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Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum

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Hi all,

It was so nice to meet everyone who came to Panera for dinner. I have had a very interesting trip to say the least. Where to start? I went for a fill (my second) on Thursday which Dr. K said was very large, it brought me up to 7.1 cc's so he said he absolutely would not put any more in. Then we went to Panera for dinner and I had no restriction at all. I took everyone's advice and called Dr. K.'s office this morning to get more of a fill. Afterall, I did fly here from Florida and didn't want to go home with no restriction. I went in to see Dr. K at 10:45 this morning and he said he was very concerned and that he thought I had one of two problems either he did not latch the band and it slipped or I might have a leaky port. He then proceeded to unfill me to see how much was in there and surprise, only 5 cc.'s but then he put it back in and unfilled it again and he got 6 cc.'s. He said he was going to leave it empty and I said no, put back what I had yesterday so he agreed, he put back 7 cc.'s. To make this story short he said I have a leak and that he thought he punctured it yesterday during my fill so he scheduled me for a port replacement surgery on Dec. 11. Needless to say I was disappointed and didn't even think about eating or drinking all day. Then I got hungry around 4 pm and had three teaspoons of oatmeal and OMG! I am so tight. I can't get much of anything in that won't come right back up. So, I'm thinking I do not have a leak and that he must have miscalculated how much he put in yesterday and now I have 7 cc's which he thought I had and now I am over filled. Just thought I would share. It has been a crazy day for me. Question: How tight is too tight because I am flying home tomorrow.

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Hi all,

It was so nice to meet everyone who came to Panera for dinner. I have had a very interesting trip to say the least. Where to start? I went for a fill (my second) on Thursday which Dr. K said was very large, it brought me up to 7.1 cc's so he said he absolutely would not put any more in. Then we went to Panera for dinner and I had no restriction at all. I took everyone's advice and called Dr. K.'s office this morning to get more of a fill. Afterall, I did fly here from Florida and didn't want to go home with no restriction. I went in to see Dr. K at 10:45 this morning and he said he was very concerned and that he thought I had one of two problems either he did not latch the band and it slipped or I might have a leaky port. He then proceeded to unfill me to see how much was in there and surprise, only 5 cc.'s but then he put it back in and unfilled it again and he got 6 cc.'s. He said he was going to leave it empty and I said no, put back what I had yesterday so he agreed, he put back 7 cc.'s. To make this story short he said I have a leak and that he thought he punctured it yesterday during my fill so he scheduled me for a port replacement surgery on Dec. 11. Needless to say I was disappointed and didn't even think about eating or drinking all day. Then I got hungry around 4 pm and had three teaspoons of oatmeal and OMG! I am so tight. I can't get much of anything in that won't come right back up. So, I'm thinking I do not have a leak and that he must have miscalculated how much he put in yesterday and now I have 7 cc's which he thought I had and now I am over filled. Just thought I would share. It has been a crazy day for me. Question: How tight is too tight because I am flying home tomorrow.

Oh no! Oh, that sounds just awful. I've not ever had the "too tight" thing so I can't really say. I would think, though, that you might have some swelling from the fill/unfill/fill, so maybe that is adding to the tightness. Crud. Is there any way you can call Dr. K. in the morning before you leave?

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Oh no! Oh, that sounds just awful. I've not ever had the "too tight" thing so I can't really say. I would think, though, that you might have some swelling from the fill/unfill/fill, so maybe that is adding to the tightness. Crud. Is there any way you can call Dr. K. in the morning before you leave?

Thanks Mini, I am going to do that. I went to bed thinking I might be able to handle this pain but I woke up at 5 a.m and was so dry from having almost no liquids (4 oz.) yesterday so I took a sip of Water and it is now 5:40 and I am still having such pain from that one sip. I am wondering what would be an approopriate time to call him. I really would like to make my flight today at 3:30.

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Good luck Tally! I hope you get things situated before going all the way back to Florida.

It was so great to meet you and Denise and Brandy the other night. I'm glad I made it out, even though I had to cut it short.

Question - I'm almost out of pain meds. Will Dr. K call more in if I ask him to, or will he tell me to just use liquid Tylenol???

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Tally~I am so sorry to hear about your fill experience. It sounds like you are too tight, what did Dr,. K say? I am thinking he unfilled you, better safe than sorry. My fills usually take a couple weeks before I feel them, I would hate to think that you could get tighter in a couple weeks, that would be dangerous. Please let us know how things went and how you are doing. I am praying that you don't have a leak and everything will work out.

Jamie~I heard that Dr. K will not refill pain meds, I think he will reccomend that you use liq tylenol, but it wouldn't hurt to call and ask.

I am registering for my 2nd 5k today, a Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving. I am not feeling very confident about this one, I have been slacking in the workout department and eating all the wrong things. I like to blame this set back on the time change and the weather change. Must snap out of it!! Thank goodness my scale needs a battery, I haven't weighed in a few weeks. Have to get my butt back in gear!

Hope you all have a productive weekend!

The pictures are GREAT!!! Ladies are looking amazing!!!

Hey Mini, what do you know about Dr. Amen? I would love, love, love to be able to send my son to him. We have done the SPECT, It would be a dream to have his feedback on them.

Today is Buster's birthday! Who is bringing their furry friends over for cake and ice cream??? He is two and he is behaving like a terrible two!

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Sorry I'm so late getting this picture posted, but I got busy! Jaime, we didn't do the pic while you were there, since I know I would have killed anyone wanting to take my picture after my surgery!

In the picture:

Brandy, Dee, Nora's friend, Denise, Nora and Deb aka Tally


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Sorry I'm so late getting this picture posted, but I got busy! Jaime, we didn't do the pic while you were there, since I know I would have killed anyone wanting to take my picture after my surgery!

In the picture:

Brandy, Dee, Nora's friend, Denise, Nora and Deb aka Tally

haha thanks for the consideration Dee, i definitely wasn't feeling good after 20mins or so! but i'm still glad i got to meet everyone!!! :blink:

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Tally~I am so sorry to hear about your fill experience. It sounds like you are too tight, what did Dr,. K say? I am thinking he unfilled you, better safe than sorry. My fills usually take a couple weeks before I feel them, I would hate to think that you could get tighter in a couple weeks, that would be dangerous. Please let us know how things went and how you are doing. I am praying that you don't have a leak and everything will work out.

Jamie~I heard that Dr. K will not refill pain meds, I think he will reccomend that you use liq tylenol, but it wouldn't hurt to call and ask.

I am registering for my 2nd 5k today, a Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving. I am not feeling very confident about this one, I have been slacking in the workout department and eating all the wrong things. I like to blame this set back on the time change and the weather change. Must snap out of it!! Thank goodness my scale needs a battery, I haven't weighed in a few weeks. Have to get my butt back in gear!

Hope you all have a productive weekend!

The pictures are GREAT!!! Ladies are looking amazing!!!

Hey Mini, what do you know about Dr. Amen? I would love, love, love to be able to send my son to him. We have done the SPECT, It would be a dream to have his feedback on them.

Today is Buster's birthday! Who is bringing their furry friends over for cake and ice cream??? He is two and he is behaving like a terrible two!

Mal give Buster a big birthday Hug And Kiss from his Auntie Dee! I am so proud of you attempting another 5K.

When do you go for your next fill? Everyone should know they are moving the office to the building next door - where the pharmacy is located. Actually, they are moving today, I think.

Good luck Tally! I hope you get things situated before going all the way back to Florida.

It was so great to meet you and Denise and Brandy the other night. I'm glad I made it out, even though I had to cut it short.

Question - I'm almost out of pain meds. Will Dr. K call more in if I ask him to, or will he tell me to just use Liquid Tylenol???

I'm glad you're home and safe! I was going to call you yesterday and thought, I better not. Since I wasn't sure if you'd be sleeping. How was the flight? Your Mom is so sweet, Jaime! You're so lucky to have her support and love. Thanks for coming to Panera. I'm sorry you weren't feeling so good! I bet you're so happy to be home!

Thanks Mini, I am going to do that. I went to bed thinking I might be able to handle this pain but I woke up at 5 a.m and was so dry from having almost no liquids (4 oz.) yesterday so I took a sip of Water and it is now 5:40 and I am still having such pain from that one sip. I am wondering what would be an approopriate time to call him. I really would like to make my flight today at 3:30.

If nothing else Tally, he'll be thrilled to find out that he doesn't have to do another surgery and that you don't have a leak. Take care of it before you leave town. Keep us posted! It was so nice meeting you!!!

What an emotional time for African-Americans...can't imagine what they feel, the hope that comes with this event!

Hurray for Kay! We heard about those ads out here in Oregon, too; Dole lost it with the anti-Christ approach!

Get used to it! With all the liquid you will be taking in for the next few weeks, you will be "gushing" regularly!!!:)

Wish I could offer advice on sleeping, painkillers, etc., but, fortunately for me, I had no gas pain, no port pain, no sleeping problems after the first 24 hours. But I'm pullin' for you to get through this with the least discomfort possible:thumbup:

This is an amazing time in our history, Deb. I'm just so upset and disappointed with all of the ugliness! He's not a socialist and regardless of the color of his skin HE IS THE BEST president for this country! We are in a big mess with the economy and the war and many other things, we need someone with intelligence and understanding to get us through this time. He's gathering some of the best minds in Washington to help him. I am tired of hearing the ugly comments.

Sorry! I had to vent!

Hi ladies. I know I have been absent for awhile... but I was taking a mental break. Long story short, no restriction for me again. I was concerned I may have a small leak so I went in and told my Dr that. He withdrew all the saline and discovered I was only at 5cc's and not 7cc's. :ohmy:

He told me not to worry, he thinks that if I had a leak I wouldn't have maintained the 5cc's, that the pressure would have reduced it to less than 1cc.

Well I am very worried.

He filled me with 3cc's for a total of 8cc's now and I have a follow-up with him next week.

I still do not feel restriction. I feel like I could continue eating and eating, but I don't, I stop myself. I went out to dinner a few nights ago and ordered seafood enchiladas. The dinner came with rice, Beans, and 3 enchiladas. I ate about 1 and a half enchiladas, a spoonful of rice and most of the beans. I felt satisfied, but had NO sign's telling me to stop. I stopped because I knew I should... not because my band told me I had to.

If I was truly filled to 8cc's I don't think I would have been able to eat that much. ???

Lunch today was half of chicken salad sandwich on wheat with a half a snack bag of chips. I am saving the rest for dinner. Normally I would have eaten it all and then some. But again I feel like I am stopping myself... not the band stopping me. Maybe I just haven't pushed it so that is why I haven't gotten any signs???

I am feeling very lost! I am terrified to go in next week to see what else has leaked out.

I had gained all the way back up to 311 as of last week, but am back down to 304 as of today. So at least that is positive. Also I didn't have to use a seatbelt extender on the plane when I flew to WI last weekend... another goal to cross of my list. But honestly I am having a hard time feeling good about that with the possible leak hanging over my head.

Congrats on getting back down to 304. What a scary time for you. I hope they can get your band figured out! I wonder if there is a teeny leak. It all doesn't make sense, does it?

Jamie, Good for you, I really admire you. :) After my surgery there was no way I was going to get on the computer let alone go for an evening out, and I thought I was doing fairly well. Don't think that I got out of the PJs for 2 days.

I had planned on going to Red Robin to meet you all, but being it was my daughters birthday she insisted that I go with them to dinner. Maybe next time. I would love to meet you all.


Magaines, I hope you can join us next month at Red Robin! It would be great to meet you!!!

I am currently considering traveling in to have lapband with Dr. Kirshenbaum. It really sounds like he is a great Dr. Can any of you give me the process of what will happen from start to finish. I am just starting the process with talking with the Bariatric coordinator. I am going to schedule so I can set up my airfare, car and hotel. Where is the best/most affordable place to stay? I am really anxious to get the process started.:blink:


Jeremy, OKC

Hi Jeremy! I'm not from out of town, but I know that the Holiday Inn Select that is very close to the hospital is a nice hotel. I've stayed there during snow storms when I couldn't get home and had to work. I work at the hospital. If he is going to do your surgery at the Parker facility that is a good choice. You've made a good choice of surgeons! We are all very pleased with our choice. Dr. K is top notch and his staff is wonderful! I've had my band for just over 9 months and I am thrilled! I am a new person!!! AND I'm only 1/3 of my way to goal!

So it hasn't been quite 4 months, but here are some pics. I needed to see these because I don't really see the change everyday in the mirror. Both pictures look pretty bad, but they are the only ones I have so what am I gonna do?

BTW my hair hasn't been colored it is just the lighting.

Lotza!! You look beautiful! You're going to be such a Hottie!!! BECAUSE you already are!!

Edited by PrtyAntOvrYt

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Tally~I am so sorry to hear about your fill experience. It sounds like you are too tight, what did Dr,. K say? I am thinking he unfilled you, better safe than sorry. My fills usually take a couple weeks before I feel them, I would hate to think that you could get tighter in a couple weeks, that would be dangerous. Please let us know how things went and how you are doing. I am praying that you don't have a leak and everything will work out.

Jamie~I heard that Dr. K will not refill pain meds, I think he will reccomend that you use liq tylenol, but it wouldn't hurt to call and ask.

I am registering for my 2nd 5k today, a Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving. I am not feeling very confident about this one, I have been slacking in the workout department and eating all the wrong things. I like to blame this set back on the time change and the weather change. Must snap out of it!! Thank goodness my scale needs a battery, I haven't weighed in a few weeks. Have to get my butt back in gear!

Hope you all have a productive weekend!

The pictures are GREAT!!! Ladies are looking amazing!!!

Hey Mini, what do you know about Dr. Amen? I would love, love, love to be able to send my son to him. We have done the SPECT, It would be a dream to have his feedback on them.

Today is Buster's birthday! Who is bringing their furry friends over for cake and ice cream??? He is two and he is behaving like a terrible two!

Tucker says Happy Birthday to Buster:lol::blink:

Sorry I'm so late getting this picture posted, but I got busy! Jaime, we didn't do the pic while you were there, since I know I would have killed anyone wanting to take my picture after my surgery!

In the picture:

Brandy, Dee, Nora's friend, Denise, Nora and Deb aka Tally

You guys all look so great! sigh....will I ever get there:confused:

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Tucker says Happy Birthday to Buster:lol::blink:

You guys all look so great! sigh....will I ever get there:confused:

Are you kidding Deb!??? Everyone else looks great! I'm still huge! I am only 1/3 of my way there! I have a long long way to go!

Hey! You're in Twoterville!! I can't wait to get to Twoterville!

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Oops! Mini and I forgot to post the initial weigh in for the Holiday Challenge that was supposed to start last Thursday!

So we decided that we will start it this coming Thursday! That will give us 6 weeks until December 25th! It will get us through the worst of the holiday eating events!

Is everyone down with that?:blink:

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Yep, starting next week sounds great.

Happy B-Day Buster from Keeley and Gracie May!!! Have a fun party!!! Mal, I have kind of mixed feelings about Dr. Amen. If you'd like to hear more about that, PM me and we can discuss it more.

Jaime, I'm happy to hear you made it home safely. Hope you're feeling okay and that the flight wasn't too awful.

Wow, everybody looks fantastic in the photo!! What a bunch of loverly ladies!

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Yep, starting next week sounds great.

Happy B-Day Buster from Keeley and Gracie May!!! Have a fun party!!! Mal, I have kind of mixed feelings about Dr. Amen. If you'd like to hear more about that, PM me and we can discuss it more.

Jaime, I'm happy to hear you made it home safely. Hope you're feeling okay and that the flight wasn't too awful.

Wow, everybody looks fantastic in the photo!! What a bunch of loverly ladies!

The flight (in First Class!) was great. However, it seems I'm having a reaction to the Hydrocodone that not many others have. At least, if they've had this reaction, they didn't post about it, and I didn't know to expect it.

I've had terrible, terrible, almost explosive gas and liquid runs. :) I know, it's disgusting, but it's the truth. Since it started on Day 2, it has not stopped. With every dose of pain meds, I get this horrible gassy rumbling in my tummy and I'm in the bathroom almost every 15 mins. It only stops when I sleep! This made the flights back (and all that time in the airport) a little hard to tolerate. I guess I'm just special, haha. But luckily, I haven't had the shoulder/chest/back gas pains. Just the ones south of the border. :blink:

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