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Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum

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It would be nice if they would sell the BL Protein powders in little individual packets for cheap, so you could try it first and see if you like it. What happens if it tastes like chocolate flavored horse poo?? :thumbup:

Oh and I definitely wouldn't last the first week! I'm as lazy as the come, and if Jillian got in my face like that, I'd seriously punch her. I just don't see how all that yelling they do can actually work. So, a little off topic but continuing with the Biggest Loser chat - do you think Bob is gay? :thumbup: I love him to death, but sometimes he strikes me as gay - which doesn't make a darn bit of difference to me, I'm just curious, haha. Any thoughts?

Maybe we should suggest that to some of the distributors, I would be willing to pay a reasonable amount to be able to try before I buy, because most of them do taste pretty bad. I have the beneprotein, I tried to mix it in with a drink, it made it cloudy, the smell was awful, so I ended up dumping it down the drain. Now it does go in your Protein Bars nicely. I have some in small packets if you would like to try some. Let me know you address and I will mail you a few.

Yep I have always thought that Bob was a little on the gay side. I do love him, and I think that is why I probably like him so much. I would much rather train with him (even tho he was a little tough Tuesday nite) than Jillian anyday.

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Okay, I hope I don't jinx myself, but I'm so excited that I have to share . . .

so last week I started the Cracking the Fat Loss Code WOE and lost 4.9 lbs. I was really happy but very concerned that I would gain some of it back this week when I reintroduced some carbs. But, I figured I'd be happy if I kept of a couple of pounds altogether.

Well, not only have I not gained, I've actually lost an additional 1.7 since our weigh in on Saturday. At this rate, I may lose 2 lbs this week! As you all ahve heard me say again and again, I am a really slow loser. If I could lose 2 lbs a week I would be absolutely thrilled.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed . . . .

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Okay, I hope I don't jinx myself, but I'm so excited that I have to share . . .

so last week I started the Cracking the Fat Loss Code WOE and lost 4.9 lbs. I was really happy but very concerned that I would gain some of it back this week when I reintroduced some carbs. But, I figured I'd be happy if I kept of a couple of pounds altogether.

Well, not only have I not gained, I've actually lost an additional 1.7 since our weigh in on Saturday. At this rate, I may lose 2 lbs this week! As you all ahve heard me say again and again, I am a really slow loser. If I could lose 2 lbs a week I would be absolutely thrilled.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed . . . .

Way to go!!!!! ;)

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Hi ladies. I know it has been awhile since I checked in. My life has been CHAOS over the holidays! haha.

I am still in limbo land, no loss, but no gain over the holidays. I was waiting on my port to come in for my replacement and the holidays put a delay in it. Well I have had restriction pretty much for the past month. I finally went in today and had him withdraw everything to see if it was restriction from the band or if my fill was holding. Everything was still in there!

So he added a half CC putting me a 6cc's right now. I go back in 3 weeks and am crossing my fingers it will all still be there. I was so afraid to have him even mess with it... I will just cry if the little bit of restriction I have had for the past month is gone. It wasn't optimal, but it was something.

He is not sure if the extra pressure from more Fluid in the band will make it leak again. I am hoping this is the end of it for me and everything will turn out to be fine! So port replacement surgery if off again. For now.

I need to get back on track. I have been so depressed over the leak/no leak that I have given up trying and have just let myself hover at 300 for 4 months. Time to get moving again and be more vigilant about what I eat. Think my mental break is over.

So what is this size 9 in '09?

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Hi ladies. I know it has been awhile since I checked in. My life has been CHAOS over the holidays! haha.

I am still in limbo land, no loss, but no gain over the holidays. I was waiting on my port to come in for my replacement and the holidays put a delay in it. Well I have had restriction pretty much for the past month. I finally went in today and had him withdraw everything to see if it was restriction from the band or if my fill was holding. Everything was still in there!

So he added a half CC putting me a 6cc's right now. I go back in 3 weeks and am crossing my fingers it will all still be there. I was so afraid to have him even mess with it... I will just cry if the little bit of restriction I have had for the past month is gone. It wasn't optimal, but it was something.

He is not sure if the extra pressure from more Fluid in the band will make it leak again. I am hoping this is the end of it for me and everything will turn out to be fine! So port replacement surgery if off again. For now.

I need to get back on track. I have been so depressed over the leak/no leak that I have given up trying and have just let myself hover at 300 for 4 months. Time to get moving again and be more vigilant about what I eat. Think my mental break is over.

So what is this size 9 in '09?

I'm so happy to hear that your port replacement has been postponed. Here's hoping you keep this restriction missy!!! :(

Size 9 in '09 came about mainly because it just sounds really cool. So a few of us decided to make that our 2009 Goal. Whaddya think??? ;) I don't think I'll ever be a size 9, but it sounds good and it's something to aim for!!!

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Dorky one!!! We've missed you!!! I'm glad to hear that your Fluid was still in there and I REALLY hope the new fill works too. I think we all had a bit of holiday funk, but we're all turning over a new leaf for the new year, so join us!

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Well I don't think I will make a size 9 ever! haha. Not without getting my pannus cut off. But I like the sound of it! Works for me. :wink:

I didn't gain over the holidays which is a miracle since I baked tons of Cookies, and ate like crap! So I thank my band for that! Keeps my portions down on the crap! haha.

I was training at work so I couldn't use the computer, and then we had so much family in and out for weeks I just really have neglected y'all. Sorry! I missed everyone as well and hope to catch up on what I missed.

Hope everyone is well! I will be around more often for sure. Looking forward to getting back on track. Is anyone doing a challenge? Exercise or food based? I need to focus on that. :yikes:

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Well I don't think I will make a size 9 ever! haha. Not without getting my pannus cut off. But I like the sound of it! Works for me. :wink:

I didn't gain over the holidays which is a miracle since I baked tons of Cookies, and ate like crap! So I thank my band for that! Keeps my portions down on the crap! haha.

I was training at work so I couldn't use the computer, and then we had so much family in and out for weeks I just really have neglected y'all. Sorry! I missed everyone as well and hope to catch up on what I missed.

Hope everyone is well! I will be around more often for sure. Looking forward to getting back on track. Is anyone doing a challenge? Exercise or food based? I need to focus on that. :yikes:

We have a Valentine's day challenge going on right now. Dee is keeping track and we weigh on saturdays. I'm sure you can join in! A few of us are doing various forms of low carbing to kind of get things jump started.

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Hello All Good People!

My daily check-in here.

Roto Rooter has been cleaning my pipes with the new medication, green tea and Water water water.

Dork, great to see you. I see you had a procedure in August. Hope your recovery is going well from that. It may have had something to do with whatever pace your weight loss was at. You DON'T want to read the volumous 'War and Peace' length size story of my back/abdominals but I do know it has probably impacted how my food is going down (slowly). Be well and jump on it the challenge. We're only on our second week.

I'm back at work today. Not killer pain but dull and throbbing nonetheless. Glad it is Friday.

Had two days of brief excercize. My suck and hold tummy cores 25 at 5 seconds ea., leg lifts leg straight out and slightly off the ground, hold, draw up to chest, extend back out, switch. 5 each leg.

Isometrics on arms.

Yoga lotus, breathing ten minutes.

I'm rolling with impressed for myself.

Weigh day tomorrow!

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Hello All Good People!

My daily check-in here.

Roto Rooter has been cleaning my pipes with the new medication, green tea and Water water water.

I'm back at work today. Not killer pain but dull and throbbing nonetheless. Glad it is Friday.

Had two days of brief excercize. My suck and hold tummy cores 25 at 5 seconds ea., leg lifts leg straight out and slightly off the ground, hold, draw up to chest, extend back out, switch. 5 each leg.

Isometrics on arms.

Yoga lotus, breathing ten minutes.

I'm rolling with impressed for myself.

Weigh day tomorrow!

Patty! Here's wishing you a good Friday! I hope your dreadful pain stays at bay!

Well I don't think I will make a size 9 ever! haha. Not without getting my pannus cut off. But I like the sound of it! Works for me. :yikes:

I didn't gain over the holidays which is a miracle since I baked tons of Cookies, and ate like crap! So I thank my band for that! Keeps my portions down on the crap! haha.

I was training at work so I couldn't use the computer, and then we had so much family in and out for weeks I just really have neglected y'all. Sorry! I missed everyone as well and hope to catch up on what I missed.

Hope everyone is well! I will be around more often for sure. Looking forward to getting back on track. Is anyone doing a challenge? Exercise or food based? I need to focus on that. :)

I'm with you. I won't fit into a size 9 until my pannus is gone! There is just no way!! I'm glad to hear from you and it sounds good that your leak may not be! We all were bad during the holidays! Don't fret! Having a no gain is the best! Truly! Jump aboard our Valentine's Challenge! Tomorrow is week 2 weigh in!

Okay, I hope I don't jinx myself, but I'm so excited that I have to share . . .

so last week I started the Cracking the Fat Loss Code WOE and lost 4.9 lbs. I was really happy but very concerned that I would gain some of it back this week when I reintroduced some carbs. But, I figured I'd be happy if I kept of a couple of pounds altogether.

Well, not only have I not gained, I've actually lost an additional 1.7 since our weigh in on Saturday. At this rate, I may lose 2 lbs this week! As you all ahve heard me say again and again, I am a really slow loser. If I could lose 2 lbs a week I would be absolutely thrilled.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed . . . .

You are rocking that band of yours Missy! Good for you!

Maybe we should suggest that to some of the distributors, I would be willing to pay a reasonable amount to be able to try before I buy, because most of them do taste pretty bad. I have the beneprotein, I tried to mix it in with a drink, it made it cloudy, the smell was awful, so I ended up dumping it down the drain. Now it does go in your Protein bars nicely. I have some in small packets if you would like to try some. Let me know you address and I will mail you a few.

Yep I have always thought that Bob was a little on the gay side. I do love him, and I think that is why I probably like him so much. I would much rather train with him (even tho he was a little tough Tuesday nite) than Jillian anyday.

I love Jillian and Bob! They are so cute! AND BUFF! I just saw Jillian on the View! I bought a Protein Drink yesterday at Cost Co. It has 30grams of protein and tastes really good! Not too thick! I hate when they are too thick! This one has very low carbs too! If anyone is interested I'll post the name.

Dee I will forever relate to you as being uber large like I was. Something about having DOUBLE the amount to lose as the average losers can feel daunting.

I have a goal of wanting to become a grand cook. I love fresh flavors, ripe fruiits and quality meats. I want to learn how to cook like the some of the great ones on Food Network and around the planet. Just to not be afraid of food is a goal.

I'm with you all on the band. Great tool to keep the feast beast at bay.

PANNICULECTOMY- Needless to say having insurance pay for this is not going to be an issue. My primary care physician said to let him know when I'm ready. I'm not ready. My back could not sustain the added pressure required while the front part of my body is healing.

Our goal is to get more weight off me. Build my core muscles so I can handle the added stress and then I'm going in for a lower body lift. This way they can cut up the hip line and deal with the back side and liposuction/remove lax skin/ pull in and contour my body like a well fitted dress. I'll wait.

The recovery time for these procedures is months. I really want a team who has done this before so I am having this done at the Cleveland Clinic. If it was just breast lift or augmentation I would go to a trusted plastic surgeon but at four hundred pounds there are other things besides stretched skin and fat that can happen. Like my hernias.

How long will this take? AS LONG AS IT TAKES and shorter than it took me to gain all the weight.

Everyone have a successful day whatever your daily goal may be.


Yes! You're my partner! I feel so sad sometimes when I see others reach their goals so quickly while here I am down 130lbs and I am not even half way there yet! It sucks! But you're right, it took me 20 years to get here - God willing it will take me only 3 or 4 to reach goal! Life goes on...

I saw a Tummy Tuck on TV not long ago where the woman had a Lap Band. The surgeon knew what it was when he saw it inside her, the port was flipped. He turned it back into place. But then his assistant pulled on the tubing and said, "what is this?" It really made me think about my Plastic surgeon choice! You have to find someone who has experience with Lap Banders. I'd hate my surgeon to ruin my Band during my TT.

I'd love to get my pannus removed this year.

Dee, I agree: don't apologize! And Mini is right about how others can make similarly poor food choices and not gain an ounce, but it doesn't mean they are any healthier.

Yes! I see that everyday at work! The girls (always skinny!) sit there and eat chips and chocolate all day! I sit there with my cottage cheese and apple and then gain a pound! It sucks!

I was actually considering ordering some of the new Biggest Loser products. I am a die-hard fan of the show. I watch it every week, and cry during every episode at one point or another. My DH likes to make fun of me for it, haha. Let me know if you end up ordering any of it, tell me what you think of it. Or I'll just wait a month and see if I can find some reviews online.

I love Biggest Loser! I was so happy to see Michelle win the last season! I did NOT want that Vicki to win! She was such a game player and was only there for the money! I didn't like her! (sorry I hope others aren't offended by my comment!)

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Hi there,

I am considering Dr. Kirshenbaum in Aurora, CO (www.lapbandrockies.com) I know that there are a few of you in LBT that went to him. I am interested in knowing your thoughts on him and if you have had any complications. I am just a little leary since the price is so low, there is little on the internet about him, and I will be traveling from WI to have this done. :yikes: Any information you could provide would be much apppreciated...



Hi my name is karita and i had lap-band with dr. k in june 2008 i also was concern about the low price but i went a head becouse i had no insurance and had to pay out of pocket i would do it again. He was great and his team he answers all your questions you are not rushed he was very caring. I felt so comfortable i ask him why his pricing is low?He told me he was getting patients from mexico doing there fills and he asked them how much they payed they told him 10,000-12,000 he said he came up with a proposal to the hospital telling them if they wanted to do more surgeries that they needed to lower there price he said it was like pulling teeth but they agreed and he said shortly he stared getting patients from all over the world who found him on line. I'm in kansas city,mo 9hr drive away. I still fly 1 and half hour to go to him for my fills i love him and thr girls in the office there are still good doctors out there who care about there patients then getting the most money. My mom is a R.N and she didn't want me to go out of town but he was my only hope left i was 345lbs today i am 277lbs and happier every one is diff. the weight will come off.

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Hi my name is karita and i had lap-band with dr. k in june 2008 i also was concern about the low price but i went a head becouse i had no insurance and had to pay out of pocket i would do it again. He was great and his team he answers all your questions you are not rushed he was very caring. I felt so comfortable i ask him why his pricing is low?He told me he was getting patients from mexico doing there fills and he asked them how much they payed they told him 10,000-12,000 he said he came up with a proposal to the hospital telling them if they wanted to do more surgeries that they needed to lower there price he said it was like pulling teeth but they agreed and he said shortly he stared getting patients from all over the world who found him on line. I'm in kansas city,mo 9hr drive away. I still fly 1 and half hour to go to him for my fills i love him and thr girls in the office there are still good doctors out there who care about there patients then getting the most money. My mom is a R.N and she didn't want me to go out of town but he was my only hope left i was 345lbs today i am 277lbs and happier every one is diff. the weight will come off.

Welcome Karita!

WE all agree! Dr. K is the best! AND his team is GREAT! I just love them all!

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I love Biggest Loser! I was so happy to see Michelle win the last season! I did NOT want that Vicki to win! She was such a game player and was only there for the money! I didn't like her! (sorry I hope others aren't offended by my comment!)

I agree with you. I didn't think Vicki was all that bad at the beginning, but then she started talking revenge. Please post the shake you had.

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So I hit my 6 month mark today. I wish I was losing faster, but I have lost 1/4 of what I need to lose. It's not to bad seeing as there is no way I could have lost that all on my own. So I am posting a 6 month pic along with my original.



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So I hit my 6 month mark today. I wish I was losing faster, but I have lost 1/4 of what I need to lose. It's not to bad seeing as there is no way I could have lost that all on my own. So I am posting a 6 month pic along with my original.

Lotza!!! Happy bandiversary. You look fantastic. I love the vest. It shows off your curves!

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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

        This is a place to feel safe to vent, seek advice, hopefully without judgement.

        Compassion goes a long way :)

      2. BabySpoons

        Seems it would be more compassionate not to perform a WLS on someone until they are mentally ready for it. Unless of course they are on death's door...

    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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      Decorative Wall Cladding & Panels | Stone Art By SKL
      Elevate your space with Stone Art By SKL's decorative wall claddings & panels. Explore premium designs for timeless elegance.
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