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The mix stick takes an SD memory card, I got a 1gig on ebay for $10 shipped. ~Mandy

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Good Morning :biggrin1:

What a hairy week at work, my boss was there ever second and with nothing to do and I had a ton of work to do.

I read back a few pages....lordy lordy lordy.

Mary, how are you feeling hon, and no I didn't hear about the raid and the kids...my gosh that is just horrible. Very very sad.

Beanie babe, how are you feeling?

Cindy lucky duck... I'm glad your party went well....kinda bitter sweet huh. Glad the concert worked out :)

Chris what a wacky neighbor, I'd be scared too.... they should boot his ass out of there.

Dianne, :) how are you feeling, I've heard about those meds and some people really like it. Just give it some time to kick in. Are you stopping up here this week?

Darcy...how did the party go with the kidlets? I really have to be in the right frame of mind to have alot of people over LOLOL

Jules, congrats on graduating *BRAVO*

Anne have fun with the grandparents and ohhh... I didn't see that list of cookies... I mean food porn that you posted LOLOL DROOOOL !!!!! :)

Kat sorry your still feeling like crap, I'm on week #4 and still coughing....yep the cold from thanksgiving....tis the season huh. Well if DH can give you the silent treatment...you can give him the "oh I have a headache" treatment ;) hang in there.

Mandy pretty tree, its not small at all.

Patty, yes I remember the train toot toot "myster box" LOLOL that was so funny. How are you feeling my dear? ya got the boys this weekend?

Betty whats shakin sis?

Pat.... oh Pat......whats brewing by you ??

Sherry baby how are things by you? How's Mom?

Cassandra, your wedding plans sound beautiful. I got married in January and had everything in my favorite color...Light blue. My mom said it should be dark colors b/c its winter but pfffffffffffffft. Its my wedding and I'll do what makes me happy. I suggest no matter who trys to stick their nose in your plans...don't listen, do what makes YOU happy b/c its your day.

Yesterday I had the neices, nephew and my sister over, we baked Cookies and had fun. I made them take 99% of the cookies home b/c that will be my meals for the next few days and I really can't afford it LOL, I'm not losing weight but its okay....if I can maintain during the holidays I'm very happy about it. January the time to start kicking ass again.

I have vacation this week and plan on taking Mom shopping and finishing up on my own shopping. Should be fun.

Well I'm hungry (haaaaaa surprised?) time to make Breakfast.< /p>


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Hey All

Since I had to unbury my computer to order a gift on-line, I thought I would stop in and see how my beloved band buddies are doing.

I am still godawful sick. By the time I got home on Friday, my fever was at 102 and I felt kinda nauseaus. The nausea is kind of sticking with me - but the fever has dropped down to under 100 by today.

The good news? I haven't eaten much lately - and my scale had some crazy number on it this morning like 291 point something. I just figured I was too feverish to be reading that right - so I will wait and see what the doc's scale says. I will be going in on Monday, since having a fever for two weeks is considered somewhat bad.

Jules - Congrats on Graduating! I figure it's time we all finally get together again. Miss Cindy couldn't make it the last time, and you weren't even here, yet - so it is well past time we got together again.

I suppose you all have big plans for New Year's Day? That would be the very best day for me - but I know I am probably the only person that is true for.

Dianne - I am so glad to hear you are feeling well enough to venture out into society again. That can only be a good thing. Hugs!!

Kat - I whine in the key of C - perhaps we can create a harmoney of whines. *WHHHIIIIIIIINNNNNNEEEEEEE* Sorry about the bickering with the spousal unit. That just sucks the life right out of me. The money thing is always tough. Hugs!!

Cindy - Sounds like your girl is getting a grand Christmas this year. Nothing like being an only child.... :] Cool that you got better seats at the concert. So, what are you doing on New Year's Day? Big plans? big family fun?

Mandy - Sounds like Abi has it pretty good this year, too. Although I must confess that being over 40 and not having any kids of my own, I have NO idea what a Mix Stick is....Bummer about having to keep your blinds drawn.

Anne - Don't feel too bad about your dusty shoes. Mine have cobwebs on them, too. *sigh*. I guess one I am over this crud, I will have to drag myself back there. Not even your cookie food porn sounds good. Gads, I must be dying!

Chris - congrats on being done with the test. I hate those things... Good luck on getting the new place. I am thinking good thoughts.

Darcy - I am getting the vision of you in the flashing red nose.... hahahaha. Thanks for the laugh. I would have been mortified as a girl to be picked up by a mother in a flashing red nose. How fun was that! I picked up the 2nd pirates movie recently, too. Can't wait to see it.

Eileenie - Smart move to make them take the Cookies away. I don't want to eat much - but somehow I think a cookie or two might get consumed if they were here.

For those of you that are keeping track - here is the latest on my dad. The thing floating in his heart is a tumor - which is actually the better option between tumor and clot.

For one thing - tumor is probably localized and is definitely anchored down - so it won't float out and clog and artery and kill him. Of couse the stubborn old goat is doing all that he can to be SURE he drops dead - since when I called this morning, he was painting his garage.

Mom says he won't take it easy - it goes against his nature to allow himself to be sick. His mom was a Christian Scientist - mind over everything - and so that has coloured all of our attitudes about doctors and medicine - but probably his most of all. I am just glad that he is at least going to the doc to find out what is wrong and try and fix the problem. In the mean time, I appreciate all of your prayers and good wishes for him - since he certainly isn't doing too much to take it easy!

Well - I have been upright for longer than I have since Friday, and I am starting to feel the effects.

For all of y'all who haven't checked in - Love and hugs!!

Hope to hear from you soon.


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Hey Beanster, sorry your still under the weather but heck, WL is a cool thing. Gosh I feel horrible for your Dad...he is in my prayers.

Gotta run.... grocery store should be some what normal this time of night LOL.


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Good to see you, Eileen! Sounds like you week pretty much stank up the joint...what is with this boss-guy's management style? I guess it's pretty much solid that if you breathe down people's necks, they love to work hard for you? Sheesh. Your cookie baking sounded fun...I haven't done that yet. How can Christmas sneak up on me like this?

Beanie, I'm sorry you are still feeling bad! Have you tried those zinc lozenges yet, or are you the one that doesn't like them? Try them anyway. New Year's Day is okay with me, as long as it is after the Rose Parade...I know, I'm weird. I just love that parade!

So, we have a possible date...how about a location? Is Denton good, or is that not central enough? Also, I guess your dad is better off with the tumor, but what are they going to do about it?

Mandy, thanks for the info on the SD card...you sure got a great price on that! I bought a 1G for my camera and paid 45.00, and I was happy with that! It wasn't a SD...it was another kind, but still....you are a great bargain shopper!

Okay, I'll check back later!

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Hello Y'all!

Sorry, just a quick update and I am going to kick my feet up. I got the house cleaned up and the laundry done, then did some shopping with DH. Then I came home and....................You aren't going to believe this, I worked in the yard and got some of my flower beds cleaned up! Gosh, it made the place look so much better getting rid of the plants that got frosted!

But the bad part is I lost one of my good earrings somewhere during all this!

Yesterday either something bit me on the hand, or I am getting something wrong with it because my fingers are swollen up and they really hurt. Just what I need right now. They have a big important order at work and my boss told me I would be working on it starting tomorrow. I hope the fingers let me do it, it sure hurts typing right now.

So, now that I let you all know I am totally falling apart, I'm going to go get some rest!

Beanie - I sure hope you start feeling better. I'm glad you are going to the doctor!

Have a great evening!

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Beanie I am so sorry that you are still feeling sick!!! I'm glad you are going to the doctors. I agree that having a fever for two weeks is not normal!

So the good news everyone - I passed my exam! Yeah!!!! I checked my work email from home this morning and got the message. What a relief! Now just a million things to do before Christmas........

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Hello my friends, I feel like I've been a stranger lately and I apologize for that. Things are the usual nuttyness but, I'm always reading and checking to see how everyone is doing. I just baked something different for tomorrows Bake-Off at work. The recipe was on the back of the mini-morsel bag and it's called banana Mini Chip Bars. The smelled great coming out of the oven but, I can't cut them until they cool completely. Which means I'll be running around tomorrow morning lol. The guys were disappointed because they thought I was baking for them. I told them if they taste good, I'll bake them some tomorrow. They love my banana bread so many they'll like these.

Mom and I made the chocolate dipped pretzels today. MAN it's hard to find pretzels that aren't all broken up. Anyway we used 4 huge bags of the medium weight pretzels and 3 bags of pretzel rods. We used dark chocolate and milk chocolate with holiday sprinkles. Tomorrow we'll make the small pretzels with white chocolate drizzled with green and red chocolate. I also made some hand dipped jumbo cashews, cashew bark and cashew clusters. After the white chocolate pretzels are done we'll have to bag them all. I got some clear candy bags and curly ribbon to do that. I'm making those for my employees for Christmas and Mom is giving them to her friends. I also thought I'd put together a platter for DH to take to work and a tin for my neighbors across the street. I also have to put together my gingerbread houses. I bought two kits to make them...lazy that I didn't bake my own but, I like how the little houses look :)

I posted a picture of DH and myself on our picture thread. Chrispy told me I should lol. I actually like this one so that's amazing lol. If you only knew what I went through to buy an outfit :) Why is it even after you lose so much you don't like yourself in anything? I was so down on myself until my mother slapped me upside the head lol. Poor mom lol Dragged her everywhere to help me. She was awesome (by the way...she also puts up a good chocolate fight while making pretzels lmao). She was great and really helped me get some confidence back. Must be because TOM is around the corner.

Bean - I do hope you're feeling better now. Have you seen a doctor? Did you finally finish your tree?

Cindy - My goodness your retirement is coming fast isn't it ;) congratulations. Sounds like your party was alot of fun and I think that's great! I saw TransSi concert 2 years ago in Providence, RI and it was great! I knew you were going to enjoy it...and what new seats! Lucky girl!

Betty - sounds like you were really busy this weekend. Flowerbeds.....worked on em...wow...wish I had your energy. You know I was bitten by a spider once while working in the yard. It bit me in the ear and it swelled up like a balloon. The doc could see two tiny bites so she put me on something....can't remember what. I can bet that's what happened to you. That would definately make your joints achy and hand swell up. Definately have that looked at if. Have you checked for bite marks?

Eileen - How are things going? Is your boss going to be there all week this week too? I'm not able to post during work because I constantly have people in my cubicle. I can't wait to have my office, we're waiting for the furniture to come sometime in January. Long drawn out process UGH. My mom is doing great, thank you for asking. She's been more upbeat lately, probably because I'm keeping her very busy lol. She really doesn't like the holidays but, I think it's because she gets so disappointed with my siblings. She really wishes they'd call her or visit but they don't. There isn't anything I can do about it. When they've visited a few times, I've always given them their privacy and not bugged them unless they called me downstairs. So that's not it...I have no clue why they are the way they are. I can only love my mom the way I always have right? :) Is DD ready for Christmas? Are you?

Darcy - How are you feeling? How many kiddos slept over your house for the party? I did that one time for my son...he had 9 other boys sleep over and here I was a single mom at the time. UGH...The kids just wouldn't go to sleep. I finally had to turn the lights out at 3am and say that's it go to bed lol. Then a few were up at 6 and woke up the others. UGH Nothing like feeding 10 teenage boys! Never again I told him lol Hope yours went well.

Patty - Anything more on your surgery process? Are you all set for Christmas for your boys? Hope you're doing ok.

Pat - Where are youuuuuu. Did you get your tree? Is it decorated? Can we see it hee hee

Mandy, Allison, Anne, Dianne....HIDEY HO ho ho hows it going?

I've hogged enough of the thread for now....this week starts Holiday week at work. You know who is the Chair for the Activities Committee so here is what is planned:

Monday - Bake Off

Tuesday - pizza lunch

Wednesday - Chocolate Day

Thursday - Ice Cream Sundae Day

Friday - Italian Lunch

Prizes are being given away each day with 10 being given on Friday. I can't tell ya what yet just in case someone from work reads the thread lol.

Chat with you soon Goils! Hugs to you all!

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Yeah Chris, WTG---I am glad you got the good news and can now relax and enjoy---as well as avoid psycho neighbor!

Beannie--let us know what the Dr. says---I feel good for a day---well passable, then I get down again, and cough my head off! Then the fever comes up, but mine is mild compared to yours! Glad you are seeing the doc. Let us know. So is there an option with the tumor in the heart? Do they think it is continuing to grow? I know when they fixed DH's valve, they decreased the size of the heart, and were all around inside of it, the way they showed me on the model...scary stuff. He as well as the rest of the family are on my prayer list! I have a good friend who finds out tomorrow if her lump is cancerous or not. she has a STRONG family history of breast cancer, and her Dr. is not holding much hope for a good biopsy. Sad.

Eileen--is the boss gonna be here all week again? You know I was originally mad at DH, he made the issue over the bank statement, then he went quiet. I was originally angry back at him...it wasn't like I had spent any huge amount of money...but we had been since June for a normal check. Then his short term disability (STD) had been closed, on Friday, as he was returning to work on Monday, and had the GI bleed on Saturday. So....we ended up with no pay for about 6 weeks. Which left the account lower than we like, but between that and the fact that it IS Christmas, I thought we had done well, he didn't! BUT...now I am watching a little closer, with a more open mind (and heart) and I think he may be dealing with a bit of depresssion. The Dr.'s warned us that is was very common following the heart surgery. He had made several comments about being a sick old man (he too has had this cold crud). I think when he got sick again, he worried, that he will always be sick--then he saw the bank statement, and started in with the whole not even a good provider anymore junk. So....I am trying to treat him a little differently, force him into doing more, where I had been mothering/smothering him to make sure he didn't do too much. I need him to see himself as the man he was again. At least that is the conclusion that I reached after a long talk with my Dad, and his brother, both of whom have been through it. So DH and I are not really fighting---he is fighting with himself I believe. It scares me. He has always been the one I depend on...now he seems to be floundering....hope it settles down, I know I have exacerbated tehproblem, but at least now I am aware of it!

Cindy-glad your concert went well, we loved TSO as well...will go again if the chance presents itself!

OK, I need to hit the shower....DH and I went to a friends and took some pics tonight, I will try to post one on the pic thread in a day or so after he sends them to me, someone will have to resize it!!!

Will catch up with everyone soon...Sherry I see you here, I bet I missed your post....hope all is well!


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Good Morning Y'all!

Wish I had one more day at home before going back to work! :) I am still tired! I am glad I got a bunch of that yard work done though, even if it was a small dent to what needs to be done.

Next weekend I am going to make some Cookies, but not many! I made some some things yesterday morning, but decided to do the cookies last for two reasons, one they will be good a fresh w/o freezing, and two, I won't eat as many!:)

Chrispy - Congrats to you!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: I am glad you passed and it is all behind you!

Beanie - Let us know what the doc says, and don't cancel your appt! I'll keep your DD in my prayers. Probably staying busy is the best thing he can do, not only health wise, but mind wise too!

Kat - I think anytime we have to depend on anyone to help us when we are down it gets depressing. Once he gets back to normal and working good you will probably see a big difference in him. I'm thinking about you, I know how tough it can be!

Sherry - Wow, all your treats sound yummy! :hungry: :hungry: :hungry:

Did you enjoy your time off? It was this last week wasn't it or is it this week?

Pat - It's not like you not to come and post your Christmas pictures, where are you and are you all right?

Patty - What's the lastest? We are waiting!

Darcy - Did you have fun at the slumber party? ;):):D

Cindy - Glad you had fun at the concert! Wow, not many days left for you now!:D :D

Eileen - Have you made all those cookies yet? Are you ready for Christmas?

Mandy - It sounds like your daughter will have a great Christmas!

Jules - Congrats on the graduating!

Anne - How was the movie? Your cookies sound great!

Well, I have to run and get dressed for work. Everyone have a great day!

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Hey All...

Couldn't keep enough food in the girls... they were too busy bouncing off of the walls... thank goodness they were in the basement! My daughter complained of stomach pain last night and then... :) ALLLLLLL Over her bed and floor... EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. Bless her heart... she was sick most of the night and I was gagging and nearly barfing as well while cleaning up.

Anyhoo... Love you all... Hope everyone has a great week... Kat... having health problems is terribly depressing... hopefully your hubby will start feeling better soon. (((hugs))) Betty... You are burning tons of calories working on that yard... and I can almost smell those Cookies baking. ;) Pat must be busy with all of her elfing duties :) . Patty... You'll be scheduling that surgery date before you know it! Sorry about all of the sick kiddies at school... I guess viruses do a lot of shopping for hosts this time of year! Anne... I asked this on the picture thread... but where did you get those stocking hangers?

Not forgetting everyone else... I will bbl...need to go check on my dd. (((hugs)))

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3 French Hens...

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Mandy, I was just going to ask, "I wonder what Mandy is going to post for 3 French hens?" And VOILA! C'est ce bon! (Okay, I took French for 2 years...30 years ago...pardon et moi...) Did anything I just say make any sense????? LOL1

Yes, indeed, it is 3 days, counting today, left until the end of the ol' career.

Chrispy, congrats on your tests!

Sherry, enjoyed the long post...it's been a while!

Darcy, hope DD is feeling better now...the last time my DD got sick, I ended up with a brand new mattress!

Betty, how's the hand doing today? Spider bites are sometimes very painful, and watch out if it's brown recluse! Let us know....

Eileen, what's up at work?

Beanie, what days are the morgage gods letting you off for Christmas?

Dang...I always start these posts right before lunch, and run out of time to finish...

Be Back later...


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Hey Cindy... Hope you were able to munch on lunch while you were typing! Yeah... the girl is at least able to sip Water now... poor sweetie... there really is just nothing worse than the stomach flu. You would think as a nurse I could handle cleaning up barf but I even gagged when I had to empty basins in the hospital. Show me an open draining wound and I'm facinated... a little bit of erp and I'm hanging over the bowl...lol.

Sherry... 9 BOYS?????? Are ya crazy???? LOL... Em had 8 last year and I made her cut it down to 5 (including her). It may get cut to 3 next year...lol. They finally pooped out around 3 AM... whew!

Kat... I can't imagine what it is like waiting for the results of a biopsy... scary stuff. I have spent a lot of time worrying about death and dying this year... not sure why. I pray that your friend will get good news with her biopsy results and if not... I am so glad she has a caring friend like you.

Beannie... I can't see your post on this page so I'll have to go back and read after I'm done... sending hugs for all that you are going through right now. Hope the docs figure out what is causing such a longterm fever and that they get you on the road to recovery soon!

Chris... Congrats!

Okay...off to do chores... will have to do more catching up when a little later today.

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Oh sure.

I am practicaly dying all weekend - so I am all excited about the doctors visit - but this morning as I stood in line at the UPS Store to ship my packages, I started sweating like the Wicked Witch of the West in a Rain Storm. Those poor people in line must have thought I was an addict in withdrawal or something. Anyway, now my fever seems to be gone.

Never fails. I guess I should schedule the doc's appointment on day 2 of any illness to scare the sick away. Don't fret, y'all. I am still going - at four. Just to be SURE that the witch is really dead.

Besides - I want to see what the scale says. :]

Eileenie - Hugs!! I miss you! We are going to have to get together again, soon. I will see what I can do for January. xo

Cindy - I love a parade, too. Besides, I am SO not a morning person. Afternoon on New Years Day works for me. Jules? Betty? I can drive to Denton if you can.... Where is a good place? Is there someplace where we can drink like 2000 cups of coffee and spend 4 hours sitting around?

Betty - I surely hope your hand feels better! I suppose you have some big block party on New Years Day? Could you make it up to Denton to visit? Or do we need to change locations? Could you come, if we did? I am getting all excited....

Chris - YAHOOOOOOO!!! Congrats on passing your test. Now all you have to do is get away from Psycho Boy downstairs and all will be well. You hang up those clogging shoes, now. :]

Sherry - Geez - I guess we will have to call you Sherry aka Betty Crocker... Sounds like you could open a sweet shop at your place this week. Mmmmm. You seriously plan OFFICE activities for the week of Christmas? What are we going to do with you?

Kat - my fever has ranged from normal to 102 and hit ever mark in between. I really thought I was over it last week. Shows how much I know. I hope your husband responds well to the renewal of treating him like the tough guy he still wants to be. Hugs!

Darcy - was your girl ill in front of her friends? That might be mortifying for a teenager. Hope she is feeling better. **And yes - I am so long winded that you posted before me. :]

Mandy - so cute! Love the Hens.

Well - there is no more news yet on my Dad. They still didn't even have the "Official" word on the tumor yet - the Tech who took the picture told them that info. They have yet to meet with the Cardiologist and whoever else has to review that stuff. I appreciate all your well wishes and prayers. I will keep you posted.

I will also let you know if the doc has anything interesting to say when I see him later on.

Hugs and Love.


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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