Body Most of you know I was pushing 400 at my peak. At surgery I was 352. I've blown past the 300 mark so for me I feel like I've officially lost 100 lbs. Soon, I think before easter, I'll hit 250 for my official BAND loss of 100. After that milestone, I will have 110 left until I reach goal. All these baby steps and anniversaries and victories are hard to express in words what it feels like to be HUGE and then get down to a functional size, a fat body that can navigate the world. What one doesn't think about is what happens when the fat comes off. My body is morphing.

My skin is elastic in feel and pulls off my body like dough. I told my husband it feels like I am melting. More and more, I feel like I am living in another person's body, like I am disengaging from the fat me.

Is anyone else feeling this?

I'm going back to the plastic surgeon in the spring to see what all the surgeries are going to be.

Meanwhile, another photo:


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Okay now that I'm not sleep deprived ( I know, I know man if she can talk like that and she's sleep deprived what's she like fully rested..) ANYWAY, I read my morph post and thought expanding on that some. Has anyone lost a significant amount of weight and had the sensation they were becoming out of touch with the skin they are in? Feels so different to touch yourself it's almost like it's somebody else? That's where I'm at.

My husband and I were laying in bed talking last night and I was fiddling with my arm, upper arm. I discovered I'm getting those 'bat wings'. He commented my skin there was wrinkled, I showed him my breast with looks like crepe paper near the crease in my arm. My former stomach is now like a box instead of a garbage bag, there are BONES I can feel through my skin, it simply feels odd.

So, again, is anyone having or has had the experience of feeling like they are disconnected from their body after losing significant amounts of weight? Would love to hear your thoughts.

Thanks, Patty

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Wow, we are getting rapid fire posts like last year.

Hello Friends! I trust everyone is having a great week. I can feel the vibe.

Amie, great to see you here.

I can't remember all the things I wanted to say and who to shout out to because it's 3 AM eastern time. Can't sleep. My energy has returned, the medication is almost stabalized. As a result, my energy shot up 75%. I'm back to picking up projects and getting involved like I use to be before I gained the last 40 lbs. and reached uber obese, sported a red satan sailor dress, grew a beard and worked for the circus. ..more on my body morp later.

I want to pass along the info I got from one of the doctors I saw over the past six months for my spine disorder. Regular bowel movements are real important. You want to get at a place where everything is like clockwork. For my mid morning snack I have been eating yogurt that is called "Digestive" yogurt. It was one of three things suggested to aid in keeping my digestive system rolling along. I think I mentioned before the doctor describing the effect a change in structure on the digestive system can have on the digestion of food and how our body breaks even pills down.

This yogurt has stabalized me and now I am feeling more like my older self.

Quite sure I've lost weight this week. Haven't really changed any eating habits other than increasing the amount of food and how often I eat. I added a fresh fruit snack mid morning and late at night.

BOOBS. Speaking of not losing any off the chest, here is a photo of me taken yesterday. As you can see, my girls are still hanging in there...literally.


Gir!!! You look 25 years younger! Oh My Goodness! You're just adorable!

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Everyone join me in singing - remember the Happy Anniversary song on the Flintstones? Barney is playing the piano and singing. He sings it over and over and over again, until Fred starts rolling him out of the room!

"Happy Bandiversary Happy Bandiversay Happy Bandiversary Ha-ppy Ban-di-ver-sary! Happy Happy Happy Happy Ban-di-ver-sary Happy Happy Happy Happy Ban-di-ver-sary."

This is truly a red letter day! One year! I'm emotional! I thrilled! AND I am in a celebrating kind of mood! "Celebrate Good Times, Come On!"

(my daughter used to say "Salivate" Good Times - she was only 5 years old - if you're PB'g, I guess that would be true!)

I can't believe it's been a year! I can still remember how excited I was the morning of my surgery. I wasn't scared anymore - just excited, anxious and thrilled it was finally happening!

I have so much to be thanful for! I am thankful for Dr. Kirshenbaum. He saved my life! He took a chance on a Super Morbidly Obese woman in her mid-40's, who sat in his office scared to death he'd say,"no" - He worked hard to make my surgery happen and for that I will be forever grateful. He will always be my hero!

I'm thankful for my bestfriend, "M" who turned me on to Dr. K, I'm thankful for the divorce settlement that helped me pay for my surgery, I'm thankful for Parker Adventist Hospital and the Medical Director there who worked with Dr. K and his surgical staff to help make my surgery possible in the main OR, I'm thankful for all my co-workers who adjusted their schedules not only once but twice to give me the recovery time off, I'm thankful for all of you here - each of you who comes here to post support and encouragement.

This has been a wonderful year! Today is truly the first day of the rest of my life!

Edited by PrtyAntOvrYt

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Dee...I'm literally crying. I know. Your words..I know.



From the heart, one can always feel you in your words.

Wishing you this next year, an AWESOME continuation to your goal my friend.



Celebrate. go to a spa, get your toe nails painted purple.



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Dee...I'm literally crying. I know. Your words..I know.



From the heart, one can always feel you in your words.

Wishing you this next year, an AWESOME continuation to your goal my friend.



Celebrate. go to a spa, get your toe nails painted purple.



Thanks Sweet Patty!

I know! I sat here crying!

I am very emotional thinking of the past years and thinking of this last year. What a blessing has been bestowed upon me this last year - a blessing for the years to come. May I take this gift and do good things with it. May I become all I can be and use my new self to enhance the lives of others!

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Everyone join me in singing - remember the Happy Anniversary song on the Flintstones? Barney is playing the piano and singing. He sings it over and over and over again, until Fred starts rolling him out of the room!

"Happy Bandiversary Happy Bandiversay Happy Bandiversary Ha-ppy Ban-di-ver-sary! Happy Happy Happy Happy Ban-di-ver-sary Happy Happy Happy Happy Ban-di-ver-sary."

This is truly a red letter day! One year! I'm emotional! I thrilled! AND I am in a celebrating kind of mood! "Celebrate Good Times, Come On!"

(my daughter used to say "Salivate" Good Times - she was only 5 years old - if you're PB'g, I guess that would be true!)

I can't believe it's been a year! I can still remember how excited I was the morning of my surgery. I wasn't scared anymore - just excited, anxious and thrilled it was finally happening!

I have so much to be thanful for! I am thankful for Dr. Kirshenbaum. He saved my life! He took a chance on a Super Morbidly Obese woman in her mid-40's, who sat in his office scared to death he'd say,"no" - He worked hard to make my surgery happen and for that I will be forever grateful. He will always be my hero!

I'm thankful for my bestfriend, "M" who turned me on to Dr. K, I'm thankful for the divorce settlement that helped me pay for my surgery, I'm thankful for Parker Adventist Hospital and the Medical Director there who worked with Dr. K and his surgical staff to help make my surgery possible in the main OR, I'm thankful for all my co-workers who adjusted their schedules not only once but twice to give me the recovery time off, I'm thankful for all of you here - each of you who comes here to post support and encouragement.

This has been a wonderful year! Today is truly the first day of the rest of my life!

Miss dee, I totally remember the Flinstones song and am singing it as I type.

HAPPY BANDIVERSARY, MY FRIEND!!! What an incredible journey. You have done so well . . . a year ago could you have imagined that you would be well over 100 lbs lighter at this point? It's an amazing accomplishment. I sending you several gold refrigerator cyber-stars.

AND, you're just a super-cool person, which makes your success even better.


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Wow, we are getting rapid fire posts like last year.

Hello Friends! I trust everyone is having a great week. I can feel the vibe.

Amie, great to see you here.

I can't remember all the things I wanted to say and who to shout out to because it's 3 AM eastern time. Can't sleep. My energy has returned, the medication is almost stabalized. As a result, my energy shot up 75%. I'm back to picking up projects and getting involved like I use to be before I gained the last 40 lbs. and reached uber obese, sported a red satan sailor dress, grew a beard and worked for the circus. ..more on my body morp later.

I want to pass along the info I got from one of the doctors I saw over the past six months for my spine disorder. Regular bowel movements are real important. You want to get at a place where everything is like clockwork. For my mid morning snack I have been eating yogurt that is called "Digestive" yogurt. It was one of three things suggested to aid in keeping my digestive system rolling along. I think I mentioned before the doctor describing the effect a change in structure on the digestive system can have on the digestion of food and how our body breaks even pills down.

This yogurt has stabalized me and now I am feeling more like my older self.

Quite sure I've lost weight this week. Haven't really changed any eating habits other than increasing the amount of food and how often I eat. I added a fresh fruit snack mid morning and late at night.

BOOBS. Speaking of not losing any off the chest, here is a photo of me taken yesterday. As you can see, my girls are still hanging in there...literally.


Wow, great pic Lap. You look lovely.

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Everyone join me in singing - remember the Happy Anniversary song on the Flintstones? Barney is playing the piano and singing. He sings it over and over and over again, until Fred starts rolling him out of the room!

"Happy Bandiversary Happy Bandiversay Happy Bandiversary Ha-ppy Ban-di-ver-sary! Happy Happy Happy Happy Ban-di-ver-sary Happy Happy Happy Happy Ban-di-ver-sary."

This is truly a red letter day! One year! I'm emotional! I thrilled! AND I am in a celebrating kind of mood! "Celebrate Good Times, Come On!"

(my daughter used to say "Salivate" Good Times - she was only 5 years old - if you're PB'g, I guess that would be true!)

I can't believe it's been a year! I can still remember how excited I was the morning of my surgery. I wasn't scared anymore - just excited, anxious and thrilled it was finally happening!

I have so much to be thanful for! I am thankful for Dr. Kirshenbaum. He saved my life! He took a chance on a Super Morbidly Obese woman in her mid-40's, who sat in his office scared to death he'd say,"no" - He worked hard to make my surgery happen and for that I will be forever grateful. He will always be my hero!

I'm thankful for my bestfriend, "M" who turned me on to Dr. K, I'm thankful for the divorce settlement that helped me pay for my surgery, I'm thankful for Parker Adventist Hospital and the Medical Director there who worked with Dr. K and his surgical staff to help make my surgery possible in the main OR, I'm thankful for all my co-workers who adjusted their schedules not only once but twice to give me the recovery time off, I'm thankful for all of you here - each of you who comes here to post support and encouragement.

This has been a wonderful year! Today is truly the first day of the rest of my life!

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I can't wait until my bandiversary! You must be ecstatic!!!

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Okay now that I'm not sleep deprived ( I know, I know man if she can talk like that and she's sleep deprived what's she like fully rested..) ANYWAY, I read my morph post and thought expanding on that some. Has anyone lost a significant amount of weight and had the sensation they were becoming out of touch with the skin they are in? Feels so different to touch yourself it's almost like it's somebody else? That's where I'm at.

My husband and I were laying in bed talking last night and I was fiddling with my arm, upper arm. I discovered I'm getting those 'bat wings'. He commented my skin there was wrinkled, I showed him my breast with looks like crepe paper near the crease in my arm. My former stomach is now like a box instead of a garbage bag, there are BONES I can feel through my skin, it simply feels odd.

So, again, is anyone having or has had the experience of feeling like they are disconnected from their body after losing significant amounts of weight? Would love to hear your thoughts.

Thanks, Patty

YOU LOOK MAHVALOUS, PATTY! Congrats to you on all levels. So happy to hear you are feeling better. Good on ya!:):lol:

Everyone join me in singing - remember the Happy Anniversary song on the Flintstones? Barney is playing the piano and singing. He sings it over and over and over again, until Fred starts rolling him out of the room!

"Happy Bandiversary Happy Bandiversay Happy Bandiversary Ha-ppy Ban-di-ver-sary! Happy Happy Happy Happy Ban-di-ver-sary Happy Happy Happy Happy Ban-di-ver-sary."

This is truly a red letter day! One year! I'm emotional! I thrilled! AND I am in a celebrating kind of mood! "Celebrate Good Times, Come On!"

(my daughter used to say "Salivate" Good Times - she was only 5 years old - if you're PB'g, I guess that would be true!)

I can't believe it's been a year! I can still remember how excited I was the morning of my surgery. I wasn't scared anymore - just excited, anxious and thrilled it was finally happening!

I have so much to be thanful for! I am thankful for Dr. Kirshenbaum. He saved my life! He took a chance on a Super Morbidly Obese woman in her mid-40's, who sat in his office scared to death he'd say,"no" - He worked hard to make my surgery happen and for that I will be forever grateful. He will always be my hero!

I'm thankful for my bestfriend, "M" who turned me on to Dr. K, I'm thankful for the divorce settlement that helped me pay for my surgery, I'm thankful for Parker Adventist Hospital and the Medical Director there who worked with Dr. K and his surgical staff to help make my surgery possible in the main OR, I'm thankful for all my co-workers who adjusted their schedules not only once but twice to give me the recovery time off, I'm thankful for all of you here - each of you who comes here to post support and encouragement.

This has been a wonderful year! Today is truly the first day of the rest of my life!

Okay, you are making me get teary! Congratulations to you, Dee, what a year for you. I know those of us who have corresponded on this site and those of us who have been so fortunate to actually meet you in person all feel our lives are much fuller because you are a part of it.

You are an incredible person, an outstanding role model.

I pray that we can meet up on the 10th.

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Okay, girls, a friend of mine gave me a can of Protein Drink that she couldn't stomach (she has no weight problem, of course. In fact, she isn't ever hungry and forgets to eat! Sheesh, wish I had THAT kind of amnesia!). Anyway it is Worldwide Pure Protein Shake and it has 35 grams of Protein and 3 grams of carbs (after subtracting the fiber). 11 ounce can, bigger than costco brand premier. She bought it at Trader Joe's. I don't know the cost or what flavors (this was "frosty chocolate":ohmy:) It didn't taste much different from the Costco stuff, but it probably is a little more expensive. However, if it keeps me out of costco, i am going to go for it. Going in there to buy 2 cases of protein drink for $50, but coming out with $200 worth of other stuff....not so wise!:)

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Patty == Wow girlfriend...look at you!!! You look fabulous!!!! I hear you on the feeling like your disconnecting from your fat self and your skin. It's just the weirdest thing.

I also hear you on the gulping your food down. I think I've got back to doing that. I have been drinking too much when I'm eating. I need to brush up on my good bandster rules!

Thanks ladies for your inspiration!


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3 month bandiversary and I knew I had to take updated pictures. Honestly looking at the before pictures I didn't realize how bad I looked unless I saw pictures and that is why I stayed out of pictures!

The way my picures look now is the way I felt I looked before. Does that make any sense? I look at the picures now and I get so pissy about people saying how skinny I look (and they say it all the time at work) because I am NOT ANYWHERE CLOSE TO SKINNY. Maybe in another 50 lbs.

Band Lessons.pdf post-342841-13813142315297_thumb.jpg post-345422-13813142316201_thumb.jpg post-345422-13813142317135_thumb.jpg





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What one doesn't think about is what happens when the fat comes off. My body is morphing.

My skin is elastic in feel and pulls off my body like dough. I told my husband it feels like I am melting. More and more, I feel like I am living in another person's body, like I am disengaging from the fat me.

Is anyone else feeling this?

Reposting this question



11 ounce can, bigger than costco brand premier. She bought it at Trader Joe's. I don't know the cost or what flavors (this was "frosty chocolate":ohmy:) It didn't taste much different from the Costco stuff, but it probably is a little more expensive. However, if it keeps me out of costco, i am going to go for it. Going in there to buy 2 cases of Protein drink for $50, but coming out with $200 worth of other stuff....not so wise

Sounds like a plan Deb. Grocery stores are a huge temptation and I too do the $50 intention with the $200 receipt. Try online shopping. You don't have to fight crowds or traffic, don't have to fight the smells or free samples at a grocery store, take your time shopping and change your mind if you wish.

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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

        This is a place to feel safe to vent, seek advice, hopefully without judgement.

        Compassion goes a long way :)

      2. BabySpoons

        Seems it would be more compassionate not to perform a WLS on someone until they are mentally ready for it. Unless of course they are on death's door...

    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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      Decorative Wall Cladding & Panels | Stone Art By SKL
      Elevate your space with Stone Art By SKL's decorative wall claddings & panels. Explore premium designs for timeless elegance.
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