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Just dropped in to quickly say.................

Merry Christmas to all of my LBT Friends.

I've missed you all and I'll be back in the loop soon, before next year, LMAO!

I just wanted you all to know how much I treasure your friendship and support.

Hugs and kisses to you all.

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Good Morning Y'all!

Back to work I go, I go, because I owe, I owe, I OWE!

But I don't want to go, to go, to go!:cry

I know it is going to be a short week, but usually those are the worst one since you have double to do in them! Life goes on!

I have to get my chit together and back on band food now! Enough of the candy/cookies, and all that bad stuff. It's rotten and we aren't going to eat it anymore! Besides that, I spit on all of it so don't put it in your mouth!:D :D :D

Pat - Nice to see your smiling face again!:)

Well, I am going to go for now, everyone have a great day, I'll try to check back tonight when I have more time!

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Yeap I'm peeking from work this morning too. It's not easy...I wanna be in bed in my new pjs and snoring lol. Never realize how exhausting the holiday can be until the next day! I can't even think straight right now....how productive will I be at work today lol. Hugs!

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Good Morning,

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas... I sure did.

FIL went to the hospital christmas eve with yet another fever of 104 and pneumonia. He goes into the hospital every other week because the stinkin place can't diagnose him right. This is the same hospital that almost killed me and where my MIL lost her leg b/c of a staff infection. Not my favorite place. We asked my FIL to go to hackensack hospital but old folks don't like change so what can you do.

Anyway......Christmas was so busy I had no time for the PC. We had a blast and my sister stayed over last night with her kids. Good times to remember thats for sure.

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas.

Cindy you and Dd look beautiful :)

I'll have to post some pictures this week :D



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Happy Holidays.... Happy Holidays.... While the merry bells keep ringing, may your every wish come true...

Well - the Day has passed and all that remains is the rubble - and the love. (and the spinach dip, and the pie... *sigh*)

My house looks like a band of elves wrapped a thousand presents in my living room... I guess I will have to get it all back into some semblance of order tonight.

All I have done since Friday Night is EAT. We went to the Clay Pit with my S&BIL on Friday - it was awesomely good and I ate like a little pig. Saturday, it was all the candy and junk that my family sent as gifts. I don't think chocolate covered peanuts or coconut stacks are rife with nutrition... but that is pretty much what I ate all day. Sunday was more of the same - thank goodness most of that is gone...

I thought I was going to be "Leftover Free" at my house - but my DS sent me home with turkey and stuffing and all the fixin's - including spinach dip, fudge and lemon bars. Mind you, I ate enough food for three bandsters yesterday - just one continuous snack all darned day! I suppose I will be able to pace myself on the leftovers....after they are all gone!

I guess I am going to have to get my petute back in for a fill - because after my little bout with the UT infection, I have almost no restriction. I guess all of the weight that I lost was from under my band.... either that or I have eaten so much that I have pouch dilation. I REALLY hope it isn't that - but I can't discount the possibility.

And of course - not surprisingly - the scale is having it's own little party and laughing at me. I guess I had better get to work on my standing New Year's resolution a little early this year.... I will have to eliptical that fat into submission.

I am done with the antibiotics - that will help some. Those things do HORRIBLE things to me. If they didn't do what they were supposed to do, I would never take them again... *sigh*.

Now I guess I have no more excuses not to go to the gym. The holidays are over, the illness has passed - and I just have to drag my fat @$$ back to the gym. I am somewhat inspired in that one of my co-workers is having a band put in tomorrow. I get the benefit of her new inspiration. Plus, I am going to have to present an appropriate example for her, I suppose.

In a way, I am jealous - cause she is starting at such a low number. She is incredibly lucky that she doesn't have to wait for another ten years and another hundred pounds to be able to get this done. But I am very happy for her and she is such a cutie that I can't REALLY be jealous for long.

Darcy - nothing prettier than Christmas lights in the snow! That's the only sad part about living in TX. No snow - and never at Christmas.

Mandy - congrats on the washer! Did you get all your laundry done? I well recall that whole laundrymat thing. *shudder* So glad you don't have to do that anymore. Wish you were new for New Year's, too. Maybe someday we can all meet up somewhere in the middle. :] Can't wait to see the pics of the size 12's!

Cindy - glad to hear you are not too traumatized by your retirement. Somehow I knew you wouldn't have time to lounge around eating bon bons... :] And CLEARLY you have avoided the BonBons sucessfully! Wow! 80 Pounds!! You ROCK!!! So, your ring is gorgeous! Did you stay in budget for DH? What a guy - Diamonds. I guess one of these years you are going to have to get him a car or something... :] Love the pics!

NatesMom - anytime you stop in is a treat! Congrats on the 70 lbs!!! Woo Hoo - you rock!

Eileenie - I actually was talking about the ANIMATED version of the Grinch. LOL! I haven't seen the Jim Carey masterpiece - but I will be SURE to catch the uncut version when I do. :] Oh - and I have been a tragic victim of CRAFT disease for years now! I am thinking good thoughts for your FIL. Hugs! Geez - if we all ran our businesses as badly as the hospitals and Airlines do, we would all be out of business. Why aren't they? There is just something WRONG with that, isn't there? *sigh*

Jules - Quit yer lurking, me girlie... come and play with us! Did you serve dinner at a shelter? How did that go?

Chris - How was your feast? Hope you had the best possible Christmas! Hugs!

Sherry - Hugs!! Hope you had the best Christmas, ever! I surely didn't like the sound of that alarm this morning... Ugh. I say we should all have the whole week between Christmas and New Year's off, don't you?

Kat - Hugs!! I know you are taking care of that DH and I hope you are enjoying the best Holiday Season, ever.

Betty - Love you too, hon! Glad to hear you had a relaxing time. Nobody needs it more than you!! Oh - and thanks for spitting on all the Cookies and stuff. I know I would have eaten them, otherwise. :]

Mary - Hugs!! Back at ya, Doll. I hope you had the best Christmas ever. Hug the boys for me.

Pat - Hugs!!! We miss you. Hope you can come and play with us again, soon.

Well, my Darlings - Another year is coming to a close and we are all a little lighter and a little wiser. I wish it was a LOT wiser - but, hey - I am doing the best that I can.... Thankfully, I have all of you to help me. I can't tell y'all enough how much it means to know you.... I have learned one important thing in life. You can just NEVER have too much love.

Hugs and Love!!


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I am sitting here reflecting on all of the times I have been on the ledge and ended up here at LBT and you guys were always there, even when logged off, your words were here to comfort me. I am thankful for my LBT family, even the trouble making ones that spit on my Cookies. :) I'm looking at a new year filled with hope of meeting my goal, and being able to share everyone else watching the scale drop. You are my sisters, my friends, my band family. I love you all. ~Mandy

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Cindy I love the pic and think it would make a great avatar!

Eileen sorry to hear about your FIL. I hope he gets better soon!

Beanie - what a post!! lol. Christmas dinner was great thanks! I hope yours was as well. I'm sick of eating though, which it sounds like you are too. :) It's great that you will have new inspiration at work though. You two will really be able to support each other. That can make all the difference.

Mandy - what a beautiful post! This time of year really makes you reflect on the things that are important to you, especially your friends and family. Even though I am a newbie the LBT family means a lot to me. I can only imagine how that will grow over time.

And to everyone else - I hope you all survived and enjoyed the holiday! :)

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Hi all, my mom gave the gift that keeps on giving. We all have the stomach flu, I already had the regular flu, now I am nauseous and have the runs too boot. I took zofran to prevent vomiting but still feel lousy. I had some chicken Soup, I am hoping it stays down. I will check in tomorrow. Night all ~Mandy

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OH NO...Mandy, take care...I'm so sorry you have the flu. I hope you are in bed sleeping.< /p>

I'm not, because, well, I don't know why. Just couldn't sleep.< /p>

Yesterday our computer decided to take itself offline (a vacation?). DH was on the phone with a tech for --get this--FOUR hours. I came home, and was on the phone another 2 hours. We finally disconnected the wireless router, and hooked it direct to the DSL, and we have this one PC connected. They are sending a new modem, and hope that will also cure the router problem? In the meantime, I can't use my laptop at the same time DH is working on the business, so I guess I'm awake now due to withdrawals or something...LOL!

Beanie, I loved your last post...I sure hope you just need a little fill, and I bet that is what it is. Just take it slow...we don't need any big erosion problems, you hear? Hugs. Holiday food is not band-proof...the band just loves Cookies and snacks!

Eileen, I am praying for your FIL...my dad's family has a hospital like the one you are describing, and it scared me so bad. They wouldn't go to any other one either, so I feel for you, sweetie. I guess it might help to remember that we are not in the driver's seat, ever...yeah, it helps, but I still want to drive. Maybe we can pray for each other to accept fact we aren't in control? Hugs to you, too, my friend.

Chrispy, thanks for the thumbs up on the pictures...if anyone knows how to size the picture down small enough for an avatar, PM me and I'll send my email address. Some of you already have it (Darcy?)

I really totally loved getting all the Christmas cards from those of you who do that kind of thing! They were the most fun cards this year! If you didn't get your name on this year's list...think about it for next year, because it was worth it! Just seeing everyone's handwriting was a treat! I loved the letters, too!

Hope everyone made it through work (Betty, Sherry) and it wasn't too bad. I know short weeks ARE the hardest, but it looked like a lot of people were still off, so maybe it was a light work load? I'll cross my fingers for you!

Tomorrow I am going to lunch with one of my dear friends who now lives way out there in Colorado. She meets up with us once a year in Dallas, and tomorrow is the day! Pretty much fun! The "old gang" tries to all get together, but we miss a few...still, it's better than never trying at all. I think they will be surprised this year. Last year at this time, I had lost about 45 pounds, I think...so they should notice a difference this time.

Funny story: when I was shopping with my sis last week, the girl at the Estee counter asked me what my "MOM" wanted! I said, "That's my SISTER!" Luckily, my sister was way down the counter, and didn't hear...the girl was really embarrassed. Then I said, "That's my LITTLE sister", and thought that girl was gonna die. My sis doesn't color her hair, and she wears reading glasses and stuff, but she still seems like she's younger than me...but I never thought that to others, it doesn't look like that. I'm so glad she didn't hear it. I'm even more glad my DD didn't hear it, because she'd have already told her!

Okie dokie...enough of my middle of the night ramblings...if I can pray the keyboard from DH's hands, I'll sign on tomorrow.

Love you guys, Cindy

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Hey gang...I was up most of the night myself. Sour stomach it was terrible. Never had this before like I do with the band especially after the 2nd fill. I'm just getting over TOM so who knows if that had something to do with it or not. Now I have a splitting headache so I stayed home today. (Means I can pop in an play with my friends here at LBT lol) I have the starts of a headcold too. Do ya think germs are catchy on LBT? HEE HEE. Maybe it's just that we all take a little on so the person who's really sick can feel better? Now that would be a connection wouldn't it lol. Honestly....I really do think we all feel each others pain when one of us is hurting.

Cindy I hope the new router helps. I think I'd be really lost if I didn't have my own computer to play with. Fortunately DH is a computer geekoid so we don't go without computers for long. He has to have his up and running in order to work.

Bean - I think the best plan is to plan for a new start with 2007. Check with ya doc to see if another fill is in order then make a plan to wean out that other stuff in the house. I know I'm planning on that myself. I've done ok but, the chocolate chip Cookies and ice cream sure go down easy peasy so after this week...no more. DH put some back on so he wants to lose it too that helps. The tough part is my son being 16 likes some of those junky things so I've already planned on buying "some" of the stuff he likes that WE don't like lol. (Unfortunately there isn't much we don't like hence needing to lose weight lol but, we'll find stuff.) I already got DS to drink more Water than diet soda. I buy 1 2liter bottle a week that's it. He now likes water. Anyway....I certainly hear ya on the holiday goodies THANK GOODNESS it's only once a year! Let us know how you make out on the fill decision.

Darcy - we got a dusting of snow this morning but, it didn't stick. I'm missing it myself. Being in NE though I'm sure in a few weeks I'll be wishin it wasn't so deep lol Are you working on that quilt of yours?

Betty - How's work going this week? Yesterday was great for me since more than 1/2 the building took the day off. I got through a lot of old paperwork that needed to be cleaned up. I can actually see my desk...of course now I'm out today so that won't help.

Well I'll check back again to do more personals. Gotta rest a bit.

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I need a swift kick in the butt. I have been eating fudge like crazy. The sad thing is, I don't really like it that much. It is just in my face. Grandma sent it home for my 15 year old and he hasn't eaten ANY of it. I have!!!!!! When I get home today and none of it has been eaten, I am throwing it away. If he hasn't had any, then he doesn't want any, right?! The ironic part of it all is I think I am down a pound. Go figure. I will weigh again tomorrow a.m. and see if it stays off. Other than that, I have done ok on my holiday eating.

We didn't serve dinner like we had hoped to. My sister didn't get it worked out. I wish we had done it. I think it helps us realize what we have when we see others that have so little.

Mandy, I am sorry you are all sick. Happy holiday, huh?! I hope you all feel better soon.

Beanie and Cindy, I am looking forward to Monday's get together!!!

I hope everyone else is having a great week.

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Morning all, I survived the night. I was up every half hour or so but I made it til morning. I am still sick, but not as bad as yesterday. Maybe this is a 48 hour thing? I'll check in later. ~Mandy

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MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! Yeah, yeah - I know I'm two days late. I know you're not surprised!

Our holiday was a whirlwind. We had DH's family of 11 over on the 23rd for a big dinner, then the MIL over for Christmas Eve, then Christmas day with my family at mom's house. With all of the frenzied cleaning and cooking my back gave out. It's feeling much better, but I get very freaked out when I feel a twinge. I thought I had everything under control, but ended up wrapping presents at the last minute. Yesterday I slept in and stayed in my pj's all day. Now that's bliss!

In the middle of all this, I got a call from my old boss. I stopped working over 6 years ago when I was preggers with my DS. The woman who replaced me is retiring next month, so guess who they want to come back? I'm going in to talk to her tomorrow. I'm excited, nervous, scared... I wouldn't be considering it but this private school tuition is kicking our butt.

Mandy, I hope you feel better soon! My DD had a 24 hour bug last week - hopefully yours is over as quickly. Those jeans sound great. I'd be excited to put on a burlap sack if it was a size 12.

Sherry, you're sick too?! I get sour stomach at night really easily when it's my TOM too. Hope you feel better soon so you can enjoy the day off. Rest up!

Jules, back away from the fudge! My husband's aunt brought us about 5 lbs of it. I "accidentally" left it all at my mom's house. :)

Cindy, congratulations on your retirement! I wish I could join you all for coffee on New Year's Day. Hmm... we need to do some sort of teleconference. :)

Beanie, you made it to Twoterville!! I'm sure a flu wasn't your preferred way to do it, but something good might as well come out of the suffering. I'm so happy for you - CONGRATULATIONS! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Eilene, sorry that your FIL had to spend Christmas Eve in the hospital. I can see why you aren't enamored of that place. Glad to hear you had a fun Christmas! Any big plans for your week off?

Kat, what are you up to today? (((HUGS)))

Okay - it sounds like I have to broker a peace treaty in the next room. DD and DS are fighting over a new toy. Darcy, Pat, Mary, Patty, Crispy, and anyone else I've missed - Hope you're enjoying your day. :)

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Another glorious day in Mortgage Lending... oh joy, oh rapture.

Yes, I still haven't won the lottery. *sigh* I guess I had better get out and buy tickets tomorrow night for the next ten draws.

I have decided to cut myself some slack until after Jan 1. My goal between now and then is to remove all of the miscelaneous junk food from my home. I have already "disposed" of the spinach dip. eh hem. I would like to think that spinach dip counts as a vegetable - at least until 2007.

But I have cut up a loaf of pumkin bread and a loaf of zuchinni applesauce bread to share with my co-workers.

I have determined that I may have to have my Sister Mary assasinated to protect myself from her baked goods in the future. You could use her lemon bars and pumpkin bread to wring state secrets out of spys. That stuff is better than any drug I have ever tried. DANG! And we won't even go into the whole "PIE" situation.

My SIL Johnnie is safe - because while her zuchinni breads are good - they are resistable. Lucky Johnnie...

I have scheduled a fill for Jan. 2 - so I will find out if I have dilation or not. I expect (and fervently hope) not - but one can never be sure.

Plus - the fill will help me to keep on track for my very ambitious goal of 15 lbs for the month of January. I really would like to lose 50 lbs from the DAY of surgery in the first year. I am aiming for 280 by Feb 6th. Everybody wish me luck.

Mandy - I am going to be counting on you to help pull me back from the pumkin bread edge... Hugs!! I hope your flu is short lived... Feel better.

Chris - Are you saying I type too much?!? (LOL) No doubt, I do. And yes, I am excited about my co-worker, too. She had her surgery today... Everybody think good thoughts.

Kat - Hugs!! Hope you are doing well.

Cindy - I would be the "mom" if I were around... I don't dye the hair or anything, either. :] But, it's kind of an NSV for you, huh? Oh - and you had better have a couple of bandaides on hand for your lunch - for when your friends' chins get scuffed on the floor. :]

Sherry - Playing hooky, huh? Cool! Hope you feel better, too. Nothing worse than not being able to sleep at night. It's cool that your DH is going to make some efforts at better eating this year... mine says he is. After his difficulties in finding any clothes that fit, he might do it - especially if I am truly diligent, as I will have to be to make my goal. Good luck! And good luck finding Snacks for your kid that you don't like. I know EXACTLY what you mean - I like everything, too!

Jules - I have fudge at home, too. Don't remind me... and MARY made it - so it's probably like ambrosia. Maybe I will just give it away without tasting it... (yeah, like that is going to happen). Oh well. After Jan 1st - it's a big old boot in the butt for any remaining junk food.

Anne - Hugs! Glad your back is feeling better. I don't suppose it would help to tell you the only way to keep your back in shape is to do abdominal work... sucks but it's true. Good luck with the going back to work, thing. Remember - cut your best deal going in. The future is nebulous. If they want you - make them give you what YOU want right up front. :]

Well my dears - work is calling....in it's most whiney, grating, horrid voice... *sigh* I grow weary of being a loan whore. Maybe I won millions in the last 10 draws and I just don't know it yet... yeah, that's it. Millions.....

Hugs and Love!

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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