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Hi can you please tell me which hospitals in Mexico are similar to American ones. And did you like your experience there?

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I liked my experience with Dr. Almanza, but the hospital is not like the ones in the U.S. It is small/not fancy/but very clean. The price is relative to what you get. You don't get pampered, but you get good care at Jerusalem Hospital...

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I went to mi doctor. Loved dr. Garcia.

As far as American type hospitals, I'd say go with Aceves in Mexicali or Alvarez who is just over the border from eagle pass Texas.

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I went to Dr. Kelly. I think he may be using a different hospital now but the one I went to was clean and they were very attentive. It was like a small town hospital. I would go back in a heartbeat and I would recommend him to my family and friends.

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I am having my wls at Mi Doctor Hospital. I hear it has the same standards as US hospitals.

Yes and no... The hospital is clean and has equipment etc.. It reminds me a LOT of my little hometown hospital. It's definitely not a clinic or "scary" But it's not like a big fancy US hospital. Also, you have to ASK.. I even had to ASK the nurse to help make sure I was walking enough. I also had to keep an eye on my IV bag and make sure that it was still dripping. Any time I'd wake up, I'd check to make sure it hadn't stopped.. It doesn't have the beep that will alert anyone when it's not functioning. For me, This wasn't a big deal. I have no problem asking for what I need!

I had a great experience and I was well cared for, but there were some things that were not exactly like US hospitals.

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Yes and no... The hospital is clean and has equipment etc.. It reminds me a LOT of my little hometown hospital. It's definitely not a clinic or "scary" But it's not like a big fancy US hospital. Also, you have to ASK.. I even had to ASK the nurse to help make sure I was walking enough. I also had to keep an eye on my IV bag and make sure that it was still dripping.

Seems like I read that somewhere else too. A good tip to know about the walking

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I guess what i meant was.... Do these hospitals have an ICU, etc in the event of an emergency? Or are they run like an outpatient clinic? Im big I need to take precautions lol.

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I had my surgery at florence Oasis Hospital. It was smaller, very clean, but simple as far as in-room equipment... which was fine with me. Everything that was necessary was on hand (oxygen after surgery, the IV machine, etc). It does have an ICU and full range of equipment, not that I saw it because I didn't need it. Now, I also had occassion to go to Hospital Angeles which was very much like what I'd expect to see in the US.... well, what I saw of it. I had my leak test done there (Dr. liked that machine better than the one at Florence Oasis).

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I guess what i meant was.... Do these hospitals have an ICU, etc in the event of an emergency? Or are they run like an outpatient clinic? Im big I need to take precautions lol.

MiDoctor has a small single bed ICU if it's needed. It's definitely NOT an outpatient clinic. After surgery you recover there for two days. It's just not fancy and has some older equipment.. for example the EKG machine was the old version, but it still worked just fine.

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The Hospital with Quinones was small and clean. I did get papmered, my hubby came to be with me the 3 days and there was no extra change for him! I was treated like gold. Very nice and clean! I would go back to him again, an dI miss the staff, they took such good care of me. He does max 3 surgeries in one day, so the attention is put on the patient. It is in a hospital, but they have a private ambulance they pay to be on Stand By to take you to San Diego Trauma center (but it hasn't happened from what I heard) just a cauthionary measure. I give a 10+

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I had my surgery with Dr Aceves in Mexicali. One of the reasons I chose him was the fact that he operates out of a traditional hospital. It was very similar to the American hospitals I work in, and it's a lot cleaner. I was very happy with the care I received and highly recommend him and his staff. I'm sure you know this, but there's a great Mexico sub-forum on this site where you can get lots of info.

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Thanks everyone. :)

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I just came from Obesity Control Center with Dr Ariel Ortiz. Their standards are like in the US. I am a nurse and watched very carefully as to hand washing, maintaining sterile field and all other aspects of infection control. The facility is located in the nice part of town and you are treated like a queen.. And the hospital rooms are comfortable and relaxing unlike American hospital rooms.

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