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How is everyone doing?

We have a new member Arts137. I think he's been lurking. Clearly, hiding his talent in the shadows. C'mon Arts, join us and post. We are holding our breath to hear from you.

I talked to our friend Connie (Coco) last night and she seemed a little bummed that there wasn't anyone she could relate to. Said she was tired of reading about 20-something and other youngen's getting the surgery and how they dropped down to size 2 or 0 afterwards.

I urged her to come here and post among us "mature" Sleevers, but she didn't sound too enthusiastic about it. I'm sure she'd enjoy our repartee, and I'm pretty sure she lurks here. So, Coco, c'mon down!

Encouraging words for Coco and welcomes for Arts are appreciated.

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Yes, I did talk to a nutritionist after Stacy from WLS insisted I needed to eat meat.

Did she say meat specifically, or did she say get your Protein from food?

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I have come to a conclusion. Unless, I hear from 4 members tomorrow, I am going to shut this site down. My surgery is Friday, and I'd love for you all to be there with me to go along for the ride.

But I don't see enough interest here to continue unless you prove me wrong.

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Hello Ladies, it has been awhile since I have been on this site. I sure hope everyone is doing well and by reading the lastest postings I see that you are. It has already been 7 months since my surgery and I am now down 98#. I was hoping to be down 100# yesterday but that did not happen. I have thyroid issues, taking med for it and my weight loss is a littls slower because of it. I am not complaining (well maybe a little) but I am so happy to be down 98# at this time. I see that some of you are having trouble with Protein intake outside of shakes and I must admit I am too. Starting last week I have limited myself to 1 Protein Shake a day and I make it my Breakfast because it is just easy for me to do it that way. I always did hate breakfast and I get sick of eggs so a 30 gram of protein shake is how I start my day. I am still getting some of my protein from cottage cheese, greek yogurt and low fat cheese. At least once a week I have beef chili and once another night I might have grilled chicken breast. Sometimes I will make it turkey but for some reason turkey is not tasting too good to me anymore. I have starting drinking V8 juice low sodium 8ozs a day to help get my veggies in and I have serving a fruit a day and that is it. My fruit is usually cantalope 1/2 cup or watermelon 1 cup. I am afraid to eat anything more than that. The watermelon takes care of my sweet tooth and I did not have it everyday.

I have tried the Quest bars since they have 20 grams of protein from GNC but I did not care for them, I tolerate them but that is about it. The holidays are coming up soon and I am so afraid. I am doing Water arobics 3 times a week and I am getting to the point I need to add something along with this. I need to get myself a part time job soon!!! I do not care what it pays I just need to do something. Take care ladies,


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Hi Cheryl,

Always good to hear from you. You have been doing incredible! Who would have thought not too long ago that you would weigh 100 lbs. less in just a few months? That is both fantastic and unbelievable. But it's your hard work that made that happen.

I hope you are as proud of yourself as I am of you. It sounds like you have pretty well figured out how to meet your nutritional needs, between your regular food, the fruit, your Protein Drink and the V8 juice.

I have a question for you on the V8. Does that fulfill our requirement for veggies? If so, I'm gonna do that, too. I like veggies, just don't like cooking whole meals. Right now I have some asparagus going bad in my refrigerator. I don't think you can freeze raw asparagus or can you?

Have you tried heating the Quest bars in the microwave for 15 seconds? I've heard that's what it take to make them yummy. The ones I liked the best are the Mixed berry Bliss, strawberry Shortcake and the Almond one. They are pricey, so I just bought a large box of Premier Protein bars instead. They are ok, and cost a lot less.

I just started drinking Vitamin Water from Kroger. It doesn't have a lot of flavor, but it does go down pretty easy. I can see me drinking that next week to help get my Water in.

Any suggestions for the 1st stage? liquids. I am planning on drinking Decaf coffee with half & half, if I can. I know that milk is not recommended, but I am not a saint, and I'll be doing whatever I can to get those liquids in. I have been having a really hard time on the pre-op, being hungry. But I hear I won't be hungry after surgery. I sure hope so.

I'm already super grouchy from not eating. Normally, I have an abundance of patience ... but not now. I'm just as likely to bite your head off as say hello. Were you like that?

Ah, the power of the mighty pen. Right? Well, I think I annoyed a couple of people because there is no leash on my tongue. I'm too hungry. Usually, I make an effort not to be too argumentative, but right now everything annoys me. Were you like this? When did it change?

If you want to keep in touch, feel free to post here or PM me.

xoxo Kate xoxo

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Cheryl, alas you and me does not a summer make, or something like that.

Arts137, LindafromFlorida and others, sorry we didn't get a chance to know you.

To my other friends here, sorry if my pre-op diet mood made me so grumpy. Or whatever your reasons for not replying today.

I am unofficially shutting this site down. I won't close it completely on the off chance a newbie posts. But the only thing I'm gonna be pumping up from now on is my weight lifting.

Thanks for sharing your insight and advice. You can still post here, if you want. I'll be checking back every now and then, but not regularly as I have been.

Thanks for helping me get ready for surgery. Just 2 days and counting.

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Hi all from Florida, I have been on the website every day reading and searching, and for some reason I never seemed to find the Boomer Chat Room. I have made a couple friends and gained information, but now I am glad to be here again LOL. I am 67, my husb is 66, my surgery is scheduled November 18, and he is set December 7. He is not a chatty person, in person or in writing, and I do enough for both of us LOL. Very excited right now. I start the 2 week pre-op diet tomorrow. I have been reading, shopping, and doing the Amazon shopping too. I just read on this site after surgery a great Protein snack is dry roasted edamame but cautioned to chew chew chew! I bought several bay spoons today, my niece who had gastric surgery 10 years ago said that was one thing that helped her not take large bites. For the next two weeks I plan to chat with you all and this is the greatest thing, being able to share information. I have a busy week this week and decided I would do some projects to keep me busy and pass time. Best wishes everyone, Linda

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Love these serious discussions. I grew up in Georgia and my Mother and I were in the kitchen cooking like Paula Deen, chicken and dumplings, fried chicken, fried okra, fried green tomatoes, turnip greens, homemade biscuits and gravy every meal. I turn to that comfort food for good reason. Also I love fish, the saltwater kind like snapper, grouper and mahi, slathered in Old Bay seasoning and sauteed in a little olive oil (tonight;s dinner). My Southern heritage made me dearly love cooking and eating. I have learned that never again will I cook or eat this way. I look at myself right now as humpty dumpty with fat legs. I avoid people because of the shame I feel allowing myself to be bigger than ever in my life, plus my sweet husband and his morbid obesity. Health problems are the number one factor for both of us right now, with diabetes, his heart blockage, my asthma, and Lord I just want to be able to walk around again without gasping for breath.

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I sure hope this site is not going to shout down. I think there is enough of us here to make it work.

Sassy, I hope you are doing well these days. make sure you get your 64oz of Water in each day and if that is inpossible mix your water with a fruity Protein mix and or crystal light anything to get to 64oz a day. Also drinking your Protein Shakes counts towards your 64oz.

Linda, I had my surgery on 3/11 and have lost 98 pounds to date, I just loved eating, eating was the one thing my family loved to do. My weight before surgery was 331# and 7 months later I am down 98 pounds with 83 more to drop. My beginning BMI was 58.9 and that is considered super obese, now my BMI is 42 that is considered morbidly obese. I need to drop another 5 pounds to be considered just obese. This surgery has saved my life and if I had to do it again I would. Every week I get closer to my goal, I look in the mirror these days and I am just starting to see my old self again. I had sleep apnea and on a clap machine, I could not walk to the mailbox without being out of breathe. I was a diabetic. Today, I do not need my clap machine, I do not get out of breathe when I walk down the street infact I take water aerobics 3 times a week, my blood pressure was 190/130 and now it is 110/70 already. I could go on and one. Well take care and congratulations.

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Linda, good luck with your preop diet! What does your surgeon require on the preop? So many of them are very different, both in preop & postop instructions. Like Cheryl, I have noticed a big improvement in my mobility & the amount of time I can walk & stand. I was fortunate that I didn't have many of the other problems like high BP & sleep apnea that are so common, but I see so many folks say how much those things are improved after some of the weight is gone. I hope that happens for you & your husband, too. :)

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Thank you both for the sweet words. I am realizing blessed with a diet the next two weeks of turkey, chicken, shakes and vegetables. So many different requirements for everyone it makes my head spin. I read and reread the manuals and think I must be missing something. My husband had to go on the cpap machine for severe apnea. I am very nervous about his blood sugars after surgery, like how the heck will you know you can be off insulin>??? Guess this uncertainty is not as bad as episodes I have had with him in the past. I do hope we can keep this site boomers up and running, I just have a problem finding it again once I leave. Surgery 2 weeks from today, so excited. I am just blessed to meet people such as yourselves to talk to, it makes me so happy. My husband is very quiet and doesn't like anyone knowing his business. It is his upbringing as an only child. But I am enjoying talking to you and getting my fix here because I need to share. Our daughter and son in law are great, but just moved back to Pensacola. Hope to rejoin you for the long hall on this site. Thank you so much, Linda

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Guest Sleeved&NotLovinIt

I just joined this group and my surgery is Monday. I had the pleasure of chatting with Southern Soul the same day I joined and she was SO much help.

If some of you form a Facebook group, please don't leave me out.

Where did all these titles come from? Average Member, Advanced Member, Aspriring Evangelist, Guru in Training, Bariatric Master, Senior Member, Junior Member, Bariatric Guru, Expert Member and food is NOT love are some I've seen for starters. Average Member is below my name. I saw someone who is getting sleeved the exact same day as I am and she has a Junior Member below her name. Where did all these titles come from?

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Guest Sleeved&NotLovinIt

I just wanted to say that I feel really comfortable posting here with only the Baby Boomers reading. I am 64. I avoid going places (weddings, funerals, my husband's work functions) and being photographed so I am looking forward to the day when I won't have to make excuses for why I didn't attend an event and won't have people stand in front of me to shield my body from the camera!

When I post a question and get 2 or 3 responses that really don't answer everything I asked...and I see that 200+ people have read my post - well, I just don't get it how so many people can lurk and not take a second to help a newbie out. It's a scary time for us.

Kate, I LOVE this group!!! I think I'm in here alone tonight but will try again over the weekend.

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Avis, I think this site hasn't been too user friendly. I have been away from the computer a few days in the woods of Georgia, away from food, riding my golf cart with my dog. I severely chastise my daughter when she tries to take a picture of me so I understand that completely being so ashamed of my self. I am sooooooo tired of dragging all this weight around, with no energy and feeling so bad about myself. Hang in here with me any of you and lets rejuvenate this site for Boomers!!!! Everyone else hello and thanks for posting my surgery is a week from today. Everyone keep the faith and keep up the good work! Linda

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I just wanted to say that I feel really comfortable posting here with only the Baby Boomers reading. I am 64. I avoid going places (weddings, funerals, my husband's work functions) and being photographed so I am looking forward to the day when I won't have to make excuses for why I didn't attend an event and won't have people stand in front of me to shield my body from the camera!

When I post a question and get 2 or 3 responses that really don't answer everything I asked...and I see that 200+ people have read my post - well, I just don't get it how so many people can lurk and not take a second to help a newbie out. It's a scary time for us.

Kate, I LOVE this group!!! I think I'm in here alone tonight but will try again over the weekend.

Avis, I think this site hasn't been too user friendly. I have been away from the computer a few days in the woods of Georgia, away from food, riding my golf cart with my dog. I severely chastise my daughter when she tries to take a picture of me so I understand that completely being so ashamed of my self. I am sooooooo tired of dragging all this weight around, with no energy and feeling so bad about myself. Hang in here with me any of you and lets rejuvenate this site for Boomers!!!! Everyone else hello and thanks for posting my surgery is a week from today. Everyone keep the faith and keep up the good work! Linda

Hello, ladies. Just a quick update on Kate, aka SassySenior, who started this group. Her surgery was 11/1. The surgery itself went well, but she had some postop complications. She is currently recovering in a rehab facility & will hopefully be back on her feet & back home very soon. Please keep her in your thoughts. As you can see from posts a page or so back on this thread, right before her surgery Kate had announced her intention to shut down this group. I don't know if she will change her mind about that, but we can all be reached via private message also. I haven't checked in here as much lately, so I'm sorry I missed your earlier posts.



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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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