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I just wanted to say that I feel really comfortable posting here with only the Baby Boomers reading. I am 64. I avoid going places (weddings, funerals, my husband's work functions) and being photographed so I am looking forward to the day when I won't have to make excuses for why I didn't attend an event and won't have people stand in front of me to shield my body from the camera!When I post a question and get 2 or 3 responses that really don't answer everything I asked...and I see that 200+ people have read my post - well, I just don't get it how so many people can lurk and not take a second to help a newbie out. It's a scary time for us.Kate, I LOVE this group!!! I think I'm in here alone tonight but will try again over the weekend.

Actually, everyone can read your posts, so it's not as private as you think.


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Hi Group, it has been quite a while since I have posted. Just thought I would check the group out again. I have been a slow loser; but nevertheless, still losing about a lb a week. I still have a long way to go though. I just spoke to Kate and she is home from rehab and beginning to improve. It was good to hear from her. Hopefully she will be back here soon. Good luck to the new people who have just had surgery and will be having surgery soon. I am almost 8 months out now.

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I'm an in the middle boomer (1954) and would have joined sooner if I had seen this group. Sleeve surgery 6 months ago, down 59 lbs, co-morbidities resolved and I feel fantastic!

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Not many people are posting here. I joined the group but not much activity. I am having surgery today at 2 pm so have to run, but maybe we can rejuvenate this group. I have looked around other groups and honestly dont like what I see. It would be comfortable and exciting to get to know everyone. Linda

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I'll post. I'm 66...hi, Linda...live in San Antonio. Surgery scheduled for Dec 10th...did pre op stuff today. I've been considering this for several years and decided to just DO IT! I want to get back to playing tennis and avoid a second knee replacement

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It's great to see you posting and chatting with each other. I've been absent for several reasons. #1 is I had decided to get uninvolved with the group because no one was posting, and it was dying.

However, several of you have recently echoed the sentiments I had when I started this group: How nice it would be to talk to my peers. We are possibly the bravest because we've decided to have this radical, major surgery at our age. Congrats to all who have been sleeved and to those waiting.

The #2 reason is because I was tied up getting sleeved on Nov. 1. Because I live alone, I elected to go to a rehab hospital after surgery instead of going home alone. It turned out to be a nightmarish experience, and I wound up being held like a prisoner. It was difficult to get out of the rehab place, but I finally managed to "escape" last Saturday.

It's now been 3 weeks since surgery, and I'm on the pureed portion of the diet. As my Nut said, picture baby food and you'll be on the right track. I haven't had a chance to get too creative because I do not yet own a blender. I should have one by early next week.'

I have written enough posts here so that my life is now practically an open book.

Have you written your story here? I know we'd all like to learn more about you.

I'm happy you found us and hope you will stay long enough to enjoy the benefits of Boomers talking back and forth to each other.

Welcome to all.

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Not many people are posting here. I joined the group but not much activity. I am having surgery today at 2 pm so have to run, but maybe we can rejuvenate this group. I have looked around other groups and honestly dont like what I see. It would be comfortable and exciting to get to know everyone. Linda

Congratulations, Linda on your surgery. How did it go? How are you today? Can't wait to hear the details.

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Hi all, I thought I had joined this group earlier, but looking through the posts, I see I didn't.

I'm a middle boomer, 1956. I'm married 33 years with a blended family of three kids ( all grown) and 6 gran kids. I've been retired since 2007. I live in the San Francisco Bay Area, where I was raised. My family moved here when I was in first grade.

I was not overweight until I hit my 30s, but once my weight started going up, I never got control of it again, despite years of weight watchers, hiring a trainer, a liquid diet, and Alli pills.

I joined VSG in December 2010 after deciding to pursue WLS in November 2010. I'd been lurking for about a month. I originally thought I wanted a lap band, but after learning more on VST and other sites, I decided to become a sleever.

For those interested in the Kaiser Fremont process: I met with my primary care Dr. in Nov. and he signed me up for the next Overview meeting in Santa Clara. Because of the holidays, that was Jan. 11. After a couple of hiccups (correct weighty wasn't documented and Dr. misunderstood my request for referral), I was referred to Kaiser Fremont Bariatric program and attended Orientation there on Feb 13. I read the book we received in that meeting and began taking the Vitamins and following the 1200 diet immediately. Also, at the end of Orientation, I scheduled by next appt for 3/3. At the 3/3 appt. I met with the nutritionist, who was pleased with my diet, Vitamins, ,and exercise routine, the surgeon, who reviewed by med history and declared me a good candidate for the sleeve, and the program coordinator, who explained the next steps I need to take.

Next steps for me were a chest xray, EKG, tetanus shot and anemia blood test (all other tests are current), and attending at least one F2F support group meeting. After I was within 10 lbs of goal I got an appt with the psych. When I lost 10% of my weight, my surgery was scheduled. It took about another 6 weeks after that before I had the surgery. During those six weeks, I practiced chewing a lot, sipping slowly, and I gave up coffee.

I had a undiagnosed hernia, which was repaired during surgery. Post-op, I developed severe lactose intolerance. At more than two years out, it's not completely gone, but I can enjoy the occasional ice cream or latte.

I hit onderland on June 22, 2011, a little more than one month post op and goal weight on March 25, 2012, about nine months post-op. I've been maintaining goal within 5 lbs. since then.

My blood pressure dropped enough that I was offf all meds for a few months, but it slowly crept back up and I now take medicine again, although not as much as before. I also no longer take cholesterol medication.

My hair did thin beginning in month 4, but by about 18 months out, it was thick all the way to end again.

I was cleared for coffee at three months, and the occasional drink at 6 months.

For me, WLS surgery has been a life changer. I love life at goal.


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Hi everyone, great reading your story Lynda, and welcome back Sassy. I would love to see everyone end their post with their name, so that we could get to know everyone by their first name. I had the surgery Monday this week, Nov. 18, and it has been fabulous! No pain, no nausea, no hunger. Today, 4 days after surgery, I spent four hours shopping and feel great. I am almost afraid this bubble will be burst and I will want to run get a cheeseburger since my husband has been on a diet forever and not eating, like a year! I almost never want to eat cabbage again, I have eaten so much this year, steamed with only salt and pepper lol.

I am sticking to yogurt, shakes and lod sodium shakes right now.

Sassy, I can only imagine what you have gone through being alone, and going to rehab. It would be nice if you had a local support group who could have helped you. I am going back to the beginning and try to re-read the posts to get to know everyone better.

My husband is scheduled for the sleeve on December 2, and he is a bit nervous. He is considered morbidly obese, diabetic, and other issues. So we are gearing up to get through Thanksgiving and his surgery on Monday. Everyone we know has asked us to dinner Thanksgiving Day, and since my husband has decided no one except my daughter is to know about the surgery we plan to travel to a little cabin in the woods in Georgia and sip our lovely shakes. We have been dieting so long, avoiding friends, dinners and drinking, that it is second nature now. I would love to hear more from everyone.

Linda D.

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Howdy. I'm 63 (4 in a couple weeks). Comin up on six months out. Doing well, though in a stall now. From Delaware, retiring soon, and I do stained glass and listen to "our" music for fun... Art

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Hi to the Lindas ... specifically Linda and Lynda ... and good to hear from you Art. Great to have Cindy and Coach joining in, too!

I love the stories and am inspired by what you have shared. It's fabulous that Linda already had the surgery with no problems. I'm sure your hubby will do fine. Sounds like you have a good surgeon.

Great to hear from you "oldtimers" about the great success you've had with the Sleeve. I gotta tell you, I still find it hard to believe that I'm gonna get anywhere near slim. It wasn't until recently that I even began to see how truly big I was. Heck, I've dropped 72 lbs., mostly pre-surgery, and you can't really see a difference. When you're as morbidly obese as I am, the first 100 lbs. just drop away some of the excess. I'm still a ways away from nearing 300.

Guess what? As some of you know, I am a writer and get creative with words. Well, people are always talking about reaching "One-derland" and those of us trying to drop below 300 haven't had a catchy phrase ... till now! My new catch phrase for this is "Two-ferland." Perfect, no? I've always loved the idea of two-fers!

We have so many smart, creative and talented Boomers here. Faye is a foodie who comes up with the most exotic and delicious recipes. Coco and Cheryl, long-time members are very good at being supportive and caring. And lots of other things, I'm sure.

Thanks, Lynda for telling us your story. Warm (((hugs))) and supportive wishes go out to Linda's hubby for his upcoming surgery. I had an exceptionally rough go ... did I tell you about the blood transfusion? Anyway, most don't have anything other than a couple of rough days ... and then it's downhill skiing on a slope of shakes and lots of Water. Right now I'm drinking Premier Protein chocolate, eating Cream of Wheat, and smashed up Soup.

I just had a physical therapist visit me today. She seems nice and knowledgeable about helping me get some mobility.

We had nasty weather today ... 39 and raining ... for the special commemoration here in Dallas of the 50th anniversary of JFK's assasination. People from all over the globe visited, along with the conspiracy theorists. One guy in particular was shouting that Lyndon Johnson killed JFK. I have to say, never heard that one before.

Well, I'm signing off now so I can snuggle with my sweet Shiki. He is my constant companion. We are very close, and as you can see, he is impossible to resist.

Have a warmer day, Boomers!


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Hello again everyone, and to Art! Seems like we are getting this rolling. Lets try to post once or twice a day, like a real chat. If we don't, this may go by the wayside again! Art, I always wanted to do stained glass, and Sassy, I always have been a writer or some sort. Personal, nothing else. I went to the grocery store today, for the last time in a couple weeks I HOPE! Sick and tired of all the $ shelled out for expensive groceries. Art, my husband won't post, but I will be posting for him. Hope everyone has a great evening.

Linda D.

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Congratulations to all of you. What a great testament you are to what is possible when you decide to take advantage of a great tool and make a commitment to yourself to use it to its full advantage.

My highest weight was 431, and I distinctly remember my doctor at the time saying something like, "well, we really need to do something about this." That may have been when I woke up and said, "hell, yes!"

I had my surgery Nov. 1, just 3 weeks ago. Prior to surgery, I lost 67 lbs, and another 5 since, for a total loss to date of 72 lbs. If anyone told me I was gonna lost 72 lbs. I would have been almost as shocked as if someone had told me I was gonna gain over 400 lbs.

Both pretty un-f**king believable. But it seems that once you make a commitment to go down this road, you follow a predestined path (med. supv'd diet, etc.) and next thing you know, you're dropping lbs.

Beginning with the pre-op liquid starvation diet and up till now ... the "mushies" soft food diet, it's all kinda hard, but somehow I manage to do it one day at a time. The days mount up and before I know it, I'm past the last difficult stage.

It's a little harder when you don't cook and have little creativity when it comes to putting a pureed meal together. In fact, I'm lucky if I can get in 300 calories a day now. A friend took pity on me and bought me a blender. She's coming over tomorrow to see what tasty?? treats she can whip up for me.

Any suggestions appreciated.

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Wow, what a story. I know anyone with a weight problem can appreciate your story. It seems when I turned fifty I started losing the battle I fought my entire life. And more pounds kept piling off, lose a few, gain more. No matter what we weigh when we are overweight, I personally feel we have a horrible self-image. And circumstances can be beyond our control when it comes to getting help sometimes. Sassy, you are an amazing woman and despite the obstacles I know you are on the road to a better life for yourself!!!!!! I personally am touched by your story. Prayer and God's Grace on you as you keep going day by day. That blender will be a wonderful thing for you. Not knowing what you have in your pantry it is hard to give you ideas for blending, but even if you are using the instant shakes I have read where people add a few shakes of dry sugar free instant pudding. Throw in a few ice cubes and it is a tasty shake. I am not on fruit yet, but my husband is allowed because of the diabetes. You can add a vanilla shake, and about a cup of frozen fruit and ice cubes to spice it up. I buy large bags of frozen no sugar added fruit at Walmart and it goes a long way. If you can have fruit. Torani sugar free syrups are in the coffee section at the grocery store. I use these a lot adding about 2 TBSP to a shake plus ice cubes. You can also add a low sugar yogurt to your shake, but I like to save my yogurt for in between eating. I use a lot of broth, and add tiny shakes of sage, and other herbs. Lets start sharing ideas everyone for a wider range of ideas and suggestions. Linda

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Has everyone heard the suggestion to make crockpot meals to get really tender meats/meals and then freeze portions in ice cube trays? Or bake mini meatloaves in small muffin pans? This may be common knowledge but since I don't know I am posting. I am a great cook and love cooking for neighbors and friends (no more LOL). I can see myself taking boneless chicken, 1 small can mushroom Soup, 1/2 cup white wine, shredded lowfat swiss cheese, a few spices, and cooking on low 6+ hours until meat is falling apart. This is a variation of a wonderful casserole I have made for years. I will just leave out the bread crumb topping. But I look forward to practicing with recipes and sharing.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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