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Would You Have Weight Loss Surgery Again?

Would You Have Weight Loss Surgery Again?  

421 members have voted

  1. 1. Knowing what you know now about weight loss surgery, would you do it again if you had the chance to make your decision again?

    • Yes, without a doubt! The surgery has been everything I’d hoped for.
    • Yes, probably. The journey hasn’t been easy, but I’m losing weight and feel that this was my best option.
    • Yes, but I would have chosen a different type of weight loss surgery.
    • No. I’ve had complications and my health has suffered and/or I haven’t been hitting my weight loss goals.
    • I haven’t had the surgery yet, but I’m looking at the results of this poll carefully to help me make my decision!
    • Other...read my response below!

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WLS is done to prevent disease and health issues later on but can also cause health issues in the here and now such as leaks, infection, malnutrition, etc.

I knew this going in. I didn't do it for longevity because the fact is that I'm not going to die a fat person this year but WLS sure could have done me in.

WLS may save some people's lives in the short term but for otherwise healthy people like myself, its a risk. A big one. I think surgeons should be open about it but that isnt going to happen in a for profit health care system.

Ask me in a year if I regret it. I'm still far too early out to tell. I did have a great surgeon who was open and no complaint s there. Everything has gone well but I'm too early out and haven't hit roadblocks or frustration. Maybe I won't, but its too early for me.

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Kendi Sue, I could not have said it better myself.

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OK looking at this pro and con thing I can say this. My BMI was just over 41.5 when I decided to go for a VSG. I had no quality of life and hated myself. I felt I would not live much longer like that with my asthma so for me it was an easy decision. Staying fat and indeed getting fatter seemed to me like committing slow suicide and I felt I owed my family more than that.

Dealing with life without the fat shield has it's own mental problems and they need to be dealt with. Also the dynamics in a marriage can and usually will change. I was lucky, my marriage survived and ended up stronger.

As to the original question, if I had to I would do the op again.

Regarding the lady who died after her WLS, it's sad. But how many of us that have had the surgery and have shed weight would be dead now though if we had done nothing? And how many of us would have died prematurely if we had done nothing?


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Iggychick, I'm sorry for your loss and for everything you went thru. I'm also considered a low BMI (36-37) and the only reason my insurance covered it was because I was diagnosed with sleep apnea. I had no other health problems and no family history. I was sleeved on the 12th. My surgeon said that during the surgery my spleen was soft and boggy. It tore during the surgery and I lost 1300 mls of blood. They gave me one unit of blood, a plasma expander and 4 liters of Fluid. The surgery took about 3 hours. I'm home now but I'm terrified of developing a leak or a clot, since they stopped all blood thinners. I have nightmares of bleeding to death on the table. I'm only 3 days post op but if you ask me now do I regret it.... Absolutely! My kids need their mom even if they are "older", 22, 20 and 14. Nothing is worth that risk.

Sweet jesus.

absolutely terrifying. My thoughts are with you in getting through this and not beating yourself up.

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"For anyone with a lower BMI like 35 or 40 maybe these folks need to take another route instead of WLS"

You mean wait until one is morbidly obese and suffering before they should .. Say, nip it in the bud?

Nope. Not. Me.

I was well on my way to serious weight problems and I was NOT going to wait until my body (and mind) suffered more than what it already had with years of yoyo dieting.

hurray Ms AntiBand

I refuse to engage in the "low BMI" and you are the "devil" for thinking of doing it.

For one thing the "tickers" that are on our profile are off by 3-4%...do you know how I know? I just went through a two hour metabolic study at the hospital two months ago in which I was hooked up to electrodes. I was listed as 34%. On these tickers it puts me as barely 31%. Oh joy, so I really am fatter than I thought I was? yes. I woke up the other night with my heart racing. scary to feel as though you are going to die at 330 AM while everyone else is peacefully sleeping. (and yes, I exercise)

1. every woman in my family is over 300 lbs - evidenced by the family reunion I was at two weeks ago

2. my mother died at age 63 from a heart attack thanks to weight related diabetes

3. my 300 lb aunt had a heart attack two years ago

4. my other aunt has diabetes and extremely high blood pressure

I have seen my future. NO THANK YOU.

Thank you so much for everyones honesty on this thread

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Hi isajck. I had over a years bad health after my surgery. I think it takes a while to adjust for some people. I took Vitamin D, Calcium Citrate and sub lingual Vitamin B12. Deficiencies in either of those rwo Vitamins could be causing your problems maybe. Any hows I hope you get back to tip top form ASAP!

All the best, Jane

Thanks Jane. Hopefully things will change for the better as I come up on the year mark.

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Iggychick' date=' I'm sorry for your loss and for everything you went thru. I'm also considered a low BMI (36-37) and the only reason my insurance covered it was because I was diagnosed with sleep apnea. I had no other health problems and no family history. I was sleeved on the 12th. My surgeon said that during the surgery my spleen was soft and boggy. It tore during the surgery and I lost 1300 mls of blood. They gave me one unit of blood, a plasma expander and 4 liters of Fluid. The surgery took about 3 hours. I'm home now but I'm terrified of developing a leak or a clot, since they stopped all blood thinners. I have nightmares of bleeding to death on the table. I'm only 3 days post op but if you ask me now do I regret it.... Absolutely! My kids need their mom even if they are "older", 22, 20 and 14. Nothing is worth that risk.[/quote']

Wow Taylokat.....I'm so sorry hun. I remember the physician who finally came in and asked if I'd give permission to give myself blood...I was thinking, "OK I've been through hell and now I get to sign a form saying I'm going to have hepatitis (or whatever) or I'll die....ummm why are you asking?" I had a couple of units and that freaked me out...I don't even know what a plasma expander is darling but it sounds scary!

Will you pm and tell me how you're doing in a bit? I'd like to hear you're on the road to recovery soon!

I totally hear you on the "kids need me". My son was 6 when I had this...he needed me, but frankly, I'm turning 50 this year and I told my mother it would be over my dead body before she'd have this surgery...I still need her :) Mom's are important people.

Gad honey I hate to read the horror stories. I don't actually like to have people join me on the scary losers bench. I'll keep you in my thoughts!

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I have really tried to understand where you are coming from. However' date=' much of the posts I read you are skirting peoples direct questions. I private messaged you asking for actual specifics so I could weigh the cons and you gave me nothing but talking about "all the issues you have now".


you make blanket statements about low BMI people SHOULD not be doing this...but you cannot medically state why.

Then above you made another blanket statement about this surgery "is not right for anybody, especially the morbidly obese" and I am sitting here scratching my head. you are all over the place and amongst all of it for those people who you want to PREVENT doing this surgery, I still have not read anything that would make me change my mind.

Opinions are great...but unless you can back them up with your experience and details...opinions are useless.[/quote']

You know, this bothered me...I went back and looked at my PM's and I have one from you asking about my doctor in Federal Way. I told you that he's wonderful and not the doctor that I saw for the surgery. I told you to avoid a day surgery center because they can't provide proper care in an emergency and wished you the best. You were specific in asking about my doctor because of his proximity to your home...you asked nothing else. You didn't ask about my "issues" and I didn't discuss them in the response.

If you have a real question please consider phrasing it in such a way that people understand what you're asking if the lack of an "answer" is going to cause you to fly off the hook? But don't berate me in public for not answering your questions, as I did just that and you asked no others.

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well, one thing I have learned on this forum is the following:

1. it is easy to get frustrated with the code language and negativity that is pervasive on this board

2. I work a very demanding job, I don't have time to sit all day long stalking the forum like some people do. When I do have extra time, I am reading a book, outside gardening or in the gym on the treadmill. So I have learned healthy behaviors from the lapband, even if it has metabolically failed. It will be why my revision from band to sleeve will be successful, because I wont be sitting on the computer all day acting hormonal.

3. If I ask a question in frustration, I sure as hell am not dwelling on it two days later as some people do.

4. I have gained some valuable information, but have had to dig through the proverbial dinosaur poop piles of name-calling and fear mongering to get to it.

5. Sitting on a computer attacking people proves that you may be losing the weight, but the anger, hatred and injustice of being obese has turned many into cyberbullies. losing the weight will definitely not turn you into a prettier or nicer person on the inside. That junk has to get fixed upstairs between the ears.

6. I refuse to engage in petty behavior. I may be fat, but I have 10 years of multiple college degrees under my belt and enough self-confidence to rise above the antagonistic behavior I have seen many of the women on here engage in. Bleck.

Wish you the best iggychic in getting through your own junk, no need to obsess for two days about questions I had and then attacking me through a computer. I am sure most of the women on here would not treat the average person like that to their face...it is called CYBERBULLYING and from what I have seen...some adult women on here do a whole lot of it.

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What seems to be often forgotten on forums is that everyone is entitled to their opinion, GOOD BAD OR UGLY.Any Surgery with complications, Chronic condition, takes an EMOTIONAL TOLL on a person. when WLS is done were ALL hoping for the best outcome, unfortunately that's NOT always the case. :( IF you've been successful FABULOUS!!

BUT we know that's NOT always the case. And those researching DESERVE the FACTS. I agree IggyChic that with allot of WLS it's not the NEED that is addressed it's the GREED. And NOT all doctors are competent.

I find it DEPLORABLE that those sharing their experience's are attacked and berated.

This IS after all a FORUM: designated space for public expression in the USA :P

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This surgery was a lifesaver. Would do it again in a heartbeat!

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Alex: YES I would do it again, even with needing a second surgery due to my abscess and third hospitalization due to dehydration and low potassium.

Iggy: I am sorry for your loss, your friend, I am sure will be missed, that is a tragic situation when she was trying to live.

All others: I am 17 months post op, still 20 lbs from MY goal and I live a normal happy life. This is a personal decision, period. This forum in my opinion is for support, education, a place of connection and commiseration all WHEN and IF we need it.

PDXMAN: I understand the taking a break, you are successful...eat less than I do, by the way, and you have the ability to articulate for many here. Please keep up sharing as you are able. I too have backed way off, when people start chipping at each other, I just walk away.

Best to all.

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well' date=' one thing I have learned on this forum is the following:

1. it is easy to get frustrated with the code language and negativity that is pervasive on this board

2. I work a very demanding job, I don't have time to sit all day long stalking the forum like some people do. When I do have extra time, I am reading a book, outside gardening or in the gym on the treadmill. So I have learned healthy behaviors from the lapband, even if it has metabolically failed. It will be why my revision from band to sleeve will be successful, because I wont be sitting on the computer all day acting hormonal.

3. If I ask a question in frustration, I sure as hell am not dwelling on it two days later as some people do.

4. I have gained some valuable information, but have had to dig through the proverbial dinosaur poop piles of name-calling and fear mongering to get to it.

5. Sitting on a computer attacking people proves that you may be losing the weight, but the anger, hatred and injustice of being obese has turned many into cyberbullies. losing the weight will definitely not turn you into a prettier or nicer person on the inside. That junk has to get fixed upstairs between the ears.

6. I refuse to engage in petty behavior. I may be fat, but I have 10 years of multiple college degrees under my belt and enough self-confidence to rise above the antagonistic behavior I have seen many of the women on here engage in. Bleck.

Wish you the best iggychic in getting through your own junk, no need to obsess for two days about questions I had and then attacking me through a computer. I am sure most of the women on here would not treat the average person like that to their face...it is called CYBERBULLYING and from what I have seen...some adult women on here do a whole lot of it.[/quote']

Lesson of the day...being wrong makes people really grumpy :P

heh heh cyberbullying Gad I love a girl who can grab a current catchphrase and run with it. Darling I was just attempting to answer your questions. I am careful about pm's and really did hate the idea that whatever I said to you caused you to host such a level of animosity towards me, which is why I went back and looked for it. My intent was to apologize via pm for whatever I'd said that was lacking, only to find that I actually did answer the question you asked which was nothing like what you posted here.

Best of luck to you on your journey. But loosen up sweets...it's harder if you travel the road with too much baggage on your own.

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Butterfly Gal - My answer is...as sad & as pathetic as it sounds - food was a huge part of my life. I miss my life with food. I miss going out to eat. I miss lots of things like movies, family, friends, shopping, drinks, trips, dates - my life can no longer revolve around food with these outings just the outings which I guess is good, but it doesn't mean my family & friends are going to change on these outings - so I live alone & now spend even more time alone & it makes me sad. . . I didn't anticipate feeling this way, but I do. So, I do regret it & feel it is the worst mistake of my life. I will keep saying it on this site, too. I usually get lots of mean & ugly responses when I do, but if my truth can help one person not to make the same mistake as me, then, I've done a good deed for the day!

I did the surgery because I fear for my mobility since an injury a few years ago plus I am not dead yet, I wanted to look good again once more & feel good about myself. I thought 100% it was what I wanted...it isn't!

I didn't anticipated the shame & embarassment I feel as well. I have not told a living soul about this surgery, and I never will. I had told everyone I was preparing for it for over a year, and I told everyone I backed out of it. I am continuing Weight Watchers and trying to do what I can exercise wise - as far as the world will never know...I've lost it again using Weight Watchers not surgery. I lost 100 lbs three different times in my life prior to my injury..

Even though I have had no complications, even lucky - I've lost weight, I have no hunger & no thirst & no cravings for anything...I wouldn't do it again. It wasn't for me, but now I have to live with that...it is starting to get a little better each day. I can eat a few bites now; I am feeling a little more normal, but I fear I will never feel like the real me again...sad!

I hate the shakes (if I could have done shakes I wouldn't have needed the surgery in the first place), so I know hair loss is going to be terrible. I knew about Hair loss prior to surgery, but now the reality is setting in...I have hair to my waist. It is about all I got with my looks...so I am so sad about that. What is the use in being skinny again, if I have horrible hair?

Sorry to vent! I hope I answered your question. I hope someone reads my post & re-thinks their decision. I worked from May 2012 to March 2013 to have this surgery - and I was dead wrong, period.

About the hair loss, it is temporary. It grows back.

About going out, I don't understand why you choose to live alone and not go out!! Just eat what you can hold and enjoy the rest of the outing.

Perhaps the big mistake was not in having the surgery but in changing your story. If your friends and family knew you had the surgery, then you and they would move on past that awkward moment, and you could easily explain why you eat less than they do, and everyone could just come to terms with it all. After the newness, no one pays any attention to what and how much I eat, because they know why.

I'm sorry that you find yourself so unhappy. I don't mean this to be another mean and ugly comment. I just want you to know that you can still turn this into a positive thing. Just come clean. Then move on.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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