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Let's see if this works: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5rhSlwe8QA]YouTube - Abi on Big Hill[/ame] ~Mandy

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Aww the video was so cute :confused: I remember sliding down the hill on my mother's washing machine's cover hahaha. yeap you know one of those old ones that had a round drum and the cover came off and it had a wringer for the clothes that POPPED every time you put too much through it orrrr your fingers OUCHY!

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Dianne, I can top your most embarrassing moment (I posted this on another thread a long time ago so it may sound familiar)... I was giving birth to my son and his heart rate dropped. I was dressed in one of those lovely hospital gowns that opens up the back. The nurse covered me with a sheet and had me turn over onto my hands and knees to see if it would help increase his heart rate. After a few minutes about 15 doctors and nurses were in the room and a woman was telling me that I was going to have an emergency c-section. Before I could blink I was being wheeled down to the OR, naked butt still to the sky, covered with the sheet. I could see just enough through my tear-stained glasses to realize that I was passing a crowded waiting room when I felt the sheet fly up to my neck. The chatter immediately turned to stunned silence and it felt like it took them about 2 minutes to pull the sheet back over me (though I'm sure it was only a few seconds). It was a drive by mooning (with a substantial amount of sun thrown in too). :confused:

Mandy, that video is great! My kids are jealous... we we supposed to get snow and ended up with cold rain.

Beanie and Betty, don't feel bad about the xmas stuff. We got our tree last weekend and it's been sitting in the stand undecorated ever since. Hopefully we'll get on it this weekend.

Will do more personals later - my nephew is over and he's tearing up the place (18 months old and into everything). What are everybody's plans for the weekend?

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Oh my gosh, Mandy - How cute is that?!?! And Abi is such a little ham - look at her grinning at you when she gets to the bottom.

Sherry - I don't recall those washing machine covers. I lived in Cali. We didn't get snow when I was a kid. We did a similar summer activity. When the grass grew tall in the field and went to that brown dry stuff - we would slide down the hill on cardboard boxes... it was Summer Sledding.

Anne - At least your tree is real. Your house SMELLS like Christmas, if nothing else. I guess I am going to have to go home and decorate, now.

See you guys on Monday.


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The video of Abi and her daddy sledding is so cute!!!! Thanks for posting that, Mandy. I wouldn't have the slightest idea how to do that. You are becoming a computer wizard!

Kathy, great job in quitting smoking. I quit in 2000, as my millenium gift to myself and my family. It's hard to do, but worth it. Good for you!

Beanie, remember, they really can't fire me, can they? LOL! I'm just a big chicken about driving on ice, that's all. Thanks for being nice about my little theories...I do seem to have a few!

Ivan, thanks for starting our thread, and I'm glad to hear your wife is doing well, and you are successful in maintaining your goal weight. I know that it's not easy to do that!

Hi, Anne! Plans for the weekend: makeup voice lesson for DD, DD sings at early church on Sunday, and has a voice recital Sunday afternoon. That's about it, plus work on decorating our Christmas tree, and other "housey" things.

To all, stay warm!


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Happy December All :confused:

Anne... OMIGOD... that is awful and halarious all at the same time. I guess the only saving grace is that usually at that point it seems like everyone is looking at your hoohah every five seconds anyway!

Kathy... YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so proud of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTG girl!!!!! Doesn't it just suck quitting???? LOL. I can't believe I still have to talk myself out of smoking during times of stress! I just keep telling myself... if you still want one on Monday... you can get one... and I am always over it by then. :Banane19:

Sherry and Beannie... We did that too in the foothills of CA... we also had a place on a hill that has some Water leaking out of an irrigation ditch... WOW... we sure looked cute after hours of sliding down a muddy wet embankment!

KAt... So sorry about your Aunt but it sounds like she had a good and long life...can't ask for much more than that? Elmo drives me nutso... I mean he's cute but lordy... that little squeeky voice!

The Van... THe district manager came for the visit ... refused to acknowledge the problem... said it was perfectly normal. He was nasty little man. Anyhoo... we are definitely of the impression that although their cars seems to be of good quality for the most part... the service sucks and a big warranty is only as good as the service they are willing to provide. WHat does a person do when they just say the problem doesn't exist? Anyhoo... we will be covering it with pretty lemons...contacting the BBB and Consumer affairs and then a lawyer. It nearly stooped itself in the middle of the roadway with the Ass man in the passenger seat and he looked me right in the eye and said... "I don't feel anything abnormal". My advice... NEVER buy a Hyundai. It's been a complete nightmare. I hate the van and we are considering trading it in and eating the loss because we feel it is unsafe to drive.

Hopefully we will go cut a tree tomorrow... tired of using the fake one... need to smell the pine.

Sorry didn't do personals for everyone... ya know I am thinking of you though!

Mandy... Snowed here too but not as much as usual by this time of year. Still... it was pretty and cheered me up and put me in the CHristmas spirit.

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Ok, our total for the snow was almost 9 inches, would have been more but the first few hours of snow fall were mixed with rain and ice, and that weights it down.

Cindy, the video was simple, I opened an account at www.youtube.com and then loaded the video there, it was from my digital camera so it was easy to hook to the puter. They give you a thing to cut and paste to host your videos. You can put them on any site that allows you to link to other sites. Do you use photobucket for Ebay? same concept.

Darcy, I will send you all the snow you want, just let me know where to send it. I hate the snow, I am high risk for broken hips or spine in a fall. I have osteoperosis, and the thought of falling scares the crap out of me. That is why I am not on the sled. It's hard having to be so careful, skiing was a fave of mine for years, I had to give that up too. I also can no longer sky dive, (coolest feeling ever). I am starting to see a new bone specialist after the first of the year, they are talking about new meds, and possibly 2 small steel rods being implanted in my hips, they talk, I listen but don't always agree. I have faith that something will work out and I will be fine. I try to be as positive as I can.

The veggie beef Soup was a huge hit, very little left overs, shoot, that was my lunch for tomorrow. Oh well, guess I will have a boston arket frozen dinner instead.

I am off to bed, hope everyone has a great Sat, I'll pop in when I get a chance. ~Mandy

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Darcy- Try to hang in there. My sons GF's parents just went through the smae type of thing they are now driving a Hummer!

Mandy-WOW that was some story! YIKES

OK it is 2 and I leave in5 hours to go to the airport. I guess I better go to bed. Night night I dought I'll ever be able to catch up when I get back.

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Yikes good morning everyone....its great to see you all.

Anne ROFLMFAO at your story, sounds like something you'd see on Mad-TV lolol poor thing lol

Kat sorry to hear about your Aunt gee thats sad, on her birthday no less. BTW, how is your DH feeling?

Beanie I'll let you know about thursday or friday of this week, I have to check to see if the boss is here :tired

Patty, glad your TG was wonderful with Mom. Your not boring us with your surgery details girl, thats why we are here ya know. We want to know so we can give you as much support as possible.

Pat where are you? Did you ever get that tree? How's DS and Grandbaby?

Darcy its good to see you. Sorry about the van problems. I don't care what anyone says... you can pay lots of money and get a piece of crap or pay less money and get something good...its really a roll of the dice isn't it. Ya should have kicked the dweebie man in the nuts.

Dianne, hope to hear from you soon about the 22nd...or there abouts. I'm glad you went to therapy and the lady made you feel human again. I'm still seriously thinking about getting anxiety pills... maybe after the holidays when things slow down (yeah I prob need them now more than ever LOLOL).

Cindy I'm glad you stayed at home too. Better safe than sorry. Whats the count down now?

Crispy & Anne congrats on the fill whoooooooooot !!!!

Mandy cute video lolol.

Sherry how are the decorations? last time we chatted I think you needed a little back up help :confused: just kidding. Did you make the pretzels yet?

Betty, how are you feeling lov? how's your foot? and finger?

Cassie how was your first week of work? how did you do?

DD has to go potty...yeah I know... brb

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Happy December everyone!!!!

Dianne - what a horible feeling that must have been! My mom had that happen at one of our family Christmas parties, but at least it was all family. Thank GOD that man said something!

Anne - your story was pretty funny too! I'm sure you saw no humor in it that day though! I would have died!

Kathy - Hey there! Congrats on the quitting smoking! How many days has it been now???

Darcy - I know it's a pain, but if I were you I would either write the President/CEO of Hyundai (my father did this with Maytag and they did call him back) or I would contact a local news station. Sometimes they have reporters that help consumers deal with unfair issues. It's a lot of bad press so a lot of times the companies will fix the problem. I feel so horrible that you've had to deal with this! Ugh!

Kat - Have fun at the birthday party tonight!!! I just love 2 year olds (minus the whining lol)! I have two 3 year old neices and I bought them each Dora scooters for Christmas. I can't wait to see them open the presents! The kids are so much fun at this age!

Beannie - no snow here thankfully, but we had 50+ mph winds. I'm not quite ready for winter to get here. I've been spoiled with the 60 degree weather, but it's going to turn to the 30's starting tomorrow. Brrrr... The restriction has been great so far. I ate about 800 calories yesterday and was not hungry. Hopefully I'll be able to keep it up!

Mandy - loved the video. So cute!!

Sherry - miss ya gal! Can't wait for Tuesday!

Cassie - how ya feeling?

Hi to Cindy, Eileen and everyone else! :confused:

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Hey all,

Just stopped by to say we are celebrating a birthday over here in Southern California. The wonderful, the magnificent and adorable Lewis Holden is now 7 years old, having had a birthday yesterday December 1st! Because the Momma gets up sooooo early in the morning we have moved most of our celebrating to the weekend. Last night we ordered our favorite pizza, got out the christmas music and ornaments and went to town. After a short break Lewis got to open my gift to him and the best part was watching his eyes light up. Today we will be heading to Disneyland, our mission is to:

1. View the Very Merry Christmas Parade

2. Decorate a christmas cookie

3. See the Billy Hill show for Mom

4. Watch "Believe in Holiday magic" fireworks show, followed by fake snow

And if that wasn't enough celebrating:

Go to Knotts berry Farm tomorrow for free entrance with Toys for Tots when you bring an unwrapped toy.

Well, I gotta get the kids up(B-day boy is already awake) and head to the Magic Kingdom, :clap2:

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I wanna go to Disneyland for fake snow....oh wait I am stuck with the real thing and no rides or characters....Disney sounds much better to me. Have a blast today Patty (and kids and grandmom) Take loads of pictures, and have one of the kids have a cookie for me. Don't ya just love birthdays, they are a great excuse to behave like a child again, especially when it's your kids b-day. I act like a big kid at all the kids parties, I'm a big hit. I climb in the tubes, or jump in the ball pits. If I can't be a kid at a party when can I? I only make it to Disney for about 2 1/2 weeks a year and that's just not enough kid time for me. Hope everyone is doing well today. I'll pop back in later~Mandy

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Good afternoon, all!

Eileen, glad you could be up so early, and visiting with us...I suppose your throat is feeling better? I sure hope so! How is NJ weather? Did you get any snow this weekend?

Patty, say happy birthday for me, too! Hope ya'll had a big blast!

Chrispy, how are you feeling? I haven't heard any complaints, so I guess you are doing very well?

Sherry, Beanie, Kat, Anne, Darcy, Pat, Ivan, Mary, Mandy...is everyone busy decorating their homes? We're poking away at it. I think we're mainly just making a big mess!

Had to make a unscheduled purchase of a mattress this morning...little DD was sleeping with me last night...and had a BIG oopsie #2 accident in the bed. Of course, no mattress pad. It was about time to think about a new mattress anyway, but that kinda pushed up the time frame, don'tcha know? It is supposed to be delivered between 6-9PM tonite. Weird delivery time. Poor thing, she didn't even know it happened until she woke up, then she was really upset about it, and we had a big mess to clean up. All's well that ends well, and I'm excited about the new mattress.

Otherwise, nothing much of any importance...regular weekend stuff.

Check in later...hugs, Cindy

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Mandy--Abi looks like she had a great time!! I wanted to walk out & take your DH a cap, his ears looked cold!! That's the Mom in me I suppose!! We have frigid temps, but little moisture, is only 10 out right now and it is only 6:30 PM, so it will be another night of negative numbers. My woodstove is working over time!

Darcy--good to see you. I think Chris has an excellent idea, with involving a news show. One that does consumer reporting. They often will go to any length to avoid the bad public press. I am famous with my daughters for telling a man at a local appliance store "This is a little town and I have a big mouth!" Something about that comment they refuse to let me live down!! Good Luck!

Kathy--different site, same good wishes on the no smoking!!! It is hard, but will get easier each day--you have the worst behind you!!

Anne--the visual in your story was great!!! You poor thing! I can't help wonder if there is anyone in the waiting room, who still talks about that day too!!!

Sherry--My Gt. Gma. had a wringer washer, and we begged to play with it...but were never allowed. Now I see why, and why in the world did a washing machine sound fun to play with anyway??? Unless you were sledding on the lid!

Chris--I know, I love the fact that she is 2, and has her own personality. I always loved, her, but love watching her own little person delvelop. Being able to spend lots of time with her helps!!

Patty--I should have sent my granddaughter with you...yesterday was her birthday too!! Hope Lewis had a blast!!!Happy birthday to him!! She had such fun at her party last night, she is hilarious! She would open a gift, and rather than just say thank you (which she does VERY well), she would go in for a hug, and then just start around the room. We would have to redirect her back to the gifts...she is such fun! She shared much better than I had anticipated. She is staying with me for the next few days, her Mama is going to Las Vegas. I am jealous of that too....LV, Disney.....and here I am at home!

Beannie---Yankee candles sells a candle shaped air freshener that smells like Pine--a few years ago it was actually called Christmas tree. Take it and hide it in the branches of your artificial tree...sounds silly, but when you walk in and smell it...it feels right!

Cindy--most of my decorating is done, I have an arch to do, we waited because I had a birthday banner across it. The tree is up, and hopefully will stay that way, if my grandson is watched closely!! He is into EVERYTHING!!! We bought a new bed a couple of years ago, and we love it. I had my down comforter over me, and snuggled down in the bed this morning, and slept hard!!! I used to couldn't sleep that way, I would be sore. I attributed a lot of it to my weight, but then we bought the new mattress, and it made a huge difference!

Eileen--DH is pretty close to being back to normal. He has changed how he does things at work, and that alone is helping him heal. The sternum is still sore after a long day...but will heal eventually the Dr. said.

Pat---what are you doing?? Where are you at?? Did that big new tree fall on you???

Betty--I keep forgetting you actually have to buy the lotto tickets to win....when it gets huge and everyone is talking about it, I go get one, otherwise it just slips my mind!

Mary--how's things at work? What fun weekend things did you and the kiddos do?

Cassie--how you feeling?

If I missed anyone it was unintentional...blame it on the old brain!!

Well I put a big old pot of stew on to...stew! before I left to go to the funeral today, so it is ready when DH gets home. It was sooooo cold in Colorado today for the funeral. It was nice seeing some of the family. I appreciate everyones kind words. She was the last of my great Aunts. I guess I will go get comfy---these clothes seem way too formal for wearing around the house. But the fact that I have had them on this long is good...pre banding I would have been out of them and into my jammie pants in 10 seconds flat, ready to breath again!!! But I have room!!



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Kat, you are soooo good about getting everyone in your post! This post is just a quickie...we just got home from the recital. She did real well, except for one little part where she forgot a word...of course, she was upset about that, but most people barely noticed. I'm just impressed that anyone can stand in front of people and sing! I thought she did great, and looked beautiful, but then, I am biased!

It is still cold, but no wet stuff, so that's good. Guess I'll have to go to work tomorrow...13 more days!

I'll write more tomorrow, promise.

Love you guys, Cindy

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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