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Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum

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Hello all. First time I got on this site. Given to me from a lady last Sunday. I had my lapband from Dr K 3.1.07. He is a great Doctor and really will take all and any time you need. He has done many lapbands. Not sure how many but will find out on next visit. I know was over 300. Shirlee

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I'm getting email alerts to the max! I got about 20 of them and there weren't 20 new messages! Things are bizarre!

Well, this morning, I logged onto my bank account, as I do everyday to check my account and found that some girl named Sara transferred almost $1K from my account ot hers! I didn't authorize this! She apparently has my PIN#, account number, SSN#, and password! All those things are needed to make a transfer! I've been sick about it and I need to resolve this!

I weighed this morning. I lost 2.6lbs as of this morning. I had lost 4, but my ankles and feet are pretty swollen from working the last 4 days! I'll just lose more next week!

Would you like me to do the monitoring next week?


Dee, what a nightmare! I had an identity theft thing 2 years ago, somebody got my mastercard. It is no fun. Hope your bank straightens it out fast.

I am down a pound.

I saw Dr. K today instead of Tom, he took out .05cc, not alot, but hopefully enough to make the coughing stop. I scheduled my appt for the first week of January and will see where to go from there...

Who do you bank with Dee? We also have Wells Fargo and have had problems with hackers. It stinks and they are S-L-O-W to resolve it. Good luck to you, that sucks!

Brandy, hope no coughing for you tonight!

Hello all. First time I got on this site. Given to me from a lady last Sunday. I had my lapband from Dr K 3.1.07. He is a great Doctor and really will take all and any time you need. He has done many lapbands. Not sure how many but will find out on next visit. I know was over 300. Shirlee

Welcome Shirlee, we're Dr.K's fan club here!

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I'm afraid to speak too soon but this morning when I got on the scale it says I am in onederland!!! It has been sooo many years since I've been here. I just hope I can remain in onederland. I am going on a car trip to Maryland with my daughter tomorrow morning and I usually eat a lot on long trips. I am bringing fruit and Water and Protein Bars so we'll see.
I am right there with you going through the same thing so don't feel alone :) I still have restriction from my fill on the 8th so I was so happy figuring I obviously do not have a leak. I spoke with Dr. K's office yesterday and they said when I left he told them he was very positive that he did indeed puncture it. So I asked lots of questions including how fast does it leak, does it leak all the way out, why do I still feel restriction??? Anyway after speaking to them and sitting down with my husband and a diagram of the band and port etc. I guess the leak is very very slow and can take several weeks or longer. They say it is more like it's "weeping". Remember it is not leaking directly from your band but from the tubing on the port (most likely). So with the silicone material and the tiny puncture it is almost closed and only weeping with almost no pressure behind it to drive it out. I hope this made some sense. What Dr. K's office told me was to hold off on buying my plane tickets and if I still feel any restriction around Dec. 5 (I am scheduled to meet him on the 10th and surgery on the 11th) to postpone it a few weeks until I feel no restriction. That way we are not doing it sooner than we need to and we will be more certain if it is a leak by the amount of saline he is able to pull out. This leaves no room for error. It is very frustrating though isn't it? For now, I am just happy to have restriction.
I went in on Tuesday and he extracted almost 6cc's. He said any loss was immeasurable. YEAH! He said he isn't sure where my loss came from before, possibly a seperation in the rubber between the hard and soft part that has resealed itself. But since I am experiencing restriction we are holding off on any procedures for now.
Alright, I should be old hat at this...my restriction is perfect, I am losing...BUT at night I am having reflux and keep waking up coughing and can feel the burn. To tight?

Sounds too tight! glad to hear you back out a bit. Hope that helps!!! Keep us updated.

Well, this morning, I logged onto my bank account, as I do everyday to check my account and found that some girl named Sara transferred almost $1K from my account ot hers! I didn't authorize this! She apparently has my PIN#, account number, SSN#, and password! All those things are needed to make a transfer! I've been sick about it and I need to resolve this!

How sickening! I hope it all got straightened out!

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Just a quick update on my possible leak. Like I mentioned to Tally... on Tuesday I went in and Dr Monash was able to pull out pretty much the entire 6cc's. Any loss was immeasurable. I was pretty excited to hear that. :w00t:

He added 1 more cc to give me a bit more restriction since I felt I needed a bit more. Well it ended up being too much. I could barely get liquids down. A glass of Water took an hour to drink. My Vivanno shake took almost 30 minutes for 3 sips to go down. I had to go back in yesterday and have him take a smidge back out.

He took around .8cc back out and said we are in a good place now. If it continues to hold we will be adjusting with .2cc's or so from here on out. I think my sweet spot will fall in between 6 and 7 cc's. Six is a bit too loose and seven is too tight.

I am so excited. :w00t: I feel like this is HUGE progress! I am excited to finally understand what restriction feels like. I am just so afraid it is going to go away. I feel like he took too much back out, but I want to give it 2 weeks before I adjust again. My tummy is sore from all the poking! :blink:

I am down 4 pounds since last week. :thumbup: I had to buy a new scale because mine kept bouncing all over the place. Dr's scale and my new one pretty well match right now, so that is good.

On a sad note, my husband got fired yesterday. They said it was work performance, but that is BS. :) I know it is because of his accident on the job. We are talking to a personal injury lawyer on Tuesday... and he wants us to talk to his colleague that handles employment law. I don't think there is anything we can do since AZ is a right to work state, but I am just so pissed about getting totally blindsided like that, we are going to meet with him. :laugh: :angry:

Happy Holidays, you're fired. Assholes. :cursing: :cursing:

We can't make our mortgage without hubby working, so please keep us in your thoughts that he will find something quick! With the economy the way it is, I am a bit freaked about him rebounding quickly.

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I hope your restriction sticks around. And I am sooooo sorry to hear that your husband lost his job. I am praying that everything works out for you guys. It really does suck when that crap happens over the holidays.

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Hello all. First time I got on this site. Given to me from a lady last Sunday. I had my lapband from Dr K 3.1.07. He is a great Doctor and really will take all and any time you need. He has done many lapbands. Not sure how many but will find out on next visit. I know was over 300. Shirlee

Dr. K had performed like 420 lap band procedures when I talked to him during my consult in October. At this point he's probably closer to 450. And with only 3 erosion/slippage scenarios, I'd say that's pretty good!!! :thumbup:

Just a quick update on my possible leak. Like I mentioned to Tally... on Tuesday I went in and Dr Monash was able to pull out pretty much the entire 6cc's. Any loss was immeasurable. I was pretty excited to hear that. :w00t:

He added 1 more cc to give me a bit more restriction since I felt I needed a bit more. Well it ended up being too much. I could barely get liquids down. A glass of Water took an hour to drink. My Vivanno shake took almost 30 minutes for 3 sips to go down. I had to go back in yesterday and have him take a smidge back out.

He took around .8cc back out and said we are in a good place now. If it continues to hold we will be adjusting with .2cc's or so from here on out. I think my sweet spot will fall in between 6 and 7 cc's. Six is a bit too loose and seven is too tight.

I am so excited. :wub: I feel like this is HUGE progress! I am excited to finally understand what restriction feels like. I am just so afraid it is going to go away. I feel like he took too much back out, but I want to give it 2 weeks before I adjust again. My tummy is sore from all the poking! :w00t:

I am down 4 pounds since last week. :blink: I had to buy a new scale because mine kept bouncing all over the place. Dr's scale and my new one pretty well match right now, so that is good.

On a sad note, my husband got fired yesterday. They said it was work performance, but that is BS. :) I know it is because of his accident on the job. We are talking to a personal injury lawyer on Tuesday... and he wants us to talk to his colleague that handles employment law. I don't think there is anything we can do since AZ is a right to work state, but I am just so pissed about getting totally blindsided like that, we are going to meet with him. :laugh: :angry:

Happy Holidays, you're fired. Assholes. :cursing: :cursing:

We can't make our mortgage without hubby working, so please keep us in your thoughts that he will find something quick! With the economy the way it is, I am a bit freaked about him rebounding quickly.

YAY for no leaks, but BOO for your husband losing his job. I'm so sorry! I hope things work out for you, keep us posted!

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Just a quick update on my possible leak. Like I mentioned to Tally... on Tuesday I went in and Dr Monash was able to pull out pretty much the entire 6cc's. Any loss was immeasurable. I was pretty excited to hear that. :eek:

He added 1 more cc to give me a bit more restriction since I felt I needed a bit more. Well it ended up being too much. I could barely get liquids down. A glass of Water took an hour to drink. My Vivanno shake took almost 30 minutes for 3 sips to go down. I had to go back in yesterday and have him take a smidge back out.

He took around .8cc back out and said we are in a good place now. If it continues to hold we will be adjusting with .2cc's or so from here on out. I think my sweet spot will fall in between 6 and 7 cc's. Six is a bit too loose and seven is too tight.

I am so excited. :eek: I feel like this is HUGE progress! I am excited to finally understand what restriction feels like. I am just so afraid it is going to go away. I feel like he took too much back out, but I want to give it 2 weeks before I adjust again. My tummy is sore from all the poking! :w00t:

I am down 4 pounds since last week. :blink: I had to buy a new scale because mine kept bouncing all over the place. Dr's scale and my new one pretty well match right now, so that is good.

On a sad note, my husband got fired yesterday. They said it was work performance, but that is BS. :) I know it is because of his accident on the job. We are talking to a personal injury lawyer on Tuesday... and he wants us to talk to his colleague that handles employment law. I don't think there is anything we can do since AZ is a right to work state, but I am just so pissed about getting totally blindsided like that, we are going to meet with him. :laugh: :angry:

Happy Holidays, you're fired. Assholes. :cursing: :cursing:

We can't make our mortgage without hubby working, so please keep us in your thoughts that he will find something quick! With the economy the way it is, I am a bit freaked about him rebounding quickly.

Adorkable! I am so sorry to hear about your hubby! That really sucks! I hate that employers can do all sorts of things to their employees like that and we have no recourse! I hope the attorneys have some good news!

It is good, however, that your restriction is back! Or present for the first time! AND congrats on losing that weight! You have really worked hard to lose every single pound! You can be so proud of yourself!

Hello all. First time I got on this site. Given to me from a lady last Sunday. I had my lapband from Dr K 3.1.07. He is a great Doctor and really will take all and any time you need. He has done many lapbands. Not sure how many but will find out on next visit. I know was over 300. Shirlee

Hi Shirlee! My name is Dee! It's great to meet you! Dr. K, Tom, Natalie, Mary, Marilyn!!! They are all the best! I love those guys! I feel Dr. K saved my life! He was willing and very able to give me the tool I needed to start me on the path to good health! I now weigh what I did the day I was admitted to the hospital to have my daughter! 21 years ago! Of course, I've been here a couple of times, but always always always gained it back and more! BUT this time, I'm here and I'm going to just keep losing! The Band is a wonderful tool!

I am down a pound.

I saw Dr. K today instead of Tom, he took out .05cc, not alot, but hopefully enough to make the coughing stop. I scheduled my appt for the first week of January and will see where to go from there...

Who do you bank with Dee? We also have Wells Fargo and have had problems with hackers. It stinks and they are S-L-O-W to resolve it. Good luck to you, that sucks!

Good for you and that loss! I think removing .05cc was brilliant! I hope it helps with the night coughing! A teeny bit like that can make a world of difference!

I have to agree with you on the bank business! I fear that it's internal! As I posted previously, I worked in the banking industry for 5 years and I know that they have a big problem with employee fraud! They don't publish this problem because it does cause customers to distrust the industry, but during my time there, I saw so many employees escorted out of the building in handcuffs! AND it was always around the holidays! Because of this, I opened another account at a different bank and plan to slowly move my funds there! I have to give them the name, amt. and date that my electronic debits will hit the account or they will reject them! Causing me to not pay my bills on time! THAT is the part that is causing me stress! Makes me sick! I have an excellent credit rating and don't want to lose that! Even in the lean years - we ate pb and J so that we could pay our bills on time! It makes me sick!

I overslept the morning of my trip and my daughter had to wait 30 minutes for me, ugh! I never do that. Anyway, only have a minute but I am down 4 pounds!! Yeah.

Sucks with the oversleeping! BUT Congrats on the 4lbs!

Yay Dee, Brandy, and Tally on your losses!!!

I had a fill yesterday and I'm afraid to try eating. I just had some cottage cheese that had a couple of canned peach slices in it. I got them down, but I was kind of worried. I hope this fill is a good one though.

Thanks Mama Squirrel!

Well! Guess what? Some good news yesterday! After the banking news! I got a call and was officially offered the Pharm Research job! Yeah!!! I start on December 1st! I'll stay on at Parker PRN weekends since I need the money for my daughter who was just accepted to the Culinary Institute of American in Hyde Park NY!

I think you're wise taking it slow with your eating! You never know what that fill will do and you certainly don't want to be sliming! Yuck! :thumbup:

Tally! how's that restriction? Still there? What you wrote about a slow leak makes perfect sense! I hoping for the best for you! No leak and some sweet restriction!

So far so good on the restriction. I feel like I am eating more but then when I figure out what I've had for a day, I'm not. I think I am just waiting for the appetite to come back. I did have two warm yummy oatmeal raisin Cookies tonight that the hotel gave us which I wish I could have resisted but... Dr. K had Natalie call me today which I thought was nice.

That is nice of Dr. K and Natalie! Don't you love cookies? I have realized much to my chagrin that cookies are much higher in calories than pie or cake! One cookie at Panera is more calories than the entire bowl of Soup or a slice of pie or cake! BUT they are so good! As I log my food to www.fitday.com, I am learning how I got so fat in the first place!! Portions are so large and the calories can be out of control without us realizing it! Just simple things! Things I ate regularly! Like salads from Red Robin's!

I have lost my weight from MI,plus a pound, so now I am officially down 55 pounds.

5 this week for the challenge :w00t:


Wow Julie! That's great!

I just ate dinner. I made myself a little of the ricotta bake from last night, as well as some creamy tuna salad that I got from the store today. I was really looking forward to my meal, and after about 6 bites of each, I was stuffed! :w00t: Now let's just see how long this feeling of fullness lasts....

Sounds like you have some good restriction still! Ride that restriction wave Baby!!!

I loved the ricotta bake! Yum! I also loved my refried Beans with extra salsa, LF sour cream and LF cheese! YUMMMY!

Just checking in for the weigh in. I lost 5 pounds...yeah! I went yesterday for a fill but the doctor wouldn't give me one. I guess since I have been losing steady, he doesn't think I was ready for a fill. I still feel like I am eating too much and I get hungry faster. I have to wait until 12/17 for my next appt. That will make it 3 months since my last fill.

Dee, I can't believe that someone is stealing from your bank account!!! I would be freakin out. Hope it all works out.

Congrats on your loss! 5 lbs is very good!

I am freaking out about the bank crap! I trusted my money was safe there! When I found out and was on the phone for hours trying to get things settled! My band just tighted up so much that my first bite of soft scrambled egg just got stuck! I know it was the stress that caused my band to be so tight!:wub:

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Thanks Mama Squirrel!

Well! Guess what? Some good news yesterday! After the banking news! I got a call and was officially offered the Pharm Research job! Yeah!!! I start on December 1st! I'll stay on at Parker PRN weekends since I need the money for my daughter who was just accepted to the Culinary Institute of American in Hyde Park NY!

Sounds like you have some good restriction still! Ride that restriction wave Baby!!!

I loved the ricotta bake! Yum! I also loved my refried Beans with extra salsa, LF sour cream and LF cheese! YUMMMY!

I am freaking out about the bank crap! I trusted my money was safe there! When I found out and was on the phone for hours trying to get things settled! My band just tighted up so much that my first bite of soft scrambled egg just got stuck! I know it was the stress that caused my band to be so tight!:laugh:

WOW, the Culinary Institute in NY??? That's freaking awesome!!!! Give her a big old hug for me!!! I have been addicted to the food Network lately. If I can't eat a lot of food, then at least I can watch all those TV shows that show how to prepare really awesome meals! :)

Tonight, I'm having some refried beans for dinner I think. Though I have some tuna salad left so I might have to eat that. And I still haven't tried scrambled eggs with ketchup!!! (Does that sound gross to you guys? LOL) Gosh, I have all these leftovers, and I can't eat them all. HAH! Who would ever have thought that would happen??? :angry:

You poor thing Dee, I'm so sorry about the bank situation. Is there any way for you to get that money back?? Is it going to take forever? It's the Holidays for crying out loud, how can they let someone do this to you??

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WOW, the Culinary Institute in NY??? That's freaking awesome!!!! Give her a big old hug for me!!! I have been addicted to the food Network lately. If I can't eat a lot of food, then at least I can watch all those TV shows that show how to prepare really awesome meals! :)

Tonight, I'm having some refried Beans for dinner I think. Though I have some tuna salad left so I might have to eat that. And I still haven't tried scrambled eggs with ketchup!!! (Does that sound gross to you guys? LOL) Gosh, I have all these leftovers, and I can't eat them all. HAH! Who would ever have thought that would happen??? :laugh:

You poor thing Dee, I'm so sorry about the bank situation. Is there any way for you to get that money back?? Is it going to take forever? It's the Holidays for crying out loud, how can they let someone do this to you??

The Culinary Instiute of American in Hyde Park New York is the most prestige culinary school in American. She was shocked to get accepted. I wasn't. She's a great student and has worked hard in her life. She's working two jobs now and going to school full time. She'll start at the CIA next spring!

I'm like you, I love the Foodnetwork. My friend who is banded hates watching cooking shows now. They make her angry! I am totally opposite. I watch them almost exclusively and I feel it's almost satiating. I also love reading recipe books. I am happy to see there is another person like me!

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WOW, the Culinary Institute in NY??? That's freaking awesome!!!! Give her a big old hug for me!!! I have been addicted to the food Network lately. If I can't eat a lot of food, then at least I can watch all those TV shows that show how to prepare really awesome meals! :)

Tonight, I'm having some refried Beans for dinner I think. Though I have some tuna salad left so I might have to eat that. And I still haven't tried scrambled eggs with ketchup!!! (Does that sound gross to you guys? LOL) Gosh, I have all these leftovers, and I can't eat them all. HAH! Who would ever have thought that would happen??? :laugh:

You poor thing Dee, I'm so sorry about the bank situation. Is there any way for you to get that money back?? Is it going to take forever? It's the Holidays for crying out loud, how can they let someone do this to you??

btw, i love scrambled eggs and ketchup. i missed my ketchup while i was doing my pre-op diet!

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The Culinary Instiute of American in Hyde Park New York is the most prestige culinary school in American. She was shocked to get accepted. I wasn't. She's a great student and has worked hard in her life. She's working two jobs now and going to school full time. She'll start at the CIA next spring!

I'm like you, I love the Foodnetwork. My friend who is banded hates watching cooking shows now. They make her angry! I am totally opposite. I watch them almost exclusively and I feel it's almost satiating. I also love reading recipe books. I am happy to see there is another person like me!

Oh my, I just realized how far away NY is from CO! Duh. How are you going to handle that? My mom had crazy empty-nest syndrome when I moved into my dorm at NC State, and I was only a 20mins drive from home! You poor thing!

Food Network is fabulous. I just love watching Rachael Ray and Paula Dean. Paula's southern accent just gives me the giggles. And I swear, it's like almost everything she makes is deep-fried! :tt1: The other night she made these sweet potato balls, with a marshmallow center and covered in shredded coconut. :drool: Now, I'm on mushies and I could definitely eat that - but in all honesty, I've not been craving sweets at all since being banded. Even ice cream and sherbert, which would go down easily, just aren't appealing to me. This band is a miracle worker! :w00t:

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btw, i love scrambled eggs and ketchup. i missed my ketchup while i was doing my pre-op diet!

Oh, they make low carb ketchup now and it's actually good! Aside from the obvious not-as-sweet flavor (which isn't a bad thing), I can't tell a difference! :drool:

That settles it, I'm having scrambled eggs for dinner. Oooooh, and I'm gonna throw in some chopped peppers and onions just for flavor. And cheese! I'm on mushies, so I promise to chew chew chew those veggies. Or should I skip them and give my tummy a break?

GOSH I can't wait to be on solids - I want a big leafy green salad like you wouldn't believe!

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In completely non-food related news - I can't stop burping!!!! Am I drinking too fast? The burping doesn't actually bother me, it's just annoying. I'm drinking Crystal Light, but that can't be the culprit. What's up - any ideas??? I had thought it was bad to burp during the first few weeks, because of healing and all that jazz. :drool:

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Good morning lap band ladies.

So first, dorky one I am so sorry about your husband's job. That must be really scary. The economy is so awful right now . . . I sure hope that things start to change soon. I'm glad to hear about your band though. At least there is some good news. And your 4 lb weight loss is fabulous!!

Dee, you are having a red letter week! I am so excited about your daughter getting in to CIA and I am thrilled that you got the research job!! That's fabulous! I figured after this long that you probably didn't get it. You must be so excited. And how proud you must be of your daughter. Whoohoo!!!

Brandy, I"m glad you had the half cc taken out. I hope that works.

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Thank you for the recipe for the Protein bars. I just tried one, it is great! I used the beneprotein (no flavor) and added a few raisins and walnuts. I was wondering what to do with the beneprotein, it has a smell that I can't get past when I mix it with liquids.


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