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Dianna, come here everyday and vent if needed, heck several times a day is fine too. (((hugs))) it will get better, remember every tomorrow has a new beginning, and each day is a gift, that's why we call it the present. I'm here if you ever need to talk. ~Mandy

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And for today's countdown.....4 calling birds.....

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In the meantime I'm looking for a new apartment. I'm not sure if I mentioned my story to you guys (Sherry knows all about it), but Sunday night the guy downstairs from me went on a 40 minute tirade about how he was going to come up and "beat my f-ing face in". Apparently he doesn't like it when I walk or change my trash. Yeah, reasonable guy alright. Anyway I filed a complaint with the police dept and spoke to my landlords. I don't feel safe confronting this guy because to me, he's a lunatic. Normal people don't respond that way to normal apartment noise. My landlords have agreed to let me break my lease without penalty and I've been looking at some nice places over the past few days. This is NOT the time of year I want to do this, but it is what it is I suppose. I no longer feel comfortable or safe here, so that's not going to work.

This is the post they were referring too, name cofusion I think. ~Mandy

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Yes, today is "Four Calling Birds" and I am only counting work days, not the weekends. And, it includes today. Friday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

The party was great! There were about 40 people there...all the way back to my first principal at the school I am in now. My favorite friends from the past, who have already retired, were there...even a handful of my former students, who are 35-38 years old now! No tears at the party, for me...I teared up a little today while I was writing a little "good-bye and thank you" letter to everybody. Each person wrote me a letter, telling me things they remember, admire, etc...and they put it in an album for me, with some pictures of me and friends over the years...it is a treasure. That will cause some tears when I read it quietly someday. I was kinda awestruck when I read it. You just really never know how you affect other people. The littlest thing (so you think) is a huge thing to someone else. Man, it makes you think.

Chrispy is the gal with apt problems, not Cassie...that's the confusion...oops!

Patty, the waiting is driving us nuts!

Betty, I am glad for TGIF too!

Hope Eileen can stop in today maybe?

Mandy, still lovin' those pictures...and your tree is gorgeous!

Be back later, hugs!


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Hey Y'All

I took the last two days off trying to kick this everlasting crud that I have. I had HOPED that sleeping for a couple of days would knock out the fever, at least. Of course, when I went to bed last night, my temp was still over 100 - but it was down to 99 this morning. Maybe it will finally go away. I had to come to work today - not only to check in with y'all - but because if I had to get up, get dressed and go get a doctor's note, I might as well drag my ass in to work. *sigh*

Jules - Five weeks?? Color me green! (Christmas Green of course!) You will have five weeks off, Cindy will soon be RETIRED - geez. Maybe we can all do lunch. :]

Sherry - 75 lbs ROCKS. Geez. You were banded a week AFTER me and you have lost twice as much weight! You have obviously been working harder than I have! Great job!

Betty - the joys of being a Moderator. Now that you are working, I don't know how you have the time! Thanks for thinking of my Dad. No new info, right now. They never tell you anything for days after those stupid tests - and Mom tends to hold back until she has it all. I will have to call her tomorrow to see if they know anything more.

Eileenie - Glad you get to take a few minutes off - even if I means you can't play with us, now. Hugs!

Mandy - yes - I need the reminder to vote, too. And I LOVE the goofy pics. What a great idea! Your tree is pretty. I really did spend the last two days sleeping. I still haven't decorated! *sigh*

Cass - Your Holiday Wedding sounds like it will be a blast! What a great present for both of you! And you can decorate with pine boughs and holly! The church will smell divine! Oh - and if the dresses aren't TOO fluffy - your brides maids might actually be able to wear them again, in real life. They will love you for it!

Kat - Well - being sick didn't help me much - but going home and sleeping for two days seemed to do the trick. I happened to step on the scale yesterday and saw 293 - way down from the 297/298 where I had been hovering for weeks. I guess if you are sleeping, you can't be eating. :]

Cindy - you short timer, you. TranSiberian Orchestra is in town? Dang, and I have probably missed the opportunity! Bummer. Hope you have a great time! Crazy about that party communication. But whatcha gonna do? People are all a little bit nuts - present company included! :]

Dianne - Hugs Hugs!! I hope the new meds help. Congrats on the weightloss!! You will make that 5 ft club in no time. That breathing thing helps, huh? Sometimes I could use that... Glad to hear you got through a day without tears. You vent any old time you like. That's why we are all here... really. It's all about support. HUGS!

Mary - sorry to hear about those families being separated. I hope you get over your illness soon. It sucks to be sick!

Anne - Not very nice of TOM to stop by when you are working on a party! How did that go?

Chris - OMG! What a nut case that guy is... Sounds like he has a bit of a problem. Maybe he wants your apartment or something? You haven't been taking a clogging class up there, have you?? I know how you are Sherry are about dancing! :] Good luck finding a better place. Hugs!

Patty - Have I mentioned you have a marked propensity for evil? Well do I remember the Mystery Box - you held out on us for like months!! GRRRRR. You wouldn't really do that to us again, would you? Not sweet little Patty?? Everybody's favorite Mom? C'mon, PLEEEEAAAAASE say you won't. :]

Well - I have to run. Nobody did ANYTHING while I was gone - so there are three days worth of work waiting for me today. The price of resting is more stress?!?!? WTF!!

Love you guys!

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Beanie, I only have the 5 weeks off between semesters. Of course it feels like a vacation, but it isn't quite one. I took 15 hours this semester and it kicked my butt. But now I have some sainity time to read and exercise (ugy). I would love to get together after the Christmas rush.

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I may be on my way back..lol.. I'm still not me but I'm not like I have been thank goodness!

Tomorrow I will be getting together with the NC group. I'm excited about that cause I didn't think I'd make it.

Love you guys! night night

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Hi all, like Beannie, I am getting kicked in the butt by this bug again---still coughing my fool head off!

Chris--get your test done---and find you another place quickly. BUT in the meantime, if he does anything that makes you uncomfortable, call the police, I don't care if it seems to piddly for that. The guy sounds like he has anger issues, so if he scares you or upsets you---have a report made.

Beannie-Mary- let's all whine together!!!

Dianne--you can whine with us if ya wanna!!! I am glad your meds seem to be helping...you'll get there girl!

Cassie--gee I can't believe you don't wanna move because Chris is having problems with her neighbor---I thought we all looked out for one another around here!!!!! LMAO!!! I bet you did think you had a black out there!!!

Betty--you made it!!!! The weekend is here!! ENJOY!

Mandy-the tree looks really pretty! I will try to get one of mine---but someone will have to size the pic for me---me & my computer we is dummies!!!

Jules---you will be off soon---hang in there!!!

Cindy--you will have to find something new for Mandy to hunt pictures of now!!! Glad your party was fun!

Well, I know I only got a few of you----but it has been a crummy day. DH and I are half way arguing over $$$$. But it is more like he is just pissy about it, and so giving me the silent treatment---which makes me want to silence him by choking!!!! Oh well, this too shall pass I guess. I HATE fighting with him---brings up every insecurity I have fought to overcome through the years. Wish me luck that this goes over soon.


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Kat, sorry about the arguments. These money ones do come up at this time of year, unfortunately. Can you find out what the bottom-line really is and soothe it? It'll sort itself out, you know it will.

I'm up early, enjoying the tree and quiet! DD and I slept out on the couch with tree lit up...our Christmas Tree Sleepover! We had eggnog and candy and watched Polar Express last night. It was fun! Today is the Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert! I just can't wait to see DD's face when she sees a real full-on concert like this! That's DH's and my Christmas present to ourselves. Sure, it's not Pink Floyd, but she's 9 years old...we're taking this in stages!

My Christmas cards aren't done, so don't look for those in your mailboxes yet! They are coming, though.

The decorations are as done as they are going to get...we have so much stuff, we just don't use it all every year. The rest is going back up in the attic until next year. I'm trying to talk my dad into just decorating something. After mom died, he didn't want to do it last year. So, I would like him to just put out his Christmas miniature village, maybe? It's hard, but would like him start with something. He thinks he's going to do it next week. Say a little prayer for him, please?

Beanie, I hope your dad is okay. I have been praying for him. Please let us know.

Eileen...I miss you! What's going on, sister? Hey, do you mind sharing a little about what you are getting your DD for Christmas? I always wonder if my DD is getting bum gifts or good ones? Besides the concert, I got her a CD that I chose the songs on (Walmart does that), two Karaoke CD's for her karaoke machine (she sings), two Mix Clips for her Disney Mix Stick she got last year, a portable CD player and the High School Musical CD, a gift certificate for a Movie Tavern in Denton...oh, some pj's. That's all I can remember. I stayed away from the Barbies and Polly Pockets, because I think my sis will do that. So, if you've got your ear to the ground on something really cool, I'd love to hear about it!

Well, everyone, I'd better move along...need to do a few things, then get everyone ready for our trek into the "big city" for the concert!

Have a great day!

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Hey all, I only have a sec. Just wanted to say thanks for the compliments on the tree. It's a new tree and I was worried it was too slim. I bought it for our old house, and it had small windows. we bought this place over the summer and it has huge front picture windows. We can't open the blinds and light up the tree, there is a theft ring in the next town over, they are breaking in and only taking the gifts from under the trees. So far it's only been homes where the trees are on display in front of a wondow. My blinds are tightly drawn.

Cindy, Abi is younger than yours but she is very mature. She got High School Musical remix the DVD, a mix stick, a cotton candy maker ($35 off of google shopping for the real deal not the toy kind) and a barbie guitar (the karaoke one). I have a ton of her music on a memory card for the mix stick so it's ready to go when she opens it. She is also getting some barbies. My mom also got her barbies and my sister got her a few v.smile games. Dave's mom got her a Mickey Mouse portable CD player and a really nice art set. I am going to check out the Walmart CD. Do they send you an actual CD or do you have to burn it yourself? Gotta run I am off to my mom's my washing machine is boken and she is letting me do some laundry so we have clean undies and stuff...~Mandy

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Hi All!

DH and I are taking the kids to my brother's house so that we can go to a movie for his birthday. We're going to see Casino Royale - I've heard it's really good.

Mandy - what a beautiful tree! I like the tall skinny ones. That's a shame about those burglars though. We've had some vandals around here lately, which had me a little worried with putting out the Christmas decorations. Our mailbox got hit with a baseball bat. DH replaced the whole thing afterwards including a new post and what happens? The neighbor across the street backs into it a week later.

Cindy, have a great time at the concert! Let me know how you like it - I think they're coming through Michigan this spring. Do you think your Dad might like a small Christmas tree that you can keep decorated from year to year? We made one for my Grandfather and hot glued everything on so that there was very little effort involved (it was only a few feet tall and sat on a table).

Kat, I'm sorry that you're still feeling rotten! That bug sure is hanging on tight. Is it possible that it's turned to bronchitis? You may need an antibiotic. It sounds like you and your DH fight like me and Ed - sometimes I wish we were the type to scream and get the tension over with. Stony silences are the worst! (((HUGS)))

Dianne, how are you feeling today? I'm sorry that I haven't done personals in a while but I want you to know I've been thinking of you and sending good vibes your way. Did you make it to Curves? They do say exercise helps. It's been so long since I exercised my tennis shoes have grown dusty. :eek: Hang in there - and no more apologizing for complaining young lady!! That's what we're here for.

Jules, enjoy your semester break! It sounds like you deserve some time to de-stress - 15 hours is quite a course load. How much longer till graduation?

Beanie, you're still sick too?! :sick There must be some vicious bugs out there this year. I hope you're feeling better today so that you can enjoy your weekend with the DH. I'm sending SSHV's (super-strong healing vibes) out to your dad - keep us posted when you hear something.

Crispy, did you find a new apartment? I'm glad you're getting out of that place - that guy sounds like a nutjob. Sorry that you're going through this though. Seems like he's the one who should have to go to the trouble of moving!

Patty, I'm confused... are you supposed to get a letter this week or do you already have it? If you have it and haven't opened it I'm getting on a plane Monday and opening it for you!! That's too bad about the dishwasher. Doing dishes does a number on my back too - something about the height of the counter and bending over just slightly. Hang in there - and make the boys dry. :)

Betty - you made it to the weekend! What are you up to today?

I finally got my Christmas cards out in the mail this morning. What a load off - now I just have to wrap 800 presents and bake Cookies and I'll be ready for the holiday.

Speaking of cookies (skip to next paragraph if you can't handle food porn) I'm going to make thumbprints, buckeyes (chocolate covered peanut balls), and Peanut Butter cookies with the hersheys kisses in the middle. Oh yeah, and I always make butter toffee. Does anybody have suggestions for another kind? I want to try something new...

Pat, Darcy, Eilene, Cassie, Mary - how are you? Any big plans this weekend?

We're having the grandparents over tomorrow for DS's Christmas concert at church. Other than that we have a fairly quiet weekend planned. Have a great weekend everyone!

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I actually graduated today. I didn't walk, but the ceremony was this a.m. I am continuing on and getting a Master of Arts in Teaching. I begin that in January.

BTW, Casino Royale was great. I haven't seen a movie in ages until I saw that one. I loved it.

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Hi everyone! The test is over - thank GOD - and I should know by Monday or Tuesday if I've gotten this new apt I like. It's two bedrooms and much bigger than what I'm in. Sorry for the confusion Cass! lol

Anyway, I'm off to finish some shopping and to catch up on things I have neglected for the past week. Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!

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Hey Guys...

Having a slumber party... 5 age 14 year olds...lol. Wee took them to the skating rink which was a bust as apparently only the lil squirts skate during the day... the BIG kids do the night skate. Oh well! We picked up the girls while wearing our flashing Rudolph noses... they were not amused...hehehehe.

Anyhoo... they are busy watching the second Pirates movie and oohing and ahhing over Jack. THey are munching on popcorn and I hope to have them shoving pizza in next...lol... they are much quieter with food in their mouths...hehehehe.


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Concert review: Better than even we expected! Our seats were terrible, we were behind this corner grate/rail kind of thing, so DH went to the box office to complain that we had not been informed that we would have obstructed view seats, and we were given new seats in exchange....right at the very side of the stage! I'm talking eye level, 6 rows back...WOW! DD's eye were as wide as owls...and lots of "Awesome's!" were heard! It was so good. It lasted 3 full hours, too! Veri-lights, lasers, pryo-technics...you name it...they had it! Then we went to Pappadeux's for dinner, and enjoyed some great seafood...we are all tuckered out now!

Mandy, I had never thought about saving music to a memory card...what type would fit in the Mix Stick? Walmart sends you the Cd already recorded...but I don't know if it would get here by Christmas at this time of year....but it is good to know they do that!

Darcy, keep the food going into the party...after the pizza, throw some bags of chips and candy in there! Hahaha! You've got the right idea! (I bet they liked those red noses, even if they pretended they didn't!) You are a brave woman!

Anne, you're checking in, too, I see at the bottom of the page...hope you had a good day, too!

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