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Good Morning Y'all!


Well, we are supposed to get out of work early today, about 2:30 I think. I hope so, I am not feeling on top of the world today! My boss came in sick yesterday and I am feeling a little bad this morning. :sick I am going to take something and try fighting it one more time. I have been avoiding this crap for months and then he came in with a fever and caughing and came to my desk for me to do some stuff. UGH! Then he left because he felt so bad!:mad:

Sherry - Great job on the bike! You put me to shame, haven't done anything for so long! It shows too! My foot is a tiny bit better at least at times it is. I think it is something I am going to have to live with. If it hasn't healed up by now, I doubt it will. Thanks for asking though!

Chrispy - I am glad you are getting out of there, that guy sounds like a real nut case, scares me!:eek:

Beanie - I have a treadmill that I use a couple of times a year:biggrin1: an exercise bike that I used when I first got it, a ball I never use, some weights I never use, etc. I seem to want them really bad, get them, use them a little and then let the dust sit on them. The thing I do the best at is walking and it is free.:D :D :D :D

Cindy - Hope you and DH are feeling better! Take it easy and heal up now that you can take the time to do it.:)

Kat - No boney bites here! I still have a lot of the "F" word on me! I thought it would make me hungry but it didn't. I don't think I would want to go somewhere smelling like that though!:D :D :D I felt bad for you when you told about the kitchen, I have done that and I hate it! What a mess!

Jules - Hope you have a good time with the girls this weekend. I wish I could come and meet you and Cindy, maybe next time. (I already met Beanie)

Eileen - I need to make your dip, I have been going to 100 times, I get half the stuff to do it and then I am missing something. It sounds so good!

Patty - Are you home yet? Hope you are enjoying your time with your family.

Pat - Hey girl, what's cooking? Are you designing a new drink for New Years?

Anne - I saw some wood cranberry strings at the store and thought about you!

Cass - Where are you? I bet you are planning that wedding!

Well, I know I must have missed someone and I'm sorry, but I have to finish getting ready for work.

Everyone have a great day!

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Geez - I finally feel better, and everybody else is sick?!?

Cindy - hope you feel better SOON. I surely don't want to miss you on Monday. :]

Jules - I guess an eliptical machine COULD just fall out of the sky... but I figure I am going to have to shop for one. :]

Kat - Hope you got all that red sauce... I have done stuff JUST like that on several occassions. ICK. That "not wanting to go out" thing is why I am thinking of getting an eliptical machine. I tend to Hermit out on the weekends - but I need to exercise more than 3-4 days I manage during the week. I am still thinking, though. I have had equipement before - and it just SAT - usually draped in my clothes or something.... *sigh*

Claudia - Hi! I would say that you could probably ride the rides at Disneyland after a few weeks - maybe four. I don't know if I would advise it before that. Pull up a keyboard and tell us about you. :]

Chris - glad to hear you are getting out of there. I really get a bad feeling about Psycho Boy. I figure you can't get out of there soon enough. Hugs! Hope you feel better, soon. Enjoy the soup!!

Sherry - LOL!! Glad I could inspire you!! I have to admit that I don't even know if there IS a local Freecycle group... I guess I will have to google it and find out. It certainly would be nice if I could get an eliptical free... or at least cheap. Uh - getting out of bed at 4:30?!?!? Not for me, thanks! I will NEVER be that dedicated. :biggrin1:

Betty - Darlin' I so share your joy over the Friday!!! I suspect that my company will keep us to the bitter end - but hey, at least it's only another 4-5 hours....TGIF indeed. I hear you on the machinery... I have been there and done that - but that was pre-band.... I am still thinking about it. I have to know in my soul that I will REALLY use the machine if I get it. Even with my company subsidizing over half the cost - it is still an expensive little machine... :]

Well - Just in case I don't get to my computer this weekend, I want to wish everyone a very

Happy New Year!!!

Can you believe it has been over a year for our little Jersey Invasion? It seems like only yesterday I was battling the insurance company - and you guys had to talk me down off the ceiling on a daily basis. Thank you all for that. I am pretty sure I would have lost my mind waiting if I hadn't had y'all to talk to. :)

I cannot tell you all how much it means to me to have your love and prayers and well wishes in my life. Even when I don't mention it, I really do appreciate each and every one of our little group. I wish you all the very best New Year with all the love in my heart.

Hugs and Love to All!!


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Hi Girls,

Gotta make this quick b/4 my PC disconnects me... WTF is wrong with this thing LOLOL

Beanie...buy it !!! its an investment in your health...just like the band. I think its a great idea.

Kat...your neice is an ASS !!!! how selfish and rude of her to say such a thing to you. I would be tickled to have my aunt & uncles picture and to have them by my kid gifts. She's in for a rude awakening huh. You are not vein...and I'm sorry she hurt your feelings. Things that go around come around :)

Oh no Betty.... feel better.

Cindy..you too, feel better.

Crispy...geeze girlie..feel better.

All the rest of you chicklets, have a wonderful Friday !!!

I'm off to the 2nd floor to do some more cleaning :clap2: I rarely get days like this (physically) so I better get my ass up and get going WHOOT!


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Hey everyone!

Well, half of us are sipping chicken Soup, and the other half are watching the clock waiting for work to be over!

I am feeling somewhat better today...at least I took a shower! LOL! I'm just piddling around with housecleaning stuff.

It's raining here...nothing fun, like snow! Of course, that can get a little overboard, huh?

Don't worry, Beanie...snuffles or not, I'm coming to meet you! Is it at 2 or 3 o'clock?

Nothing much going on here...

Happy Friday, to all!

Yeah...I was just wondering how long we'd been hanging out here...it's been over a year now, hasn't it? Thank you to all...each and every one of you! This is my favorite place to kick back and enjoy the friendship and company of the best people around!


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Hi Girlies!

Am I the only one who hasn't come down with the death flu yet? I hope you're all feeling better in time to enjoy your New Year's. We're going to have my sister's and their husbands over for a night of games at home. Alcohol will be free flowing as well. Yesterday I made a big bowl of queso and downed the whole thing. The scale was not happy with me this morning, so I'm on board with everyone who wants to have a food exorcism on New Years Day!

I went to meet with my old boss about the job and it's official - I start work on January 29th! I work in credentialing (we check the physicians backgrounds to make sure they aren't ax murderers before the get on the medical staff) We're still hammering out the details of my schedule. I'm hoping to work 35 hours/week, but apparently the hospital has changed a lot of their policies and I'd lose most of my benefits if I don't work a full 40. On the plus side, I get my own office with lots of privacy, so I should be able to visit LBT from work without a problem! :eek:

Beanie, I say go for the elliptical machine! We bought one last Christmas, and while I won't say that I use it nearly as often as I should, I prefer the elliptical to any other kind of exercise. Hmm... now if I could just be like Sherry and get inspired to work out today. :mad:

Cindy, enjoy your Soup and feel better soon!

Kat, I give out pics as gifts all the time! Tell your niece she can bite you. :D

Betty, that's funny about the lotion. DH got me a big bottle of cinnamon bun lotion and it smells soooo good. Hmm... could that be why I bought a big container of cinnamon rolls when we were at costco last night? :)

I'm sorry I don't have time for personals for everyone - DD just had an accident so I need to go on cleanup duty.


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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year gang!

I am in the car driving home from NJ! DH has a verizion thingy and I can do this while driving. It's so cool!

I've been catching up in everyone while he steps on the breaks and scares the crap out of me ahh..

I'm going to post this and then come back so I don't lose everything.brb

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Hey All!!! Sorry that I havent stopped in awhile...I miss you guys! I hope everyone is doing well...even though I see quite a few of you havent gotten sick. Luckily I have dodged that...especially with being a teacher, I so needed this Christmas break, I dont have to go back until Jan. 9th! Luckily too b/c I just had my widsom teeth pulled this morning, all four, all partially impacted!!! Ick!

I have been planning the wedding! Yeah! We have the church and the reception hall booked and are nearly set with the DJ! We are so happy!

Well, I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and a very very happy new year!

Lots of Love,


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Hi Chicas

Well it has been a boring vacation in the sense that we really did not go on any outings. We stayed in most of the time.. Too cold and did not want to risk getting stuck in the snow anywhere. I have been catching up on cleaning and laundry. We did venture out yesterday afternoon to Loveland which is about 20 minutes the the West. Big mistake ~ I took the kids to the Movie Theater ~ locked my keys in the car and to top it off forgot my cell phone.

I had to use the pay phone and a phone book to call my Insurance Company to see if a lock out was covered and yes it was. After the guy opened the door it was white out conditions for driving back. Belive me I will not be doing something so stupied again. I had several Keys made today and boy was I praying last night to get home safe with my boys. We are getting better from the crud, just a cough here and there. Still have my runny nose though.

Kat ~ IMO that was the perfect gift to recieve. Her big loss ~ I hope she felt like doo doo..

You Girls that have finally caught the crude ~ I feel for you.. Take it easy and slow..

Irene ~ I would by it!! I have not once been to back to Curves that I have been home. I now wish I had something that I could have been using while I have been sitting on my big behind. I do not even want to get back on the scale. It might bite me

Betty ~ Yummy chocolate. I did not get much in lotion this year. I just opened up a perfume that I got from last year.

Sherry ~ You go girl!! I really need to get started on just getting motivated for the New Year.

I don't understand why the majority would rather have another go broke just to get a gift. I barely made it this year buying for my kids and 2 others. I even had to have a talk with my oldest about being grateful on what you got regardless if you wanted it or not. He was not happy that Santa choose to give him Windpants instead of a game. Boy was Santa Pissed off. I am sure from now on he will be very polite and grateful going forward.

Well chicas want to stay and do more personals but my Brother flew in from Calif and we need to spend time with him before he goes back..

Love you all and wishing you all a " Prospero Ano Nuevo""


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Good Morning and Happy Saturday :)

Today we have a PC person coming in to help us straighten out this mess w/the computers lol. Then I'm off to a friends house to video tape her for "The Biggest Loser" she wants to be on it so bad, so cross your fingers everyone. Other than that, its more cleaning and getting ready for tomorrow when we'll have the neighbors over for new years eve.

:target:I heard a Johnny Cash song yesterday and it won't leave my brain.... I fell into a burning ring of fire, I went down down down and the flames went higher and it burned burned burned, that ring of fire, that ring of fire....dodododoododododod trumpet playing :flame:

Beanie this group is the BEST EVER!!!!!!!! and they all helped me when I was at my wackiest too trying to get the band approved. I had some cheering croud thats for sure. I dont know what I would have done with out this place. :)

MARY !!!! Good to see you chicklet, oh boy thats some story about the car and the snow LOL, I'm glad things worked out okay. Enjoy your brothers visit.

Anne, congrats on getting the job whoooooooooooot !!!:clap2:

Cindy glad your feeling better today :girl_hug: I came to the jersey board in July/Aug 2005 so shortly after that you all were here too, yep, its over a year for sure. *giggle*

Cassy good to see you and its so much fun making plans isn't it. How many people to you anticipate on inviting to your wedding? How goes the WL?

Dianne, talk to you when you get home. I have my own camera NOW so I don't have to wait for DH to down load them. I have to get one of us on the this board soon. Ohhh if you all didn't know, I met with Dianne last Saturday for Breakfast :biggrin1: Have a safe trip home.

Well let me get my arse up and get moving. Its the only thing that saved me from gaining alot these past two weeks LOLOL hehehehehe.




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Hello again from OK! I am new here...I was banded on Dec. 28th...so this is my 3rd day...I feel pretty good and all, really haven't been hungry per say, but I have all this pressure that is terrible...I sometimes feel like I have an urge to burp and vomit at the same time...is this normal? How do you know when you have had enough to eat or drink?

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I've been having computer problems too....went offline, and could not get it back up...was going to deal with tech suport this morning, and it was back---who nows. I don't!

We have about 8 inches of snow...and more expected today. Tonight is DH's company holiday party (company does not allow a CHRISTMAS party, they are world wide, and that is a no no...). Myblack pants I wanted to wear would have still been tight, but wearable. However they moved it from the ballroom they usually used to a local casino...so jeans are the norm. In this weather, I guess it is all ok, I will wear my new shirt and maybe my boots.

My ice maker in the fridge went out, it poured Water all over inside the freezer. What a mess! I pulled out the owners manual, Rick called the maytag place (who incidentally was much busier than they are portrayed!!!). Gave him the exact part number, the exact model number, and tore it apart last night---it is the wrong part. he was a little irate!!! So now my fridge is sitting in the middle of the kitchen, and I have no water in there.

Going to get my hair trimmed---scared to hear Lori (my stylist) freak out over how little hair I have left. She is a sweetie, and will probably hide her horror well!!!

Hope all of you are feeling better---poor Chris sick and having to pack and move, or deal with the scary guy. I too will be glad for you to be out of there.

Have to tell you guys---my niece is mad at me now!!! The whole picture thing to her was a big joke, but she called wanting me to drive her and her DD to Albuquerque. She drives a brand spanking new Charger, and the roads are snow packed, and travel is discouraged, in most places, totally closed in others. Some areas have over 3 feet of snow! Anyway she wanted me to take the 4WD and drive them down. I refused, both due to the weather, and prior commitments. I have DH's party tonight, and my folks have an annual posole party tomorrow night, and I am the official dishwasher/punch bowl filler, coat retreiver, etc. So she calls back and asks to borrow the SUV. I told her to call Rick, he said nope he was driving it in this weather, that she needs to stay home!! Now she is mad at us. She is a teacher (scary huh?) and she bought her DD a gift that is a night in the museum of natural history. My DD's did that in 3rd grade, for free!!! Now they pay $100.00, and they have cooking things going on, all kinds of stuff. I would bet the new movie, made selling that easy!!! Anyway, if it had been another time in decent weather I would have taken them....it is such fun for the kids. But...we are the mean ones now!!! See how sad I am over it?

I am off to change out some laundry....check in with y'all laterz!!!


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My goodness Kat...sounds like your niece needs to be taught a few things. Honestly how rude! Stick to your guns and have fun at the party!

Eileen - Seems you've been very lucky in getting to meet some of the gals from the thread. I think thats great. I do hope someday we get to meet :)

Mary - Hope your visit with your brother has been fun. Sounds like you're feeling better so that's very good news :)

Cassandra - Sounds like you're well on your way to having your wedding plans completed. That's awesome! It will leave you plenty of time to do the little things that make your day extra special. I'm tempted to try on my wedding gown again and pull it nice and tight to see how it would look now. Have you started looking at dresses yet?

Cindy, Anne, Pat, Patty, Dianne, Darcy, Chrispy,Betty, Allison, Mandy..whew there are lots of us huh? hee hee HELLO Goils hope you're all doing well.

So heres a question for ya'll....why is it that I lose weight better when I'm not trying extra hard to lose it? I was hoping to reach ONEDERLAND by New Years...I was at 201 Tuesday...I've been watching what I'm eating, moving my ars, rode my bike and bingo I'm now at 203 this morning....TOM isn't due for a long long time either. I haven't eaten salty foods or junk...I swear eating some of the stuff actually helps me loose weight. So now I'm frustrated and know ONDERLAND ain't happening for New Years. I know I've done very well weight loss wise but, this was a goal I wanted...apparently not enough? grrrrrrrr oh well...one day at a time right? I'll get there...just gonna take longer. To think I passed on the chocolate, ice cream, pie etc this week.....maybe THATS what I did wrong lol. Yet another saga in the weight loss journey huh? hahaha

Anywho...gonna poke around the boards a bit then go make some Turkey Soup. Love ya gals and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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Hi everyone! I am at my wit's end with this neighbor of mine. This morning I'm packing up some - around 11am. He's been up for hours, because I heard him around 9am gabbing on the phone. So I'm packing up my kitchen, so it must be making some noise. He yells, again, and is how blaring music so loud it makes the building shake. I CANNOT WAIT TO MOVE!!!!!! It is taking all of me not to jump up and down on this floor and tell this guy off. He's now taken to playing music this loud at 10 or 11 at night. I think he's doing it on purpose to piss me off. I hate getting this angry, but man he has pushed my buttons!! Grrrr.... Just one more week of this hell.

I feel better getting that off my chest. Thanks for listening. I've got to hop in the shower to get ready to go see Disney on Ice with my sister and two neices. I feel horrible still and tried to cancel, but my 3 year old neice cried when she found out Auntie wasn't coming. I caved. lol. Hope everyone is well!

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Chrispy...I hope someone with heavy feet and a little one that loves to run and jump moves into your apartment when you leave hahahaha

Better yet...someone that likes to tap dance, sing and play the drums ..hee hee my bad

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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