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Hey Mandy--I remembered having bought some of that for DH when he had the bronchitis prior to his GI bleed, so I went and hunted it up. The ones I have are time released tablets, and are a little bigger than aspirin...not sure about the size. It says do NOT crush, or cut, do NOT disolve, and do NOT chew. So....thinking I may check out what the kids is like, and just up the dosage if possible. DH took it and he said he thought it helped him. Wonder if they make it in liquid. Ugghh I feel a Walmart trip coming on, but tomorrow is a Saturday this close to Christmas...I don't think so!!! Will just have to suck it up and pay more for it here in town, at the grocery store if they have it. I love my band, but it does play havoc with medications!!!! Thanks for the reminder about it tho!!! Glad it is helping Abi---poor little thing, I know how she feels...you too Beannie...and all you other "sickos" out there. Don't be offended, I am including myself in that!!! In fact I am whining enough to be the head SICKO!!!!


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oh yeah get this......men are soooooo understanding!!!! I actually did brush my hair, this morning. But my eyes are red and watery, and my nose looks like Rudolph and I are related....and my DH asks me if I want to take my new pics (I agreed to do it at 75 pounds down) when he saw me on here typing a post!!!! NOT!!!! He just shrugged and said ok......I would look worse than my before pics where I look drunk!!! At least it would prove it is one and the same!!!


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Good Morning :)

On yer mark....get set.... go..............

Patty CONGRATULATIONS !!!!! Reading how happy everyone is for you gave me major goose bumps. YAHOOOOOIE!!!!!!!!!!! I so needed this good news :o

Snotella, I mean Beanie ;) I'm sorry we missed our lunch. It sucks I can't give you any almond rocca this year :guess Oh cripey.... any news on your Dad? is he in the hospital? Hang in there honey and feel better.

Cindy loo .... 8 maids a milkin? ohhhh you go girl. Congrats on your WL, WAY TO GO !!!!!! How did DD do at the basket ball game?

Pat, how is your son and grandson? Ohhhh that elf thing cracked me the heck up.... I did it w/my DD's picture and when I showed it to her (she's 5 years old now) she said MAMA~~ thats embarassing ROfLMfAO !! hahahahaha, thanks, I really needed that laugh. Oh and I like the pee pee warmers :o

Cassie.... I know your hungry but now is a very tender stage....please be very careful not to hurt yourself. How about filling up or drinking a Protein Shake before you eat your mushies...it might take the edge off. I loved refried beans...you can add cheese and melt it and sour cream to give it a little taste. I also lived on butternut squash Soup from campbells, tuna salad, cream of wheat and different Soups. Hang in there hon. Also remember when your healed your gonna be able to eat alot of food....until you get your fills your gonna probably feel just like you did before banding so don't get discouraged...your not doing anything wrong, the band works when you start getting fills.

Betty...did you break down and bake? lolol How are you feeling, how's DH.

Mandy, I heard that mucinex (sp?) stuff is good, and yes, its VERY expensive. How's everything by you?

Kat thats cool about your DD winning the $$$ and having a boy friend ;) she deserves to be happy. We did the same thing when DD was little, meaning kid proofing the tree LOL.... did your GD really say she was a beast????????? no freakin way. Feel better sicky girl ;)

Anne, its good to see ya girlie....or shall I say busy bee ;)

Darcy, I'm sorry to hear about your dh's g'ma, how very sad. I think hanging her ornaments is way to cool. How are you doing with the unfill?

Geeze....sorry to hear your having an awful time with that van... JERKS!!!!

Mary, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your little one :o Hope your birthday celebration is alot of fun. How are you doing lady? feeling okay?

Sherry berry .... I think trees look nice with just lights but I'm a glutton for punishment and have to stand there for hours just decorating my tree LOLOL. How's Mom ?

Dianne.... well girlie...did you have a good birthday?

Crispy...where are you love? how are you feeling?

Sweethot143 WELCOME ~~~~

Please forgive me if I missed you.... :o

I have to jump in the shower and take DD to have Breakfast with Santa..... hope the fat bastard saves me some pancakes haaaaaaaaaaa just kidding ;)

Love you all

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Hi. The Mucinex for kids will work fine for adults. It says on the package how much the adults will need. I bought some right after I was banded because the sinus meds I was on were too big to try to swallow. The Mucinex I picked was for juniors and it reminded me of the pixie stix. It is a little pouch that has a lot of little dots (can't think of a better way to describe) and you dump them in your mouth and they kind of dissolve and you swallow them. It says not to chew them. I got the bubble gum flavor and it actually taste pretty good. Oh, and after all this, it works well. lol

Anyway........ it is pricey, but is worth it when you can't swallow huge pills and need to do something about the drainage.

Take care.

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Good Morning,

Can't seem to sleep this morning :) Thanks again for all the positive vibes everyone is sending me. My private mailbox has never had such activity. I am actually giving myself positive self-talk and it seems to help. The boys are at the dads for visitation and while they are away I have tons of stuff to do. A week ago I actually felt the urge to write a Christmas newsletter. From the time I got married I started writing a newsletter, and as the years progressed I added a title, graphics and each family member got a paragraph..... and then the divorce. That took all the wind out of my sails and that happened in 2002. While rummaging around in a drawer I found an old one from 1995(Garretts birth) and I sat on the couch and let the tears flow. The twins were 3 and we had a new baby everything was going good for us. Anyhoo, I wiped my face and within a weeks time I have created a new newsletter complete with a new title. I didn't feel comfortable with "Headlines w/the Humphrey's" so today I will be printing "Patty's Playhouse" and it is adorable. After that project I am planning to watch all my DVD rentals and wrap ALL my gifts! I am sure after all that I'm gonna need a nap - whew! When I wake up I will be heading over to Sherry and Rene's house to fix their trees.... ya know I never told you guys how I decorated my tree -- kid power, all I did was unwrap and open the boxes. I really don't care where they hang the ornaments as long as they are in the tree!:guess OHHH, thanks for the Yankee Candle suggestion for the pine scent in the tree, my tree is live and in a pot and I have been using this tree for 5 years. It's called a star-pine but it has no christmas tree smell. The candle idea will solve my desire for the "walk in the door smell" that I want. Well, gang I gotta get my day going. Have a great weekend, all !

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Hello all!

Kat, how are you feeling today? I had the same experience a while back with the adult Mucinex. The thought of a pill getting stuck was just too scary and I wondered how time-released pills would work in our "double" stomach, lol. Were you able to get your hands on some of the junior? I don't blame you for avoiding Walmart on a Saturday!

Beanie (Snotarella), how about you? I hope this cold doesn't ruin your weekend and you feel better soon!

Mandy, how is your DD? The only thing worse than being sick is taking care of a sick child or husband, lol. Hopefully everyone is getting it out of the way so that nobody is sick on Christmas!

Patty, what a great idea using a potted tree! My tree is real, but it's either not very smelly or I'm just used to it because I'm not noticing a pine scent anymore. I may use that candle idea too. Congrats on the newsletter. I'm no expert, but I'd say that's a big step towards healing from the divorce. :clap2:

Jules, thanks for the info about the junior Musinex. I'm going to pick some up next time I'm in a pharmacy so that I'm prepared next time.

Pat, it's good to hear from you! You got my butt back into the chat and then disappeared. WTF?! :biggrin1:

Darcy, what are you making for everybody? We want pictures. :o I need to get my sewing machine out - it's been a long time since I tried to sew anything. My bedroom really needs some curtains, but I don't want to think about that till the holidays are over.

Dianne, did you have a nice birthday? :o

Cassie, hang in there! Mushies can be very frustrating, especially when your stomach starts to feel normal again. Like Eilene said, just take it slowly. I lived on refried Beans - if yours were yucky you might want to experiment with some of the different kinds out there. You can thin them down with pureed salsa and it adds a lot of flavor. Good luck! :o

Mary, Sweethot, Chris, Sherry, Cindy, Betty, Ira, Crispy, what are you folks up to this weekend? (((HUGS)))

Gotta roll - we're having a birthday party for my daughter and her cousin at the Castaway Cafe this evening. Time to wrap presents and wash off the ugly. :) Hope you're all enjoying your Saturday.

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Yippeeee Patty's gonna help with my tree. Hmmm maybe then I'd get it done aye? So my son said he'd help me but, he's working today until 3pm. So I guess it's going naked again until tomorrow. I have to do some Holiday Shopping but, like Kat I'm wondering what crowds I'm gonna hit at Walmart. My son works at the mall but, I got myself in trouble droppin him off. I went to try to find a holiday dress for my DH's work party because nothing fits in my closet. (Good thing but bad at the same time lol) Anywho...I didn't get past the perfume counter at Macy's :) I'm really sensitive to perfumes so it's very difficult to find one that doesn't give me a Migraine. I had the greatest luck with a clerk last winter who pointed me to Givinchy's Organza Indecence. Nice...spicy toned perfume. I've gotten so many compliments on it and it's one I can wear with no trouble. WELLLL I'm running out and they don't sell it anymore :o What is a girl gonna do? So I asked the same clerk for help and he pointed me to Burberry's London perfume. Smelled great...didn't really tingle my nose (sign I'd get a migraine) so of course I purchased myself a Christmas gift. Now I'm debating on keeping it or not :o I shouldn't of spent that money on myself when I have others to buy for. I live with such guilt buying myself stuff...why is that? Is that a mother's thing? Is that from growing up knowing things were so tight and you'd see your momma cry every time your siblings asked for a toy and she had to say no. I know I never asked her because I saw that too many times. Oh boy...the holidays bring such good and depressing feelings sometimes. Anywho....I'm keeping the box closed....I may end up bringing it back just don't know hmmmmmm.

Well need to go clean up a bit now..can't even walk in my bedroom with all the clothes and bags around UGH. Got DH some really nice sweatshirts at Kohls midnight sale. Nice embroidered eagle on one and an embroidered fish on another. :o Now I never feel guilty buying him or my DS anything lol Oh well. Talk with ya soon gals. Maybe we can work out a night to chat in the chatroom before the holidays.


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Happy Birthday Diane...can't remember if I told ya that...if I did I'm a repeatin lol HAPPY BIRRRRRTHDAY TO YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HAPPY BIRRRRRRRTHDAY TO YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU...

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Hello Y'all!

Just walked in the door, been out doing the errands, and a little shopping. I got to Walmart early, no hassle there! I got everything done, now I am back home and have to put it all away.

I have a lot to do today, then tonight we are having our neighborhood Christmas party. It's a lot of fun! It's even better that it is right next door and I can walk across the yard and be there!

Dianne - Happy Birthday, I don't remember if I already said it or not, so I want to make sure I do! I hope you had a great one!:biggrin1:

Patty - Do you clean houses too? If so, since you will be so close when you go to Beanie's, stop and I have some things I need done!:) I am just so happy that it all turned out great for you!

I hope all of you that are fighting that dang cold feels better. I must say DH took that stuff and it really helped him out. As far as the timed released stuff, I have taken it without any problems. I just made sure I had something on my stomache first!

Gotta run and get things put away.

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Just got back from picking up the dogs from their day at the salon hahah. I posted on our picture thread. :xena_banana:

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The Mucinex does come in iquid for adults, my Walgreens has it. It was like $13 a bottle but it worked. ~Mandy

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Hi everyone! I'm alive, I'm alive!! lol. Sorry I haven't been around much this week. Between work being absolutely insane (this is my busiest time of the year), the holidays, and studying for an exam I have to take next Friday I barely have time for anything else. I did have time, however, to go shopping with Sherry last night. It was a lot of fun. I bought some for me too, but I don't feel guilty. lol. Sherry my love - keep the perfume! Give it to John to wrap and put under the three!

So I'm doing absolutely great! I love this fill. I have enough restriction to not be able to eat a whole ton, I stay full for quite a while, and have not yet PB'd. I know one will eventually happen, but I'm hoping it holds off for a long time! No men in the picture right now, but I'm ok with that. I have no time for them right now anyway. I'd love a New Year's date but hey - what can you do?! lol. I'll probably venture back online after the holidays and then I'm sure I'll have no shortage of stories for ya all.

Well I should get to studying. It's 4pm and I haven't opened a book yet today. That is bad, bad, bad! I hope everyone has a great weekend!

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Hey guys thanks so much for the birthday wishes and remembering me! I cried most of the day although last night was nice. I'm not really sure what is going on with me I just am having a really tough time.

I didn't get to catch up on everyone but Eileen I'm so sorry about your friend. And Patty, I am so happy for you.

I will try t catch up on everyone. Cindy is your Dad ok?

Thanks for thinking of me guys, it makes me cry knowing have all of you as my friends.

Love ya, I'll be back soon I'm just in a slump.

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Happy B-Day Dianne... Sorry you are feeling down. ((((hugs))))

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Eileen... I'm so sorry about your friend... I am very glad his wife has a friend like you to lean on... many prayers are being sent to you both.

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